• 2 days ago


01:42I want to borrow something.
01:46what do you want to borrow?
01:58It's not good to take pictures of others.
02:18Are you okay?
02:19It's okay.
02:20We got a call from the police to come and help you.
02:30Trap and evidence to hold him hostage.
02:35That saved me, and I got the evidence I needed.
02:39Thanks for your cooperation.
02:52It's been a long time, Su Miao.
03:14You can see me now?
03:17I can see everything.
03:18I'm so happy to see you again.
03:29You should have explained it to me, shouldn't you?
03:40There's a reason why I came back from the dead.
03:43I know the reason why I came back from the dead is the same as the reason why Fang Jing and I died.
03:51It's all fake.
03:58When did you come back from the dead?
04:03On the day of the accident,
04:07I found the evidence.
04:10In the system, Su Miao, the whole church, the whole grandma,
04:19none of them had this person.
04:25That's because you weren't stimulated.
04:31Your eyes...
04:32My eyes are not blind.
04:35I can see everything.
04:37I can see everything.
04:47Su Miao.
04:48Su Miao.
04:50Su Chengcheng.
04:55You ran away again.
05:04I'll see where you can go this time.
05:34I don't know how to face Tang Qi.
05:47I want to resign.
05:47I want to disappear completely.
05:51Didn't you say that as long as you can cure Tang Qi's eyes, you don't have to confess everything?
05:57In fact, the result now is similar to what you thought before.
06:01It's just that there was a little deviation in the process.
06:08Was it a little deviation?
06:10It deviated from the earth to Mars.
06:26You lied to me for so long.
06:28Shouldn't you give me an explanation?
06:32I'll wait for you.
07:02Tang Qi.
07:29What should I call you?
07:34Su Miao.
07:36Fang Jing.
07:37Quan Sheng Tang.
07:43Grandma Quan.
07:45I'm sorry.
07:46I didn't mean to lie to you.
07:55Who was the first person you met in your life?
08:25Who was the first person you met in your life?
08:52Who was the first person you met in your life?
09:09After Su Miao died,
09:14you became Fang Jing.
09:44No wonder the gentle Fang Jing
09:48can suddenly repay Guan Sheng.
09:51I'm sorry.
10:04After that, you became Quan Sheng Tang again.
10:34In order to refuse me,
10:45you really killed your heart.
10:47I'm sorry.
10:59Except for Grandma Quan,
11:02have you ever lied to anyone else?
11:14There's no one else.
11:28I'm sorry.
11:32I knew it.
11:35The lamb in the zoo wasn't my family's.
11:45I'm sorry.
11:47I didn't know it would be like this.
11:49One wrong step,
11:51and it became like this.
11:54Because it was too absurd.
11:56I didn't know how to explain it to you.
11:59I wanted to tell you,
12:01but I didn't have the courage.
12:02I was really, really wrong.
12:12I'm sorry.
12:14I really didn't mean to lie to you.
12:22You really didn't mean to lie to me.
12:26I shouldn't have liked Su Miao and Fang Jing.
12:30They kept avoiding me,
12:33but I kept pestering them.
12:49Everything is clear now.
12:54That's all for now.
13:03Fang Jing!
13:04Have you forgiven me?
13:06You won't save me this time.
13:07You've forgiven me, right?
13:08You won't fire me, right?
13:09I can go back to work tomorrow.
13:11Hang Qi!
13:17要好好告别 让回忆有话说 飞行别恋
13:27我们还未开始就结束 太敷衍
13:33你转身离开 带走全世界的色彩
13:40你从此不再 生命再无期待
14:54我今天跟唐吉坦白了 I confessed to Tang Qi today.
14:57我跟他道歉 I apologized to him.
14:58是我做错了 伤害了他 I was wrong. I hurt him.
15:06你也是不得已了 你不要太自责 You had no choice. Don't blame yourself.
15:12唐吉坦什么反应 What did Tang Qi say?
15:14他说原谅我了 他说原谅我了 He said he forgave me.
15:16但是好像哭了 But he seemed to have cried.
15:20唐吉坦这样的人设也会哭 Tang Qi would cry in this kind of setting?
15:22他这是对你爱而不得 He was being ungrateful to you.
15:30爱而不得 Ungrateful?
15:34别脑补太多 唐吉怎么可能爱上我 Don't think too much. How could Tang Qi fall in love with me?
