00:00What more could you possibly tell me about Luna?
00:08She's your daughter with Poppy and she lied to you about it for years.
00:13This is about Luna and where she is right now.
00:26I've always loved you.
00:28I always looked up to you.
00:30You're my cool older cousin and you always made me feel so safe and seen.
00:35I can't think of a better man than you and now to know that you're my father, I mean
00:40this is more than I could have ever wished for.
00:44Are you crying?
00:50What is it Luna?
00:51What's wrong?
00:52I still can't believe that Luna Nazawa is Finn's daughter.
00:59Steffi's already been through so much, I mean what is it going to end?
01:02When is she going to have a normal sane life?
01:04I know.
01:05And I'm worried about what if Finn feels he has some kind of obligation to Luna.
01:11You know, even if she's in prison he's going to try to do things for her, help her in any
01:15way he can and it's going to hang over his marriage, it's not going to go away.
01:20This could end up destroying what Steffi and Finn have together, no matter how hard
01:24they try not to let it.
01:30Be honest with me.
01:31Oh, be honest with yourself, you've developed feelings for him, haven't you?
01:36And I'll do you the favor, I won't draw this out, I saw you, I saw you kissing Carter.
01:50I'm sorry.
01:56I'm sorry.
02:02I'm sorry.
02:08I'm sorry.
02:14Oh, in the CEO office, you and Carter, with the door open for anyone to walk in and see
02:38you kissing him.
02:40How could you do that knowing he's the love of your life?
02:44Yeah, something that you've been aware of from day one.
02:51Yet that didn't stop you from making a move.
02:55I shouldn't have done that.
02:58Just like you shouldn't have convinced Carter to steal Forrester Creation from Ridge, Carter's
03:04best friend.
03:12You heard Steffi, she hasn't given up on Finn, even with all this stuff going on.
03:16I know, but I still think we were right trying to convince her to come here with the kids
03:20and stay here with us and Eric's.
03:22And I think Steffi sees that, but then there's a whole other part where she wants to face
03:25everything with Finn because they love each other so much.
03:28We know how much they love each other, more than ever.
03:31But Finn is asking Steffi to accept things that no wife should ever have to accept.
03:35I just, I just want to know that she's safe, her and the kids.
03:39She is safe because, I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Luna is actually
03:43in prison.
03:45I realize that that should be really comforting to me.
03:48But the fact remains that Finn has two dangerous, psychopathic family members.
03:53Hayes has a grandmother and a half-sister who...
03:57I just hope our little grandson never has to know who Luna is.
04:01Or that she even exists.
04:03Luna, what happened?
04:07You can talk to me.
04:08You've got to know that by now.
04:11There's nothing you can say that will shock me.
04:18We know where Luna is right now.
04:20She's in prison paying for her crimes.
04:23God, I can't even fathom that Luna's even related to you.
04:27I mean, you've never done a cruel thing in your life, but Luna, she's...
04:31She could never catch a break, Steffi.
04:34Her life has been in constant turmoil.
04:37Then you're not responsible for that.
04:40You didn't know she was yours.
04:44But now that I do...
04:49That's what I need to talk to you about.
04:53What happens now?
05:07I am impressed by the audacity.
05:12You knew that Carter was in a committed relationship, and yet you kissed him anyway.
05:19I was wrong.
05:20Yes, you were, but instead you want to make this about Carter and I taking over Forrester Creations.
05:26Carter's conscience is waiting on him.
05:29The fact that you haven't noticed or have, but can't admit it to yourself...
05:32Okay, stop. Stop.
05:34What we aren't going to do is turn this around on me, when you are the one who...
05:39Who crossed the line, yes.
05:41And I've admitted that.
05:43But what about you, Hope?
05:45You say that you care about Carter, right?
05:47I do care about him.
05:49Who are you to question that?
05:52Obviously, he's very important to you.
05:55So let me ask you something, ma chère.
05:58Have you listened to him?
06:00Like, really listened?
06:02Because if you had, you would realize that he is unhappy with what the two of you have done.
