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Jackson Irvine ist eine der spannendsten und außergewöhnlichen Persönlichkeiten der Liga. Wir haben den Kapitän des FC St. Pauli zum großen Interview getroffen und dabei ein spannendes Gespräch geführt, das über das Geschehen auf dem Fußballplatz hinaus geht.


00:00Das ist wahrscheinlich die schwerste Frage, die jemals gefragt wurde.
00:30Wie geht's dir?
00:32Schön, dich zu treffen.
00:34Wir fangen mit ein paar kurzen Fragen an.
00:36Vegemite oder Nutella?
00:38Vegemite. Jeden Tag.
00:40Wer es nicht kennt,
00:42Vegemite aus Australien.
00:44Interessanter Geschmack, sage ich mal.
00:46Aber als Australier muss er das natürlich sagen.
00:48Casamiro oder Kroes?
00:50Das muss Casamiro sein.
00:52Schwierig zu sagen,
00:54aber von persönlichen Gründen.
00:56Ich würde sagen,
00:58du hast ihn vor ein paar Jahren kennengelernt.
01:00Wie war es?
01:02Es war seltsam.
01:04Ich war bei den FIFA Player of the Year Awards
01:06und wir haben uns in einer Situation kennengelernt.
01:08Es war ein bisschen ein viraler Moment.
01:10Aber es war sehr cool.
01:12Er ist ein netter Typ.
01:14Glasgow Rangers oder Haas V?
01:16Ich kann nicht entscheiden.
01:18Du musst.
01:20Haas V.
01:22Haas V.
01:24Haas V.
01:26Du musst.
01:28Nein, ich kann das nicht.
01:30Das ist eine schreckliche Frage.
01:32Das ist wahrscheinlich die schwierigste Frage,
01:34die ich jemals gestellt habe.
01:36Du hast nur einen Joker.
01:38Ja, das ist mein Kopfhörer.
01:40Öffentlicher Verkehr oder Smart?
01:42Öffentlicher Verkehr ist immer zuerst.
01:44Du hast gerade Smart gekauft, richtig?
01:46Ja, ja, ja.
01:48Sehr handig.
01:50Ja, sehr handig für die Stadt.
01:52Wer ist der Goat des australischen Fußballs?
01:54Sehr handig.
01:56Nicht Jackson Irvine?
01:58Nein, gar nicht.
02:00Harry ist mein Held.
02:02Wer ist der beste ausgestattete St. Pauli-Spieler?
02:04Im Moment Robert Wagner.
02:06Ist er?
02:10Mehr als du?
02:12Du kannst es dir nicht sagen.
02:14Oder Morgan Ghilafoghi.
02:16Auch gute Fashion.
02:18Wir bleiben bei der Fashion.
02:20Was ist dein Lieblings-Vintage-Fußball-Jersey?
02:24Etwas wie das.
02:26Es ist schwer, einen Favoriten zu wählen.
02:28Ich habe einen Zidane 10 von Frankreich,
02:30der 90,96 Euro weg ist.
02:32Das ist mein Lieblings-Fußball-Jersey.
02:34Das ist mein Lieblings-Fußball-Jersey.
02:36Das ist großartig.
02:38Und der letzte Frage.
02:40Wenn du vor dem Spiel erlaubt wärst,
02:42Whiskey oder Bier?
02:44Bier immer.
02:46In den 1980er Jahren
02:48waren es Spieler,
02:50die mit Whiskey gespielt haben.
02:52Frank Mill.
02:54Ein deutscher Fußballspieler.
02:56Ich denke, ein Schluck Whiskey
02:58in der Halbzeit
03:00war in den 90er Jahren.
03:02Eine andere Ära.
03:04Bevor wir zum Interview kommen,
03:06wollen wir euch einstimmen
03:08auf das große Interview.
03:10Und euch zeigen,
03:12warum Jackson Irvine
03:14so ein interessanter Typ ist.
03:16Er hat seinen Weg gemacht.
03:18Von Australien über Schottland und England
03:20zum FC St. Pauli.
03:22Und das scheint zu passen.
03:242021 wechselte der Australier zum Kiez-Klub,
03:26wurde Stammspieler,
03:28Kapitän und Publikumsliebling.
03:30Unter Fabian Hörzeler
03:32holte er die Zweitligameisterschaft.
03:34Er war dabei der Topspieler der Braun-Weißen
03:36mit 6 Treffern
03:38und einer Kickerdurchschnittsnote von 2,9.
03:40Aber nicht nur sportlich
03:42ein begehrter Mann.