15:40好啦 别想了 既然说原谅你了 那就过去喽 Alright, don't think too much. Since he said he forgave you, let it go.
15:46明天还要上班 早点睡 I have to go to work tomorrow. Go to bed early.
16:05唐总早 Good morning, Mr. Tang.
16:07早 Good morning.
16:09我突然想起来我忘买早餐了 我去买早餐了 I suddenly remembered I forgot to buy breakfast. I'm going to buy breakfast.
16:13进来 Come in.
16:19等等 等等 等等 等等 Wait, wait, wait, wait.
16:34嗯 嗯 嗯 Um, um, um.
16:54你后面的扣子掉了 You lost the button on the back of your shirt.
17:04嗯 Um.
17:34请他用针线帮我 Please help me with the needle.
17:39谢谢 Thank you.
17:46喂 喂 许悦居然去凡代做内奸 Hey, hey, Xu Yue went to Fandai to be a spy.
17:52凡代的张总监已经离职了 许悦肯定去不了凡代了 Director Zhang of Fandai has resigned. Xu Yue can't go to Fandai.
17:57不能 No way.
17:58进 Come in.
18:00好了 许悦的事到此为止 Alright, that's all for Xu Yue's matter.
18:05这是公司研发的新香水 名叫白驹 你们试一下 This is the new perfume developed by the company. It's called Baiju. Have a try.
18:15好 谢谢啊 Thank you.
18:26好香啊 好香啊 It smells so good.
18:27这味道总感觉在哪里闻过似的 It smells familiar.
18:30是有一种在哪里闻到过的熟悉感 It smells familiar.
18:33让我想起了小时候在路边溪的美人椒蜜 It reminds me of the Beauty and the Beast by the roadside when I was a kid.
18:40顾总 这白驹有什么特别的含义吗 Director Gu, what's the special meaning of Baiju?
18:44这是唐总写的名字 她没解释 This is Mr. Tang's name. He didn't explain it.
18:47你们可以发挥想象 自由解读 You can imagine it and interpret it as you like.
18:50白驹 就是白马 应该是指白马王子 Baiju is a white horse. It should be a prince.
18:55象征着少女对感情的美好想象 It symbolizes the beautiful imagination of a girl for love.
18:58我们的香水闻起来很甜蜜浪漫 Our perfume smells sweet and romantic.
19:03白马 不一定是白马王子 也有可能是白马骑士 勇敢自由 White horse doesn't necessarily mean a prince. It can also mean a knight.
19:08勇敢 自由 象征女性面对生活 既可以勇敢挑战 也可以自由享受 It symbolizes the courage to face life, challenge and enjoy it.
19:16电影《八百章》的白马 象征希望 The white horse in the movie symbolizes hope.
19:19也许唐总是想让每个用香水的人都永远有希望 Maybe Mr. Tang wants everyone who uses perfume to have hope forever.
19:27诗经的《小雅白驹》是一首别有私弦诗 The poem is a poem of private interest.
19:30白驹也可以象征珍贵的友情 现在都是阶段式交友 The white horse can also symbolize precious friendship. It's a stage friendship now.
19:35我们遇见的每一个人只能陪我们走一段路 Everyone we meet can only accompany us for a while.
19:38人生中能有一二知己好友常伴身边 就是生命的心香 泥作珍贵 There is only one or two close friends to accompany you in life, which is the fragrance of life.
19:48今天的会到此为止 三天后交策划案 公司择优选择 Today's meeting is over. The proposal will be handed in three days. The company has the final say.
19:54丁香 白蓝 美人焦 莫铃 Ding Xiang, Bai Lan, Meiren Jiao, Mo Lin
20:08白驾回宫 恭送公主 Bai Jia Hui Gong, Gong Song Gong Zhu
20:39城城 你不喜欢当将军吗 Cheng Cheng, don't you like to be a general?
20:45喜欢 可有时候我也想做公主 I like it, but sometimes I also want to be a princess.
20:49但他们说公主都要长得很漂亮 只有姐姐能做公主 But they say princesses have to be beautiful. Only my sister can be a princess.
20:57来 城城 奶奶告诉你 她们是错误的 姐姐是大公主 你是小公主 是我们家的小公主 Cheng Cheng, let me tell you. They are wrong. My sister is a princess. You are a little princess. You are our little princess.
