Deal Or No Deal Australia 2025 - Episode 32 (March 6th, 2025)
00:00It's time to play Deal or No Deal.
00:06Here's your host, Grant Denya.
00:09Hi everyone!
00:11Inside those 22 golden cases,
00:14a varying amount of money from 50 cents to $100,000
00:18and all you've got to do is pick the right case and hold your nerve.
00:22Who's going to have a shot?
00:26I'm looking for Arj Jayachandra!
00:30Hey big boy!
00:36Hey man!
00:37How are you?
00:38My man!
00:39It's my boy Arj!
00:41How are you?
00:42I'm great, how are you Grant?
00:44This place loves you!
00:45You good?
00:46Great, let's do this!
00:48You don't look nervous at all.
00:50Just maybe a little bit?
00:51A little.
00:52I'm your buddy, I'm here to help.
00:54I'll just guide you comfortably through this experience.
00:57Look at those 22 golden glorious cases.
01:01Lots of money over there mate.
01:02Where's the big money?
01:03What number?
01:05It's thirteen, he's called it!
01:08Armani's grabbing that now.
01:12Most people stay away from that because they reckon it's unlucky.
01:15Thanks Armani.
01:17Lucky for some.
01:18Has it delivered for you in the past?
01:19Well it's born on the day so it has delivered life.
01:21Well it delivered you.
01:22Brought you into this world and brought you into this studio.
01:25It's deal time!
01:27Does case number 13 contain $100,000?
01:32To find out, let's play Deal or No Deal.
01:39Alright Arch, let's get it on.
01:42Let's go.
01:43I was just thinking, not too many people, I reckon maybe 13's possibly been chosen,
01:49I don't know, maybe two or three times in my entire time of hosting this show.
01:53That's a rare unicorn right there.
01:55I hope it pays off.
01:56Got a good feeling?
01:57I'm vibing with it.
01:58You're vibing with it.
01:59I'm vibing with you, I'm loving your work.
02:02It is Deal or No Deal time, let's do it!
02:08Okey dokey, where are we going to start?
02:11We're going to go right to the corner.
02:1322 please.
02:14What do you think you have?
02:15I think I have the $75.
02:18Okay, let's see if you're right.
02:20Thank you Georgia, good work.
02:25Five cases to open.
02:26Let's go number 20 please.
02:28Ooh, I'm going to guess that I've got $25.
02:33Andrea, let's see if you are right.
02:38$10, you're close, very close.
02:40Very good.
02:43Have you got anyone here helping you?
02:45My lovely wife, Marion.
02:46Hi Marion, how are you?
02:48Good, how are you Grant?
02:49Lovely to see you, I'm really well.
02:50How did you first meet?
02:53So Marion is my best friend's sister.
02:59So we used to live in the apartment in the city.
03:02And Marion used to come visit for Friday night games.
03:05Oh really?
03:06Yeah, I bet she did.
03:10Not those games.
03:11Oh right, right.
03:12Games, games.
03:13Board games, card games.
03:14Deal or no deal?
03:16I see.
03:17Did she love at first sight?
03:18No, she was in a relationship at that point in time.
03:23A little bit.
03:24So how long was she with this bloke?
03:26Five years, or thereabouts.
03:28You were in the friend zone for five years?
03:30No, she was supposed to be my wing woman.
03:32She was supposed to find me the perfect woman.
03:35And then she decided to make me the perfect man for her.
03:39Is this true?
03:40It is true, yeah.
03:41I was the best wing woman for him.
03:43I got him the best one.
03:52You're like, no, terrible personality, don't like the hair,
03:56guess it's going to have to be me.
04:01Four cases.
04:04Let's go number nine, please.
04:06Good luck.
04:07I think I've got the 50 cents.
04:09Let's go, Molly.
04:12That ain't no 50 cents, that's 50 thou.
04:17Are you laughing?
04:18You just lost $50,000.
04:19I had a few more zeroes, it was funny.
04:21Losing big money is funny to you?
04:24Three cases.
04:25Can we go 17, please?
04:27Good luck.
04:28I have a feeling I've got $750.
04:30Thank you, Tiani.
04:36Two more to go in this opening round before your first bank offer comes in.
04:39Sounds good.
04:41Be honest, how quickly did you swoop in when her relationship broke up?
04:47I had to ask her brother first.
