• 2 days ago

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Business inquiries: jayco@compastudios.com


00:00Don't cry baby. No, it's not because I'm going to actually cry. Oh my gosh. Now you know
00:13how I feel when I leave you to go film. Yeah, this is really bad. If I would leave by myself
00:18without you, well that'd be even worse. Like without both of you. How does it feel to be
00:23at the house? Weird. We've been at the house with the baby, but without the baby, I feel
00:27like I'm nothing. There's no purpose. Oh, this really sucks, babe. My mom is amazing for taking
00:37care of him, but I... Wait, do you want to explain what's happening? So right now we're on our way
00:42to a Los Boys shoot that they're dropping some merch and it's really fire. And they invited
00:48the girls too. So I'm going to be there too, to take pictures. The problem is that I just had a
00:53little cute baby and the cute baby is at home with my mom. And I've never been out the house
00:58without him like at all. So this is really hitting me hard. I already cried. Probably cry again later
01:04when I think about it again. I literally cried the other day when he was right next to me while
01:07Jacob was holding him. I felt like I was like a million miles away from him. And I was like,
01:11babe, can you please give me the baby? I cannot like do this right now. This is also the first
01:15time all the guys and the girls are going to be seeing Valentina after she gave birth. This girl
01:21is a hidden gem. Nobody has seen her. She hasn't been out. Only Ray has seen me because that's
01:27Jacob's brother. He's come over to see the baby yet, but the boys haven't come over to see the
01:30baby yet. So yeah, I'm like this. Yeah, we're not allowing anybody to come over to the house other
01:36than very, very, very close family members until Matthew hits two months and he gets his vaccines.
01:43We just don't want to risk anything. You know, there's people that are sick and don't even know
01:49it. So having somebody come over, not know they're sick and then getting the baby sick
01:54is would not be the vibe since baby's defenses and immune system is not fully developed. We're
02:01being safe and the boys understand that and everybody understands that. So they're just
02:04waiting for the day that we tell them, all right, guys, you can come over. That's when it's going
02:08to happen at the two month mark. I know a lot of you guys have been asking when one of the guys
02:13is going to meet Matthew. When is everybody going to meet Matthew? Okay, we'll be fine.
02:18Yeah, we'll be fine. I think we're running very late, actually. So we're going to see you guys
02:24there at the photo shoot. Houston, we have a problem. She's about to take her first steps.
02:32Oh, Matthew on the back. You think you think you think you got to be Matthew?
02:39Who do you think you are? We're just trying to see Matthew.
02:46Wait, wait, clean the dirt, clean the dirt, clean the dirt.
02:55No, no, no. Yeah, do it, do it.
02:58I'm not stepping on that. Go ahead. No, I'm not stepping on that.
03:01Oh, wow. Clap it up, clap it up, clap it up. You don't have a big old stomach no more.
03:09Yo, you just lost like 40 pounds. Yeah, I did lose like 40 pounds.
03:14How much was the ball, Wade? She doesn't have the stomach anymore.
03:20How you been? What's up, Jay? Are you guys bringing money or something?
03:23What's up with not turning off the car? Oh, yeah, we're just letting it run for Matthew.
03:30Yes, I'm doing amazing. All right. Nice to see you, man.
03:33How you been? Long time, no see.
03:36What's up, bro? How you been? What's up, brother?
03:40Jayco, nice to meet you, bro. You shooting us today?
03:42Yeah, bro. Awesome.
03:47Did you bring it on purpose to remember him? No, I just found my pocket because I had found
03:52it in my closet. I'm like, I wonder where the other one is.
03:54Are you going to take it out every now and then and sniff it and remember him?
03:58No, I'm not that way. I just sniffed it, but it's just because you said it.
04:02These are the shirts that are going to be dropping, by the way. Well,
04:05this is one of them. We have multiple colors, but look at it. Look at it.
04:08Let me know what y'all think. Let me know what y'all think.