21:12我也可以变成小公主了 I can be a little princess, too.
21:26哇 真漂亮 我变成漂亮的小公主了 公主驾到 公主驾到 公主驾到 公主驾到 我就说嘛 这味道很熟悉 Wow, it's beautiful. I'm a beautiful little princess. I'm a princess.
21:44我就说嘛 这味道很熟悉 我小时候经常和小伙伴吃美人椒的花蜜 我也觉得似曾相识 I told you, it tastes familiar. When I was a kid, I often ate the beauty gelatin with my friends. I feel like I've seen it before.
22:02小时候外婆家有丁香树花开的时候连做梦都是香的 When I was a kid, my grandmother had a dill tree in her house. When the flowers bloomed, I even dreamed of it.
22:07It's all the common plant scents of childhood, no wonder I feel so familiar.
22:16It makes me think of the past unconsciously.
22:38Time has a smell.
22:41It's like a wave that can go back to the past.
22:50Pelletie, I need your help.
23:07Pelletie, I need your help.
23:38Mr. Tang, thank you for your coat this morning.
23:44You're welcome.
23:59Mr. Tang, are you going out for business?
24:06I wish you all the best.
24:11I suddenly remembered that I didn't bring anything.
24:13Mr. Tang, you can leave now.
24:32You're welcome.
24:42Here you are.
24:43Try this.
24:44It just came out of the oven.
24:47It's good.
24:48Is it good?
24:52Can't we choose something too sweet?
24:54Yes, they have to eat low sugar.
24:56Try this.
25:00This is good.
25:32Mr. Tang.
25:38Mr. Tang.
25:41Hello, Mr. Tang.
25:43Where are you?
25:44I'm working outside.
25:45What's the matter?
25:49Are you sure you're working?
25:51I'm sure.
25:56What's wrong?
25:59Very good.
26:03What's wrong with him again?
26:17Grandma must be very happy.
26:19But I still don't understand.
26:21What's the relationship between your company's products and the elderly?
26:24You don't understand this.
26:26There is a set of marketing methods.
26:28Tell the story in the product.
26:30Tell the story in the product.
26:42You're jealous.
26:44I'm not.
26:52I don't care who you eat with.
26:55What I care about is
26:56you're lying.
27:01I'm not lying.
27:04I'm lying because I don't want you to be angry for a meal.
27:08This man is too awkward.
27:10He's obviously jealous and won't admit it.
27:14What would you do if you were me?
27:21Can I not answer this question?
27:26You promised to collect creative materials for me.
27:35Honesty is the most effective way of communication.
27:39I would say...
27:44I'm jealous.
27:45You eat with the man who has a crush on you.
27:47I don't like it.
27:50But I have to eat with Lin Yu Jing to keep the farm.
27:54I have to eat with Lin Yu Jing.
27:57You will be unhappy no matter what.
28:01You must quarrel.
28:24Grandma, have some water.
28:28Let me do it.
28:31You can do it.
28:39Try this.
28:40You're so greedy.
28:43Call your grandparents.
28:44Grandparents, I prepared free pastries for you today.
28:47Have a look.
28:52Yes, free.
28:53Try it.
28:54Try it.
28:55It's delicious.
28:57Mine is rose.
28:58Yours is red bean.
29:00Red bean.
29:02How is it?
29:03Is it delicious?
29:07This is our company's new perfume.
29:10Every lady can get one.
29:12This is for you.
29:15This is for you.
29:17This is for you.
29:23You gave us food for no reason.
29:26And you gave us perfume.
29:27You didn't buy perfume from us, did you?
29:31No, grandma.
29:32This is for you.
29:33It's free.
29:34I just want to chat with you.
29:36It's better to spend more than ten yuan on this.
29:40Young lady.
29:42You'd better give this to someone else.
29:44We're old.
29:45We're all fragrant.
29:47We don't have to be laughed at by others.
29:49We don't have to be shy.
29:51That's right.
29:53I'm not that old.
29:55Here you are.
30:05Grandma Li.
30:06This cake is too sweet.
30:07Eating too much is bad for your health.
30:10You don't let me eat it.
30:11It's boring.
30:15How about we play a game together?
30:17It's very interesting.
30:19What game?
30:21What game?
30:26It's an old disease of mine.
30:28I'll be fine in a few days.
30:30But you gave me a potted plant.
