• anteayer
00:00and into you you wouldn't have time for a drink would you mac cancelled on me
00:05oh i wish i could but um i have plans tonight and they don't involve kids
00:17oh thank god you're here thank you so much for coming well i can hear how
00:20upset you were on the phone it's not trina is no no no it's not trina it's me
00:25i made a huge mistake and if you don't help me figure out how to fix it my life is completely
00:32over what could be more pressing than sidwell getting past court of main security walking
00:36right into the house confronting sasha again he needs to be handled you're not going to be
00:41able to handle anyone or anything from a prison cell all right i'm not going to stand here and
00:47listen to you talking about taking out sit well okay my taking out sit well in front of the
00:51police commissioner i told you i had him under surveillance okay so where were they tonight
00:55which we'll walk right into the house i'll speak to them look you and i we work well together
01:05and we get things done right it's true yes so i need you to work with me again
01:11okay what do you need so remember when we we talked about finding charlotte together
01:23i just don't think that we can wait any longer we don't we don't have any leads i know
01:28but so long as she's out there with her father the danger to her increases yes i know and you
01:34also know that i am not going to let anything else happen to that girl i um i saw so much
01:41pasta in the fridge earlier you want some
01:47dude what are you looking at
01:51charlotte just texted me she's in buenos aires well you gotta tell your mom no i can't you ever
01:58think about coming clean a little bit about what happened that summer oh man i don't know that was
02:04that was a long time ago and that was over before it even started and we never even
02:11saw each other again after that i mean i went back to betts nurse brooklyn she went on tour
02:14with her mom did you want to see her again i don't know dude i mean we were kids it was a
02:20summer it's not like anything came of it but what if i mean what if something did come of it
02:27look your friend is back you got any more jobs for him to do i'm just returning this i was gonna
02:33leave it in front of the door but it was cold and he got cold and i was hoping we could warm up
02:37in here and uh i would love to see the horses ah go for it you read uh common as horse go for
02:45tomorrow it'll be your friend for life such a vertigo yeah i'll pull it up on my phone all right
02:51i like her granddaughter yeah she's right anyway what were you gonna say before
03:06ever since you dumped lucy things have not been the same deception i was thinking you guys should
03:13reconnect or get some closure you know whatever but the future of our business really depends on
03:18it so why don't we go to my office and discuss some details hang on maxi what exactly is going
03:26on here nothing not a thing going on really where's lulu
04:09good evening ladies it's a pleasant surprise seeing you here felicia
04:13um okay um well i just got here myself so why don't we sit
04:19felicia it was good to see you have a nice evening don't do anything i wouldn't do
04:33you are looking particularly lovely this evening thank you you don't look half bad yourself
04:39well in spite of that it would seem miss scorpio doesn't like me very much
04:44i hope you won't let her sway your opinion of me felicia's great she was my mom's best friend
04:50but she never came to my house to fix my plumbing well i'm glad to hear that i'm not easily swayed
04:58i make up my own mind about people and i think i know you a little better than felicia does
05:03excuse me okay i'm going to check and see what jocelyn's doing on easter island
05:32someone knows that i altered heather weber's test results and they're blackmailing me you know when
05:39i got ready to let it alone and not look any further into those test results i figured it
05:44would be over no no no brad cooper knows he was the lab tech assigned to review the results and
05:50now ever since i've been at his whim he's at a medical symposium in miami right now because he
05:56knows oh it's gonna be awful being under that little worm's thumb it's worse than awful brad
06:03must have told someone because now drew quarterman is threatening to go to the police
06:08yes valentine has a kill order out on him since when since he attacked ben in europe
06:16didn't carly tell you no she how is she even involved i don't know from what i understand
06:22she was there when benham was attacked in fact i believe she saved his life why am i hearing this
06:27for the first time right now no i thought the two of you told each other everything apparently not
06:31when it comes to brennan so you told me brennan sent the wsp dogs out on valentine yes and if
06:36the wsp assassins are looking for him and charlotte is with him she could be collateral damage
06:42or she gets to watch her father be killed right in front of her okay i'm gonna i'm gonna talk
