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Music from:
Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/
I am a part owner of Glitch Energy Drink
No one reads this far into the description...what are you doing snooping around...
Glitch Energy: https://glitchenergy.co/wildcat
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@BasicallyIDoWrk @Sp00nerism @SlayedByBlade
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For Business Inquiries Contact: business@iamwildcat.net
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Music from:
Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/
I am a part owner of Glitch Energy Drink
No one reads this far into the description...what are you doing snooping around...
00:35Let's play with our settings here to see if it like makes it look good self-destruct. What does this do?
00:45You died well, you know
00:52All right, so what what's what's the plan here what do we do now we gotta go in here
00:55We're gonna go in here and they tired good damage things. You gotta like make sure you don't
01:00bash because
01:02We're trying to take
01:04$10,000 worth of belongings back to the ship
01:067,000 less money this time. You can also open these cupboards and shit. What's in here? Oh, I found something
01:11Not a cock ring. Oh, I just made it. I just lost $5
01:15That guy oh my god is Marcel dad
01:24It's coming it's coming it's coming
01:31He missed us
01:36Okay, so obviously we could be pushing this cart right I didn't you can move the cart that's huge yeah
01:41Oh my god, there's stuff in the safe
01:44$1,300 cup you you broke it. Oh
01:49You dumb shit, I didn't know that I was capable of doing that. Let's go. Let's get Marcel back. Bring it back
01:55Yeah, let's not be greedy. We gotta get her boy
01:58I'm staring at me like that's good. I'm afraid to sprint. I think that's respectable
02:07Alright, what does this mean?
02:14Does Marcel respond
02:18Do we have to do we need to take our car with us or is that no, yeah, that's how he said
02:27That hurt me so bad
02:35How do we leave
02:40Why isn't the engine starting
02:43Oh, we're good, I think
02:45Okay, so we got 12 K. Can we buy stuff? I'm assuming. Oh, yeah. Look extract items
02:49So we got we got 12 K here
02:52But every item is so what is this per use?
02:56This is the shop items to purchase you buy a baseball only one person can use it 27 K
03:02We can't buy the baseball bat 3 K for this shit shockwave mine. There's a bear trap various sex toys
03:08Cereal power-ups little perks pop a perky. I don't think we need shit right now. I would buy a health back then
03:14I'm at one out of 100. Okay, I would buy two health packs in
03:20Yeah, buy some health back that's all of our money
03:30My health didn't go up I'll spawn in the ship. Oh, there's the health take one. I need a big one
03:38Oh wait, I don't we wrote that'll be
03:43Yeah, I've got
03:46Yeah, all right, where do we go? You could give you could give people back shot. So you just got a click on them
03:55My health it gives it oh, okay. Oh, you're passing it back and forth. How do I do it? How do I do it? Yeah
04:04Let's click hold it down. Oh
04:48Gemstone is it $2,400 gemstone? Oh, yeah. What about this $1,000 frog?
05:18Like balancing it
05:28Gotta love potion you guys want to touch it? Yeah, that's it. You start complimenting
05:37My god
06:08Feels good to be back
06:13We have to clear all of the points, is that an option
06:20Holy shits
06:50The muffled screams through the walls
06:52He's got a gun!
06:54He's got a gun!
06:56He's got a gun!
07:00How's Marcel taking all these back shots, bro?
07:02He doesn't know how to close the door
07:04He's doing alright
07:06Look at him tediously
07:10What's Spoon doing?
