• yesterday
Friends of Big Bear Valley's Sandy Steers gives the latest update on the bald eagle couple, Jackie and Shadow, and their growing family. Two eaglets have hatched, with the last egg showing movement.
00:00from high in the california nest a pair of bald eagle parents jackie and shadow have welcomed two
00:06eaglets i said that eaglets yeah and a third egg is yet to hatch and the whole event is being
00:14streamed live joining us is sandy steers executive director of the friends of big bear valley the
00:19non-profit that owns and operates the live feed so excited to have you on for today and sandy what's
00:26the latest is it true is there some movement in the third egg is the delay a cause for concern at
00:32all no that yes there is movement in the third egg and it it widened the hole got much bigger
00:39overnight and no there's no concern it usually takes from the time we first see a pip between
00:46a day and three days before that chick works its way out of the shell well if you had to give
00:52jackie and shadow a grade what grade would it be in the care of the eagles so far and do they
00:59share parenting parenting duties parenting duties well i'd give them an a plus plus and yes they
01:07share uh parental duties absolutely and shadow actually fights to get more of his turn but he
01:16also brings lots of fish jackie's also brought food and they take turns on the nest a lot of
01:22times recently since the chicks have hatched they've both been there kind of hanging out for
01:26an hour and that's not usual so they're both excited about all of this oh my gosh it's too
01:33sweet i can't take it all right there's been some snowfall so how does the cold weather change
01:37how jackie and shadow are able to protect their two newborns well they have seven over 7 000
01:44waterproof feathers each one of them sticks together with down underneath that so they're
01:49plenty warm and their body temperature is 105 so they can keep those chicks warm just by covering
01:55them up with all that insulation that they have and um and they're very good at doing that keeping
02:02them very tucked under and dry and warm and fed all right really quickly uh can you describe the
02:08excitement around this event that has been streamed all over the world uh yeah it's amazing
02:14to me we've had you know tens of thousands of people watching the youtube i think it was over
02:2080 some thousand watching youtube yesterday as soon as there was a pip and um it's it's beyond
02:27imagination how many people are excited and i i love that that people are getting heartfelt
02:33connections with nature all right well we have both named children in our lives are there any
02:38names for the two eagles and how are those chosen we we will be having a contest that people can
02:45submit names uh online and then we will draw randomly uh about 30 and the third graders in
02:53big bear will get to select for the final names because they study eagles this during their third
02:59grade sandy steers executive director of the friends of big bear valley thanks for joining us
03:05and we'll be watching thank you all right before we go we dug up our own eagle cam
03:11and the accurate archives see if this eagle sounds familiar thank you i wonder if this camera is on
03:18hmm test check one two three four hey who's that is that my reflection hey i'm good looking
03:27it's a smart eagle or a smart falcon i remember this years ago stay with us
