• 2 days ago
Mamá por Accidente Capítulo 40 Completo HD
Mamá por Accidente Capítulo 40 Completo HD
Mamá por Accidente Capítulo 40 Completo HD
Mamá por Accidente Capítulo 40 Completo HD
00:00:06Must have this year's in La Papa
00:00:09No, cariño, no te preocupes. No le dire nada a nadie. No tengas miedo bien. No, es nada grave
00:00:16Desaparecerán no temas de acuerdo
00:00:18Pero tampoco le digas a nadie que fuimos al hospital
00:00:22Tu padre ya está molesto. No queremos que se enoje más. Sí
00:00:26De acuerdo no se lo diré será un secreto
00:00:30bien eres muy inteligente
00:00:33ahora de dormir debes estar cansada
00:00:55Que tengas buenas noches
00:01:09Por qué te noto tan molesta es por lo que dije en el juego
00:01:15Querías casarte hace diez años señor Sher Khan
00:01:19otra vez por handy
00:01:21Ya ni siquiera tengo una amistad con ella no basta siento como si hubiese sido mi culpa
00:01:27además no es por handy
00:01:31Tal como dijiste pensamos
00:01:35Diferente pero también hay algo en común
00:01:41Nos encanta explorar
00:01:45Adoramos las sorpresas
00:01:47Discutimos y lo más importante nos divertimos y
00:01:53Pero mejor hazlo con tu mejor amiga pero burcu ella no es mi amiga
00:02:00Dime tú me amas
00:02:04Tú que crees que no
00:02:10Quizás quieras casarte con la persona que amas
00:02:18Creo que lo sabes pero no quieres decirlo
00:02:22Sher Khan escucha sé que somos muy parecidos de gusto mucho
00:02:31Pero hay amor o no
00:02:38No está seguro
00:02:41Aún tienes dudas yo puedo sentirlo con el corazón
00:02:47Te lo preguntaré de nuevo
00:02:56Te lo preguntaré de nuevo
00:03:01Me amas Sher Khan
00:03:04Si me ves a los ojos
00:03:07Y me dices que si me olvidaré de esto te besaré y me iré a mi casa
00:03:18Y bien
00:03:26No sé
00:06:01Ya tienes lo que quieres
00:08:08Como que orochul se va es en serio
00:08:13a partir de hoy ya no trabajarán con nosotros
00:08:16Decidieron renunciar
00:08:20Y tú no vas a decir nada para que anoche hablé con la señora berrin
00:08:27Neyad como puedes estar tan tranquilo este será el fin de la empresa
00:08:34Que sigues en no es tan bueno
00:08:38Perdimos el 60% de los clientes ahora que eurochul se ha ido y podrías buscarnos una solución
00:08:45quizás reduciendo al
00:08:48personal o esperar a otra asociación
00:08:51porque la señora berrin nos hizo esto
00:08:55Tiene una buena razón
00:08:58Reduzcan el número del personal a partir de hoy de lo contrario es posible que no podamos pagar los salarios no hablemos de despedir
00:09:05empleados no le quitaré su trabajo a nadie
00:09:09Cercan tampoco quiero hacerlo sé que no es fácil pero considera lo como un plan b no hay opción
00:09:18Debemos tomar decisiones fuertes
00:09:22Perdón señor neyad
00:09:24Es la señora elín lo espera en su oficina es importante está bien gracias borgo
00:09:31La reunión terminó
00:09:55Bienvenida hola gracias
00:09:58Deja caer en tu casa
00:10:01Si ya lo sé hable con ella
00:10:04Nos la pasamos muy bien sabes si se escuchaba muy feliz
00:10:10Ya te escucha sé que estás preocupado y no quieres separarte de ella sé que te llevará tiempo confiar en mí
00:10:18Pero creeme fue un gran comienzo con kaira quería agradecerte de nada
00:10:26me alegro por ti
00:10:29Que se te ofrece puedo ayudarte en algo no no el juicio es mañana
00:10:37Todavía no hablo con mi abogado pero si me permites verla así renunciaré a la custodia completa de kaira neyad
00:10:45es decir podemos ir a la corte mañana y voy a retirar mi solicitud
00:10:50solo tenemos que decidir las fechas que dices
00:10:54hablas en serio
00:10:58Conseguí lo que quería
00:11:00Ahora sé que kaira me amará y quiero aprovechar mi oportunidad
00:11:04Además ya es hora de dejar las peleas claro iba a hablar con mi abogado para el juicio pero no es necesario que opinas
00:11:15Opino lo mismo claro muy bien
00:11:23Entonces te veré mañana nias cuidate elín
00:11:28Tal vez podríamos volver a ser amigos
00:11:52Papá mamá suena tengo una pregunta dime sabejita
00:11:58Me extrañaron mucho mucho
00:12:02Te extrañé bastante
00:12:04queríamos verte qué tanto así de mucho qué dices
00:12:09Te extrañé tanto que no pude dormir y tú me extrañaste te extrañé tanto
00:12:17que ni siquiera pude dormir ni comer
00:12:20Papá mamá suena me extrañó más que tú pero fue trampa
00:12:26si respondiera primero diría algo mucho mejor hizo trampa
00:12:31Si quieren puedo irme con elín para que pasen más tiempo juntos por qué
00:12:40Porque te irías de nuevo no nos extrañaste si lo hice pero quiero pasar más tiempo con ustedes
00:12:48También queremos pasar más tiempo contigo cierto
00:12:54haremos muchas cosas voy a participar en el maratón de estambul
00:13:01Tengo que hacer más ejercicio puedes ejercitarte conmigo por las mañanas antes del desayuno si quieres
00:13:11A vejita yo no puedo
00:13:15Y yo puedo participar
00:13:17por el momento no puedes porque es un maratón para adultos pero supe que muy pronto
00:13:23realizarán también un maratón para niños
00:13:28Entonces hablaré con Karen bien
00:13:31para que se prepare es una gran idea correrán juntos sí
00:13:37Ya me voy a dormir haremos ejercicio mañana claro me parece bien y mis besos
00:13:47La momia
00:13:50Eres una pequeña momia buenas noches
00:13:55A dormir dulces sueños
00:14:02Ahora voy a cargar a tu mamá
00:14:11Y que pasará mañana en el juzgado se solucionará
00:14:17Llegamos a un acuerdo
00:14:20Decidiremos cómo y cuándo elín va a ver a kaira ah así que todo terminará
00:14:27Qué dijo el abogado que no habrá problemas y lo solucionamos
00:14:33Excelente lo único que falta es que kaira se acostumbre a pasar tiempo con su madre
00:14:41Será difícil para ambos no lo creo
00:14:44Aunque cuando llegó la abrace como si no la hubiera visto en mucho tiempo
00:14:52Entiendo también la extrañé como si se hubiera ido por años
00:14:59Regresaré a casa mañana temprano tú también me extrañarás
00:15:05Estás loca con esa pierna no olvídalo mi pierna ya no es excusa
00:15:15Dile a tu papá que no dejaré ir a mi prometida
00:15:21De verdad no me dejará así sabes que aún no nos casamos ni ya
00:15:29Además aún no he decidido dónde me quedaré si me caso si te casas
00:15:37Así que cambiarías de opinión cierto bueno
00:15:44Vaya vaya vaya de verdad lo harías no puedes hacer eso no puedo
00:15:51No además sobre la casa no es nuestro hogar
00:15:59No sé
00:16:09Porque hay cosas de elín no siento pero ese cuadro me molesta tanto que me marea
00:16:15Este tú que crees
00:16:21Ya no está listo
00:16:24No te pedí que hicieras eso mira a tu alrededor si hay algo más que te molesta se irá ahora
00:16:34Esta mesa
00:16:35los sofás también
00:16:38y tal vez el color de las paredes es decir las pintaste con a elín lo sé porque lo dijo no es así
00:16:45Me vas a engañar para que rediseñe toda la casa no
00:16:49No te preocupes no gastaremos mucho dinero
00:16:57Ya quieres casarte
00:17:02No puedo esperar
00:17:25Como estas a elín de que sorpresa entra
00:17:34Es una casa muy linda y hermosa
00:17:37Traje esto para ti gracias no era necesario de nada siéntate estaba tomando café quieres
00:17:44solo tomaré agua
00:17:46muy bien
00:17:58Gracias por nada
00:18:03A que se debe tu visita
00:18:07Quería desearte suerte antes del gran día
00:18:10Te lo agradezco pero no la necesitaré llegué a un acuerdo con ella
00:18:16No pedirás la custodia no porque pediría la custodia si podré ver a mi hija cuando quiera
00:18:23¿Que? ¿Porque me miras así? ¿Como?