07:12Spoon's dodging his ass
07:14Spoon's out here still collecting items
07:16It's my head
07:18We need more money
07:24He fell down the stairs
07:26What a clumsy dumb fuck
07:28Look at the way they're both looking at each other
07:30We need one of them to change colors
07:32They look the same to me
07:34I agree I was thinking the same thing but we can't say that
07:36All y'all look alike
07:38Turn around
07:52It's hard to get back shots quietly
08:02And buy a bunch of health again
08:08Alright let's go
08:10Real quick I just wanted you to know we
08:12Uh oh
08:14God damn it fuck
08:16He's behind us
08:18You're okay
08:24You're alive
08:26Dude I just ran for it
08:28And as soon as I got to the top of the stairs
08:30I got blasted with a shock
08:32We gotta leave
08:34Do a spawn camping
08:36Oh my god
08:38Don't look at the baby
08:40Oh god
08:44Hey speaking of black guy you two need to change color
08:46One of you two use the same color
08:50I'm brown
08:52You both look black when we're in the dark
08:54He's black I'm brown
08:56When we're in the dark shadows you both just look black
08:58I can't tell the difference
09:00Oh Marcel just changed
09:02Is that better
09:04Are you happy now
09:07Rubber duck for 18k
09:09If I was Nogla I would buy that in an instant
09:11Grenade I'm buying the grenade
09:13Don't care what anybody says
09:15I kinda want a 4
09:17I can't afford that
09:19A 4
09:21It's just like when I used to go to the grocery store with my mom
09:27Give me my grenade
09:29Shockwave grenade equipped
09:31Oh shit
09:37I was trying to put it in my inventory
09:39I don't know how to do that
09:41I was trying to put it in my inventory man
09:43How do you put things in your inventory
09:45Not e I can tell you that
09:47Look at this guys this is massive
09:49I need help
09:51Don't worry put it in there
09:53We should put that back on the ship
09:59Don't go in there
10:01I got a pet
10:03I got a pet duck
10:06Now he's ours
10:08Can I touch him
10:10I'm gonna pick him up
10:12What the fuck is that
10:14What is that
10:16There's a baby
10:18We're all dead
10:22The duck did not like me touching it
10:24Guys I got a working flamethrower
10:28Why did they die again
10:30There's a baby
10:32And then there's a duck
10:35Worst explanation ever
10:37You really had to be there
10:41You guys are so good at that
10:43Spoon for the record do not touch the duck
10:45I picked up the duck that was following spoon
10:47And then I got an apex predator alert
10:49And it turned into a giant monster and killed me
10:51Oh my god that's amazing
10:53I don't really know how I died
10:55The baby was screaming next to me
10:57I wasn't really alarmed and then all of a sudden it exploded and I died
10:59The baby throws items at you
11:01And will steal things from the cart
11:04And it must have thrown a nuke at me
11:06I don't know
11:08Handle with care
11:10This giant thing
11:12Do not open it says
11:14With scratches coming off the side of it
11:22Be careful
11:24It's 20k dude
11:26Everybody pick it up
11:30Is that good to put it down
11:35Uh oh
11:37Uh oh
11:39Oh my god
11:41It's breaking open
11:43It's opening itself
11:45It's opening itself
11:47Get out of here
11:51Run run run
11:53Don't touch it
11:55Don't touch it
11:57I'm dropping this propane
11:59I wish a mother would come out that box
12:02Oh my god
12:04Oh my god
12:06Marcel big guy big guy big guy
12:08He's in the room
12:10There's a big guy in here
12:14I hit the wall
12:16Oh shit
12:18Is that a big boy
12:22Fuck off duck
12:24Fuck you
12:26Don't talk to me like that
12:28Marcel what are you doing
12:30He's driving a fucking cart
12:32How's he alive
12:34He went right past it
12:36What the fuck
12:38Wait we can do that
12:40Oh my god
12:42He just tripped
12:44Get it get it get it
12:46Marcel's driving he knows how to drive this thing
12:50Does this baby have snow tires
12:52Hi ducky
12:54You sure we want to leave
12:56Yeah we want to leave
12:58No I touched it
13:10Dude I was just trying to push the button to leave
13:14Yeah he jumps up into your line of sight every once in a while
13:18I'd like to try the grenade again this time
13:20Guys an indestructible drone is 28,000
13:22What does that do
13:24I don't know what that does
13:26Can I buy a smaller cart
13:28Oh that's adorable
13:30It's not worth
13:32Don't waste money
13:34Spooge is over there screaming
13:36Don't waste money
13:38One of you fuckers used my health I bought
13:40I have 1 HP
13:42Use the health bar
13:44No he has it
13:46Alright fine
13:48There you go
13:50Wait let me make sure I'm not