06:47to spinelli again i know i know he has alerts already said if valentine or charlotte's name
06:51comes up online i've been hitting on everyone and i've got nothing i don't know what else to do
06:59but if something comes up i'll be ready to go
07:01oh thank you
07:06we just need to leave when charlotte called me at christmas my mom she took off and we're looking
07:11for her on her own she almost got shot yeah i know she and your dad got in a huge fight about
07:16it too it was epic and it was all for nothing after all that she just wanted to stay with
07:22valentine she won't accept the fact that her dad is bad news maybe he's not to her
07:31from her text it sounds like she's having a great time and she she probably is so you're
07:35not gonna do anything you're just gonna keep quiet i mean it's just everything changed that
07:42summer you know you never came back to camp yeah i got a got a job you know i actually paid real
07:50money not like being a counselor train are you telling me that all the friendship bracelets you
07:54could make wasn't payment enough plus brooklyn she just kind of disappeared right i don't think
08:00she even said goodbye when she left yeah well maybe it's like you said you know we were just
08:05kids so back then you get an idea you just go for it and anything could have set brooklyn off
08:10she was wild thank you so much the horses are great once you get used to the smell okay
08:17oh just so you know comets horoscope said that he should keep himself open to new
08:20opportunities tomorrow i'll make a note do you ride i did some lessons
08:25um yeah some of this guy back then he was hopeless you guys went to camp together yeah
08:30that's how we met that's cool how many years uh started in junior high so four four years it was
08:37cool aside from the horses and stuff yeah brooklyn cody and me we were uh counselors in training
08:45oh you all went to the same camp we did didn't we lois uh yeah i must have raved about it so
08:52much at brooklyn ended up going to our sister camp oh yeah good old kia plaza my god i bet you
08:59have all kinds of stories lulu why would you be asking me about lulu and why would you think she'd
09:09be here no not here she told me a couple hours and laura that she was gonna have dinner with
09:15you at the surf lodge dinner well see i must have forgotten all about dinner because of the lucy and
09:24deception stuff see what it's costing me martin a dinner and probably a fight with my bestie
09:31but i would really like to discuss this in my office where no one could overhear us
09:46brooklyn mother high school in pregnancy
09:57baby boy
10:01adopted actually i'm the first person to admit that lucy is definitely a handful
10:07but the fact is we are done now if you'll excuse me the reason i left laura's
10:12is because i am getting a headache martin wait
10:20i still need to talk to you not about lucy anymore uh because i would like to hire you
10:27for what uh nuisance lawsuits patent infringements intellectual theft all bogus of course but you
10:36know those people do need to be dealt with and you're just the man to do it maxi i'm gonna save
10:40you some time okay me tracy deception never gonna happen we've got a love-hate relationship
10:46we love to hate each other tracy doesn't make the decisions i do which is why i think we should go
10:52discuss billable hours why did you say so you know you could have lived with that i wish i had
11:11so well drew was chasing a seat on the appropriations committee and curtis
11:17convinced an influential congressman to block his appointment to the committee okay okay so let me
11:22guess drew wants curtis to go back and say he made a mistake that drew is an awesome guy after
11:28all and he should be on all the committees yes yes that's exactly right i am so sorry
11:33porsche i do not have anything you can use against drew i don't care about drew only
11:38thing i care about is curtis look i told him that i altered her test results okay but i didn't tell
11:45him that brad was blackmailing me and i'm afraid to tell him that because curtis hates secrets so
11:52much i don't think you have any choice but to tell me no no no no i can't when he found out
11:59that trina was his daughter it almost destroyed our marriage but he forgave you he gave me a
12:06second chance that's what he did i don't know if you'll give me a third look i want to help you
12:14i do what do you need i need your advice what do i do do i keep quiet about drew
12:22or should i tell curtis the truth so what was it like being camp counselors together
12:28uh i wouldn't know actually i didn't go back to camp you didn't did brooklyn
12:33uh but you know it was nice seeing you all but i'm gonna get going okay oh wait wait with
12:39love it's lost did you need something no no no i don't you know i i just want to get warm it uh
12:46it was such a beautiful night and i thought i would take a walk but you know what it's