00:18:30Así como si no me creyeras no es eso digo no le mentirías a tu socia
00:18:37significaría que no confías en mí
00:18:41Es solo que no pensé que dejarías a kaira con ella tan fácilmente
00:18:49En fin
00:18:52No necesitarás esto
00:18:55¿Que es eso?
00:18:57Algo que no usarás ya que llegaste a un acuerdo pero aún así te lo dejo
00:19:02Ya es hora de irme
00:19:05No te molestes
00:19:07Hasta luego
00:19:09Dices que no la necesitas pero buena suerte
00:19:14Muchas gracias
00:19:54Como estuve en el entrenamiento estuve bien
00:19:58Estuviste muy bien
00:19:59Si entrena contigo todas las mañanas seguro que estaré listo para el maratón de estambul
00:20:06Participaré en el maratón infantil ya verán que ganaré
00:20:11No se trata de ganar si no divertirte claro pero también es necesario comer sano no caerá
00:20:18a partir de ahora
00:20:20Díganle adiós al azúcar pero yo no como dulces kaira si
00:20:29Ya debo irme
00:20:35No te esfuerces demasiado
00:20:48Buen provecho gracias
00:20:54Porque no terminas tu desayuno
00:21:19Señor de ya llegamos sin nada estoy preocupado después de ailing retirada el caso así que todo bien
00:21:27excelente deja
00:21:30Hola bienvenida gracias ya es hora de entrar
00:21:42Así que el juicio es hoy no es así es una solo para avisar del acuerdo
00:21:51ellas mantendrá la custodia
00:21:53y kaira y ailing podrán verse mucho más seguido porque renunció a la custodia
00:22:02Una esta segura presiento que cambiará de opinión al final digo no confío para nada en esa mujer
00:22:10No lo creo
00:22:12Además kaira está feliz y eso es lo más importante
00:22:16hoy es una
00:22:18trae aquí a kaira pronto la extrañamos si es una quizás tú también extrañes estar en casa
00:22:26Está bien iremos prepararé a kaira
00:22:32Bien adiós kaira
00:22:39Quieres visitar a la abuela chef que claro
00:22:43Te da mucha come son a vejita
00:22:47Aquí también te rascas mucho déjame ver no mamá solo echaré un vistazo
00:23:06Son las pruebas
00:23:16Son las fotos cree que no sirvan es el señor si así es
00:23:22como fue que consiguió esto
00:23:25una amiga me ayudó
00:23:29Oscar que es lo que hay en ese sobre no sé no me informaron
00:23:42Avejita esto no es normal
00:23:47Déjame ver
00:23:52Avejita tienes la espalda llena de ronchas porque no dijiste nada
00:23:56van a desaparecer
00:23:57Mamá que quieres decir iremos al hospital ven pero la doctora ya me dijo que se irán
00:24:04cual doctora cuando fuiste con una doctora
00:24:09No debía decirte lo a vejita que no debías decir cuando fuiste con la
00:24:16Fuiste con tu madre
00:24:19Te dijo que no hablarás me pidió que no dijera que fuimos con la doctora
00:24:24incluso recibió un informe para que me quedara en casa no te enojes un informe y ahí lindo tiene
00:24:32no sé
00:24:34estás enojada
00:24:37No linda no lo estoy
00:24:42Continúa con tu ejercicio y no te rasques y
00:24:47Esta mujer está tramando algo
00:24:54Me da curiosidad ese sobre pronto lo sabremos
00:25:04Crees que cambió de opinión no lo creo si ese fuera el caso su abogado debió informarme
00:25:15Es una
00:25:39Donde los pongo polos allá
00:25:44Esta la comida en serio rafi ocho acabamos de desayunar
00:25:55burgo de seguro si
00:25:58pues contesta
00:26:00porque estoy muy ocupada rafi por favor no puedo hablar con nadie ahora ya déjame trabajar
00:26:07no puedo concentrarme vete
00:26:10Esta bien ya me voy
00:26:35Porque no contestas me llamadas
00:26:37Dime perdón mi hermano estaba aquí
00:26:42Así que no pude contestar
00:26:45También me da miedo que se den cuenta mi amor
00:26:48Le digo mi amor
00:26:50en especial
00:26:51hermano me ve extraño
00:26:54siempre nos vigiles como si ya sospechara algo
00:26:58creo que sospecha lo presiento si yo también
00:27:05Bueno creo que no lo culpo estás viendo a su hermano en secreto sospecha en secreto
00:27:19Debo colgar su noica irá vendrán estoy preparando la comida
00:27:26Te llamaré después adiós
00:27:33Presento ahora la solicitud para que la custodia sea otorgada a nombre de mi clienta
00:27:40la señora Eileen con sus pruebas y motivos
00:27:44exigimos la custodia señoría
00:27:49Que fue lo que dijo que no llegaron a un acuerdo hay link es lo que estás haciendo
00:28:03Eileen silencio señor
00:28:06Señor me ya te escuchamos primero
00:28:14Mi cliente a la señora Eileen quisiera hablar señoría adelante señor al
00:28:29Señoría hace cinco años me
00:28:33Vi obligada a dejar a mi pequeña hija kaira
00:28:37mentira se fue porque quiso no interrumpa
00:28:42siéntese señor me ya por favor no interrumpa espere
00:28:50Tuve que irme porque tenía miedo de la violencia de mi ex esposo
00:28:56Sé que no justifica el hecho de que haya abandonado a mi hija pero no tuve otra opción señoría mentira
00:29:02pero que estás haciendo
00:29:05está mintiendo señor por favor cálmese o se irá de la sala
00:29:10señor me ya por favor siéntese
00:29:16Cuando me reuní con kaira me di cuenta que no estaba bien
00:29:21tiene problemas psicológicos por estrés
00:29:25kaira sufría de desmayos en ocasiones y también la vio ir de la casa
00:29:32De hecho hay imágenes y un vídeo de su padre golpeando a un reportero en televisión
