David Chappell, owner of Boston Park Farm talks about Stripey the ewe who has given birth to quadruplet lambs.
00:00I'm David Chappell from Boston Park Farm which is an open farm near Doncaster and we keep
00:15a variety of animals but we're talking today especially about the sheep and about our one
00:19special ewe, Stripey.
00:21Stripey was attacked by a fly strike last summer when she got maggots in her back and
00:26hence a different colouring to all the others so she's had some attention but she's rewarded
00:32us with what we thought were going to be triplets, she was scant for triplets and when she gave
00:37birth last Thursday the 27th I had to deliver the first one, it should come out with the
00:44head between the front feet and she was, this one was coming out with its head curled back
00:48and only one leg and I managed to get it and deliver it and she licked it and got it standing
00:53up and then she had another two triplets so they're all standing, feeding, thought they're
01:00all okay, went to have my breakfast and when I came back, gosh, she got four which is fairly
01:06rare, we do get it very very occasionally in ones, twos and threes but four is pretty
01:12unusual and the unusual thing as well is that they're such strong lambs and she's feeding
01:17all four which is hard work for her, she's only two teats there so she's feeding them
01:22nearly constantly but they're all doing well, they're doing great and they're strong lambs,
01:26we are topping them up a little bit with a drop of milk in the bottle as well and made
01:30it a week old so they're going to go now, I think it's 25 years ago, we had four then
01:36and so all this time and ones, twos and threes but here we are with Striper with four.