06:14This is just... just too much to put on Steffi.
06:18Yes, it's a shock to Finn too, but what he's asking of her, of their marriage...
06:23Yeah, most wives would have balted already.
06:26But on Steffi, she stands by her man.
06:28She's one of the strongest people we know.
06:30But even the strongest people...
06:31The strongest people break, yeah.
06:34She's just going through so much right now, you know?
06:36Dealing with everything that forced her.
06:38And then Finn's latest discovery.
06:40I know she's determined not to let it affect her family.
06:43It's a lot of pressure.
06:45Yeah, and don't get me wrong.
06:47I don't blame Finn.
06:48I love how he loves our daughter.
06:50But he's just bringing dangerous people into Steffi's life.
06:54Luna's just the latest.
06:56Luna's just the latest.
06:58You're always so worried about me.
07:00How I'm doing.
07:02How I'm feeling.
07:03Well, I feel a responsibility.
07:05As your...
07:09I hope you don't see me that way.
07:11Oh, of course not.
07:13You saved me from a life behind bars.
07:15From brutal beatings and...
07:18Worst of all, no hope.
07:20I'm forever gonna be grateful to you for that.
07:23You know, uh...
07:25I did have some...
07:27Trepidation about this working.
07:30Could I trust you?
07:33But so far, so good.
07:35I think.
07:37You think?
07:39Well, when I walked in here and saw you emotional,
07:42it reminded me how much we've opened up to each other.
07:47But that there still might be some things you want to share with me.
07:51But haven't.
07:57Let's just say that...
08:00For once in my life, I feel like I have a...
08:03Real shot at a future.
08:06One where I can reconnect with my family.
08:14What happens now?
08:17To be honest, Finn, I've...
08:19Barely started to process what happened, much less...
08:23Work through how I feel.
08:26It's a lot.
08:30I know. For me, too.
08:32Yeah, especially for you.
08:36But like I told my parents, I'm not going anywhere.
08:40We're gonna face this together.
08:44It's not gonna be easy.
08:46It's not gonna be easy, but...
08:49God, I'm...
08:51I'm so sorry.
08:54I'm so sorry. I just... I feel awful.
08:59And I'm just... I...
09:01I've upset you, and...
09:04I've turned your life...
09:07Upside down again.
09:09I'm sorry.
09:16I'm sorry.
09:21You know...
09:25About what Carter and I share.
09:27Of course I listen to him.
09:32Then you should know...
09:34How tormented he is about what he's done.
09:37What he's done is revitalize this company.
09:40Tapped into its true potential.
09:43You're proud of him for it?
09:46As well as you should be.
09:48Carter's a remarkable businessman.
09:50Yes, he is.
09:53And you're no longer fired.
09:55You've benefited.
09:58Hope for the future is back.
10:03What are you implying, Daphne?
10:07Are you implying that I'm using Carter?
10:16Finn, and...
10:17The kind of guy he is, I...
10:19I bet he would have done anything to spare Steffi.
10:21I know.
10:23I know. He cherishes Steffi and their life together.
10:26If it weren't for Sheila and Luna...
10:28They'd be walking around LA, this beautiful couple, not worrying about anything.
10:31Just living their life instead of this...
10:34An attack on their relationship.
10:36Another test that they have to overcome.
10:38Why do Steffi and Finn have to be tested over and over again?
10:41They deserve some peace.
10:44God knows it's long overdue.
10:46But at least she has us to lean on.
10:48We'll keep her safe.
10:50And so will Finn.
10:52As long as he doesn't let Luna get into his head.
10:54Like Sheila did.
10:56Then again...
10:58Maybe she won't, because you're right.
11:00She's in jail for the rest of her life.
11:09You know how they say your life can change in an instant?
11:12When you least expect it, something can happen and...
11:15Suddenly everything's so different.
11:17Well, that's kind of how it was for you, right?
11:19When you thought I was your father.
11:21Well, yeah, this whole new world opened up to me.
11:25Until the truth came out and...
11:28I lost control.
11:30I couldn't deal.