04:12Hey, Ray, let me have that hat. Huh?
04:14Let me have that hat. It's going to look better on me.
04:17I need it. And it's not even mine. It's not even mine, bro.
04:20Well, whose is it? You didn't give me anything for my birthday last year.
04:24Stop, bro. It feels so weird to see you not pregnant.
04:27I know, bro. It's like completely not. Get pregnant again.
04:30Get pregnant. Come on, guys. I'm going to cry. I just told him,
04:33I think I'm going to a psych ward. I cannot do that again. No.
04:36No, you're off? Yes.
04:42What's up, Josie?
04:44Hello, Josie.
04:45Hey, has baby Matthew seen the sunlight?
04:48Yeah, Ray. Yesterday.
04:49It was really cold, and we didn't want him to get sick.
04:51It was cold last week, yeah.
04:52But now that it's not, we should actually go around and like...
04:54Yeah, we talked about taking him to a park.
04:55Bro, you're a mom. I know, right?
04:57That's so crazy. That's crazy.
04:59I can't wait for you guys to meet him.
05:01Probably in another month or maybe less.
05:03I don't know. He's meeting us.
05:05Ray already met him.
05:06Oh, that's right.
05:07Ray's an uncle.
05:08I'm the only one that's carried him, squeezed his cheeks.
05:11Nah, you're actually unc status though, Ray.
05:14Like, you became unc status before him.
05:16Nah, nah. I've been an uncle.
05:17For real?
05:18Yeah, for real.
05:18You're an uncle?
05:18Yeah. I was an uncle at like 17, bro.
05:21You old as fuck.
05:23Hell nah, Jacob is. That motherfucker's turning 27 this year.
05:27I'ma start saying it in videos more often.
05:31Hey, let's change the topic.
05:32Look at those boys merch though.
05:34You gonna be 30, we still gonna be in our 20s, bruh.
05:37How old are you by the way?
05:38I'm 25. I'll be 26 in June.
05:39Are you still gonna love him even though he's 27?
05:42For like 8 or no?
05:438 years from now, kind of, but...
05:46You changed your whole fit.
05:48I'm like, bro, she has sneakers.
05:50She brought options.
05:50How it was gonna be, yeah, so I...
05:52I don't wanna come overdressed.
05:53You know what I'm saying?
05:54Yeah, man. I'm not trying to be overdressed.
05:55I literally told you that.
05:56I don't wanna be extra.
05:57Yeah, nah, you're good, you're good.
06:14Valentina just stepped on an ant pile.
06:16There is like 20,000 ants on me right now.
06:19Supposedly, we're in a ranch that's 27 acres.
06:22So we're about to go walk out a little bit more of it.
06:25And gonna look for what this rancho has.
06:28You got another pair of crispy whites?
06:31Damn, Daniel!
06:32I got the gym pair.
06:33I got the outdoor pair.
06:34And I got the crispy pair.
06:36You remember we were at the rancho and he like messes up?
06:37He got the rancho pair.
06:39He pulled up yesterday to our house.
06:41With brand new crispy whites.
06:42With brand new crispy whites.
06:43And he got them dirty again.
06:44And then he pulled up today with another pair of brand new crispy whites.
06:48Wanna know a secret?
06:50Santini stepped on poop.
06:53For real?
06:53Yeah, I saw.
06:54And you didn't tell him?
06:55Because he already done the damage.
06:56Tell us what?
07:00Whose land is this?
07:00Do you know?
07:02No, this is such a smart idea.
07:03I really thought we're going to a studio.
07:04But this is so fire.
07:06Because it's like Houston rodeo vibes.
07:08Careful, baby.
07:09That's all right.
07:11Nah, this is so tough.
07:13If you don't do this on him.
07:14I see it.
07:16Damn, this looks so detailed.
07:18Damn, he's like real, bro.
07:21Like y'all made this thing.
07:23Yeah, you thought he was AI?
07:24Bro, it's crazy how babies are real, right?
