• 2 days ago
You like Darth Maul? Then you'll already have a bad feeling about this Star Wars list...


00:00From not delivering a jewel for the ages when all the pieces were in place to do so,
00:04to dropping the ball massively when it comes to painfully obvious romances.
00:09These are those times when the folks behind the fictional galaxy simply refused to give
00:13their audience the satisfying moments they were hoping for all along.
00:17Gareth here from WhatCulture Star Wars and here are 10 times Star Wars refused
00:21to give fans what they wanted.
00:2310. The Jedi Force Ghosts Assembling – The Rise of Skywalker
00:27J.J. Abrams' attempt to go out with a crowd-pleasing bang still somehow found a way to
00:32not deliver a visual that fans the world over were waiting on the edge of their seats to see
00:37come to life in the film's closing stages. But at least we got zombified Palpatine, eh?
00:42It was during said resurrected Emperor's final moments in Rise of Skywalker, though,
00:46that the table seemed to be set for the return of many an iconic Jedi face from the past in
00:51Force Ghost form. With Rey channelling all the power of the fallen space wizards in order to
00:56overcome her Grand Palps. Yet instead of gifting audiences with an instantly iconic shot of the
01:01likes of Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson and Ewan McGregor backing up Rey on the big screen,
01:06the call was made to have Daisy Ridley's leading light simply hear those voices instead.
01:12Making matters that little more painful, it was reported that this alternate crowd-popping
01:16visual of the returning Jedi stepping back into the universe as Force Ghosts
01:20was actually shot before ultimately being cut later down the road.
01:25Really Exploring Leia's Force Sensitivity – The Sequel Trilogy
01:29It's safe to say that fans never really got to see General Leia Organa fully explore her
01:33Force sensitivity on the big screen. Sure, there was the odd moment of floating through space with
01:38some Force assistants in The Last Jedi, and her training under Brother Luke Skywalker was
01:42touched upon ever so slightly via flashback in The Rise of Skywalker. But outside of these fleeting
01:48instances of Force prowess, and the occasional scenting of her sibling in the original trilogy,
01:53next to no screen time is really spent fleshing out Leia's Jedi journey
01:57that saw her eventually becoming a powerful Force user in her own right.
02:01The fact that Rise of Skywalker's bout of ancient lightsaber practice came so late in the day
02:06merely felt like a way to appease those who had long been desperate to see the galaxy's favourite
02:10princess fulfil the potential the saga had been hinting at for decades. In truth, though, all it
02:15did was remind fans of what could've and perhaps should've been when it came to this particular
02:19icon of the Star Wars franchise. 8. Explaining How Obi-Wan Kenobi
02:24Suddenly Went Grey Slash White Obi-Wan Kenobi
02:28Though some would argue that Disney Plus' Obi-Wan Kenobi series may have fallen victim to the House
02:33of Mouse and Lucasfilm's new obsession with stretching out their stories to fit the TV mould,
02:38the return of Ewan McGregor's beloved Jedi Master still brought with it a ton of heartwarming,
02:43fan-friendly developments. But one element fans were undoubtedly hoping to be addressed,
02:48over the course of Debra Chao's six-part Kenobi show, was still nowhere to be seen.
02:52That being how Kenobi goes from looking like he's in his late 40s and still sporting much
02:57of his luscious brown hair colour, to suddenly being a white-haired space wizard who looks like
03:01he's in his late 60s in the time between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Now, should season
03:06two of the series arrive on the scene in the coming years, there's every chance fans could
03:10see Kenobi be drastically altered by some sort of life-draining Force power at some point.
03:15For now, though, the fact McGregor's Kenobi still looks absolutely nothing like Alec Guinness'
03:20version of the icon, with just nine years between the end of the show and episode four,
03:24is still a source of annoyance for many.
03:267. Darth Maul vs Darth Vader – Rebels
03:30It's surprising and a little bit disappointing to note that Darth Maul and Darth Vader have
03:34still never actually collided on the big or small screen, despite the fact both characters were
03:39occupying the universe during the same period. There was actually a point when the two red-bladed
03:44legends were actually on the verge of crossing paths in the midst of the Rebels' series mind.