12:49colder outside i thought there was something in there yeah i'm gonna go okay here bye bye
12:58i didn't even get to tell her how much i liked her being the face of deception
13:00and weren't you the guy oh yes he was you are in the company of a male model right now brand
13:08ambassador thank you well my grandmother thinks that i should intern at deception
13:13was it fun um brooklyn and maxie are great lucy lucy's a little high strung but uh you know
13:22for the most part they're great bosses so why'd you leave yeah that that just wasn't wasn't me
13:28i i never got comfortable in front of the camera either not only this guy
13:32throw him on a 50 yard line in front of a bunch of screaming fans he's as cool as a cucumber
13:36he's always been like that as a kid lights up in front of everybody how can i say i
13:41love making music you know what brooklyn love do that too must be a family trait
13:49i'm just curious so what about the the legal team that you already have in place
13:52well don't say this to anyone but i feel like they're kind of lacking in that department well
14:00it is in my wheelhouse but i don't get it what's the what's with the urgency i mean why do we have
14:06to talk about this tonight because of lulu so uh how's everything going with jocelyn great
14:14she sent me these amazing pictures and it's crazy this trip to easter island came up because someone
14:19canceled at the last minute and luckily jocelyn was all caught up on the material and ready to go
14:24and it's perfect timing you know given everything that happened with dex it seems like she's having
14:29a blast well i'm really glad everything's working out me too come on martin are you there it's me
14:56how am i supposed to live with myself if i'm forced to
15:00manipulate curtis on drew's behalf you know you might feel better if you just
15:08tell curtis the truth even if it costs you everything even if it costs you your marriage
15:20is everything okay no uh smiley says we are out of peanut butter not and i blew up lulu
15:28tragedy abounds uh speaking of lulu she works at deception yeah she does well just so you know
15:36i don't think she's going to be too comfortable with the idea of me working there
15:39why because she doesn't like me well if you take us on as a client you will get to spend
15:46more time with her and then what i wear it down yeah whatever it takes i mean you could convince
15:52her you are nothing like your brother i think okay yeah it's worth a shot i'm in great welcome
16:01to deception thank you now if you'll excuse me it's been such a long day
16:13um could you uh go to the bar and get me some club soda hurry before my shirt stains
16:29martin okay
16:35okay maxie i love you
17:17That's why I brought my gun I specifically told you not to I thought that was code or
17:43something yeah I can see that you don't have a job you have to eat and I thought
17:52now would be a good time worries me Bobby wouldn't want Carly anywhere near
17:58someone like Brennan well I guess you knew Bobby better than anyone and you
18:04have known Brennan for a very long time so tell me what you think of him well
18:09he's a ruthless agent I think he's only concerned with getting the job done he
18:15doesn't really care how lives in that kind of gray area when it comes to
18:19legality and morality but he's he's brilliant and obviously why Tommy you
18:27see that's the same vibe that I got okay so what are we gonna do about it
18:31what nothing he's a grown woman shouldn't take care of herself when has
18:37anyone ever succeeded in stopping Carly from doing something she wanted to like
18:44I could use a drink what's going on with you
18:52listen I was thinking why should Jocelyn have all the fun why don't you
18:58and I take the WSB jet and don't have dinner in Paris this weekend you want to
19:04go to Paris yeah we could stay overnight maybe squeeze in a breakfast
19:09what do you say Brennan you don't call you don't write what's a woman to think
19:22I remember watching Brooklyn before I was a kid why doesn't she sing anymore
19:26she was attacked and her vocal cords were damaged yeah it was awful yeah she
19:32still writes though she's great too I don't know what I do if I couldn't play
19:36the violin anymore what would you be doing a deception if you end up working
19:42there Emma chemistry yeah I'd work in the lab where they develop all the new
19:46products it could be fun speaking of fun I need to go home I live with my
19:53grandmother now oh you you live with the police commissioner you are having fun
20:07what do you think of those two I think that kid is in over his head I got it
20:14covered I'll give him some tips oh yeah it's gonna help
20:17honestly I don't even know what I would do the day Rocco falls over someone
20:21actually I do no son of mine is ever gonna get love advice or any other kind
20:31of advice from you my mom would never forgive me if she found out I knew her
20:36wasn't didn't tell her I'm afraid if she goes after Charlotte she might not come
