• 2 days ago
Was humanity once a starfaring civilization? Overwhelming likely not, but that hasn’t stopped some from identifying as alien anyways. They call themselves starseeds, and it seems to be a growing group of individuals who believe they were sent from another planet or dimension to usher humanity into a better age of being.


00:00Was humanity once a star-faring civilization?
00:07Overwhelmingly likely not, but that hasn't stopped some from identifying as alien anyways.
00:13They call themselves starseeds, and it seems to be a growing group of individuals who believe
00:17they were sent from another planet or dimension to usher humanity into a better age of being.
00:22In fact, science alert reports, posts with hashtag starseed are trending with over a
00:26billion views on TikTok.
00:28Those who claim to be one of these cosmic travelers say they were reawakened on Earth,
00:31with their consciousness having come from far out in the cosmos.
00:35The notion of coming from another planet in this way was first coined by Brad Steiger,
00:39an author who wrote about the paranormal, spirituality, and UFOs.
00:42His work has often been criticized by experts, as he makes some pretty wild assertions about
00:46the universe without any scientific evidence.
00:49So starseeds, could you be one of them?
00:51Well, the intergalactic travelers are believed to be more inclined to physical and mental
00:54health problems, as their consciousnesses are living in borrowed bodies.
00:58They also tend to be drawn more towards holistic medicines and conspiracy theories.
01:02But this type of thinking is also linked with a psychological divergence called Source Monitoring
01:06Error, or where an individual misinterprets their own memories, confusing what's real
01:11and what was only imagined.