03:44Das Aushängeschild auf St. Pauli
03:46hat ihn sehr engagiert.
03:48Der Blick über den Tellerrand hinaus,
03:50genau sein Ding.
03:52Musikalisch von Post-Punk bis Hip-Hop
03:54ist alles dabei.
03:56Sein täglicher Weg zum Trainingsgelände,
03:58na klar, Perfis.
04:00Ein Profi zum Anfassen.
04:02Er denkt anders als viele andere.
04:04Und das kommt sehr gut an.
04:06Zeit herauszufinden,
04:08wie anders er wirklich tickt.
04:10Jackson, a couple of days ago
04:12you were guest at Sportstudio
04:14and you lost at the Torwand.
04:16Does that still hurt?
04:18It did, yeah.
04:20It was a sore one.
04:22It was all good fun.
04:24The guy scored one of the craziest goals I've seen.
04:26The ball was going around in a circle.
04:28I think he deserved it for this one.
04:30Everyone talks about
04:32this great fit of Jackson Irvine
04:34and St. Pauli.
04:36Why is it such a good fit?
04:38Yeah, so many different reasons.
04:40But I think
04:42just because
04:44I've never really fit in
04:46in the football world in a lot of ways
04:48and I think often St. Pauli
04:50is a little bit the odd one out
04:52in the footballing world.
04:54And I think sometimes
04:56I was always looking for somewhere
04:58where I was really comfortable
05:00to be probably the most
05:02full version of myself
05:04as a person and a player.
05:06And this is a club where I was able
05:08to really let that expression
05:10in the football world
05:12that didn't let you feel fit in.
05:14It's not necessarily.
05:16I suppose the footballing world
05:18can be a bit of a bubble
05:20and there's certain pressures and expectations
05:22from clubs and fans
05:24on the behaviours of players on and off the field.
05:26I suppose sometimes
05:28I felt that
05:30the way I was
05:32off the field would be considered
05:34a distraction or
05:36people always used to say
05:38if you're too worried about that stuff
05:40you're not focused on the football.
05:42Whereas here people can separate
05:44the person from the player a lot easier.
05:46I think actually the footballing world
05:48is getting better at that overall.
05:50I think you see a lot of players now
05:52not just when it comes to
05:54being different to football
05:56but finding their own passions
05:58away from the game
06:00and people are not so judgmental about that anymore.
06:02We're going to talk about that
06:04a bit more soon.
06:06St. Pauli is a very unique club
06:08in Germany. We all know the values
06:10of the club. They're very well known.
06:12But what does St. Pauli mean
06:14from your point of view
06:16apart from that?
06:18I think it's just
06:20written in the DNA of the club.
06:22I think the most important thing
06:24that everything that the club stands for
06:26is built into the fabric
06:28of the community and the club.
06:30It's written on the walls.
06:32We wear it on our arm.
06:34I think that's the part
06:36that makes it the most special
06:38and the thing that I can connect to the most
06:40is that it's not
06:42you know
06:44they practice what they preach
06:46I guess you can kind of say.
06:48You mentioned that sometimes after games
06:50you walk home and then people
06:52kind of pull you into the pubs
06:54and want to have a beer with you.
06:56What's the funniest story
06:58that ever happened?
07:00There's not too many
07:02really crazy ones
07:04after games. There's been a few here and there
07:06but it's mainly just stuff
07:08like exactly that.
07:10Just been walking down the street and then
07:14a bunch of people recognize that you're
07:16on your way home and will just literally
07:18physically drag you into a bar
07:20and have a dance and a beer
07:22and off you go to the next one.
07:24It's nothing overly wild
07:26but it's
07:28good fun that you can be
07:30a part of it that way.
07:32What makes St. Pauli supporters different to
07:34other football fans?
07:36I think I suppose that
07:40the thing that I can probably separate the most
07:42from my experience here and
07:44other clubs is that what we talk about
07:46the values of the club and the community
07:48that at the end of the day
07:50the club is one thing but it's actually the people
07:52who are part of a club that have to represent
07:54that as well and I think to be a part
07:56of this club as a fan, as a player
07:58as a member of the community
08:00you have to buy into what that means
08:02otherwise it
08:04doesn't work. So I think that that's
08:06kind of what makes the fans
08:08a special part of what the club is.
08:10They actually really make what the club is I guess in that way.
08:12Let's talk a bit about the
08:14Germans versus the Australians.
08:16Of course you guys are well known
08:18for your no worries mentality.
08:20Are people in...
08:22Of course. You can show it into the
08:24camera. Maybe over there. Of course.
08:26He's got to live it right.