00:29:38Señoría puede encontrar las fotos y los informes de la policía en los documentos que la señora Eileen le presentó
00:29:46también hay
00:29:47imágenes y reportes de la policía sobre un incidente en el que el señor me ya
00:29:53discutió y tuvo una pelea con unos hombres a al visitar un rancho de caballos
00:30:02la última vez que vi a kaira tenía ronchas en el cuerpo debido al estrés
00:30:08me dijo que su padre no estaba enterado de eso
00:30:12Señoría mi hija está lidiando con problemas psicológicos debido a lo que vive
00:30:16en el sobre hay fotos de las erupciones junto con un informe médico que me dieron
00:30:22de qué erupciones estás hablando ni siquiera cuidas a tu hija
00:30:31Señoría kaira me expresó claramente que le teme a las tendencias violentas de su padre
00:30:37Tiene problemas psicológicos debido al estrés por el que ha pasado en los últimos años
00:30:42señoría está mintiendo
00:30:45jamás hice nada que pudiera dañar a mi hija
00:30:49nunca lo hice
00:30:52Es una mentirosa
00:30:55señor me ya calme se o tendrá que retirarse pero señoría no es verdad
00:31:01se lo puedo jurar
00:31:03Pregúntele a mi hija siéntese señor me ya calme se por favor
00:31:13Señoría como puede ver solicito la custodia para poder proteger a mi hija
00:31:31Señoría solicitamos una nueva fecha para preparar nuestra defensa
00:31:36Señor de ya quiera decir algo
00:31:41Mi cliente no hablará por ahora
00:31:47De pie por favor se establecerá una nueva fecha para la audiencia
00:31:53El viernes 29 de noviembre se revisará fondo el expediente
00:31:58hasta la próxima audiencia
00:32:01Donde se decidirá la custodia después de que ambas partes presenten su defensa
00:32:09Sin embargo
00:32:11Como precaución se decidió que la niña permanecerá con su madre temporalmente
00:34:11You tranquility tranquilo
00:34:54No papa una esperamos noticias todavía no llega no
00:34:59Lo llamé pero no pude comunicarme con él
00:35:03tengo miedo papá
00:35:05Tranquila no pienses lo peor por favor creo que ya llegó te llamaré más tarde
00:35:11De acuerdo adiós
00:35:20Te estuve llamando no pude contestarte donde esta kaira
00:35:26Encontré a dodo
00:35:35Como estas papá
00:35:41Y tu como estas bien a donde fuiste tuve que salir
00:35:52Tienes muchas ronchas
00:35:54Si de hecho tiene algunas en el cuerpo pero el doctor vino a echar un vistazo cierto kaira
00:36:02te enojaste conmigo por no avisarte
00:36:07porque me enojaría ven aquí
00:36:11No puedo empadarme
00:36:13Sabes que te amo cierto
00:36:16Así es te amo más que nada
00:36:21Entonces ya que me amas bajame un momento y juguemos a algo divertido jugábamos a frío o caliente
00:36:28Hay que encontrar a dodo si estamos lejos decimos frío y si estamos cerca decimos caliente
00:36:38Está bien amor vamos
00:36:43está bien se escondo a dodo hay que esconderlo juntos así a tu papá le será difícil encontrarlo
00:37:08¿Qué sucede aún tienes la custodia?
00:37:14Oye Aileen vio las erupciones antes fueron al hospital y le dieron un informe médico
00:37:26Mencionaste que vino el doctor no si si vino dijo que no es nada grave pero
00:37:31no es extraño que Aileen no te dijera por eso te llamé
00:37:43Tengo miedo de preguntar cómo te fue en el juicio
00:37:49Me contarás cierto
00:37:54Sin embargo como precaución se decidió que la niña permanecerá con su madre temporalmente
00:38:07Se lo agradezco mucho
00:38:12Señor Neyat es temporal
00:38:32Señor Neyat
00:38:48Señor Neyat
00:38:51Se lo agradezco mucho señor abogado fue todo un placer apoyarla
00:38:58Bueno ya solo queda que
00:39:01Calmate Neyat ¿Qué haces?
00:39:03Como pudiste
00:39:05Confie en ti
00:39:07Incluso te dejé ver a Kaira
00:39:10Neyat Kaira necesita a su verdadera mamá no es verdad ella no te necesita ¿Qué haces Neyat?
00:39:16Señor Neyat
00:39:22¿Llevas la medicina para la alergia?
00:39:25¿Juegas a ser una buena mamá? No eres nada más que un fraude
00:39:29Jamás dejaré que te lleves a mi hija señor Neyat por favor déjeme
00:39:33No puedes quitarme a mi hija esto no es tuyo es mío
00:39:38Salgamos de aquí por favor
00:39:41Te veré de nuevo no vas a quitarme a mi hija
00:39:53¿Hay algún problema? No, ninguna. ¿Todo está bien verdad?
00:40:00Tenía tanto miedo de que Aileen cambiara de opinión al final
00:40:09¿Te encuentras bien? Claro Zuna. ¿Estás seguro?
00:40:16Todo está como debería
00:40:21Muy bien
00:40:29Ya escondimos a Dodo
00:40:31Papá ve a buscarlo y te diré si estás frío o caliente
00:40:36Está bien pequeña
00:40:40Lo escondimos donde nunca podrás encontrarlo. Si lo escondiste muy bien
00:40:46Nadie podrá encontrarlo
00:41:01Amor sabes que olvidemos el juego está bien no perdamos más tiempo
00:41:09Vámonos de vacaciones
00:41:12En serio
00:41:21Es buena idea
00:41:23Creo que nos hará bien
00:41:26¿Por qué no van a preparar sus maletas? Salimos en media hora
00:41:30Neyat, ¿nos iremos de vacaciones? ¿A dónde vamos? No es algo pronto, tiene escuela mañana
00:41:36Pero mamá Zuna no se hace aguafiestas
00:41:39No irá a la escuela por un día. Oye papá, ¿podemos ir al lago que solíamos visitar?
