40x 88+ MIXED ICON PLAYER PICKS! 😲 FC 25 Ultimate Team
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► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Better Days"
► Outro song:
Venice Beach - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
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► For business enquiries please email -
► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Better Days"
► Outro song:
Venice Beach - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
00:00Our first level 40 icon pick of the day. Good luck, man. Please EA
00:07Zico these have not changed have they 93 Zico he arrow and in this one
00:14It's actually called Zico definitely definitely Zico. He's taking his time with it. You know, he likes to build up on this one
00:221.7 actually. Oh, I don't know if he's still 1.7. He might be just like 1.6
00:26I say just he'll probably be 1.6 mil now good to so
00:30And then he arrow. Yeah, honestly, he's 1.3 mil. It's another level 40 pick with straight fundershot cards
00:37Taking his time with it. This one is a 93 hula
00:40Is there a point of seeing the other two players like can we already select hula? I haven't seen you know
00:45What I haven't seen team idiom Yammer
00:48How is she not popped up?
00:52Okay, he's already got him so
00:55100% we're not going for him. But this could be the best level 40 icon pick we've ever seen
01:0193 hula it 95 or serve you
01:04You just had to ruin it because the chances the probabilities of actually getting
01:09Something good is on real man
01:1393 hood it already a dub. I want it to continue though. We want it to continue keep it going EA
01:19Why stop now? Why stop now EA? Why stop now?
01:2393 Zico 93 hula who we're going for Vieira. Yeah fundershock Vieira
01:29Okay, I thought it was gonna be three dubs in a row. It's all good Zico hula
01:33Let's see this level 40 icon pick first. Oh team idiot Coleman
01:38Honestly, okay, that's good team idiot Coleman. It's like the only team of the year and team idiot cannavaro
01:43Oh, actually, that's really good Zico as well
01:45This one will have hula it this one will have Ian rush and this one right here will have a Mateus
01:51Okay, so let's start off with hula it
01:55Ian rush
02:03He's really got him
02:04See I was happy until I saw that already owned at the top of the at the top of the card
02:08It looks like he's decided on the first one
02:11Zico really solid start man. I'm hoping the other two are good as well. So you have this, you know tough decision
02:17You want a tough decision in this level 40 icon pick you don't want that easy decision
02:21Rooney Zico team idiot card, but who?
02:26It's not a team idiot card. Kelly Smith all finder truck cards
02:29I would take Zico here. The quality is like getting worse every two seconds here. We get bit in this story. I mean
02:36Find this story from a level 40 icon pick Mateus more like it Zico as well
02:42Yeah, okay. Perfect Zico and Mateus. I feel honestly
02:46I feel like these two always come as a pair who have we actually not seen from this level 40 icon pick
02:51We've seen him plenty of times to the point where it's like we're kind of you know
02:55It feels like a a natural thing to see now, which is so weird
02:58It's like we shouldn't be sick. We shouldn't be saying
03:0193 hula it is a common card
03:04But he actually is and that just shows you how crazy the level 40 icon pick is
03:08Will we see a rare L from the level 40 icon pick?
03:11I'm hoping he doesn't walk away over now and walk. I'm hoping he walks away with a dub Barnes
03:17No much to say about Barnes
03:20Honestly, honestly
03:23One of the best strikers in the game second best striker for me, okay second best striker that is
03:29Crazy to get but we are looking for a good icon
03:32We are looking for a team media on re a team media Pele you get the point. Good luck. First one
03:38Jars in you he's got Marlon fantasy card
03:41Maybe could potentially replace a Marlon
03:45Maybe five star skill moves Marlon ain't got five actually does he he might
03:49Bonds, okay, either way. This is the only time you will ever find me actually put good to so next one
03:55I can play a pick good to so I'm believing in you don't disappoint
04:00This is the level 40 icon pick do not disappoint first one
04:05Okay. All right good to so sorry. I was not familiar with your luck. I do apologize who lips
04:11Good to so I was not familiar with your luck
04:15Puskas, oh
04:17My god, I saw another team media. I thought it was someone like on re Wow. Look at that Puskas hurt it
04:2396 Pele
04:2494 me a ham. It is so rare to see this me a ham
04:28It's actually quite crazy how this Pele card has popped up more than this me a ham card pull it out this one
04:35That's not hurt it put it down the middle right I'm pretty sure who it's gonna be here
04:40It's not hurt it if I said W is there of you and in a final one here
04:44Why do I have a feeling they're about to give him a hard choice? Oh
04:48No, it's the easiest choice of your life. Honestly easiest choice. Good luck, man
04:53All right
04:55Who is that?
