Recent heavy rains has brought flooding to many parts of the state leaving both humans and animals looking for higher ground. So far at least 97 residents have already been airlifted out of flood-stricken areas and with this baby kangaroo that makes it at least 98. Veuer’s Tony Spitz has the details.
00:00This video was recently captured in the Australian state of Queensland.
00:04Recent heavy rains have brought flooding to many parts of the state,
00:07leaving both humans and animals looking for higher ground.
00:10So far, at least 97 residents have already been airlifted out of flood-stricken areas,
00:15and with this baby kangaroo, that makes it at least 98.
00:18This kangaroo joey recently found itself stranded and in need of rescue,
00:22and was spotted by members of the Queensland Police Department.
00:25They moved over to the kangaroo and plucked him out of the rising floodwaters,
00:28and it seems rescuers were just in time.
00:30Nearby, rescuers say there were two crocodiles stalking the young animal
00:34from just below the surface of the murky water,
00:36no doubt hoping to make a snack of the bite-sized kangaroo.
00:39This is just the latest flood in an area hit particularly bad in the last couple of years.
00:44Reuters reports that a multi-year La Niña
00:46has dropped more precipitation than usual in Queensland and other areas of the country.
00:50In fact, just this past January,
00:52a once-in-a-century flood left Australia's Northern Territory covered in water
00:56as far as the eye could see.