00:41:45Sí amor, iremos a donde quieras. ¿Cuánto tiempo será? ¿Un fin de semana?
00:41:54Por favor mamá Zuna, por favor
00:42:00¿Qué dices Zuna? No digas que no vamos, ¿no amor? Sí, por favor mamá Zuna, por favor
00:42:10De acuerdo
00:42:12¡Qué bien!
00:42:14Andando, vámonos
00:42:16Vamos, bájate
00:42:18Neyat, ¿podemos hablar?
00:42:20Sí. Amor, prepara tu maleta, enseguida te alcanzo
00:42:23Corre, corre, corre
00:42:28Neyat, ¿por qué vacaciones?
00:42:30Porque, sí, es decir, no es gran cosa, nos estresamos mucho, nos hará bien
00:42:37La situación de la empresa no es buena, ¿no trabajarás?
00:42:41Sí, bueno, iremos un par de días y volveremos. Aira quiere ir, por favor
00:42:50¿Está bien?
00:42:51Iré arriba
00:43:08¿Señor Sher Khan?
00:43:12¿Estás sonriendo o solo estás de buen humor?
00:43:16¿Se nota mucho?
00:43:18No hemos escuchado nada más que malas noticias de ti, Sam
00:43:23Déjame adivinar, ¿encontraste una solución?
00:43:27La solución no se encontró. Una empresa quiere comprar las acciones
00:43:31¿Y qué pasó con no venderlas? ¿Dijiste que no era una opción?
00:43:35Esta vez conviene tomar la oferta, señor
00:43:38Interesante. ¿Y cuál es esa empresa tan misteriosa?
00:43:43¿Quieren hablar el día de hoy?
00:43:45¿Hoy? Muy bien, antes tengo que hablar con Neyat y te aviso cuando termine de hablar con él
00:43:51Es una oportunidad, señor. No volveremos a encontrar una oferta así
00:43:55Está bien, espera, déjame llamarlo
00:43:58Papá, ¿por qué llevas eso? Es ropa de verano y hace frío
00:44:02Vi el pronóstico del clima. Hará calor el fin de semana
00:44:06Empaquémosla por si acaso
00:44:08De acuerdo
00:44:12Bien, entonces. También trae ropa de invierno
00:44:17Esto también. También llévemoslo, por si las dudas
00:44:21Pero papá...
00:44:23Pero papá, te enojaste una vez por llevar demasiadas cosas. ¿No lo recuerdas?
00:44:29Esta vez es diferente, Kaira
00:44:31¿Cómo? ¿Nos quedaremos mucho?
00:44:33No sé. Tal vez
00:44:36Pero papá, tengo escuela mañana. ¿Qué va a pasar?
00:44:41Amor, escucha. Haces muchas preguntas
00:44:44¿Quieres saber lo que vamos a hacer?
00:44:47Nos iremos de vacaciones. No te preocupes, pequeña
00:44:50Está bien
00:44:55Trae a Kaira mañana a las 10. Espero que no provoques problemas
00:45:01¿Qué pasa, papá? ¿Es algo malo? ¿Quién es?
00:45:05Son mensajes de negocios muy aburridos
00:45:09¿Te estarán molestando todo el tiempo?
00:45:12No, amor. Nadie podrá molestarnos
00:45:16¿Sabes qué? Mira, voy a apagar mi celular
00:45:22Ya lo apagué
00:45:24¿Estás de acuerdo?
00:45:28También hay que apagar el celular de Zuna. Tienes que encargarte de eso
00:45:32Sí. Oye, papá, ¿dónde iremos? Muy pronto
00:45:35¿Dónde vamos?
00:45:37Tienes que encargarte de eso
00:45:39Sí. Oye, papá, ¿dónde iremos? ¿Muy lejos?
00:45:42No sé. Ya veremos en el auto
00:45:44Aún no preparo mi ropa. Iré a empacarla
00:45:47Guarda lo que puedas. Lleva todo lo que sea necesario
00:45:50Mira, no olvides tu tableta, tus juguetes también
00:45:54Lleva tus favoritos. Bien, cariño
00:45:56Llevarás este. No, mejor este
00:45:58Vendré a verte más tarde
00:46:00Avísame cuando termines para ayudarte a cerrar la maleta, ¿está bien?
00:46:03Papá, yo puedo cerrarla bien
00:46:05Bien. Eres muy lista
00:46:10Todo vendrás con nosotros
00:46:12¿Qué otros juguetes empaco?
00:46:20Apagó su celular. Debe estar en la corte
00:46:24¿Y si va usted?
00:46:29¿Te refieres a hablar yo solo con ellos?
00:46:32Bueno, es solo una reunión
00:46:34Un almuerzo. Será breve
00:46:37No es algo oficial
00:46:39Esperan noticias, señor Sher Khan. ¿Qué les digo?
00:46:42Déjame ver, tal vez Nejat llame
00:46:45Hay que decidir rápido
00:46:47¿Me permitirías diez minutos, Sen?
00:46:50Claro, señor
00:46:52Te lo agradezco mucho
00:47:02¿Qué tal?
00:47:04¿Qué tal?
00:47:06¿Qué tal?
00:47:08¿Qué tal?
00:47:10¿Qué tal?
00:47:12¿Qué tal?
00:47:14¿Qué tal?
00:47:16¿Qué tal?
00:47:18¿Qué tal?
00:47:20¿Qué tal?
00:47:22¿Qué tal?
00:47:24¿Qué tal?
00:47:26¿Qué tal?
00:47:28¿Qué tal?
00:47:37Creí que nos quedáríamos poco tiempo. ¿No es mucho?
00:47:39Nunca se sabe tal vez nos quedaremos más tiempo
00:47:42Me sorprende, Señor. La empresa tiene dificultades
00:47:45Creí que no se iría de vacaciones pronto
00:47:48Eso no importa
00:47:50Nejat, amor, no empaque nada ni avisé en mi casa
00:47:54¿Por qué crees que llevo tanto?
00:47:56Empaqué todas las cosas que tienes en casa
00:47:59Just in case
00:48:04Oh, I almost forgot
00:48:06Mom, can I have your cell phone?
00:48:08What for, little bee?
00:48:09It's just that all the phones have to turn off
00:48:12It's in my bag, but I want to call home before we leave
00:48:17Let them know later, there's no rush
00:48:20Nobody will bother us during the holidays
00:48:24Time to go
00:48:27Let's go, Kaira
00:48:32Neyad, your cell phone is off. What's going on?