07:27Like how are babies even formed and shit, bro?
07:30Think about this.
07:30This baby's only been alive for like almost a month.
07:34That's crazy, bro.
07:36Let's protect our leader.
07:41I just woke up on the wrong bed, bro.
07:45I don't know if y'all can find a way to speed it up here.
07:47Just break those branches.
07:50Not the whole thing, like the little ones.
07:52What if someone just holds it like that?
07:53What if I just do something like this?
08:00My big strong king.
08:01Y'all want to do like a silly one at all?
08:03Yeah, we can do a silly one.
08:04Get silly, Jose.
08:05Get silly.
08:06Get your silly face on.
08:07Can I do one like this?
08:08Back up, bro.
08:10You a father, man.
08:18I'm just gonna put zero.
08:19I'm gonna go one by one.
08:22Really, bro?
08:26That's what you chose to do?
08:29How was your lunchable?
08:31I'm not finished yet, but it's great.
08:33I'll put it in here safely.
08:35Keep it safe away from all the creatures.
08:37Ray included.
08:39Look at him.
08:40He feening over there.
08:41We're getting some pictures of all the girls now.
08:48Good job, girls.
08:49Coming soon.
08:51We're just missing Ray's girlfriend that's non-existent
08:54and Yero's girlfriend that's non-existent.
08:56That's gonna be a while until they come in.
08:58Yeah, I'm gonna have my second child by the time
08:59they're just getting into relationships.
09:01Or fourth, probably.
09:09Look how cute.
09:11Oh, he is cute.
09:12Yes, I'm a cutie.
09:12Hello, you little cutie boy.
09:16He's a grown beast animal.
09:18No, he's a baby.
09:19The wilderness.
09:21Just a little baby.
09:22Just a little baby.
09:24Tell her I'm grown, lady.
09:25What you doing talking to me like that?
09:38Look at that one.
09:39It's so cute.
09:40The little one.
09:40The tan one.
09:41Oh, that one is cute.
09:44Look at Sandy's scary ass.
09:47Look, I'm gonna move them over there.
09:49So y'all can have a bunch of cows behind y'all.
09:54There you go.
09:54Get the shot.
09:54Get the shot.
09:55Get the shot, kid.
10:02Oh, look at the little baby one, babe.
10:07Oh, little baby.
10:12I stood there in shock as my burgers start busting a move.
10:14I really want to touch a cow.
10:16Yeah, go touch it.
10:17Go touch it.
10:17Go touch that one, look.
10:18That one looks cute.
10:20Imagine he just...
10:22He wants my snack.
10:24He keeps following me.
10:26Hey, buddy.
10:27I don't mean to scare you.
10:28I'm just here to throw this away over here where it belongs.
10:30So I don't litter in your home.
10:32You feel me, Tai Chi?
10:34Buddy, buddy, buddy.
10:35I just told you, buddy.
10:36He's such a wussy.
10:38All right.
10:39They said they're gonna let me pick a cow up and take some pictures with it.
10:42So I'm excited about that.
10:43Yo, Terry, which one am I picking up?
10:45This one or that one?
10:46Let him bring it to you.
10:48Oh, my God.
10:51I speak your mind, I'm gonna do it.
10:54He got your whole hand.
10:57Not that good, huh?
11:00Did you get enough of that?
11:03Oh, my gosh.
11:03The tongue is crazy.
11:04The tongue feels like your feet, baby.
11:07That's crazy.
11:08Like brass feet.
11:09You're supposed to say that.
11:13Not the tongue.
11:14This is not your food.
11:20He keeps biting me.
11:22He's probably gonna want to fight Jacob.
11:29How much is too much food for him?
11:32It's a fucking cow, bro.
11:34Dano wants to pet the cow, so Shani's gonna help him, but he's scared.
11:38Oh, Shani, Shani, don't be scared.
11:40Shani, Shani, get in there.
11:43Come on, Shani.
11:43How is Dano not scared and you scared, cuz?