08:28Are people in Germany
08:30worrying too much?
08:32I don't think so.
08:34I would say
08:36they worry maybe a little bit
08:38about things that are not so important
08:40but they worry about the important things as well.
08:42But I think the laid
08:44back Australian
08:46culture is pretty unique in a lot of ways as well.
08:48What would be
08:50the thing that stands out the most for you?
08:52In terms of the difference?
08:54I just think
08:56it's funny.
08:58I always find it funny that people
09:00talk about Germans and Germany
09:02as quite a do things by the
09:04rules, do things by order.
09:06Australia is a bit like that as well in a lot of ways.
09:08Although we are very relaxed in our demeanor
09:10people do love
09:12order and rules
09:14a bit like that as well.
09:16Although it's different in maybe the approach.
09:18Some of it can be quite similar.
09:20What was the main thing that
09:22was hard for you to adapt to when you came here?
09:26The paperwork.
09:28It's still a problem.
09:30It's a real problem.
09:32Germany needs to go digital ASAP.
09:34Too much paperwork.
09:36Friedrich Merz, if he's watching
09:38you gotta do it.
09:40You've had tough times
09:42in your career, right? I mean there was a time
09:44a few years ago in which you didn't have a club
09:46for half a year. Now you're captain
09:48of a Bundesliga side.
09:50How did you turn things
09:52around for yourself?
09:54It's a bizarre experience when you look back
09:56on this time. I know COVID
09:58was a lot harder on a lot of people
10:00but it was a very strange time in my
10:02career of course going
10:04nine months without playing a game
10:06six months without a club
10:08and there was times in that period
10:10where I probably thought maybe reaching
10:12this level
10:14or even the level I was at
10:16before was no longer going to be possible.
10:18It took a lot of
10:20mental strength, a lot of
10:22support from my family, from my
10:24partner, from my representative
10:26who was a huge
10:28part in what brought me here
10:30to this club.
10:32We had to find a
10:34path back to
10:36playing football at the top level to
10:38give myself the chance
10:40to make that possible again because as I said
10:42there was really times in that period
10:44where I thought it probably wasn't going to be
10:46possible to achieve what I have
10:48achieved in the last few years.
10:50You talk about mental work.
10:52What is it that you mainly have to do?
10:54Is it this focus
10:56and not pay attention to
10:58anything that's being talked around you which
11:00is obviously really hard to do?
11:02Yeah, that's one part but for me the hardest
11:04part was the motivation to get
11:06up every day and go to the park on your own
11:08with a ball and some cones and train
11:10and stay fit and
11:12to keep your
11:14belief high when you're in this
11:16situation. That was definitely
11:18the most difficult part but
11:20I think probably
11:22the thing that balanced
11:24that out the most was the perspective of
11:26that time and what other people were going
11:28through and how difficult COVID was for
11:30millions of people
11:32in the world and as a footballer of course
11:34it wasn't great but
11:36when you put it in the big picture frame
11:38of how other people were during that
11:40time it made it a lot more manageable to then
11:42be like, alright, it's bad
11:44but it's not the worst.
11:46It's just a time that you have to fight through
11:48and if you believe in it, it will
11:50come out the other side.
11:52And then when you came here very quickly you became a key
11:54player for St. Pauli.
11:56Was one of the main reasons for that
11:58this fit between you and the club
12:00that the environment is so Jackson Irvine?
12:02Yeah, so many
12:04aspects of the move here that just worked
12:06so well. I think
12:08in particular there were
12:10guys in my first season here that were
12:12amazing with helping me settle very quickly.
12:14Who would you name first?
12:16No, he
12:18wasn't even there.
12:20I hope I was that guy for him.
12:22There were guys like James Lawrence, Simon Machianok,
12:24Philipp Ziereis, who was captain at the time,
12:26Sebastian Olsen.
12:28These guys were awesome with me
12:30when I first arrived and helped me
12:32settle into a new culture
12:34and a new footballing environment very quickly
12:36and Timo Schulze as well, the coach
12:38was fantastic and
12:40gave me a little bit of time to
12:42find my feet
12:44I guess but also
12:46was happy to throw me in
12:48when the time was right.
12:50Yeah, it was great. It was a baptism
12:52of fire in a lot of ways but I loved it.
12:54Let's talk a bit about
12:56St. Pauli's success in the last years.
12:58Right now you're not
13:00among the bottom three in the table
13:02so you are where you want to be.
13:04Why do you think you will
13:06stay in the first league?
13:08I think our defensive behaviour
13:10has got to be the
13:12foundation for what's going to
13:14keep us as a Bundesliga team.