04:49Of course, out of respect for your friendship.
04:51Out of respect, yeah.
04:52And he gave us blessings and, yeah.
04:54And you've got a couple of kids now, don't you?
04:56We do, we have two lovely boys, a four-month-old and a two-year-old.
04:59Oh, that's fun.
05:00Oh, yeah.
05:04Let's go number five, please.
05:08For you, I really hope I have $0.50.
05:10Thanks, Hannah.
05:13Oh, no!
05:14$0.30 and two greens in the opening round.
05:17Not good.
05:18Not good, no.
05:19The last case, let's go case four, please.
05:21Hey, Conrad.
05:22Good luck, I reckon.
05:23I've got the $100,000, sorry.
05:25Surely not.
05:26Please don't do that to us.
05:28It is!
05:30Still got three greens, you've got $75,000 and $100,000 still playing there.
05:34Whatever, we've got those.
05:36We are good.
05:38Are you ready to see your first offer from the bank?
05:39Let's do it.
05:40It's going to look a little something like this.
05:55What do you reckon?
05:56No, definitely not.
05:57No deal.
05:58A little something higher in mind?
05:59Yeah, I think we need a little bit more.
06:01Deal or no deal?
06:02No deal!
06:04We've still got the two big ones in play, $75,000 and $100,000.
06:07Let's see if we can give it to him when we return.
06:20Welcome back to Deal or No Deal.
06:22We're with Ajay Achandra, and it is five cases until your next bank offer.
06:26You didn't like the first one, but we're here to win bigger money, right?
06:29We've got three big green ones right there.
06:31Five cases, let's go.
06:33Number 11, please.
06:34Good luck.
06:35I think I've got $5,000.
06:37Jordan, five grand.
06:39Let's see.
06:46Four cases.
06:48Number 15, please.
06:49Good luck.
06:50I reckon I got a $10,000.
06:53All right, Tasha.
06:54Here we go.
06:57Yeah, man.
06:58That's good.
06:59I'll take it.
07:00That's really good.
07:01That's really good.
07:02What do you do?
07:03I'm a product manager at Telco.
07:07In an office building somewhere?
07:09No, 100% remote.
07:11Away from home?
07:12Away from home, yeah.
07:13Thanks for wearing some pants today.
07:14We appreciate it.
07:17Is it fun working from home?
07:18Now that you've got two little ones tearing around the joint, that must be difficult at times.
07:25No doubt.
07:26Start them young, get them into the office.
07:29I see what you mean.
07:30Just in case they're checking your keystrokes back at headquarters.
07:35You get the two-year-old to go in there and just bash the keyboard.
07:37That's it.
07:40Three cases.
07:41Can we go number 18, please?
07:43Mate, I think I got the $10,000.
07:46Let's go, River.
07:50That was a big red.
07:51All right.
07:52Let's go number seven, please.
07:54I think I've got $50.
07:57Thank you so much, Donna.
07:58It is.
07:59Five bucks.
08:02We've got more to go in this round.
08:04So far, I haven't touched another green, which is nice.
08:07Perfectly played so far.
08:08So without opening number 14, what do you reckon you have?
08:11A dollar.
08:12A dollar.
08:13A dollar.
08:14All right, let's do it.
08:15Best of luck.
08:21All right.
08:23What's the money for?
08:24If we can get you out of here with something juicy,
08:26how would big money help you in your life at this particular stage?
08:30Definitely with Marion.
08:31I think she could stay home with the boys a little longer.
08:34Is that something you'd like to do, Marion?
08:35I would definitely love to stay a little bit longer with the boys.
08:37While they're in that sort of precious little age.
08:40And it's such a beautiful time in their life.
08:43You're not in a hurry to go back to work.
08:44I get it.
08:45No, not at all.
08:47And you blink and they grow up so quickly.
08:49You don't want to miss any of those milestones, do you?
08:50Not at all.
08:51Not at all.
08:52And the money will sort of help because bills don't stop coming in, right?
08:55But you kind of want to commit to the kids,
08:57so you sort of need that helping hand financially.
08:59We all relate to that, don't we?
09:03That makes total sense.
09:04So I get you.
09:05We're all on board.
09:06What's the figure you reckon you need to sort of stay at home
09:09that little bit longer in comfort?
09:11We said 50K.