30:33My disease won't be cured so soon.
30:39All patients give flowers.
30:41How can you give a potted plant?
30:43Chinese people are stingy.
30:52The potted plant is more practical.
30:54I can appreciate it all the time.
30:56So I bought it.
30:57Sorry, sir.
31:00Fortunately, the dessert you chose is good.
31:03I'll keep it.
31:05When you leave later,
31:07take the potted plant with you.
31:14This is our new perfume sample.
31:22Perfume sample
31:33The tone is rich in layers.
31:35The fragrance is light and elegant.
31:39It's not easy.
31:40How did you do it?
31:43In addition to the choice of spices,
31:45we also used the most powerful effect of molecules.
31:47We changed a few kinds of
31:49molecules to create a sense of layering.
31:54It has a sense of familiarity.
31:56It brings back memories.
31:59It's like going back to the past.
32:03The idea of ​​creating this perfume
32:05is the Proust effect.
32:10The memory of the world
32:12will gradually blur
32:14for up to four months.
32:16And the memory of the smell
32:18will never change.
32:20The familiar smell
32:22will awaken the deepest memory in the hippopotamus.
32:25It seems that
32:27you want to create a perfume
32:29that can awaken memories.
32:35Even if the white chrysanthemum is too thin,
32:37as time goes by,
32:39as long as the memory is there,
32:41the fragrance can be preserved forever.
32:44This perfume
32:46will be very popular
32:48in the future.
32:55But I haven't figured out
32:57how to present this concept.
33:16The memory of the world
33:18will gradually blur
33:20for up to four months.
33:22The familiar smell
33:24will gradually blur
33:26for up to four months.
33:28The fragrance can be preserved forever.
33:30The familiar smell
33:32will awaken the deepest memory
33:34in the hippopotamus.
33:36It seems that
33:38you want to create a perfume
33:40that can awaken memories
33:42for up to four months.
33:44Look at your photo.
33:46What's so special about it?
33:48It's boring.
33:50Yes, everyone is here.
33:52What's so special about the photo?
34:24So young.
34:26That's right.
34:28I was like this when I was 20 years old.
34:30I didn't lie to you, did I?
34:32At that time,
34:34I was a flower
34:36in our textile factory.
34:38Young people now call it the factory flower.
34:40Factory flower.
34:42It's a pity that
34:44at that time,
34:46my family was poor
34:48and I rarely took photos.
34:50I didn't expect
34:52to see myself when I was young.
35:02Grandma Shen.
35:06Isn't it beautiful?
35:08So young.
35:10So beautiful.
35:12Who else wants to see
35:14themselves when they were young?
35:16I want to try it.
35:18I was not bad when I was young.
35:22Let's take a look.
35:24Let's try it.
35:26Grandma Shen.
35:28Take a look.
35:30You were so handsome when you were young.
35:32You looked good when you were young.
35:34Thank you,
35:36little girl.
35:40I would have never thought
35:42that I was so charming.
35:46Grandma, you are charming now.
36:10can you show it to me?
36:38I've found the photo.
36:40Let's see.
36:54Her husband was so nice to her.
36:56It's a pity that
36:58he died young.
37:00She has never married in her life.
37:02She carried this photo
37:04wherever she went.
39:07I'm gonna haut
39:14I'm gonna
39:55We should have been at home
39:57You don't shot him. Ah, we're making sure姑娘就喜欢把白蓝花用一根细线穿起来
41:13It's going on
41:25It's here
43:11Let all of this come back to us in the future
43:17It's enough to refuse and miss again and again
43:23I wish I could stay with you all the way
43:30It's just a moment, a fragment and a blank
43:37They all say everything is left to time
43:41But time is only responsible for interrupting
43:45Two memories are tangled in the wind
43:52We have to say goodbye
43:55Let the memories have something to say
43:59Fly away
44:02We haven't started yet
44:06It's too perfunctory
44:08You turn around and leave
44:10Taking away the color of the world
44:15You are gone from now on
44:17Life has no hope
44:26They all say everything is left to time
44:30But time is only responsible for interrupting
44:33Two memories are tangled in the wind
44:40We have to say goodbye
44:43Let the memories have something to say
44:47Fly away
44:50We haven't started yet
44:53It's too perfunctory
44:56You turn around and leave
44:58Taking away the color of the world
45:04You are gone from now on
45:06Life has no hope