20:41back I don't want to lose my mom again you think whoever's going after
20:45valentine might end up killing your mom maybe or maybe she'll just keep going
20:49after Charlotte she keeps saying she should have never left her in Prague
20:55I've been totally selfish here no you just got your mom back I mean I'd do
21:00anything to get mine back but what if something happens to your sister I'm
21:06worried about her too I don't know I don't know what to do
21:13just missus Rocco you know where she is
21:19imagine my life without Curtis and the last time something like this happened
21:24not only did I lose him but I almost lost Trina
21:30what if Trina feels like she has to pick sides you are getting ahead of
21:35yourself are you sure that you'll lose your medical license and be prosecuted
21:40if Drew goes to the police probably probably you have to go to a lawyer you
21:46have to know for sure you should talk to mine Rick Lansing you can talk to Rick
21:51Lansing Heather Webber's lawyer that's a conflict of interest
21:54no not necessarily I mean Heather is free now if your little scheme had worked
21:58then it might be a different story I can't let Drew use me to manipulate
22:04Curtis until you talk to somebody until you have a plan just let Drew think he's
22:11fun let him think that you're doing more than you actually are that way your
22:16secret is safe and you can minimize how much you manipulate Curtis
22:22Vivian it's a pleasure to see you I couldn't believe it when I spotted you
22:27here it has been far too long it certainly has now this is Carly Spencer
22:31the owner of the establishment oh I see hi it is a fabulous hotel and I always
22:37love to see another woman in charge thank you you still have my number don't
22:41you oh I'm quite certain I do then use it and call me so Paris I can't go to
22:53because I am the owner of this establishment and I have a lot of
22:58responsibility in fact I have many things that I have to do right now what's
23:02going on you say cuz I'm gonna cop your meal
23:13what's going on
23:16I'm really worried about Charlotte Cassidy has there been any news that's
23:26what's so frustrating you know the longer she's out there with her father
23:31more dangerous a situation becomes I kind of I wish that I had played things
23:40a little differently my Valentine's concerned because every time my phone
23:46rings I just feel like it's someone calling to say that it's been seriously
23:51hurt and do something there is no one better equipped to take action and get
23:57the job done than you you know so act get it done
24:05hey you just missed Dante's over the house I actually came to see him I need
24:13a break from what from spending every conversation I have with someone trying
24:17to figure out what I missed the past four years with you it's simpler thank
24:24you it just means that we are starting to get to know each other
24:31got any more of those not here but I'll see what I can find
24:57high school
25:00well thanks to you my very cute blouse lips to find another day you should go
25:10now and relax we could go through details tomorrow
25:17it was great talking you what a surprise we talk I actually I'm on my
25:30way up to my room oh perfect I'll come with you
25:35hi honey you're going to tell me what that was
25:39about thanks for sharing and I'll replace it so you and Dante you've been
25:53friends a long time right yeah what was he like in high school I have a hard
26:05time picturing Dante in camp I could tell you some stories I bet oh and did
26:13I hear right was Brooklyn there too you did she was it's hard to imagine two
26:19people less suited for woodland activities she only made one summer when
26:25summer's all it takes this is the first time she's message you since Christmas
26:30yeah anybody else know yeah Rocco's worried that his mom will get hurt if
26:36she finds out and goes after his sister did the right thing by telling me I'm
26:40gonna go get Charlotte but you cannot tell anybody I know your mom wants
26:45Charlotte back but she doesn't have to be the one to get her okay I can do that
26:48the more people who know where Charlotte is the more we risk things going wrong
26:53thanks dad I knew you know what to do Rocco I'm gonna bring your sister back
27:02I promise
27:06dad yeah be safe okay see you soon
27:20how could you do that you had no right to tell your dad
27:26Jason where are you I'm here I'm just leaving actually no stay there I'm on my
27:35way I got a lead on Charlotte
27:42good person to go after Charlotte why wouldn't I tell it wasn't your secret to
27:47tell you reached out to me she's my sister and it was my who asked me what
27:51to do I asked you for advice I didn't ask you to turn around and blurb it all
27:54out here I think I was just trying to help because that's all my family ever
27:58does be because family helps family what is that supposed to mean like you don't
28:02know hey what's going on what's going on you want to tell me what this is all