00:48:37Take good care of the house, Haile
00:48:39Okay, but call me, don't worry
00:48:51Mr. Sherghan, here are the contracts
00:48:55Why are you so formal?
00:48:57Calm down, trust yourself, you can do it
00:49:01Do it
00:49:04Mr. Sherghan, here are the contracts
00:49:08There it is, just put them on the table, turn around and leave
00:49:17You can do it, Burku
00:49:25Good morning, I brought you the contracts signed by the clients
00:49:44Excuse me
00:49:51Burku, wait
00:49:54I know it's a little strange to do this, but I need your opinion on a topic
00:50:02Sure, no problem, you can do it
00:50:05Yes, well, you and I, we, after our situation
00:50:13Mr. Sherghan
00:50:14I understand if you don't want to help me
00:50:16What's going on?
00:50:19A company wants to partner with us, it's a good opportunity
00:50:22They want to talk to Neyad, but he's not here and they want me to talk to them
00:50:25What should I do now?
00:50:28But Neyad is not here and I still haven't talked to him properly about this
00:50:31You can go, he's not going to sell the company
00:50:34You mean ...
00:50:37Go with them, listen to their offer, and then I tell them, sorry, but I have to talk to my partner
00:50:42That's right
00:50:43Exactly, I need to solve it alone, Neyad is not here and Hande is not working here
00:50:49Of course, go ahead, don't make them wait
00:50:52You're right
00:50:54Burku, you know what? You're great
00:50:59I think he's wrong
00:51:00Don't say that, please
00:51:02You're very special to me, come
00:51:14Well ...
00:51:21I was wondering if we should go back
00:51:24I don't understand
00:51:26I mean, to be as we used to be, you know, we talk, well
00:51:31We agreed on good terms, we said we would be friends
00:51:35That's why I mean going back to our friendship
00:51:38Would you like us to be like before?
00:51:40Keep being just friends like at the beginning?
00:51:50Yes, of course, we already talked about that, why do you ask? I don't even understand
00:51:57I mean, we're friends
00:52:01You don't know how happy I am to see you
00:52:04Me too
00:52:06It's just that I feel very comfortable with you
00:52:10And I don't want to lose your friendship, you know?
00:52:13We're still friends
00:52:15Of course, best friends
00:52:18You're great, come
00:52:23I'm leaving
00:52:26Burku, by the way
00:52:30I know it's not easy for you
00:52:35And even if it's hard, everything will be fine
00:52:39You'll get through
00:52:54And why would it be hard for me?
00:52:56Oh, please, it's not easy for you, Mr. Sher Khan
00:53:06Wait, let me down, I'll walk
00:53:09No, I'll take you to the door
00:53:11I can walk alone to the door, don't exaggerate
00:53:17Oh, Rafet
00:53:20You do it just to annoy me, I don't understand
00:53:23I could go alone, why did you take me?
00:53:25Let me take you now
00:53:27Maybe you'll meet bad people on the way
00:53:30Someone could harass you
00:53:32Don't you have to go to work?
00:53:34I'll do it after I leave you
00:53:36Don't worry, I won't stay at Neyat's house
00:53:38Why should I worry?
00:53:40If you want to stay or not, I don't care
00:53:48Saniye, you have no idea what Mr. Sher Khan just told me
00:53:53Tell me, what did he say?
00:53:55He said that the decision we made to stay alone
00:53:59He said that the decision we made to stay alone as friends
00:54:03would be very difficult for me
00:54:05and that I would go ahead as if I thought I was dying for him
00:54:09I'm so angry that I could even hit someone
00:54:13He thinks I'm crying and suffering for his love
00:54:17Well, he's more than crazy
00:54:19Don't tell me, Burku
00:54:21Okay, he may suffer
00:54:24But who will be the loser in the end, Saniye?
00:54:30He'll pay
00:54:32I'll show him that I don't care at all
00:54:36And that I overcame it and I forgot it
00:54:40Yes, of course, but calm down, okay?
00:54:43Yes, I'm calm, I've calmed down
00:54:45But it really bothers me
00:54:47I'm sorry, I think I talked too much
00:54:49I'll call you later, friend, okay?
00:54:51I love you so much
00:54:53Okay, we'll talk later, okay?
00:54:57What happened? What did he say?
00:54:59What do you care? I'm leaving
00:55:01I'm going with you, I'll see Kaira and Asuna
00:55:04Hey, you'll be late, Rafel
00:55:07Of course not
00:55:27Hello, Saniye, welcome, Rafel
00:55:36Thank you, Jairi
00:55:38What's that?
00:55:40I made cakes, I thought we could eat together, I mean, all together
00:55:44But Neyat, Asuna and Kaira left
00:55:47Where to?
00:55:49Did something happen because of the case?
00:55:51Honestly, I don't know
00:55:53They said they'd take a vacation, Asuna said she'd call you
00:55:56Vacation? No, she didn't call
00:55:58In that case, we're leaving, go ahead
00:56:01Don't go, come in
00:56:03No, thank you, we have things to do
00:56:10But Saniye can stay
00:56:12I don't...
00:56:14Good idea
00:56:16Oh, yes, we could talk about the wedding preparations and what is needed
00:56:22Yes, of course, we said we have to take care of everything, Asuna
00:56:27Okay, yes, take care
00:56:29The cakes smell great, we have to try them, right?
00:56:34Can I take a taxi back?
00:56:36Sure, whatever you say, sister, see you
00:56:39See you later, Rafel
00:56:52I miss you so much, Saniye
00:56:54I miss you too, Haidi
00:57:12I miss you so much, Saniye
00:57:14I miss you too, Haidi
00:57:22To be honest, the wedding preparations came to mind
00:57:26I wanted you to stay
00:57:28You did quite well, I was looking for an excuse and I was thinking about how to stay
00:57:33But I was afraid that Rafet would stay too, or that he wouldn't let you
00:57:37I thought the same
00:57:39I thought they would only taste the cakes
00:57:42What's going on here?
00:57:45I'll go get the dishes then
00:57:47No, no, don't go anywhere or move
00:57:52Think about it, Saniye
00:58:04Wait, please
00:58:05But mom, that was the best part of the song
00:58:12Neyat, where are we going?
00:58:14Didn't we pass here the last time we left? Is it another route?
00:58:20Or are we lost?
00:58:22No, we didn't get lost, I know where we're going
00:58:26And where are we going?
00:58:28It's a surprise
00:58:30What kind of surprise?
00:58:31I love surprises!
00:58:33But I'm very curious to know
00:58:38Well, this is the deal
00:58:40Try to guess where we're going
00:58:42I'll tell you if you get close, okay?
00:58:46Yes, me first
00:58:48Is our destination far away?