11:46Hey, take a picture of me.
11:48This is mad aura.
11:49It bit you?
11:52Oh, shoot, Dano.
11:53Wait, but it didn't hurt.
11:54You gotta wash that.
11:54You put your hand all over it in there.
11:55This is gonna get infected.
11:56Wait, is it?
11:56Yeah, it's all over the interior and cow's mouth.
11:58You can get, uh, what's it called?
12:01You're lying.
12:03Look, she's all scared now.
12:05Nah, just wash it with water.
12:06You'll be all right.
12:07Yeah, you'll be fine.
12:08You could get ADHD from it.
12:09Didn't he bite you too?
12:11Yeah, but like, he didn't make me bleed.
12:13Let me see your hand again, Dano.
12:14But it's just like a little, like...
12:16Oh, shoot.
12:17Yeah, but it's not bad.
12:18It's like if you cut yourself with a knife, no?
12:20I don't know why I've always pictured cows, like, without teeth.
12:24Oh, that was your first time?
12:25Yes, babe.
12:26Oh, man, you weren't scared, so I was like, oh, she knows what she's doing.
12:31Wait, can you not touch me for, like, a week?
12:34You're mean.
12:35Shani, you're supposed to be her protector, bruh.
12:37Man, I'm not protecting her for no cow.
12:38Nah, go get your get back from that cow, bro.
12:40Oh, trust me.
12:41That motherfucker gonna be a burger by next week.
12:43All right, my boy's trying to lasso the cow right now.
12:47This is a real cowboy at work right here.
12:53Try it.
12:54Oh, shoot!
13:04Yo, that little cow is strong for being a little cow.
13:09Terry not meant for this life, man.
13:12Terry not meant for this life, man.
13:14Huh, Terry?
13:16The girls are all concerned.
13:17Perla, don't cry, Perla.
13:19It is sad, that's what it is.
13:21Babe, that was crazy.
13:22Like, he grabbed on it quick.
13:23I don't think you can put that in, guy.
13:25Bro, this is the rancho life, bro.
13:27They do this in Honduras all the time.
13:29The internet ain't Honduras, guy.
13:30Let this happen, ladies and gentlemen.
13:33I've seen these games before.
13:35I've seen these games before.
13:39What you think about this, Noe?
13:41She's crazy, bro.
13:42They do this here in Honduras?
13:44All the time?
13:48We're filming a little tic-tac.
14:02All right, bro, I need y'all a little more to sing, man.
14:04I need y'all to sing, man.
14:05I need y'all to sing, man.
14:06All right, we're gonna work on this rhythm for real, man.
14:08That's the right hand first.
14:22You don't want to do it with Terry?
14:26All right, Ray, you got it.
14:31You forgot to fall.
14:33Damn it, Deino!
14:34God damn it, Deino.
14:36Sorry, sorry.
14:37We's a professional.
14:38You're pissing off my boy, Ray.
14:51That is a banger if I've ever seen one.
14:58Wait, you wanna marry?
15:00Do you wanna marry me?
15:01Oh, wait, we already got it.
15:03That was cool, wasn't it, Noe?
15:05Wait, we're forgetting about Ray!
15:06Ray, thank you, Ray.
15:07Oh my god, thank you, Ray.
15:09They always forget about the cameraman, huh, Ray?
15:11Wait, can you film me?
15:11Wait, Ray, Ray, keep it on Ray.
15:13Oh, shoot.
15:14What was that?
15:15I don't know if it's supposed to go on my arm.
15:16You got like asthma or something?
15:18It's the J Balvin one.
15:19Y'all better stop paying me, man.
15:21It can be either one of you guys,
15:22cause it's gonna be the girls first and then the guys.
15:25Okay, I can do it.
15:26All right, y'all ready then?
15:28All right, I gotta be on this side so the lighting can be good.
15:30Oh, 3, 2, 1.
15:35Oh, yeah, one more, one more, one more.
