• 2 days ago
En Vivo I Emisión Estelar con #kharlapolonio de #informativosta 06/03/2025


00:03It's the web is who was there who's got a special the transit
00:06to the tribunal del centro de la automovilista impulso
00:09garantia economic added those millions of pesos. A mujer que
00:13causal accident in El Camarillo la joven Aida Nicole Reyes de
00:17venti one años hace ocho días. And I'm a young do cemento El
00:21caso he knows DNA that is
00:24is the web is who was the tribunal especial the transit
00:28del centro de la automovilista the who Libertad that Raquel
00:31Pena Guzman causante del accidente don't demure a la
00:34joven Aida Nicole Reyes sin embargo impulso una medida que
00:38consiste en el pago de una garantía economica presentación
00:43periódica impedimento de salida documentación de arraigo que
00:48presento la parte querellada títulos de propiedad certification
00:55de matrimonio cartas de garantes y entendía que la
01:03precisión de inocencia de fuga era muy mínima de inmediato la
01:07medida fue catalogada como injusta por la familia de la
01:11autista que esperaba en prisión preventiva y criticaron la
01:15debilidad de la DG set quien no realizó el protocolo adecuado
01:19al tomar la prueba de alcoholemia a la imputada y se
01:22tardó casi una cinco horas después del accidente ocurrido
01:26el veintiséis de febrero en horas de la noche en la avenida
01:29Winston Churchill que de que vale la tal miles y millones de
01:33pesos comprando alcoholímetro si cuando tú lo quieres cuando se
01:36usan el tribunal dice no eso no está certificado esa prueba no
01:40fue recogida entonces es una burla o sea nos sentimos
01:43burlados como ciudadano esto es una burla que no digan que en
01:47la que los medios y los aparatos que usan la DG se pasa una
01:50prueba de alcohol no pueden ser usados después como medio de
01:53prueba para determinar el grado de alcohol que tenía una
01:55persona en una de sus sangre indicaron además que con esto
01:58se manda un mal mensaje a la sociedad de que cualquier
02:01persona puede conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol quitarle la
02:06vida a un ciudadano al volante y quedar impune realmente es una
02:09lástima que el mensaje que están dando las autoridades es a los
02:14jóvenes es que alguien ebrio puede conducir y una persona
02:20puede fallecer de esto y no y no haya una justicia correcta
02:25tras la decisión del tribunal especial de tránsito el
02:28abogado de los familiares de Aida Nicole indicó que están
02:33ponderando apelar la medida impuesta por el juez. Ana
02:37Mañón informativo. La comunidad de Nuevo Amanecer sigue
02:43consternada tras el trágico asesinato de Luisa Miguelina de
02:47La Paz de treinta y cinco años quien fue brutalmente golpeada
02:51con un martillo presuntamente por su pareja José Luis José
02:56Luis Santana quien se encuentra prófugo. Roberto Brito nos
03:00tiene detalles de esta triste historia. El crimen ocurrió la
03:05mañana del pasado martes en el interior de la residencia de
03:08la pareja y luego del hecho el agresor incendió parte del
03:11mobiliario de la vivienda aparentemente para ocultar
03:14evidencias según declaraciones de una hermana de la víctima.