00:58:51Well, in fact, it's a long way
00:58:55Okay, is there a sea in our destination?
00:58:59Almost, think about it
00:59:01Mom, why don't you help me a little?
00:59:05We're going north, aren't we, Neyat?
00:59:09Bravo, your mom got close, maybe they already know
00:59:14Where, Igneada?
00:59:16Oh, I'm sorry, it's not Kirklareli or anything like that
00:59:21They lost the game and for that reason I can't tell you
00:59:25But I'm very curious
00:59:29Then be patient
00:59:31Neyat, since we have a long way to go, there is a sign that says bathroom, can we go?
00:59:39Okay, yes
00:59:42I already discovered his little secret
00:59:46They talked on the phone and said, my love, isn't that right?
00:59:53I do not approve of your relationship with this man, Saniye, you will not go out with him
00:59:58Listen to me carefully, friend
01:00:01Stay away from my sister, otherwise
01:00:05What are you saying? Did someone ask you for permission?
01:00:08Are you trying to threaten him or something?
01:00:10I will not let him go out with my sister
01:00:12Oh, please, why didn't you tell him anything, Azuna and Neyat? Tell me
01:00:16Mr. Neyat came, in good faith, and asked for his hand
01:00:21He was serious
01:00:23That man intends to deceive you, look at him, you can see it in his eyes
01:00:29So don't tell me
01:00:31What do you know, what do you know about people's intentions?
01:00:34Please, I have to explain our relationship to you
01:00:37Also, maybe I'm cheating on Heidi, I don't know
01:00:42Don't meddle, Heidi
01:00:43Yes, please, don't meddle in this
01:00:45You can't tell him not to meddle, just me
01:00:47Can I speak for myself, if you allow me?
01:00:49You don't need to speak, I'll put this dare in its place, Heidi
01:00:53Dare? And what about you?
01:00:56They locked themselves up to hug passionately in the kitchen
01:01:00Look, Rafet, it will be better if you accept the reality, whether you like it or not
01:01:04Heidi and I are together, and I hope we get married very soon
01:01:09He and I are boyfriends now
01:01:11Speak, Heidi, speak
01:01:15Speak? But he doesn't even say anything
01:01:18It's just that you don't let the man open his mouth or say anything
01:01:21Can I speak?
01:01:22You can't, don't speak, it doesn't matter
01:01:24Why don't you speak to him?
01:01:26Besides, should I give you explanations?
01:01:28Of course, I'm your brother
01:01:30I must answer the phone
01:01:32I'm sick of it, come on, please
01:01:35Hello, Heidi, is that you? I'm Aileen
01:01:37What do you want?
01:01:38You can give Neyad the phone, I'll call him, but he won't answer
01:01:41Neyad is not here, I ask you not to call anymore, please
01:01:44Listen, Heidi, I don't recommend you to avoid me
01:01:47Neyad brings Kaira here tomorrow, or I'll go with the police, you hear?
01:01:54The police? What are you talking about?
01:01:56Don't pretend you don't know, Heidi
01:01:59You know very well that I got custody
01:02:01For that reason, Neyad must bring Kaira
01:02:03Otherwise, something very bad will happen
01:02:06As I told you, Neyad is not here
01:02:09Who was it? What did he say?
01:02:11What happened?
01:02:12I think Neyad ran away with Kaira and Sun instead of going on vacation
01:02:17Ran away?
01:02:30Neyad, what's going on?
01:02:33Don't say nothing
01:02:35We have suitcases that contain the whole house, and you don't say where we're going
01:02:43Did something happen in court?
01:02:47Aileen changed her mind
01:02:52She didn't accept, right? She wants custody
01:02:56Great, I knew that woman wouldn't accept
01:03:02But don't worry, she can't do anything to us
01:03:05She can't take Kaira from us, these cases last many years
01:03:09She left one way or another
01:03:11Don't worry
01:03:19Don't be like this
01:03:23Look where Kaira is
01:03:31With us
01:03:32So it's over
01:03:37That's why we left the house, Neyad
01:03:42Listen, we'll go on vacation
01:03:46And then we'll come back and fight
01:03:51We'll win the war, don't worry
01:03:56Don't worry
01:03:58Kaira is with us
01:04:01I'll go to the bathroom, I don't want Kaira to see me like this
01:04:03Yes, I'll go with her
01:04:15Burcu, is Mr. Sher Khan here?
01:04:17He's not here, why?
01:04:20We have a problem
01:04:22Don't scare me
01:04:25Mr. Neyad lost custody of Kaira
01:04:27And I think they're running away, Burcu
01:04:31What you heard
01:04:33It's not possible to locate Neyad or Asuna
01:04:36Burcu, we must stop them
01:04:41Thank you very much
01:04:49Mrs. Perbin
01:04:51I'm used to seeing you happy at company meetings
01:04:54At least you don't express that you feel uncomfortable working with me
01:04:58We only do business, I don't have to be happy
01:05:03You're right
01:05:05But the satisfaction of the client is important
01:05:08Seeing her angry bothers me
01:05:11So what if I'm angry?
01:05:13Will you keep blackmailing me?
01:05:15Of course not
01:05:17My goal is to please her
01:05:22Very well
01:05:24Our agreement with Neyad is over
01:05:27We have to sell the glasses in our stores soon
01:05:31When can we see your designs?
01:05:34He was tolerant with Neyad
01:05:37He can give me some time too, right?
01:05:40I promise I'll come next time with great designs
01:05:44I can't help but doubt you
01:05:47But I must tell you
01:05:49If my partners ask, I have to inform them
01:05:52Don't worry, it won't be necessary
01:05:55She'll have the designs as soon as possible
01:06:04Mrs. Perbin, I'm sorry, it's time for my next meeting
01:06:08I'll call you
01:06:13Mr. Sher Khan
01:06:16You don't have to explain, Mrs. Perbin
01:06:19I know Hande quite well
01:06:22Thank you
01:06:30See you later
01:06:31See you soon
01:06:41What are you up to now, Hande?
01:06:44I want to partner with you
01:06:47And you chose our main partner
01:06:49Did you want a meeting to ruin it for me?
01:06:53Well done, you stomped us
01:06:55Congratulations, wonderful
01:06:58My goal is not to stomp you
01:07:00I wanted a meeting to talk to you
01:07:02Besides, Mrs. Perbin is already with me
01:07:05And Antejo Skyra will disappear
01:07:07She won't disappear
01:07:09Really, you think so?
01:07:11Is that why you came to talk enthusiastically about my offer?
01:07:14I already regretted it
01:07:16Sher Khan, please
01:07:17Nejad can't do it anymore
01:07:19It's over
01:07:21What will you do?
01:07:23Won't you stop touching while the ship sinks?
01:07:26Why don't you stop harassing me?