13:16We've shown over the season so far
13:18when we defend as a team
13:20compact together with energy
13:22and this desire
13:24then we give ourselves a chance in every game
13:26and we have had a chance in every game.
13:28I don't think there's been any game really,
13:30maybe mine's here at home in the first round
13:32that we really didn't look near the game
13:34Every other game we've really been
13:36present, active, look like we have
13:38a chance to win.
13:40When we keep approaching games this way
13:42we know the quality in front of goal has been missing
13:44but we also know that the players we have
13:46have got that confidence
13:48will come back and those goals will fall
13:50but that defensive foundation
13:52will be the reason
13:54we stay in the Bundesliga.
13:56What makes you confident that you can solve this
13:58offensive problem?
14:00The coach?
14:02Yeah, of course, there are aspects
14:04of all of those things but the main thing
14:06is just that I know these players
14:08I see them every day, I work with them
14:10every day, I've been in football a long time
14:12and I have absolute
14:14trust and belief in this group of
14:16players, especially in the
14:18forward positions. The goals will
14:20come, they have the quality, they get in the right
14:22positions, they do all the right things
14:24maybe just a little bit of this luck is missing
14:28you have to keep
14:30that trust and belief in each other
14:32and that will be enough.
14:34I always thought maybe you need this one breakout game
14:36like you had against Union Berlin
14:38I think it was, 3-0
14:40why couldn't you quite
14:42live up to that game?
14:44Well, I think losing Morgan Ghilafoghi
14:46to injury was obviously a big factor
14:48we lose a bit of a dynamic
14:50without him in the team but
14:52as I said, with the players that we have
14:54now Ilyassar is back and playing again
14:56we know you see against
14:58Mainz on the weekend, we hit the post
15:00we have a couple of really big chances
15:02it's very very fine
15:04margins, very close
15:08about fractions that is the difference
15:10it's not like
15:12we go into games and create no chances
15:14and we don't look like scoring, every week we look like
15:16scoring but it just isn't
15:18falling, but as I say
15:20it's one of those things
15:22of course it's going to keep coming up and we're going to keep talking about it
15:24but we trust and believe
15:26in each other and what we're doing
15:28The coach, Alexander Blassin
15:30he hasn't been here for a long time
15:32but still you're already doing a quite good job
15:34in the first league, what makes him
15:36special as a coach?
15:38I think he's found a very good
15:40balance of
15:42finding us
15:44as a group of players and as people
15:46about how we work best together
15:48especially as leaders
15:50we've got a good relationship and very good communication
15:52and we try to
15:54put together tactically
15:56a good game plan for every week
15:58and I think him and the staff do a really good job
16:00of putting a clear plan in place for us
16:02and then in terms of managing
16:04the players individually and collectively
16:06he keeps
16:08that belief and that energy high
16:10even in the difficult moments like we're in right now
16:12You got here
16:14obviously last year
16:16through the relegation to the Bundesliga
16:18was that the biggest party of your life?
16:20Yes, winning
16:22the championship, getting promoted
16:24everything was just the wildest
16:26week of the wedding sandwich
16:28in the middle as everyone knows now
16:30it could not have been a
16:32wilder week if you tried to make one up
16:34Of course
16:36it was a team effort
16:38but the head of the success was Fabian Hützeler
16:40now he's very successful at
16:44there are a lot of big German coaches
16:46in the football world
16:48do you think he can make a career like
16:50Thomas Sucher, Jürgen Klopp?
16:52Yes, I think he can
16:54He was
16:56an incredibly gifted manager
17:00level of dedication, motivation
17:02to make
17:04every day
17:06matter, to make every day
17:08a chance to develop us
17:10as a team, top coach
17:12with a top mentality
17:14a ruthless mentality as well
17:16he was hard when he needed to be
17:18he's going to learn
17:20tough lessons this season as he has a couple of times
17:22bad run of games
17:24bad 7-0 result
17:26but you see the run they're in now
17:28he's been able to pull his team out of it
17:30a chance to play European football next season
17:32so for him
17:34it's a massive step up
17:36in what he's worked with this year
17:38to show how he's dealt with that
17:40in his first year, just shows the potential
17:42that he has as a coach
17:44obviously we all wish him the very best
17:46and hope that it goes that way
17:48and he's still very young as a coach
17:50he's a week older than me
17:52it's crazy
17:54I bet since he's that age
17:56he can party pretty well
17:58is there a certain anecdote from the relegation party
18:00that you can share?