09:1250 is knocked out, but we still have the 75 and the 100.
09:16So if we can get to 50K, Mark, I think that, yeah, could work for us.
09:20If you go all the way to the end and you've still got a couple of greens
09:22at the end, there's a chance the bank might even offer that to you.
09:25All right.
09:26Let's see if you like this offer.
09:28Let's see if it makes you a little happier.
09:29You've earned it in that round.
09:30Well done.
09:32Masterfully played.
09:36Offers incoming.
09:39$9,220 is where we sit at the moment.
09:48No, no, no.
09:52You can be booking holidays with that amount.
09:55What do you reckon, Mary?
09:56Let's have fun.
09:57Let's keep going.
09:58All right.
10:00You're enjoying this.
10:01No, dear.
10:03How much fun will it be if we can give them $100,000?
10:06We'll find out when we return.
10:07I guess, you know.
10:16Welcome back to The Dealer with Arj.
10:18Hopefully winning enough money just so Marion can stay with the kids at home a little bit longer
10:22and continue to have wonderful experiences with them.
10:24But if we can get you something fat like $75,000, that's money left over,
10:30even on top of your dream.
10:31What would you do with it?
10:33A few things.
10:34Definitely a honeymoon for us.
10:35We got married during COVID, so.
10:37Oh, you weren't able to go anywhere.
10:39We couldn't go anywhere.
10:40Of course.
10:41Yeah, now that we've got the boys, we'd love to take them overseas with us.
10:43Where to?
10:45Oh, I love Japan.
10:47It's so good.
10:49The culture, the people are incredible.
10:50That's it.
10:51They're so polite and lovely and everything's so clean and the cherry blossoms.
10:56That's it.
10:57It's spectacular.
10:59I love that idea.
11:00Have you been before?
11:01I have a number of times.
11:02Marion's never been, so.
11:03Oh, you want to show it off to the family.
11:04That's it.
11:05That's it.
11:07Take them a little, you know, to a place of their own love.
11:09And show them what the world is.
11:11Three cases.
11:13Number 19.
11:14I think I've got the 10,000.
11:15Hey, Katie.
11:1650 bucks.
11:17And you got yourself a deal or no deal board game as well.
11:18Available at Big W.
11:20And there's a life-size blow-up grant in your inside.
11:22Here we go.
11:23All right, number 21, please.
11:24All right.
11:25Good luck, but I actually think I've got the 100.
11:27You're getting the 100,000, Kylie.
11:28Yeah, yeah.
11:29And that's it.
11:57Time to roll the dice, Kylie.
11:58Yeah, yeah.
11:59And that ain't good news.
12:00Oh, it's green.
12:01You were right about the colour.
12:02The amount was $75,000.
12:03And that's what you were targeting just a moment ago when you told us what you wanted.
12:05Need to avoid it.
12:06How are you doing?
12:07Are you all right?
12:08I'm good.
12:09Still got two greens on the board.
12:12Yep, and now I'm restoring a car. What is it? It's a Ford performance vehicle from back in the day, so I got it as my first car, it's young and dumb.
12:22Paid a lot for it, blew up as soon as I got it, and it's been in the garage for a while.
12:27What, you bought it and the engine blew up? Yeah, the engine blew up on me, yeah.
12:30Oh, you bought a lemon. I did.
12:32You would have been heartbroken. Yeah.
12:34All that hard earned money that you've been slaving away to try and build up and build up so you can get this new set of wheels and this sense of freedom
12:41and then kaboom. That's it.
12:43I was disappointing, but hey, it's been a slow burn project in the background, so some of this money, if you have a lot of it.
12:51Where are we at? What does the car need to get into mint condition?
12:54It needs a paint job, it needs some transmission work, and some rust removal.
12:58So it needs everything, basically. It's a pile of junk. Yeah.
13:02Yeah, right. So you haven't got round to doing much yet.
13:05Yeah, I've rebuilt the engine, so that was the biggest one for me.
13:09That's, yeah, drivable, sort of, but not far.
13:12One more case to open in this room before you next bank off, and then we'll see where we stand.
13:16Number two, what do you think you have?
13:19Good luck, Arj. I think I have $1,000.
13:22Let's do it. Thank you, Katie.
13:29Oh, man. It's doing well.
13:32Alright. That was good, that was good.
13:35Here's the latest offer from the bank.