03:18Cuando él hizo eso, él vino en la mañana, él no amaneció con
03:21mi hermana, mi hermana pretendía separarse de él, y
03:24él vino en la mañana, nadie se dio cuenta cuando él entró a
03:26la vivienda, a la casa de mi hermana, y entonces trató de
03:31estrangularla y le dio los martillazos en la cabeza. Mi
03:35mamá fue que la encontró a ella. Tras cometer el homicidio,
03:38Santana huyó a bordo de una motocicleta con rumbo
03:41desconocido. Los parientes de la mujer asesinada temen por su
03:45seguridad, ya que lo describen como un hombre violento. José
03:48Luis Santana, alias el panadero, anda por el capotillo,
03:54según nos han dicho algunas personas que nosotros
03:57conocemos, que viven allá, que él anda por allá. Él dijo que
04:01él le había dado unos golpes a mi hermana, y que mi hermana,
04:05según él, que le dio algunos golpes, o sea, según él, él no
04:09mató a mi hermana. Vecinos del sector también temen brindar
04:12información sobre el panadero del victimario por miedo a
04:15represalias. Sin embargo, Aracelis Leclerc narró que la
04:18víctima justamente tenía una semana que había sido liberada
04:22por la justicia porque su verdugo la acusó de violencia
04:25de género. Creo que no tenía como una semana, más o menos,
04:29que ella había salido de la cárcel, pero no sé en realidad
04:35qué lo motivó, porque no tomé un papada con el caso, pero es
04:41algo muy triste. Ella no merecía la muerte. El cuerpo de
04:45Luisa Miguelina de La Paz fue velado en la residencia de su
04:48madre y posteriormente sepultado en el cementerio
04:51Cristo Salvador. La víctima deja en la orfandad a tres hijos
04:54de dieciocho, dieciséis y cinco años, quienes ahora quedan bajo
04:58cuidado de sus familiares. Roberto Brito Informativos,
05:03En el marco del ochenta y ocho aniversario del natalicio de
05:06José Francisco Peña Gómez, celebrado en el cementerio
05:09Cristo Redentor, el ex presidente de la República
05:12Hipólito Mejía destacó que la crisis eléctrica sigue siendo
05:16un problema complejo que ningún gobierno ha logrado resolver
05:20por completo. Además minimizó la intervención de Danilo Medina
05:24en el programa El Sol de la Mañana, donde expresó su
05:27preocupación por el endeudamiento público y otros
05:32Mejia pointed out that the electric sector has been a headache for the last administrations,
05:37including that of President Luis Abinader.
05:39In addition, the statements of former President Danilo Medina
05:43about the affirmation that the debt has doubled in the current government were of great importance.
05:47I think so.
05:48It is a throbbing issue, a difficult issue of electricity.
05:53Obviously, no one did anything with wind or solar energy.
05:57Where there is wind and sun all their lives, they did nothing.
06:01The anniversary celebration in honor of the late leader José Francisco Peña Gómez
06:06included the deposit of a floral offering, as well as the smoothing of the national flag in his mausoleum,
06:11in charge of Juan Pablo Olive, director of Ephemeris Patria,
06:14and Cedro Torres, director of the community technological centers,
06:18along with the mass front of the PRM in Santo Domingo Norte,
06:21also paid tribute to the political leader.
06:24Both officials highlighted the trajectory and legacy of Peña Gómez,
06:27highlighting his importance in Dominican political history.
06:31Peña Gómez is a civil prosecutor.
06:33He is a civil prosecutor because his historical struggle was patriotic,
06:38because his historical struggle was democratic.
06:42From his birth, Santo Domingo Norte has wanted to come to be a guardian and honor,
06:47to deposit a white flower in his grave,
06:52also to throw white and blue balloons in the air.
06:57José Francisco Peña Gómez was born on March 6, 1937, in Loma del Flaco, Valverde Mau.
07:02His incursion into politics began with the arrival of the Dominican Revolutionary Party to the country,
07:07where he quickly occupied leadership positions in that organization.
07:11Over time, he became one of the most influential political figures in modern Dominican history
07:16and had an impact on international politics,
07:19as he was a presidential candidate on several occasions.
07:22He never managed to assume the presidency due to denunciations and electoral fraud,
07:26especially against him in 1994,
07:29when Joaquín Balaguer was accused of manipulating the elections to prevent his victory.
07:34Roberto Brito, informative and lentils.
07:37President Luis Abinadera assured at the executive summit of the American Association of Clothes and Shoes
07:44that the Dominican Republic is an ideal destination
07:47for those looking for infrastructure and a reliable labor force,
07:51closer to one of the most dynamic consumer markets in the world.