15:37Okay, wait, is it that long?
15:42I think that one was-
15:44Yeah, you look cute, yeah.
15:46Okay, now your guys' turn.
15:47Yo, boys.
15:49Ready, two?
15:55Ay, y'all look fired.
16:01We didn't sing like a motherfucker.
16:03We really didn't.
16:03She is though, but the camera work,
16:04I don't know about the camera work though.
16:06The photo shoot was a success.
16:08We filmed so many angered TikToks.
16:10So y'all make sure to go check it out.
16:12Y'all are gonna have to go check out a bunch of pages
16:14cause we filmed TikToks literally for every single person there,
16:18except Deino.
16:19She couldn't come up with any ideas
16:21and she was a little bit shy, I feel like.
16:24That was me before though.
16:25You know how super shy I was.
16:27She is new to the squad,
16:28so it does get a bit nerve wracking being the new person.
16:32But right now we're here at the boys' house
16:34cause we're gonna film a video for those boys.
16:38We are debating whether or not
16:42the guys should move to LA or stay here in Texas.
16:47Please, please, please, guys.
16:48Go watch the video.
16:49Go comment.
16:50Make sure to tell them to stay here in Texas, please.
16:53What's up, girlies?
16:53You guys already cozy?
16:54Oh, y'all look comfy.
16:59We're punks.
16:59Mike is so crazy though.
17:01What's up, chat?
17:07Oh, that smells good though.
17:10Bye, Yeri.
17:10All right, Jay.
17:11Bye, Belle.
17:12Bye, Yeri.
17:13Stay safe, guys.
17:14You as well.
17:14Bye, Perla.
17:17Later, Poblischki.
17:21Time to go home and back to work.
17:22Yes, I just...
17:24Guys, okay, wait.
17:25Should I tell them or no?
17:26I feel bad saying that.
17:28That I forgot that I was a mom.
17:31Having so much girl talk that I haven't done in so long.
17:33But I haven't done that since before he was born.
17:36So, I feel weird.
17:38How was the girl talk?
17:39It was really fun.
17:40Yeah, I haven't been out the house in a while.
17:41So, it was really fun to talk.
17:43But now, I'm just so excited to get back home to my baby.
17:47Me too.
17:48Man, shout out to my mom.
17:49She's such a goat for taking care of baby Matthew.
17:52She's taking care of him since we left.
17:54She's a wonderful grandmother for sure.
17:56When she sent me this picture.
17:58Oh, my goodness.
17:59He looks so chubby.
18:01Your mom is so chubby.
18:03How was your first day out though?
18:06Um, it was good.
18:07I just really missed Matthew the whole day.
18:09But besides that, it was really good.
18:11It was really fun.
18:12The photo shoot was fun.
18:13And Dano was so fun.
18:15Yeah, I haven't seen Tela in a while.
18:17So, it was really nice to catch up and just talk.
18:19Have girl talk.
18:21It was really fun.
18:21Maybe I enjoyed it.
18:22But never again without Matthew.
18:24It was just because like we needed to.
18:26But yeah, no, never again.
18:30And where's his sock?
18:33I think I put it in my purse.
18:35And it wasn't his sock.
18:36It was a little mitten.
18:38Yeah, it was a little mitten of his.
18:40It's crazy, babe.
18:41That we're really parents.
18:42Like, bruh.
18:44Like, we're parents.
18:49Oh, wait.
18:49Babe, stop.
18:55Hello, my Kaluchi.
18:56My little rat looking Kaluchi.
18:59Who do I see over there?
19:01I'm gonna beat you to it.
19:09Hello, buddy.
19:13I missed you so much.
19:19I'm never gonna leave you again.
19:24Are you mad at me?
19:26Because we left so long.
19:30He hasn't found you yet.
19:39I can't wait for him to start smiling.
19:41He looks like you, babe.
19:42He's starting to look like you.
19:44My twin.
19:45What's up, my twin?
19:50And I'm gonna go wash my hands so I can pick him up.