28:12Lewis would you just calm down what is it what happened I just walked in on
28:18Dante and Gio talking to their friends about how Dante and Brooklyn went to
28:22summer camp together for the summer camp we're there yes yes yes and if it ever
28:26gets out that Dante and Brooklyn are Gio's parents it would just it would
28:31ruin everything and everyone and I need to protect my family okay okay so how do
28:36I help I just could I just have the notes back please from when we talked
28:40it's just it's too risky oh it's fine they've been safe in my hotel room the
28:44entire time I would feel better okay please okay okay
28:50I'll have it your way maybe I'll help you sleep at night okay okay what is it
29:03what's wrong
29:07that's kind of a weird thing to say Brooklyn and I never got along she was
29:15always so possessive of Dante and their Bensonhurst roots kind of felt left out
29:21you know mm-hmm but now that I know what happened that summer I understand where
29:29it all came from what happened relax Brooklyn told me I can't imagine going
29:37through that as a teen explains a lot yeah I mean it was intense I just I
29:46never thought Brooklyn would tell anyone much less you
29:51I guess um everything that she and Chase are going through and trying to have a
29:56baby start everything up I just happened to be there when I came out
30:03it was a rough time
30:15how did you find me I'm a spy please go please this is humiliating enough
30:23Carly I don't understand what happened I really don't understand why you're
30:26humiliated is this about Vivian no yes are you happy now can you go I didn't
30:33need you to follow me just tell me what's happening what's happening what's
30:38happening is that we're feeling two different things okay and that's fine
30:42with me I know your lifestyle and I had no expectation about whatever is can you
30:47please go Jack just go Carly you really got to help me out here where is this
30:50coming from you really need me to spell this out for you you should be with
30:58someone like Vivian you should find someone who's fun with no strings
31:01attached because I can't do that and I don't want to do that and I know that I
31:06was crazy to think there was something else going on between us Carly there is
31:09something else going on this wrong I just you know I'm making sure they're
31:16thank you thank you thank you I feel so much better listen Chloe you see who I
31:20say for 20 years don't you think you might be overreacting a little maybe
31:26probably um do you have any matches lighter or Brooklyn had it been such a
31:35shock I had never seen her so scared she she came to me and she begged me to
31:46drive her to the bus station so she could go home it's good thing she had
31:52you but she never told Dante no and neither did you
32:01Brooklyn was so desperate she told me she never wanted Dante to know about her
32:06pregnancy so I promised her I'd never tell anyone and I never did
32:16I told Danny that I like this girl named Renee and Danny just turned around and
32:22told her I did not I was just trying to see if he was interested in you too but
32:26I didn't give you up you did what you did without asking me if it was okay
32:31and that's not okay I told you it was a secret you are my brother and I care
32:36about you and I will always have your back oh yeah it sounds like maybe in the
32:44future he doesn't want you to talk to this girl without knowing and for you he
32:48was just trying to help all right all right we cool we like shake hands and
32:55forgive it you know let's do
33:03the family all right we gotta stick together
33:10I can't even imagine being tied to drew in this way pretending to be compliant
33:15and complicit makes me sick to my stomach there is no good solution here
33:21unless Drew's dead I know you're hesitant but please talk to Rick you'll
33:28have lawyer client privilege and he might have an idea that we haven't
33:32thought of you know she's a very unconventional thinker I'll think about
33:37it okay good ultimately it comes down to this which is more awful doing Drew's
33:46bidding or losing Curtis
33:55we've got so Charlotte resets a rock oh she's a witness here's
34:02did anyone else know does he you know no I'm gonna find Charlotte before she
34:07finds out oh yes oh thank you I see so much to me I can be Charlotte back to
34:15New York maybe I'll be able to forgive yourself
34:27we'll get her back
34:32when you came to me and you told me you didn't want a fling that was my cue to
34:36leave it's what I've always done what did I do I asked you for dinner and then
34:41you acted available when Vivian started hitting on you look I know how to work a
34:48woman like Vivian it's with charm at this point in my career it's instinctual
34:51yeah well that's not helping but I have no idea how to act when I'm with you
34:55that's my point we want two different things no we don't I don't want to let
35:01you go then what do you want because I can't do casual with you
35:11just get it it's okay