01:07:28Because I appreciate you a lot
01:07:31Come with me
01:07:34We were always very close, admit it
01:07:39Let's work together, please
01:07:48Doesn't he leave you alone?
01:08:12I love you
01:08:14I love you too
01:08:16I love you too
01:08:18I love you too
01:08:20I love you too
01:08:22I love you too
01:08:25I love you too
01:08:27I love you too
01:08:29I love you too
01:08:31I love you too
01:08:33I love you too
01:08:35I love you too
01:08:37I love you too
01:08:39I love you too
01:08:42I love you too
01:08:45Is she your daughter?
01:08:47Yes, she's my daughter
01:08:52Do you have children?
01:08:54Yes, two
01:09:00We're going on vacation
01:09:03Really? Where are you going?
01:09:05It's a surprise
01:09:07Good morning, officer
01:09:09Good morning
01:09:10Is there a problem?
01:09:12No, we were just talking
01:09:14Your daughter is very pretty
01:09:16You're very lucky
01:09:17Thank you
01:09:19Yes, we are lucky
01:09:21We can go to that mall
01:09:25They said you're going on vacation
01:09:28There are no places to eat or rest by the border
01:09:31Are you going to Greece?
01:09:36I'm afraid you've ruined a surprise
01:09:39Have a good trip
01:09:41Thank you
01:09:43Come on, little girl, get in
01:09:53Suna, what are you doing?
01:09:55Where's my phone? I'll call home
01:09:57But it's not here, it's not in the bag
01:10:06Neyat, what's going on?
01:10:08Why do you need Cairo's passports and medicines?
01:10:16Neyat, you need to explain to me
01:10:19We didn't bring any of that when we left
01:10:23Suna, are we leaving? I'll tell you everything later
01:10:26Neyat, are we running away?
01:10:33Aren't you going to answer me?
01:10:37Yes, that's right
01:10:40Neyat, I don't understand, we already talked
01:10:43The case has just been presented
01:10:45We'll do our best
01:10:47I mean, running away isn't the right thing to do
01:10:50You're just scared and panicking
01:10:53But you have to calm down
01:10:55Suna, I lost Cairo's passports
01:11:02I hate Aileen
01:11:04If I don't take Cairo
01:11:06I won't be able to see her again
01:11:08I'll only see her once a week
01:11:13Neyat, what happened?
01:11:16She defamed me in court
01:11:21She said I was violent
01:11:23And that I could damage her mental health
01:11:29She's taking Cairo away from me
01:11:30I can't stand being without her
01:11:34Neyat, it's not true
01:11:36It's a mistake
01:11:38Tell me it's not true, please
01:11:40Cairo will leave
01:11:42Help me, please, help me
01:11:44No one will take Cairo away from us
01:11:49No one will take her away
01:11:55They won't take Cairo away
01:11:58They won't
01:12:00They won't
01:12:06Is there news?
01:12:10Do you know something?
01:12:12They turned off their phones
01:12:14How did this happen? Does anyone know?
01:12:16I don't know
01:12:18I don't understand
01:12:20That woman didn't want to see her daughter for years
01:12:22How could the judge give her custody?
01:12:24It's temporary custody
01:12:26She'll stay with her mother until the trial
01:12:29Neyat won't be able to see her own daughter
01:12:31Is that possible?
01:12:33I think she did the right thing
01:12:35If I were her, I'd take my daughter and take her away
01:12:39Okay, Borku, but now everything got worse
01:12:42Exactly, Neyat kidnapped his own daughter
01:12:45If you think about it, it's a crime
01:12:47I'm afraid they'll lose custody
01:12:50It hurts my head just to think about it
01:12:53Suna wouldn't allow that
01:12:55I think she hasn't told anyone
01:12:56But Neyat will have to do it
01:12:58That way Suna will stop him
01:13:00Oh, no
01:13:09Stop crying, Cairo
01:13:11He can't see us like this
01:13:13I know what you'll say, Suna
01:13:15That we shouldn't leave
01:13:17Of course, Neyat
01:13:19You should also know that what we do is very delicate
01:13:23You're aware of that
01:13:24I don't care what happens
01:13:27We'll never see our family
01:13:30It's as if we were fugitives
01:13:33Do you think you can live like this?
01:13:37I didn't think about that
01:13:39But we have to think
01:13:41What if they catch us?
01:13:43Will they give you back Cairo's custody?
01:13:45They won't catch us
01:13:47And what will you tell Cairo?
01:13:49We'll never go home
01:13:51We'll never see our family
01:13:52We'll never go home
01:13:54Because if we do, they'll keep you away from us
01:13:57Will the girl live with that fear?
01:13:59Suna, we have to do it
01:14:01I'm desperate, okay?
01:14:03I know the consequences
01:14:05Then don't act like a child, Neyat
01:14:08Yes, maybe it's very difficult
01:14:10But we have to fight
01:14:12Running away isn't the solution, and you know it
01:14:16Look how happy Cairo is
01:14:19My girl doesn't know anything
01:14:21What will I tell Suna?
01:14:23Will you stay with your mother from tomorrow?
01:14:26What will I tell her?
01:14:28How will I tell her?
01:14:30You won't tell her now
01:14:32But you have to do it at home
01:14:33It's okay
01:14:35But come with me
01:14:37Wait, come
01:14:39Don't cry anymore
01:14:42Dry your tears
01:14:46I'm sorry
01:14:48I'm sorry
01:14:50I'm sorry
01:14:52I'm sorry
01:14:54I'm sorry
01:14:56I'm sorry
01:14:58I'm sorry
01:15:00I'm sorry
01:15:02I'm sorry
01:15:08Let's go
01:15:18Little girl, can you hear us?
01:15:22We have to go home, we can't leave
01:15:25But why? What happened?
01:15:28We have to do it
01:15:30I have to talk to you about something important
01:15:33But dad, and if we talk here, can we go please?
01:15:40Little bee, we have to listen to your dad
01:15:46Will you forgive me?
01:15:51I promise I'll take you on vacation very soon, okay?
01:16:00Put your seatbelt on
01:16:13Welcome, come in
01:16:14Thank you
01:16:16Good news?
01:16:21I have custody and my daughter will start living here
01:16:25You're kidding
01:16:27Your lawyer is very good
01:16:30Thank you
01:16:33Wow, so I chose a very strong partner
01:16:36Yes, of course
01:16:37Your partner can't fix that
01:16:40Is it for Kaira?
01:16:42I spent all day buying what was necessary for Kaira
01:16:46Then when I saw her I thought of buying her
01:16:48Because there was one in her father's house, in her room
01:16:51But I can't fix it
01:16:52Well thought
01:16:54It will take you a long time to fix it, right?
01:16:59I understand your concern
01:17:01You think I won't have enough time to give you the designs, right?