04:56sentiment Oh
04:59KDB I'm trying to think of the fancy promo trying to think if there's anyone in there. That's a you know, Belgium sentiment
05:0590 overall
05:09But I was levels for a second. I sold her recently for
05:13150,000 coins so that is a good card to see from an 87 plus times 10
05:16She has a lot of potential as well. Like she should be getting upgrades and yeah
05:20I don't really see anything else in there worth speaking about
05:23Hold on a second 60% of people watching this video right now have not subscribed
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05:31The level 40 icon pick and the SPC one as well
05:35I want to know what they're gonna do with this SPC one. Maybe right maybe on Sunday
05:40We get a one of four 88 plus that would be nice
05:45Or maybe they're planning to remove face cards because as you guys can see base cards do get in the way
05:52We see way too many. You didn't have to quick sell him level 40 icon pick. Good luck, man
05:58What we're getting here the error. There's definitely a fear in here
06:02I'm getting that Viera feeling
06:05Pull it. I mean, it doesn't matter if he arrows in here. Not a free hole. It is a dub. Who else?
06:12Kelly Smith, I feel like she always is in that last law as well. And then this one maybe back-to-back potentially
06:2093 Zico
06:22It's already a W. I want to see a knife where you hold it back-to-back though
06:26Rooney you actually already got him as well. And then this one is
06:30Beckham we usually see Pavard or Darwin Nunez out to this
06:34Are EA gonna mix it up and give us a new player or is it gonna be the same old same old striker?
06:40German the car. Yeah
06:4289 overall fancy card, which definitely
06:46It's not great. But hey, it's a fancy card as a first walkout
06:50Yeah, it still is like the same rotation
06:52Rotation Darwin Nunez or Pavard it's two cards that of course you like to see but they're just so common at us
07:00Barça badge next to a level 40 icon pick go ahead man. I can troll is on the desk right away
07:05So it's all him and the saw Centurion card the era of thundershot cards
07:10Van Nistelrooy. Yeah, let's go down the middle first. Why not L40 icon pick
07:20Got right, I've got this this theory where every time we see him we see Gattuso and Gattuso is usually in this slot
07:27Wait for it
07:29No, it's Mateus. All right, maybe
07:32No Gattuso
07:34No good to so 92 sour the incisive version as well
07:38So the better version a more expensive version Pele team of the year and a 92 fun distract Mateus
07:46Darwin Nunez and Pavard are insanely common
07:48But hold on because he's actually got a hero as the second walkout now. There is one player
07:55There is one hero that is insanely common one player that we see a lot way more than the others and it is him
08:02Yeah, let morning and Kika as well. That's terrible. Yeah, I guess and as well
08:07485,000 coins. Good luck, man
08:10Can I tell who it is? No, I cannot. I don't know who that is
08:13Furman Lopez
08:1588 overall I still can't believe they gave Furman Lopez an 88 overall fancy card
08:21But that doesn't sit right with me. Let's see it right with a boss of fans as well
08:25Darwin Nunez the typical the classic. Have you already got him because last time we saw Darwin Nunez
08:30I'm pretty sure a person already had him. No, you ain't going he's already opened the player pick, but he's not revealed the players
08:36Hold on. This is the level 40. I can pick that rook my god
08:40Hey, come on EA. That's a terrible start. This is
08:45Cantona we don't actually see him that often. He's like what 700 800 thousand coins
08:50Maybe a little bit less now to be honest and this one
08:54It's looking like it yep, good luck
08:56Ian rush we can take our time with this one. We're in no rush. Okay. That was a bad joke, man
09:01That was a really really bad joke. Remind me after this. Oh, I owe you guys 10 gifted subs because that one
09:07Barnes fundershot card. It's apparently getting worse. How is it getting worse?
09:12How did it get what? Oh my god. That's the worst one. By the way. That's the worst level 40. I can pick
09:17We've ever seen level 40. I can pick
09:20Judging already better than the one we just saw by the way already
09:24Ian rush you need to calm down today. Oh
09:27To Ram who is he walking away with?
09:31Taram really solid start 1.4 million coins. Really really good
09:36Next one here is a Rooney which is definitely not a way to go to Ram looking like he is the way or shall
09:42Seem you level 40. I can pick a ton of people are saying it's patched
09:47It's it's not patched right? It's not patched
09:5096 belly for the first one. Are you kidding me?
09:54Next one who do we get here? Kelly says sure. Whatever next one. Oh
10:0096 of that. All right Pele for sure. But yes 100% they aren't patched
10:05All right, so he's got to actually is it I can't fix. I don't you know, it's in a different language
10:11On a campaign. No, no, no. Sorry the hero picks
10:15Gooty, this is the level 40. I can pick this might be a campaign mix
10:19Yeah, it is. This is a campaign mix like is it?
10:23Okay, we're gonna go like I said, all right level 40. I can't pick
10:27Comedy a please be good to us. We are gonna go for the one on left
10:34Pretty good start. Yeah, it's a pretty decent start 96 a ton. All right solid already Ashley Cole and we get
10:42Crest, oh my god, it might be the easiest choice the easiest choice. We've ever seen from a level 40. I can't pick
10:50I don't know what languages is but good luck man. Raquel me
10:53and this story
10:55The era, but you already got him. We've seen Marcus Rashford twice. This is a 91 plus
11:00We see Marcus Rashford twice, but we've not seen a Mario Gomez once
11:06I'm not sure what's happening with him, but he just doesn't want to pop up. This is Pina and the 91 plus fancy card is
11:14Have art he's a solid card. Have you already got him? You've not got him
11:19Oh, he's already opened all the other packs. All right straight into the 88 plus times 5 we go
11:24Centimids, oh, it's gonna be Odegaard
11:27how about a
11:29Good fantasy card EA. How about a usable fantasy card EA?