13:41Tell me how you feel about $8,670 right now.
13:48It's moving up. Yeah, it's going in the right direction.
13:50It's going in the right direction.
13:52But, if I want Marion to stay home, it has to be $20,000 at least, at the bare minimum.
13:58So, what do you reckon, Marion?
14:00Let's keep going. Let's do it, baby.
14:02Deal or no deal?
14:03No deal.
14:04Go, Arj.
14:08Yeah, buddy.
14:10Two cases. That's all you've got to do.
14:12Let's see if you can hit those blues.
14:13There's $1,500 somewhere in there.
14:16Number eight.
14:18Good luck. I think I've got $10,000.
14:20Cheers, Cooper.
14:22It is $1,000! Yeah, man!
14:25Alright. Nice!
14:27Only one blue left.
14:30Hey, Marion. How's this going?
14:32It's going pretty well.
14:33Is it?
14:35What's your advice?
14:36I don't have any. He's doing so well.
14:39I don't want to mess with his system.
14:40Yeah. While he's in the zone, just let him go.
14:43I hear you.
14:45One more.
14:46Number ten. What do you think you have?
14:47I think I've got $7,500.
14:50Okay, Olivia. Here we go.
14:52$1,000. Nice work, mate.
14:54If it's going to be from the right-hand side,
14:56it may as well be the smallest one there, right?
14:58That's it.
15:00Still got $40,000.
15:01You've still got $100,000 in play, man.
15:05Just relax, okay?
15:07This is going so well.
15:10Here's your new offer.
15:17$12,980 now.
15:19We're getting into good territory.
15:20We've still got a little bit of work to do, right?
15:22No, no, no.
15:24So the bank is not really forced to respond too hard just yet,
15:28but you've got two big greens sitting right there.
15:30And while you've got the $100,000, you are the biggest threat.
15:34So what do you think about that?
15:38What are we doing?
15:39Deal or no deal?
15:42I'm going to keep playing. Let's go.
15:44All right.
15:45No deal.
15:46We're back to see.
15:47All right.
15:48No deal.
15:49We're back to see if $100,000 is in case 13 when we return.
15:53Don't go away.
16:17So hold me tight whenever I want you.
16:21All I have to do is stream.
16:26Stream, stream, stream.
16:48The traders.
16:56I want to take this place from us.
16:58My family is in danger.
17:01My wife is lost to me.
17:03And I don't have time.
17:06New season.
17:07Now streaming on Paramount+.
17:10You ready for some drama?
17:12It's the ultimate company showdown.
17:14You have failed.
17:16I'm very excited.
17:17Dancing in a real cage.
17:18Who are you to celebrate?
17:21What is that about?
17:22My little Lister.
17:23Somebody needs him.
17:25The quiet Lister is now streaming on Paramount+.
17:30They're here.
17:31We're dying.
17:33I am a liar.
17:34It's time.
17:37I'm going to break your heart now.
17:39Out of your chest.
17:47Feel it.
17:52Stay on Paramount+.
17:56Once upon a time,
17:57a bunch of girls got stranded in the wilderness
17:59and went completely nuts.
18:04Yellow jackets.
18:05New season.
18:06Now streaming on Paramount+.
18:12It starts with a dream.
18:14A dream to go further.
18:16To rise higher.
18:17To be unstoppable.
18:19In the finals,
18:20every moment is a chance to dream big.
18:23Every shot.
18:24Every pass.
18:26Every cheer brings us closer to greatness.
18:31This is where dreams are made.
18:34This is your moment.
18:36Hungry Jacks.
18:37NBL Finals.
18:38Dream big.
18:41Welcome back to Deal or No Deal.
18:43Arj still has $100,000 on the table.
18:47It might be in case 30,
18:48which would be so amazing.
18:50That would be brilliant.
18:52He just wants a little bit of money
18:54just so Marion can kind of be a little bit more comfortable.
18:56She doesn't have to rush back to work.
18:58She can sort of stay with the kids at home a little bit longer
19:00while they're in that beautiful, little, precious, young, little age.
19:02You want it as well to give you that honeymoon that you never had.
19:07Hey, Marion, what do you love about Arj?
19:09Marion, what do you love about Arj so much?
19:11I love that he's so analytical
19:13and he's a risk taker.
19:16So he always brings me out of the comfort zone
19:19and we go on so many good adventures together.