01:17:06You read my mind
01:17:09Don't worry, you did your part
01:17:12That's why I did mine too
01:17:19Are those the designs?
01:17:23When everything went well, my mood improved and I thought of working
01:17:27Do you like them?
01:17:28Can I check them?
01:17:29Go ahead, I'll make coffee then
01:17:32Very well
01:17:42Tell me why we left and came back
01:17:53Because there was a bad mood and your father completely forgot about it
01:18:00We'll go later
01:18:05That's right, little one
01:18:08We need to talk
01:18:10What? Is there another surprise?
01:18:18Dad, everyone is here
01:18:20How are you all?
01:18:23Is this the surprise? Are you going to throw me a party?
01:18:27Is that why everyone came to my house, Saniye?
01:18:30Do you want a party? We can make one right now if you want, little one
01:18:34It will be the best of all
01:18:37Hey, let go of Kaira, let her hug her too
01:18:41Rafet, do you want to play with me?
01:18:43Of course, princess
01:18:47Mom, the surprise was this, that's why we came back
01:18:51Are you going to throw me a party?
01:18:54Yes, little bee
01:18:56Oh, dad
01:18:59Yes, you just discovered us
01:19:04Let's go in and start decorating, okay?
01:19:08Prepare cakes and cakes, serve them on the plates
01:19:16I'm really sorry
01:19:20Zuna, I'm really sorry
01:19:26Tell me, friend, is there anything we can do?
01:19:36Aileen called, she wants Kaira back tomorrow
01:19:41You don't deserve this
01:19:44I know
01:19:47Let's go in, let's leave the tears for later
01:19:50Today we will make her very happy
01:19:53Does Kaira still not know?
01:19:55She still doesn't know
01:19:59At least let's throw the party
01:20:01I'll tell her tonight
01:20:04We have to make her happy
01:20:06Good, and stop crying, okay?
01:21:13Welcome, Mr. Serket
01:21:16Thank you
01:21:18I found out about the trial for Saniye
01:21:28I don't know what to say, I'm very sorry
01:21:33Thank you
01:21:36I'm sorry
01:21:38I'm sorry
01:21:40I'm sorry
01:21:41Thank you
01:21:45How are you?
01:21:49Can I help you?
01:21:51Are you okay?
01:21:55She will go with her mother
01:21:59I don't know how to tell her
01:22:02That tomorrow she will have to go
01:22:07Calm down, come
01:22:11I'm very sorry
01:22:20I wonder who it is
01:22:21Maybe my dad came, my dad?
01:22:23I told him, he didn't want to stay at home, you know
01:22:27He probably came
01:22:29Should I go see?
01:22:30No, it's not necessary
01:22:32I think Heidi is right
01:22:34Don't get involved in this, I already told him it's not necessary
01:22:37But you can tell people what to do, right?
01:22:40Yes, I already told him not to check, so don't talk
01:22:47Oh, I'm hungry
01:22:49Start eating, love
01:22:51I'm hungry too
01:22:52Then start eating
01:22:55Excuse me
01:22:58Well, I'll try them
01:23:11They are excellent, if you marry your husband, it would be very fortunate
01:23:19Thank you
01:23:23Well, I don't think you got a man just through his stomach
01:23:30Why are you angry, Rafet? And what do you mean by that?
01:23:35Kaira, I'm just kidding
01:23:37Although, yes, my sister is good to me
01:23:41You're talking nonsense, Kaira, that's how Rafet is
01:23:44His stomach is empty like his brain
01:23:48I know why he got angry, but I won't tell him
01:23:51And why did he get angry, little bee?
01:23:53Little one, weren't you hungry? Eat, hurry up
01:23:57We know that Sanille and Heidi are good friends
01:24:01Just like my uncle Sherkani, Burku?
01:24:05Shut up and eat, little one
01:24:08Uh, little one, yes, we're also very good friends
01:24:12Our friendship is very serious and special
01:24:16Are you two angry?
01:24:19Hey, Burku, why do you confuse the girl saying something like that?
01:24:23We're not angry, my love
01:24:25No, Kaira, we're not
01:24:27We're so close that we almost never get angry
01:24:32I see, friends can get married
01:24:39Mom, were you also a good friend of dad?
01:24:43Well, yes, we were friends before we got engaged
01:24:49Maybe later you two too
01:24:52Friendship is something different, it's not getting married
01:24:56What kind of example can I give you?
01:25:00For example, your dad and me
01:25:02My friendship with Burku is like the one I have with him
01:25:06What a great example, so correct and perfect
01:25:09Just like your dad and Mr. Sherkani
01:25:12Soon we'll even start watching soccer games
01:25:16We'll play badminton and basketball, right?
01:25:19That's our friendship
01:25:21Well, I would beat Burku in basketball because of his height
01:25:25What he's trying to say is that a woman and a man can be friends, but that's not why they should get married, right, Burku?
01:25:31Yes, of course
01:25:32It's like Keremyan and me
01:25:34Keremyan is your friend
01:25:36Exactly, like you and Keremyan
01:25:39And sometimes we're naughty, are you too?
01:25:42What? I mean...
01:25:45What kind of mischief does Kaira do?
01:25:49I don't know, we bother our parents or teachers
01:25:53We also do mischief
01:25:55Like what, Mr. Sherkani?
01:25:57What kind of mischief are you talking about, Mr. Sherkani?
01:26:00If you're actually friends, why do you call him Mr. Sherkani?
01:26:04Hey, hey, you're very curious
01:26:06Honey, I called him Mr. Sherkani out of respect, although there are some other words I can say
01:26:13But I won't say them now because we're family, but you know, he's also my boss, so I called him Mr.
01:26:20I think you're mad at him
01:26:23Oh, I give up, I can't with this generation of smart kids, eat now!
01:26:29You're so funny, I'm glad we're back, I had a lot of fun
01:26:38Are you having fun, old lady?
01:26:40We have to get together more, okay?
01:26:43Of course, little one
01:26:46So, what do you think?
01:26:52Do you like them?
01:26:54I think so
01:26:58So you think so?
01:27:02Some designs, in my opinion, are not so original, they will need some retouching
01:27:11My designs are not original and they need retouching?
01:27:15Honey, don't get me wrong, please, they're not bad, they can be fixed
01:27:21Let's just say, from my point of view, I was expecting something different
01:27:28Well, I'll do it if you tell me what you expect, no problem
01:27:32How much time do we have?
01:27:35Well, we don't have much time, I have to present them and soon
01:27:41It will be better if you focus on these designs, okay? Check them in detail
01:27:48Do you think you can finish them on time?
01:27:51Don't worry, Hande, I'll be in a hurry
01:27:55Very well, I have to go
01:27:59See you
01:28:02I trust you
01:28:04Take care