19:53Hello, Kaluchi.
19:54Hello, Kaluchi.
19:55I didn't forget about you.
20:00He's bigger than a boy.
20:10Let's go change your diaper, buddy.
20:12Look what I installed, guys.
20:14Alexa, turn on LEDs so that I can change Matthew's diaper.
20:20I'm not quite sure how to help you.
20:22Yeah, you do.
20:22Alexa, turn on the damn LEDs.
20:27I'm never saying okay.
20:28That's very toxic of her.
20:31Babe, he looks huge, babe.
20:34Let's measure you.
20:35Let's see how much you grew since we were gone.
20:38Stand up straight.
20:39Whoa, buddy.
20:40You're almost walking.
20:42Careful, mommy.
20:44Babe, he looks so big.
20:48He looks bigger today.
20:49I don't know why.
20:51I feel full again.
20:53Yeah, it's me too.
20:53I'm never doing that again, babe.
20:55I felt so empty being out the house without him.
21:02I've never gone a day without him.
21:07Oh my goodness.
21:07You're saying longer sentences now, buddy.
21:13Gordo, we missed you.
21:17Missed you, Gordo.
21:18He's talking so much.
21:19What was that music?
21:21Puppy, don't grow, puppy.
21:23We don't want you to grow.
21:25Guys, baby smells are so addicting.
21:29Little break, little break.
21:30Puppy, everybody was asking about you today.
21:32They were like, is Matthew with you, guys?
21:33Matthew, would you mind?
21:34Where's Matthew?
21:35Where's Matthew?
21:36He's so much more vocal.
21:45I love when he tries to bite my nose like that.
21:48And yours is big and pointy.
21:51That's crazy, bro.
21:53Oh, my God, buddy.
21:57Let's go, buddy.
21:59Let's go get you some milk, man.
22:02Three, two, one.
22:20He does that a lot more now.
22:22He's starting to make way more baby noises.
22:25Look at him.
22:27He's so calm.
22:32I love you, papito.
22:35In case y'all are wondering what my view looks like,
22:38this is what it looks like.
22:48And then Peluche's over there.
22:49Buddy, I told you to come over here, gang.
22:52There's space right here for you.
22:55You step down there, step up here, come here.
22:58Easy, gang.
23:11Sorry for that.
23:12I was repositioning my camera with one hand
23:15because I just swore out on Matthew
23:16when I have him on my other hand.
23:18Look at my little burrito.
23:20What's up, my little Colombian and Honduran burrito?
23:23Aren't you just the cutest?
23:24Just swaddled him.
23:25I'm going to feed him.
23:26And with that, my night shift has begun.
23:29Grandma, thank you for taking care of Matthew.
23:35She is leaving to Miami very, very soon.
23:38She will be missed.
23:38But the people want to know, are you moving to Houston?
23:44Valentina, obviously we want them to move,
23:46but it's a lot to think of
23:48because they have a very beautiful home
23:49in Miami.
23:55Because if you move to Los Angeles,
23:58what are you going to do here in Houston?
24:01We're not going to Los Angeles.
24:02I don't know.
24:04You have to move to Miami.
24:06You must move to Miami then.
24:08But I live in Miami with you, so.
24:11The guys mentioned wanting to move to Miami today too.
24:15Anyways, guys, with that being said,
24:16that's going to do it for this video.
24:18Thank you all for tuning in.
24:19Say bye-bye, Matthew.
24:22Do you want to say bye to the people or no?
24:24It's okay.
24:25I don't like them either.
24:26It's fine, bro.
24:27Peluche, do you want to say bye?
24:29Mr. Ratman.
24:31All right, guys.
24:31I hope you guys enjoyed today's video.
24:33Today was a lot of fun.
24:34And now we're just gonna take care of you, Matthew,
24:36and go to sleep.
24:37So don't forget to subscribe, like, and comment,
24:40and stay tuned for another video.
24:41Bye, guys.
