जगदलपुर नगर निगम में सभापति का सस्पेंस खत्म
00:00You have also got a vote from the Congress.
00:03Did you get support from the Congress?
00:05They are saying that you have a lot of friends in the Congress.
00:07Yes, I have a lot of friends.
00:10I only got one vote. I had to get more.
00:13You had high hopes.
00:14Yes, I had high hopes.
00:16Your friends will be your friends.
00:18Yes, they will be.
00:20There were many seniors in the BJP who were being considered for the Sabha Pati race.
00:26But this morning, your name was announced.
00:29The party gave you priority.
00:31What was the reason?
00:32Now that you have won the elections, what priority will you work with?
00:36There are many seniors. I will work with their guidance.
00:42Mani Mahapur ji will work with their guidance.
00:48I would like to thank the district and state organizations who gave me support for this post.