11:34I'm thinking of something else now.
11:37Someone else.
11:42I know that it seems impossible.
11:45But what if it's not true?
11:47What if what's not true?
11:48What if my mom isn't my only living parent?
11:52What if my father is out there waiting for me?
11:56I am trying, Finn.
11:58I really am.
12:00And as much as I want to be a supporting, loving wife,
12:03this whole thing with Luna is...
12:06It's incredibly hard.
12:07I know.
12:09And again, I'm so sorry.
12:10If I could spare you from this, I would.
12:12No, no, no, no. This isn't you.
12:14Finn, this is all Poppy.
12:16She is to blame.
12:17She took advantage of me.
12:20Lying to you when she turned up pregnant.
12:23And I'm so sorry that you had to deal with something like that.
12:27And now here you are, left with the shocking realization
12:30that you have an adult daughter.
12:34And it's the same woman who tried to kill me.
12:37Your wife.
12:55You're accusing me of using Carter.
12:59You've gotten everything you wanted.
13:02Ever since Carter went against his nature.
13:05Stole first recreation from his best friend.
13:08You know who you're starting to sound like?
13:13She has used those exact words against me numerous times.
13:24And you couldn't be more wrong about me.
13:29Was I humiliated?
13:32At how my line was cancelled?
13:34At how I was fired?
13:37At how I was paraded around in front of my co-workers?
13:40To humiliate me?
13:44Yes, yes, I was.
13:48But that is because Steffi had a vendetta.
13:53So if you were going to accuse me
13:55of running after Carter and pretending to care about him.
14:03You'd be wrong.
14:04Do not take my love and twist it to fit your warped narrative.
14:11I care about that man more than you know.
14:14So you are not going to make another play for him.
14:22Do you understand?
14:30I'd be more worried if Luna wasn't in jail.
14:32But knowing that she can't hurt Steffi again.
14:35It helps me to rest a little easier.
14:37We all can, we can all rest.
14:39Especially Steffi.
14:47Your father's waiting for you?
14:50Okay Luna, look.
14:51I know you don't want to believe that Tom Starr is your father.
14:54And you say that you feel it in your bones.
14:56I do, I always have.
14:58And for once in my life, I feel it.
15:00I have.
15:01And for once in my life, I know without a doubt that I'm right.
15:06I still can't believe that this is happening.
15:09All I know is that my father is here now.
15:13After a lifetime of wondering.
15:15I finally have a dad and
15:18I couldn't have picked a more loving, caring dad than you, Finn.
15:37I already asked so much of you.
15:40Your understanding most of all and to ask more would be.
15:46None of this is your fault.
15:51What happened with Luna is not your fault.
15:57She wanted me out of the way.
16:00She locked me in a cage and left me in a building that was going to be demolished.
16:04Help! Help me!
16:05I thought I was going to die.
16:06Come in here!
16:08I was going to be buried in the rubble and no one would ever find me.
16:12As hard as I try not to think about it,
16:16it still haunts me.
16:19I think that
16:21what if Luna succeeded?
16:23I wouldn't be able to see you again.
16:25Or Kelly.
16:26Or Hayes.
16:27Or Hayes.
16:29And I thank God.
16:31I thank God that
16:33that never happened.
16:36Because of you.
16:39You saved me.
16:51I found you.
16:55I got you.
16:58Your love saved me.
17:01So I don't
17:03I don't blame you
17:05for being Luna's father.
17:08I don't blame you for
17:10being Sheila's son.
17:13Do I wish it weren't true? Yeah.
17:16I wish they never came into our lives.
17:23I'm sure this is incredibly hard for you.
17:26And I know this is really confusing for you.
17:30To know that you have an adult daughter.
17:39If it were anybody
17:42but Luna,
17:48I know she's your daughter.
17:52But can we just
17:54get Luna
17:56out of our minds?
17:58She's locked up in prison.
18:00We don't have to deal with her.
18:01I don't want to
18:02I don't want to think
18:04or talk about her ever again.
18:07Can we do that?