03:49Before settling on the concept of having Vader only cross lightsabers with his former Padawan
03:53Ahsoka Tana in the season two finale, the show's supervising director Dave Filoni once explained
03:59how the original plan was to have the former Anakin Skywalker kill off Maul in an epic duel
04:04beforehand. But after deciding there wasn't enough emotional material between Vader and Maul,
04:09Filoni and the gang opted to let Maul live and keep the two Force icons apart.
04:14And fans are still yet to see the dream duel for the ages go down on screen,
04:17or even the two Star Wars legends simply coming face to face. For now.
04:226. The amount of Saw Gerrera teased in trailers – Rogue One as Star Wars Story
04:27News of Forrest Whitaker not only joining the Star Wars universe,
04:30but being brought aboard Gareth Edwards' Rogue One as none other than partisan leader Saw Gerrera,
04:35a character previously seen on screen during the Clone Wars animated series,
04:39left many licking their lips at the sort of earth-shaking performance that could be heading
04:44their way. And the film's early teaser trailers seem to only add further fuel to the idea of
04:48Whitaker putting in a mesmerising shift as the Rebel extremist over the course of the 2016 outing,
04:54with his powerful What Will You Become monologue to Jyn Erso being an undoubted standout in said
04:59early footage. Only by the time the finished flick blasted into theatres, these moments were nowhere
05:04to be seen, with fans robbed of Whitaker's bold, younger version of the battle-hardened rebel for
05:09the most part, and instead exposed to a wild-haired and unintentionally hilarious cybernetic madman.
05:15It's clear the character was massively rejigged during Rogue One's reshoots,
05:19and in the process the version of Saw fans were likely hoping for – and could possibly be
05:23heading their way in the Andor prequel series – was ultimately left on the cutting room floor.
05:285. A Finn-Poe relationship – The Sequel Trilogy The concept of Finn and Poe Dameron being involved
05:34in far more than a big-screen bromance quickly became something a boatload of Star Wars supporters
05:39were very much angling to experience in the sequel trilogy. In the end, though, outside of the odd
05:44flicker of chemistry and occasional suggestive exchange, the films opted to completely downplay
05:49a potential Finn-Poe romance playing out from The Force Awakens onwards. It wasn't through lack of
05:54trying on John Boyega and Oscar Isaac's end, however, with the two stars both going on record
05:58to reveal how they actively tried to make Storm Pilot a thing, whilst bringing their characters
06:03to life in the series. Isaac, in particular, would reveal his frustration at not being able
06:07to deliver this current-thinking love story later down the road, noting how,
06:12"...I would try to push it a bit in that direction, but the Disney overlords were not ready to do that."
06:16And so, Finn-Poe was never given the chance to break new ground within the Star Wars sphere.
06:214. The Original Trio Reunite – The Force Awakens Along with the unleashing of a number
06:27of brand-new faces set to lead the franchise throughout its latest trilogy, The Force
06:31Awakens also promised the return of three of the most beloved characters and actors the Skywalker
06:36saga had ever boasted. And while it was positively delightful to witness Han Solo and Chewbacca
06:41coaching the next generation, and the legendary smuggler sharing a few loving moments with Leia
06:46throughout Episode VII, the fact the central trio of the original trilogy didn't find themselves
06:51sharing the screen together for even a few seconds in this sequel starter was borderline unforgivable
06:56in the minds of those who lined up with hopes of seeing the icons reunite back in 2015.
07:01And fans weren't alone in their desire to see the OG heroes share a moment together either,
07:06as Mark Hamill himself would also reveal how he wished he'd been given the chance to step back
07:10into the saga earlier than he did in The Force Awakens 2, telling Fandango's Eric Davis at Star
07:16Wars Celebration in 2017 that not having Han, Luke and Leia join together for one last moment
07:21in the Twin Suns was a missed opportunity. You can say that again.