18:02no, not from the relegation party
18:04but I do remember after we won the championship
18:06the day we lifted the trophy
18:08I think I was one of the last to leave
18:10of course
18:12where we had the party on the Reeperbahn
18:14I think there was maybe only 2 or 3 players left
18:16but Fabian was still up behind the DJ deck
18:20I think this was at 4 or 5 in the morning
18:22the night of the game
18:24so he definitely found a way
18:26the energy to go through all the way through
18:28so did he DJ?
18:30I don't think he was actually DJing
18:32but I think he was maybe telling the guy what to play
18:34ok, let's now
18:36talk a bit about your political commitment
18:38obviously that's part of your person
18:40there's not many people
18:42not many players that do this kind of political commitment
18:44maybe in Germany
18:46Leon Goretzka for example does that
18:48do you think more footballers
18:50should stand up publicly
18:52against homophobia
18:54racism, etc.?
18:56I hope so
18:58I think sometimes
19:00it's easier when it comes as a collective
19:02I know in England
19:04around the Covid time
19:06when the Black Lives Matter movement
19:08was at it's peak
19:10when all the players came together
19:12and took a stand against racism
19:14whether it was taking the knee
19:16or whatever they were going to do
19:18I think players feel more safe in that collective
19:20even though it's probably views that they've always shared
19:22and always had
19:24but yeah, it's important that players speak out
19:26on social issues
19:28particular ones that they care about
19:30I've never been one to say
19:32that players have to do it
19:34or have to use that platform
19:36or do anything like that
19:38I think that they should feel
19:40confident, comfortable
19:42and supported
19:44which is most important
19:46by their clubs, by their fans
19:48by everyone in their life
19:50that they can share those views
19:52in a positive way
19:54You've been involved in different organizations
19:56you're part of FIFA Pro
19:58the world union for football players
20:00football business in the last years
20:02has been exploding
20:04there's a lot of criticism
20:06If there's one thing you could change
20:08in the modern football world, what would it be?
20:12That's a really tough question
20:14as you say, what's important to the players
20:16at the moment are a lot of these
20:18issues we're talking about
20:22especially at the very top level
20:24this is getting to a critical
20:26kind of point
20:28but it's hard to say
20:32I don't think you can just click your fingers
20:34and make one change
20:36and say that you've made the game better
20:38I think by working in these organizations
20:40you can constantly take small steps
20:42by talking to players
20:44talking to fans
20:46talking with stakeholders
20:48about what is the most important
20:50and trying to help the game
20:52grow into something better
20:54but I'm a football romantic
20:56and I always think that football should be
20:58for the people, for the fans
21:00for the community
21:02and I think
21:04you want to keep a hold of that
21:08between all of those things
21:10when you talk about super leagues
21:12and things that go into franchise level
21:14I think you lose that little bit
21:18what makes football special
21:20in terms of being at the heart of the community
21:22and that's kind of where
21:24I see
21:26the most beautiful part of the game
21:28Nicely said
21:30Another aspect of football romantics
21:32is also rivalry
21:34Let's get back to sports
21:36and to Haris Vau
21:38who has good chances to be promoted
21:40Do you want them to go up
21:42and what does this rivalry mean to you?
21:44Listen, I would love to play at Hamburg
21:46Derby in the first league
21:48I think it would be amazing
21:50There have been some of my favorite games
21:52of my whole career to play
21:54A city rivalry
21:56has always got a
21:58You can feel the energy
22:00of the people in the streets
22:02and the shops
22:04Everything is about this game
22:06from the Monday
22:08all the way to the weekend
22:10I would absolutely love
22:12to be a part of that game
22:14Let's see at the moment
22:16the chances are very good
22:18for a Hamburg Derby next year
22:20in the first league
22:22Last question, could you imagine
22:24finishing your career here
22:26at St. Pauli
22:28or do you have in mind
22:30going back to Australia
22:32to finish your career there
22:34I'm only trying to make sure
22:36we're playing Bundesliga next season
22:38That's the number one priority
22:40It's already the longest
22:42I've spent at one club in my career
22:44I hope to be here for many years
22:46but definitely hoping to do that
22:48at the top level
22:50That's why I came here in the first place
22:52It was always my ambition
22:54That's the most important thing
22:56that next season we stay there
22:58and take it year by year after that
23:00And of course you still have
23:02a lot of years before you
23:04Thanks for your time, Jackson
23:06It was nice to talk to you
23:08All the best for the rest of the season
23:10That's it with episode one of
23:12Behind the Kicker
23:14Please leave us some feedback
23:16on this first episode
23:18and of course wishes for
23:20the interview partners
23:22See you next time