13:52How much health do you have
13:54Wait what the fuck
13:56I went from 1 to 100 it was best for me to use it
13:58I can still give people health
14:00That's true he can backshotify us now
14:06Let's do this
14:18Watch out watch out I'm sitting on my drone
14:22What the fuck
14:24I can't help but feel like maybe that could have been used in a war up
14:26Hey get back
14:28Get my drone
14:30You broke my face
14:32Get my drone back
14:34I want to do that again
14:36Can we love
14:40You're incredible wildcat
14:44You are beep boop
14:46You are so funny
14:48You are really really my person
14:52Why are you talking like a robot
14:54Are you ok
14:56What is wrong with you
15:02Should I say it
15:04If you need to get it out
15:06Just write it down
15:14Not like that
15:20Look at the thing to the right
15:22Oh it's valuable as shit
15:24Let's take this shit
15:28This can't be real
15:30Everything is good
15:32This is going to be insane
15:34Watch the walls
15:36We just rotate
15:38Honestly it seems indestructible
15:40To the right
15:42Welcome back slave
15:44Oh shit
15:46Get it in there
15:56Dude that's insane
16:00I am so glad that I was dead while that was happening
16:02I can't believe you guys were typing all that shit
16:14Spoon someone help
16:16You're not going to believe what I found
16:18The cube
16:20Oh shit
16:22We have the cube
16:26Balance it properly
16:2837 G's in this car baby
16:30By 76
16:32Guys that door opened
16:34That door just opened
16:36Spooky ghost guy
16:38Look at him skeleton
16:40Hit him with your drone
16:42Grenade out
16:46Oh Marcel
16:48Where is he going
16:50Look at spoon
16:52Look at spoon
16:54Oh my god
16:56Oh no
16:58The wall comes unraveled
17:02What is grabbing him
17:12He's getting picked up by an invisible guy
17:14I don't get it
17:24I don't get it
17:26What do you want from me
17:28Is it saving him
17:30Oh my god it did save him
17:32It brought him back to the ship
17:34Yeah what the fuck
17:36I think that guy picked him up
17:38And took him to the next extraction
17:40Never judge a guy by his opacity
17:44What the fuck have I found
17:46What did you find
17:48Big battery for 2k
17:50Less than 2k
17:52What much less than 2k
17:54I found a guitar
17:56Frog frog frog frog
17:58With a knife
18:00Ninja frog
18:02Why is the drone aiming at me and not the ninja frog
18:04Did you have an item
18:06It's taking your item
18:08Just let him have the item
18:10It's going to take him back to the base
18:12Is it taking him back to the base
18:14What does it do
18:16Grenade out
18:18God damn it
18:22Wobbling around on his back
18:24I'm so bad with the grenade man
18:26He's coming back
18:28You guys want to catch
18:30Oh yeah I got you
18:32Alright 3 2 1
18:34I got it I got it
18:36I got it
18:40Wait we killed the frog with it
18:42No we didn't
18:44He's perfectly alive
18:46This frog never dies
18:56We killed him
18:58I killed the fucking frog with the car
19:00And we have a frog egg
19:02A frog egg
19:04Does it have a value
19:06It's worth 4 grand
19:08It's worth half you stupid
19:12Just go put it in the thing upstairs
19:14Oh my god
19:18He looks so disappointed
19:22This guitar is somehow still worth 2k
19:26It's been literally
19:28Beaten to death
19:30Maybe just carry it
19:34Beautifully placed
19:36Fuck dude
19:38Look at this
19:42There it is though
19:44Be careful here
19:46I think the guitar fell off
19:48Back there by the way
19:50Let's pile up as much shit as we can
19:52Right before the extraction
19:54I feel it up
20:02You broke the guitar
20:04Is Ted going to bounce off there
20:06No I don't got it
20:10I'm afraid to step off the ledge
20:18God damn it dude
20:20Move away
20:24I'm going to throw it
20:34I don't have enough
20:36That one feels so bad
20:38Look at Marcel look at his map
20:40It's right up against his eyes
20:42It has a little book thing on it
20:44Look how cross eyed he was
20:50Oh my god
20:56Holy fuck
20:58Holy shit
21:02That scream
21:04I didn't tell her to kill him
21:08Oh shit
21:10Backed into the creeper
21:12I'm going to stab him
21:14I can't move
21:16He can't carry that thing
21:20Just go
21:22Oh my god
21:24Did he lag out
21:28He's somewhere else I think
21:30He lagged out
21:32He lagged out
21:34Anyone else get a server time out
21:38No but now we're losers
21:40Oh no
21:42Last loser standing and we have to have a fight
21:44Oh shit
21:46What the fuck
21:54He launched me off the map
21:58This is the best
22:02He's way better at that
22:04King of the losers
22:06King of the losers
22:08This game is awesome