07:253. Cad Bane and Boba Fett's Epic First Duel
07:28The Book of Boba Fett
07:30Finally getting to witness a live-action version of the all-around badass bounty hunter Cad Bane,
07:35on top of another long-awaited Star Wars rematch of the century during Disney Plus' recent The Book
07:39of Boba Fett series, were both undoubtedly epic moments in a largely disappointing TV spin-off.
07:45However, both of these brilliant Boba developments also served as a reminder to fans
07:50that they still hadn't been delivered a moment they'd been waiting to see properly unfold on
07:54screen for an age. As alluded to during Bane and Fett's gripping showdown during said Disney Plus
07:59book, the pair once collided many moons ago during the Clone Wars animated series, with the latter
08:04receiving his infamous helmet dent during the rival's shootout. Yet this occurrence didn't
08:09actually ever make it past the previs stage, as the episode and arc in question wasn't completed
08:14before Clone Wars was initially cancelled on Cartoon Network in 2013. So, with the only real
08:19evidence of this pulsating duel being found in said unfinished animated clip, many were
08:23understandably hoping to see the pair's history finally realised, and explored on the live-action
08:28stage the second Bane made himself known in The Book of Boba Fett. That wasn't to be, though,
08:33as Fett ultimately dealt the killing blow to his one-time mentor in the series finale.
08:38Maybe there'll be a flashback in the future, but who knows.
08:41A Satisfying Answer to Who Erased Family? The Last Jedi
08:45Easily the question debated the most walking out of Disney's first entry in their burgeoning sequel
08:50trilogy, centred around which Star Wars family Daisy Ridley's Force-sensitive Rey belonged to.
08:55Some theorised that Rey may have been a lost Solo, others pondered whether Rey could have
08:59in fact been the latest generation of Skywalker or even Kenobi. Well, by the time The Last Jedi
09:04arrived on the scene a few years on, it turns out that just about none of those folks who spent
09:09their time fiercely arguing over which family tree she was connected to were on the money.
09:13Instead of going down the more familiar road that had been somewhat teased in The Force Awakens,
09:17with Kenobi's voice in particular being heard during Rey's lightsaber vision,
09:21Rian Johnson opted to subvert these expectations by having Rey be revealed as, well, a nobody.
09:27Said daring attempt at taking the franchise in a bold new direction was then disappointingly retconned
09:31by Rey going full Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker, of course. But there was actually
09:36a moment there when Disney did threaten to offer a far more satisfying answer to this
09:40pointlessly debated mystery, or at least one that wouldn't have elicited audible groans,
09:44with Ridley later noting how the Kenobi root in particular was suggested at one point in
09:49the trilogy's production. What could have been, eh?
09:52Darth Maul's Live-Action Return – Obi-Wan Kenobi
09:55Aside from a cameo in Solo A Star Wars Story that ultimately went absolutely nowhere,
10:00the red-faced menace hasn't been given the opportunity to strut his live-action stuff
10:04since his debut appearance in The Phantom Menace. So the second it became clear that an Obi-Wan
10:10series would finally be blasting off into hyperspace, fans quickly began crossing their
10:14fingers that said live-action show would add yet another compelling chapter to the long-time
10:19rival's story. There was actually said to have been an early version of the series that would
10:23have seemingly delivered on that Maul potential too, with it being initially reported that Rey
10:28Park was on the verge of reprising his legendary role in the show, before director Deborah Chow
10:33ultimately confessed that as long as I've been involved, we've never had Darth Maul in any of it.
10:37Whatever way you slice it, those hoping to finally see a live-action Maul once again get
10:42his hands on Kenobi, were still left a little bit underwhelmed by the time this particular
10:47Star Wars story was told. And that's our list of any other times Star Wars refused to give
10:51fans what they wanted. Let us know all about them in the comments section right down below,
10:55and do not forget to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're at it.
10:58Also, if you like this kind of thing then head over to whatculture.com and find some more
11:02incredible articles just like the one this video you're watching right now is based on.
11:06I've been Gareth from What Culture Star Wars, may the force be with you as always,
11:10thank you very much for clicking on this video today, and hopefully I'll see you very very soon.