19:22I guess also being new parents as well,
19:26dates are hard to come by.
19:29Just a rare moment without the kids like this
19:31is probably pretty special.
19:32That's what we said.
19:33If we don't get any money,
19:34we're still going to have a good day today.
19:36Hell yeah, we will.
19:38Two guys to open.
19:42All right.
19:43Number three, please.
19:47I really hope I'm wrong for your sake,
19:49but I think I've got $100,000.
19:52All right, Abby.
19:53You're making me nervous here.
19:56I'm so sorry.
19:58She called it.
20:00She did.
20:01You get $250 for a correct guess.
20:04Great for you.
20:05Devastating for you, Arj, I'm afraid.
20:07Right at the critical point of the competition.
20:09We're two.
20:11You need to get that blue.
20:13Number 12, what do you think you have?
20:15$7,500, and for you, I hope so much.
20:18All right, Jo.
20:25The house of cards is collapsing around us.
20:30Oh, man, we've just wiped out some big, big money.
20:33Now, what was our last bank offer that you said no to?
20:38Oh, that would have been pretty handy in hindsight.
20:41I don't think you're going to like this bit.
20:44Here's your new offer.
20:55Three numbers above it.
20:58Not too bad considering.
21:00So do you want to take that sort of money that you've earned to this point,
21:04or risk it to push on and play for something bigger,
21:06like maybe see if there's $10,000 in $13,000?
21:09Yeah, no deal.
21:16Oh, man.
21:19That's okay.
21:20Is it, though?
21:21Is it really?
21:22I don't want you to have to go back to work.
21:26Number 16, please.
21:28Charlotte, what do you think you've got?
21:30I think I've got the $10,000.
21:34It's got to be somewhere, I guess.
21:36Oh, it's red, but it's $5,000.
21:43Go up.
21:44Let's see.
21:54Baker's kind of standing firm in that zone, am I right?
21:59The closest to the halfway mark to $10,000 anyway, so.
22:02One more.
22:03I think one more.
22:07Deal or no deal, lads?
22:08No deal.
22:09No deal.
22:14Where's the $10,000?
22:15Is it in case 13?
22:17What do you reckon, Mary?
22:18I feel like I've got the $500.
22:22What about one?
22:23What do you think you have in one?
22:25I hope I have the $500 for your sake.
22:27We both think they've got the $500.
22:29I think we should have them fight it out.
22:32Fight, fight, fight.
22:34No, I'm joking.
22:36Let's open number one, please.
22:43This game is grumbling.
22:47Oh, that is devastating.
22:48I'm so sorry.
22:49That's all right.
22:50Oh, no.
22:52All right, Mr. Banker.
22:53What are you going to leave us with?
23:00$3,750 is your final offer from the bank.
23:03All right.
23:11So if you were to go on, you kind of have to trust that Marion does have the $500 in her case,
23:17because that leaves you with $7,500.
23:20Is it worth the risk, or do you want to take the $3,750 as it stands on the table from the bank?
23:26Or, she said you're a risk-taker.
23:28How much of a risk-taker, Arj?
23:31Marion, what do you reckon?
23:33Look, if we end up with the $500, we'll still have a good date day, so all the way.
23:39That's fair.
23:40No time to argue with that.
23:41And she does make great decisions, because she chose you after all.
23:44Am I right?
23:45That's it.
23:46You were worth the wait.
23:47What are we doing?
23:48$3,750 deal, or no deal?
23:51No deal.
23:52Let's go all the way.
23:59Marion, you're sticking with the $500.
24:01Do you think that's what you got?
24:02I'm pretty sure I've got $500, Grant.
24:04You chose $13,000 from the very start.
24:05You said it was your birthday.
24:07Is there $7,500 inside, or $500?
24:11Ooh, let's find out.
24:12It is...
24:15Oh, thank you.
24:16We've got a winner, yes!
24:19But we put you through the ring, didn't we?
24:21Oh, yeah.
24:23And a correct guess for you too, Marion.
24:25Well done.
24:26Thanks for $250.
24:29This date night has paid off beautifully.
24:31Oh, it has.
24:32Thank you so much for playing.
24:33That was a lot of fun.
24:34Enjoy the cash.
24:35I appreciate it.
24:36We'll see you next time on The Deal.
24:38Good night.