07:55According to the statement, the president highlighted that in addition to an industrial and logistical platform
08:01that marks the rhythm in Latin America and the Caribbean,
08:04the Dominican Republic offers favorable policies to the market, transparency and stability
08:09that make it an ideal partner for any American company
08:13that traces a path towards sustainable growth.
08:18This is how we make our first break.
08:20You don't change it.
08:21We'll be back with more news.
08:25Thank you all for staying tuned with us.
08:28We continue with the news.
08:30Agents of the National Directorate of Drug Control and members of the Public Ministry,
08:34supported by the Specialized Body of Airport Security,
08:39seized 24 packages, presumably of cocaine,
08:42during joint inspection and interdiction operations
08:46carried out at the International Airport of the Americas.
08:49According to the statement, within the reinforcement of operations against drug trafficking,
08:55the acting teams, attending to intelligence reports,
08:58approached a passenger of Italian nationality who would travel to Madrid, Spain,
09:03in whose luggage suspicious images were detected,
09:06immediately having a more exhaustive verification.
09:12And a man took the life of another of several stalled in the parking lot
09:17in front of the offices of the National Institute of Land Transport
09:22in the province of La Vega.
09:25What happened? Can you defend yourself?
09:27My name is Aneurin Sepúlveda.
09:29What happened to your license?
09:31I was working on the license.
09:33With David, I put him to work with me.
09:35Then I went to the license because he turned me around,
09:39but anyway, he was my friend.
09:41And I sent him a client on WhatsApp.
09:44Then he gave me an account of him to deposit.
09:47And he was in charge of the clients.
09:49And I didn't have anything to say to the clients.
09:51Did that person work inside?
09:55The problem came with money.
09:57Yes, but I was having a good time with him.
09:59I wasn't in trouble or anything.
10:01I gave him a house. He took out the stick and gave me a cookie.
10:04How did the problem start?
10:05They were arguing. He gave me a cookie.
10:07I gave him a house and a knife.
10:09And I shot him because he was lying to me.
10:11Do you feel sorry for this situation?
10:13No, I don't feel sorry.
10:15Look, he's dead.
10:17And it's like it's me who's dead.
10:19When you turned on the light,
10:21you didn't think this person was dead?
10:23No, look, I was going to stand up.
10:25I even kept the knife to give it to him.
10:27He's dead and it's like I'm dead.
10:31It is expected that in the next few hours
10:33the aggressor will be transferred
10:35to a permanent detention facility in La Vega
10:37where coercion measures will be taken.
10:41In other news,
10:43the bill presented by
10:45Alfonso Genao Lanza,
10:47which proposes to reduce the tax
10:49in more than 5% of GDP,
10:51equivalent to 400 billion
10:55continues to incite the rejection
10:57of various sectors of the country.
10:59Santiago Drullar has details.
11:01The initiative
11:03that seeks to modify tax exemptions
11:05and increase taxes
11:07in various sectors
11:09was rejected by representatives
11:11of commerce.
11:13It's temporary, it's out of date,
11:15it's unacceptable because
11:17there are many sectors
11:19that are based
11:21precisely on tax incentives
11:23that the government offers
11:25and it is not possible
11:27to come and take it
11:29all at once.
11:31The bill proposes
11:33to eliminate tax exemptions
11:35for the importation
11:37of vehicles intended
11:39for legislators, judges,
11:41prosecutors, military
11:43and other public servants,
11:45but one of the measures
11:47that concerns the merchants
11:49is the increase of 3.5%
11:51to 5%
11:53on gross sales,
11:55which has generated
11:57a strong rejection in the entire sector.
11:59Because of not being able to pass
12:01the tax reform
12:03that fell in October
12:05of last year,
12:07by not being able to pass
12:09the reform, they have
12:11been doing as if it were a patch.
