BBC Question Time's Fiona Bruce threatens to 'gag' Reform MP Richard Tice in heated debate.Credit: BBC
00:00and it's a really stark situation
00:03because we are already seeing the impacts
00:05of climate breakdown, both here in the UK,
00:08farmers seeing their fields flooded,
00:09people's homes being flooded, extreme heat.
00:12And those scenes we saw during COVID
00:14of not enough food on the supermarket shelves
00:17will become all too common
00:18if we don't not only get climate in check,
00:21but also become far more resilient
00:23to the changes that are coming down the track.
00:24And we were talking earlier about security,
00:26that's got to include food security,
00:28energy security and being far more resilient
00:30with these things as well.
00:32I don't think the government has a proper resilience plan.
00:35And we've got to step up our efforts
00:37because I want to be able to look my children,
00:40future generations in the eye and say,
00:42we have done everything we can.
00:44And not only that, we've taken the opportunity we have
00:47to create a better future.
00:49Because if you look at the investment
00:51that we need to put in to tackle the climate crisis,
00:54what will that create?
00:55Well, it will create lower bills and warmer homes
00:58because we'll have better home insulation.
00:59How's that going so far?
01:00Richard, I will come to you.
01:02We've got higher bills, higher bills.
01:04Hang on, hang on, Richard, I will come to you.
01:07It's not going very well, is it?
01:09Come on, Adrian.
01:10It's not going very well.
01:10Richard, you criticise net zero,
01:12but your economic plans have net zero credibility.
01:15The fact is that the green economy
01:17is growing three times faster than the economy as a whole.
01:19And you ask why we're not seeing enough home insulation.
01:21Hang on, hang on.
01:22You ask why we're not seeing enough renewable energy.
01:24Why is our public transport not good enough?
01:26Why are we not supporting our farmers enough?
01:28I agree, we need the government to be far stronger
01:30on all these things.
01:31And if you look at what the Climate Change Committee
01:33said just last week,
01:34they said we can have this hopeful future
01:37that's more equal,
01:38where we've got the food and energy we need locally.
01:40We've got the jobs rich.
01:41And Adrian, how much money did they say we have to spend?
01:45Richard, hang on, hang on.
01:46Richard, you'll get your time.
01:48Don't interrupt just for a minute.
01:49I will come to you.
01:50They said it would require 0.2% of GDP.
01:5330 to 40 billion a year.
01:55Don't lie to the British people.
01:56Richard, Richard, hang on, hang on.
01:58Richard, if you keep on interrupting,
02:00I'm gonna have to put a gag on you or something.
02:02Just, I will come to you, I promise.