• 2 days ago
▌懂来做莫 ▌#190 法律篇 | 之前我们分享了职场性骚扰的定义,但如果遇到性骚扰,可以怎么做?很多人都忽略第一时间应该要这么做……

主持 | @Angelaangxinyi

👉 https://tinyurl.com/y6kjxfpa

#职场性骚扰 #性骚扰 #仲裁庭
#不懂没关系 #懂了也没用 #冷知识
#发射热点 #84hotspot #懂来做莫

🔴 更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00If you are harassed at work, how can the victim protect themselves and seek justice?
00:04It's okay if you don't understand. It's no use if you understand.
00:06If you understand, just do it.
00:07You have to talk about evidence in everything.
00:08Victims can collect as much evidence as possible as soon as possible.
00:11For example, information screenshots and detailed records are issued.
00:13When, where, how did the other person make you uncomfortable?
00:16Or collect the testimony of the witness.
00:18Then you can file a complaint with the company's personnel department or the boss.
00:21Request for evidence by watching CCTV.
00:24According to Article 81b of the Labor Law,
00:26the employer has the obligation to conduct an investigation within 30 days.
00:28Otherwise, you will face a fine of less than 10,000 RMB.
00:31If the boss did not take action or you are not satisfied with the investigation result,
00:34you can report this matter to the Labor Bureau for investigation.
00:36In addition, after China passed the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act in 2022,
00:40the victim can also sue the other party through the Anti-Sexual Harassment Court.
00:43Once convicted, the other party can be asked to publicly apologize or compensate up to 250,000 RMB.
00:48At the same time, the victim can also provide evidence to the police.
00:51Regardless of gender, anyone can become a victim of sexual harassment.
00:53But you can choose to be brave.