12:13According to the
12:15legislative document,
12:17the proposal aims to reduce
12:19the state's tax expense
12:21by modifying
12:23or eliminating
12:25tax exemptions and reductions
12:27in subsidies granted
12:29to companies, economic activities
12:31and people.
12:33Santiago Drujard,
12:35Informativos, Teleantillas.
12:37By the way, the Dominican government
12:39strongly rejects this bill
12:41deposited in the House of Representatives
12:43by Rogelio Genao,
12:45who seeks to eliminate
12:47tax incentives and exonerations
12:49that the important
12:51Dominican tourism industry has.
12:53This is what the Minister of Tourism,
12:55Javier Villado, who spoke
12:57by authorization of President Abinader.
12:59As Minister of Tourism,
13:01and in representation
13:03on this issue of the government,
13:05I want to express
13:07in a forceful way
13:09that the government rejects
13:11this bill,
13:13that the government
13:15has already given clear guarantees
13:17to the private sector,
13:19to zoners and to all
13:21businessmen that the
13:23Tourist Incentive Law
13:25comes for two.
13:29Collado pointed out that it will be very difficult
13:31for this bill to pass in the National Congress,
13:33since it does not have the support
13:35of the government. In another order,
13:37on the warning of the Central Electoral Board
13:39about the campaign in a bad time,
13:41he assured that this does not affect him,
13:43since he is focused on his functions
13:45as a public servant.
13:49Relatives of two young prisoners
13:51in La Victoria expressed that
13:53authorities of that center are charging
13:55about 100,000 pesos to move
13:57to another prison encampment
13:59their relatives, who have been
14:01about 10 days in the punishment area
14:03called La Plancha.
14:05They have him 10 days in a punishment cell
14:07without bathing,
14:09with 90 prisoners,
14:11apart from the fact that he has a partner,
14:13that if it is not for the partner, my husband will be killed.
14:17I need something to be done,
14:19because they have him practically extorted.
14:21They gave me until today,
14:23to look for the 100,000 pesos, so as not to move him.
14:25When they came to our
14:27television station, they expressed that
14:29they are people of scarce resources,
14:31indicating that the detainees are
14:33Jeremías Beltré, 27 years old,
14:35and Alejandro Fernández Abad,
14:3721 years old.
14:39One of them is a fake.
14:41With this information,
14:43we make a short commercial break.
14:45Remember to follow us through
14:47our digital platforms
14:49as arrobainformativos.de
14:55The provincial director
14:57of public works, María Trinidad Sánchez
14:59Leonardo Rojas,
15:01reported on Thursday morning that
15:03the works of the Malecón de Enagua advance,
15:05mainly the bridges and the protection wall.
15:07This is a work that
15:09has three bridges.
15:11We have this one that has already been emptied,
15:13three have been emptied.
15:15We have the bridge of the Río Soldado,
15:17which already has all its beams
15:21and is already waiting to work
15:23with the steel, and later
15:25work with the emptying of the Alorén.
15:27We are working here
15:29on the side walls,
15:31on the protection wall
15:33that will protect the municipality
15:35of Enagua, and is protecting
15:37the Malecón.
15:39Regarding the houses
15:41that are still kept inside
15:43of the work, Rojas explained
15:45that four properties are in legal process
15:47that have not yet reached
15:49an agreement with the owners,
15:51while the population is waiting for the quick
15:53conclusion of the work, which
15:55has been in process for years.
15:57The force of the people
15:59denied President Abinader,
16:01denying that the road remodeling
16:03of painting is being done
16:05with money from Aerodón,
16:07as the authorities claim.
16:09A single peso
16:11from Aerodón
16:13to the construction of that
16:15step that is being built
16:17on February 27th
16:19at the height of the Plaza de la Bandera.