11:36No, no, no levels. We go from an 89 Odegaard, by the way to an 88 levels
11:42What's happening here and then Messi's in there Patrice in their paradises in there
11:47It's not good for an 88 plus times 5 I couldn't play your picks
11:51Then we got one of three fantasy picks and on top of that 85 plus player picks as well
11:56Bettina son
11:58Cellmakers for some reason in slo-mo. All right. I'm not sure what just happened there lagged
12:02Do you want to go for Lopez or you want to go for cell makers Lopez out the first one next one here?
12:08Maybe another two fancy cards
12:13No, okay 100% we go for the inform their inform goes for probably like 3 or 4 K more than 87 to right now
12:20Virgil. All right
12:22Anything else? Nope VVD. No, no, no not shot a bet calm it down. There's a little bit delay today
12:28You know, there's a little bit of delay on the on the menus today
12:31I have to be careful make sure I go for the right player fancy picks we get done
12:36the scene
12:38Kika, oh you already got the other two so done is the way I'm gonna
12:43Do a little bounce between you know tactic that we are that we do every now and again
12:47Let's go for an icon pick and then after this we'll go back to the fancy pick. Oh
12:53My god, I actually can't get away from this guy like there's just no chance. He's this common
12:59No way bash yo, and in the final one
13:06Honestly, I cannot wait for EA to bump these up to like 89 pluses that right there will be the day
13:12I celebrate even before opening an icon pick sunset Zen YOLO
13:18Cell makers you got every single card as well. We'll go for Zen YOLO and in the final one the icon pick the third one
13:32Figo it's so rare to see something good from 85 pluses. I feel like
13:38They have to kind of bump it up to like 86 pluses now
13:42But they have to you know, take it up a level because 85 pluses
13:46They're good. Listen, I'm not saying they're bad
13:49But yeah, it's so rare to see something actually
13:52Solid out of it. Let me let me go ahead and take the inform here over the 87 and in the final one
13:57We get I'm waiting for that reveal all bomb left-hand corner raton. Oh
14:02My pillion, okay, we'll take a map Leon. I was about to go raton. All right, 89 88 85 in form fantasy picks
14:09Who do we get?
14:13No, oh
14:16My god, give us a hero. I understand most likely it's gonna be LeMond and if it is a hero
14:22I just want to see something a little bit different. I feel like we've not really seen that many heroes today. Oh
14:28my god
14:2988 plus player pick I opened two of these on the content account. Not great. You actually got fancy. No way
14:38That's such a nice card to see from an 88 plus player pick as well
14:42He's already gone, but he's already got my tradable the twin fantasy guarantee pack. It's not a hero
14:48It's all good left mid
14:50cellmakers is
14:52It's just gonna be the typical, you know to fantasy cards that aren't that great?
14:57Cellmakers Kika is it
15:01No, it's actually not. It's gonna be Darwin Nunez first time. We see him today, right?
15:05I don't think we've seen him today. We have seen him plenty of times over at this promo
15:10But yeah, Darwin's actually a good card nine to one plus
15:13fancy guarantee pack
15:16Striker Darwin Nunez as the first walkout
15:20Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
15:22Who is the second walkout Darwin?
15:27And then walks, okay
15:28So the second walkout is not better than the first walkout
15:31But still that is like a nice duo to actually see wool should be getting upgrades as well
15:35Like both of these cards both of these fancy cards should be guaranteed upgrades a six plus times seven
15:41again, another fantasy
15:44left back
15:47Listen, he's got two. So let's just you know, stay stay patient. Stay calm. It could be something else
15:55That's good, yeah, that's a good that's a honestly a good pull
15:59It's so much better than the normal that we see with Kika levels. You get a point tell was actually a really nice
16:06Card to see if he didn't have him already. Yeah, he's looking for a W. Of course. We are all looking for a W
16:13But can you please give him someone that's usable?
16:16Hernandez, wait, wait, that's actually decent as the first walkout 90 overall
16:22Wait because this could be really good and of course is and Yolo, of course, are you kidding me bad?
16:30Hernandez Zen Yolo to 90s
16:33All right. We got four fancy cards, which is actually the most we've seen from an 87 plus times 10
16:3988 plus times 5 come on
16:43Stay calm
16:44EA please left back levels
16:47We got to have we seen two from an 88 5 I
16:52Think we might have seen at once
16:55levels and
16:56the other player
16:58For carts. Oh my god the lower tier fantasy cards
17:03Every single time we actually see free. That's the most fancy cards
17:06We've seen from that pack, but I still feel like it's not really that great of a pack. It's an 87 plus times 10
17:13We get a fantasy so it's the start that we wanted striker we get grassy the info wait
17:20What rating was he 88?
17:23I'm pretty sure right 87 or 88. I'm pretty sure it's 88. Yeah, I see
17:27No way, it's Bacar again
17:31All these fantasy cards that we're seeing they're just like the lower tier ones