• 2 days ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup menguat 0,27 persen atau 18,15 poin ke level 6.636 pada Jumat (7/3/2025).

Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 21,05 miliar dengan nilai transaksi Rp10,35 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 927.208 kali.


00:00Indonesia's share price in the second half of the day is still closed in the green zone, experiencing a strength of 0.27%
00:13and the share price seems to be able to survive at the level of 6,600.
00:19In fact, the trading closing position in the second half of the day is at 6,636.
00:26The highest level today for the share price index is at 6,682.
00:32It was depressed after the opening in the first session to 6,577.832 and was opened flat this morning.
00:40Let's go straight to the first graph.
00:42Viewers, we will try to see the update of the closing position of several other indexes.
00:47To the first graph, MNC36 is still weak at 0.41%.
00:51Jakarta Islamic Index is strong at 0.40%.
00:54LQ45 is weak at 0.41%.
00:58To the next graph, sectoral movement rotation, technology, is far ahead of strength at 5.14%.
01:04There is DCEI there.
01:06Then steel is also strong at 2.21%.
01:09Meanwhile, transportation and logistics are weak at 0.76%.
01:14Moving on to the next graph, health is also weak at 0.64%.
01:22The graph of stock positions that are in the top gainers list today is goto, cuan, wafi, and brand.
01:32Dominated by conglomerate stocks, Rayogopangestu Group.
01:36Goto is strong at 86, cuan is strong at 8,325, wafi is strong at 2,330, and brand, Rayogopangestu Group, is strong at 6,475.
01:47Meanwhile, stocks that are weak today are strong at 3,810, Adaro is strong at 2,000, ADI is weak at 6,475, and Aman is also strong at 6,550.
02:02That's all for today.
02:04I hope it can be a reference for you, especially when it comes to trading next week.