16:21And even,
16:25in the publication
16:27of the portal of transparency
16:29of the Aerodón resources,
16:31the work
16:35Isabel Aguilar
16:37on February 27th
16:41Through the Secretariat of Public Works Affairs,
16:43the party numbered more than
16:4510 projects that the government promised
16:47would be executed with funds
16:49from the Aerodón agreement,
16:51but to date, according to the firm,
16:53the first batch has not been delivered
16:55for those purposes.
16:59political scientists and experts
17:01in international politics, consulted
17:03and considered that the arancelary measures
17:05imposed by the US President
17:07Donald Trump
17:09could trigger a trade war,
17:11pointing out that the
17:13scenario could be complicated
17:15for our country and the rest of the world.
17:19the political scientists interviewed,
17:21the decision of the United States
17:23to apply arancelary measures
17:25to imports from
17:27Mexico, Canada and China
17:29could generate consequences
17:31that complicate the international
17:33scenario. After the announcement,
17:35China's response
17:37immediately imposed arancelary measures
17:39of 10% and
17:4115% on a series
17:43of US agricultural imports.
17:45Canada reported
17:47that it would respond in the same way
17:49with arancelary measures
17:51of 25% on
17:53US products
17:57$155 billion
17:59and Mexico
18:01will wait until Sunday
18:03to announce the arancelary
18:05and non-arancelary measures
18:07with which it will respond
18:09to the arancels.
18:15The Dominican Republic
18:17is not exempt from these measures
18:19announced by President
18:21Donald Trump, since our
18:23remittances could be
18:25seriously affected
18:27with the massive deportations
18:29that are being carried out
18:31in accordance with the academic
18:51With 100 minutes of duration,
18:53Trump's speech
18:55to Congress was the longest
18:57in the history of the United States,
18:59and in about 46 days
19:01in power, he has been leading
19:03various issues, including
19:05the Ukrainian conflict
19:07against Russia.
19:19In his speech,
19:21Trump reaffirmed his rejection
19:23of transgender men
19:25participating in women's sports
19:27and also
19:29showed his intentions
19:31to take over Greenland
19:33and the Panama Canal.
19:39The Dominican-born
19:41congressman of New York,
19:43Adriano Espaillat, said
19:45that they have been listening
19:47to a president who lies
19:49and generates an atmosphere
19:51of terror.
19:57Together with the Director of Migration,
19:59they made a tour to strengthen
20:01military controls and thus
20:03fight organized crime,
20:05while inhabitants of the border
20:07ask for more support from the
20:09multinational force after the
20:11death of a Kenyan agent.
20:27The organized crime,
20:29Major General Camino Pérez,
20:31indicated that the gang leader
20:33Jimmy Carricier,
20:35a.k.a. Barbecue,
20:37has never entered the country.
20:57In front of the death of a Kenyan agent in Haiti,
20:59border residents ask for more support
21:01from the multinational force
21:03and thus
21:05the gangs can be eradicated.
21:27Now the world can see that
21:29the criminal gangs have no mercy
21:31for anyone.
21:33We have to find a way
21:35to immediately destroy
21:37the gangs.
21:39There are a lot of
21:41intelligence mechanisms
21:43through drones
21:45and things.
21:47They can locate
21:49how the Israelis do
21:51from there.
21:53They can locate
21:55how the Israelis do
21:57from there.
21:59They can locate
22:01and they can kill them.
22:03We have to put money and people there.
22:05Goidis Reyes,
22:07Tel Antillas News.
22:13lack of opportunities
22:15and few spaces of power
22:17occupied by women
22:19are part of the pending challenges
22:21that women face.
22:23The International Women's Day
22:25will be celebrated this Saturday, March 8.
22:27Fabiola Núñez interviewed feminists
22:29and gave us her thoughts.
22:31Women, often considered
22:33the weak sex, have had to work
22:35to gain space.
22:37However, today
22:39the few opportunities,
22:41labor load and
22:43wage inequality still persist
22:45as the main challenges they face
22:47in terms of jobs.
22:49We continue to see important gaps
22:51in the composition
22:53of decision-making positions.
22:55Studies show
22:57that, for example, women
22:59are mostly grouped
23:01in middle positions.
23:03When the level
23:05of decision-making
23:07and power
23:11the absence of women
23:13is more pronounced.
23:15There is also a wage gap
23:17between men
23:19and women.
23:21For the Executive Director
23:23of Citizen Participation,
23:25Fatima Lorenzo,
23:27public policies have been lacking
23:29in the country to improve
23:31women's conditions in different aspects
23:33such as violence.
23:35Even from the same government,
23:37it is seen that few women
23:39occupy the spaces of power.
23:41In the field of political representation,
23:43we have not advanced enough.
23:45We only have to look at the composition
23:47both in the House of Senators
23:49and in the House of Representatives.
23:51Also, the composition
23:53of ministries
23:55and positions of power
23:57within the government.
23:59We only have
24:01two ministers
24:03of 23,
24:05of 22.
24:07While women consulted
24:09understand that there are many challenges
24:11that women face,
24:13who in addition to working and studying
24:15have to take care of their families.
24:17The challenges for this,
24:19I think it would be
24:21less abuse, giving us respect.
24:23The violence
24:25against women and also
24:27against men is something
24:29that is still found
24:31in our society and that must be
24:33taken measures.
24:35The workload we have and the time
24:37it takes to take care of the family,
24:39both the children,
24:41the homework at home,
24:43everything. So I think
24:45this is one of the very important challenges.
24:47For being a woman, there is a part
24:49in which it is thought that the man
24:51is the only person, both the authority
24:53or the person
24:55who can also perform
24:57business tasks.
24:59Fatima Lorenzo also believes
25:01that at some point,
25:03the government of President Luis Sabinader
25:05approves once and for all
25:07the criminal code
25:09with the decriminalization of abortion
25:11and its three causes.
25:13Fabiola Núñez, Informativos
25:17Political leaders of the
25:19Pueblo Fuerza Party assure that they are
25:21carrying out all internal movements
25:23so that this political organization
25:25can come to power in 2028.
25:31The Pueblo Fuerza Party
25:33has become,
25:35the Dominican people,
25:37has become the main
25:39opposition party.
25:41It has become the hope
25:43of the Dominican people.
25:45To win the elections, you need 50 plus 1.
25:47We agree with 52,
25:4953 and 60 percent.
25:53But you have to win the elections.
25:55These statements were
25:57offered during a press conference
25:59where Manolo Pichardo, a member
26:01of the Political Direction of the
26:03Pueblo Fuerza Party, announced his
26:05decision to decline his aspiration
26:07to become secretary general of the party
26:09to support the candidacy
26:11of Antonio Florian.
26:13The environment in which
26:15children develop and the way
26:17they receive education are factors
26:19that influence their ability
26:21to learn to read and write
26:23at an early age, according to
26:25researcher Daniel Cubilla
26:27when presenting the explanatory study
26:29of the electoral development
26:31in the Dominican Republic,
26:33carried out by IDEICE and UNIVE.
26:35Among the main findings,
26:37the differences in the performance
26:39of students in public and private centers
26:41stand out.
26:43The environment in this study
26:45has turned out to be important
26:47because we see that the socio-economic
26:49variables, that is,
26:51the environment of the child,
26:53such as the educational level of the parents,
26:55the level of income of the families,
26:57have a very important weight
26:59in all grades of elementary school
27:01in explaining that competence in reading.
27:03Great efforts are being made
27:05and one of them is the
27:07basis that has been demonstrated
27:09and evidenced in studies that
27:11we have been carrying out lately,
27:13we have seen great advances
27:15in the reading and writing of each child.
27:19The director of IDEICE highlighted
27:21the importance of the findings
27:23generated by research and
27:25educational evaluation as inputs
27:27for the design of public policies
27:29based on scientific evidence.
33:17Guillermo García
33:19Informativos Teleantillas
