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As I navigate life as an entrepreneur and mom and human, I’ve realized how our more “produced” videos only really show one side of the process. They’re great for what they are, showing you how to design and decorate and a great before and after but what about after the After?! Being a mom of a 5 year old and expecting a newborn has forced a lot of changes in my day to day and the way I try to achieve my dreams. I want to portray a realistic picture for those of you watching, who may be experiencing similar things! These chapters showcase a more raw look at our life as a family, as a married couple who also works together on our interior design business and our hopes and aspirations for living our dreams as presently as possible.

These chapters explore how to navigate grief, maybe with a creative project… because why not?! Learning when, as a working mom, to ask for help - in our case we’re keeping it in the family, and a fun, weird and upcycled take on a maternity shoot we did with found objects around our home to make them into crowns for the whole family! Hot wheels, screws and bolts and broken jewelry turned trash to treasure!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrkate
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mrkate

Audio Tracks: Epidemic Sound: http://share.epidemicsound.com/rGjgC


00:00I have been sharing my creative ideas online for about 12 years now, which is crazy.
00:14Most people know me as an interior designer.
00:16Some people even remember like Boho Boots sock bun days.
00:20Oh my gosh, the t-shirt scarf.
00:22And then you can glue it or tie it and have fun.
00:28Me and Joey filmed our first fixer-upper home, all DIY style.
00:33We've helped other people with their homes, some of them on super low budgets.
00:39Oh my god!
00:44Oh my god!
00:49Some of them for super famous people.
00:54Oh my!
00:58Oh my god!
01:02Oh my god!
01:06We had a baby.
01:10We moved to an island and started our dream home paradise fixer-upper.
01:18But, was any of it real?
01:24Of course it was, but it was one side of my life.
01:29It's the side that I got up early for, got ready for, prepped for, shopped for, hired crew to film.
01:37Obviously that's not real, real life.
01:40So, what I've come to realize over the years of talking about creativity and posting about living a creative life
01:51is that the real moments aren't in the polished edit or the big reveal where everything's perfectly placed.
02:03It's about all those moments around that.
02:08And it's about taking ownership over your life and making your life right now your dream life.
02:21Hey! I'm taking a video.
02:31This is not magical.
02:34Perfect shot!
02:37Oh, there it goes! Yeah!
02:44Oh my god!
02:48How do you say cheese?
02:59Oh look! Look who it is!
03:03Grandma Gigi, me, and Titi.
03:07Look at little Titi!
03:10When Grandma Gigi came to visit you as a baby,
03:15because she lived in New York and we lived in LA,
03:19she got dressed up as a chauffeur and picked her up at the airport holding a sign.
03:24And then she came here to our house and cuddled this beautiful mint baby.
03:31Who's that?
03:32That's Grandma Gigi.
03:33That's Grandma Gigi?
03:34I know, that was her when she was a little girl and I was one.
03:38Oh, you listened to her heart.
03:41It's not even a real heartbeat thing.
03:43I mean, you were pretty convinced.
03:49I'm setting up to have a little zen time with a craft project that I've been wanting to do.
03:57Well, I guess it's like a photo project since my...
04:02Oh gosh, I'm going to try not to cry.
04:05Since my grandma passed, which you guys know about if you saw our baby naming video.
04:12It happened literally like right before we released that video.
04:16So we dedicated the video to her.
04:18It was a very smooth exit because we knew she was close and ready.
04:22She was very ready.
04:24And so I feel like it's such a gift when you get that time to say goodbye to somebody.
04:30I got the opportunity to tell her that she had my blessing
04:35and that I wanted her to do whatever she needed to do to feel good and pass and all the things.
04:43So it was really a special experience that I got to do that.
04:47So anyways, telling Moon all these stories about my grandma
04:52and just really wanting him to understand what an important person she was in my life
04:57made me realize I really wish I had a visual representation of her.
05:03Let me show you what I'm thinking about doing and I'll tell you.
05:06She worked at a professional faux finishing place.
05:11She would gold leaf things and do eggshell finishes and of course the sponging.
05:16So she gave me these little samples from the faux finishing place.
05:21I actually used to have more and I would keep it with my crystals and stuff
05:25because this is real gold.
05:28So I've chosen the pictures and I have all of these.
05:33These are actually wallpaper samples.
05:37Some of our ones we've made or making or are never going to make.
05:42But I just like the idea of having some color and pattern and I'm going to add some shapes.
05:49I was thinking maybe like a star.
05:52Her name is Estelle.
05:56Maybe like a star.
05:59Open the sky of sorts and use a little bit of this very precious gold leaf that she gave me
06:07to make the star sparkle a little bit.
07:29I think I'll collage again but that was definitely the most I've ever cried
07:40during a craft project.
07:49One thing I've learned as a creative entrepreneur as we've grown our business
07:53over the years is that you have to learn how to collaborate creatively
08:00or creatively collaborate.
08:04I feel like it's like in an entrepreneur's nature to just like want to do everything
08:08especially now that I am a mother and I am like wanting to apply myself to that role.
08:18I have really really learned that you can't do it all.
08:35We are going to call my little sister Tess.
08:41If you don't know who she is you're new to our videos.
08:46She's been along for the creative journey of Mr. Kate in like so many ways
08:50and we're working on a rug line.
08:56We're working on a rug line which is so exciting and a lot of work
09:02because we want to make it the best rug line ever obviously
09:07and I just I want somebody to bounce creative ideas off of.
09:11I mean Joey is great.
09:14But no he's great but my sister is like way more into the aesthetics of design.
09:25She's way more chic than this guy.
09:27Well no I mean you have really good opinions but I just want another creative voice.
09:34There she is.
09:37I am this is like wait I can't actually stand this angle.
09:43You're cute.
09:44Kate's worried about how she looks to you.
09:46Yeah because you know why?
09:49I don't know if you noticed but I am pregnant.
09:53I already told you you look great.
09:55Okay I don't care what you say.
09:59She doesn't care.
10:00Well the thing with this rug line I mean I mentioned it to you
10:03we wanted to have the design the best feeling rug under foot under face
10:12whichever side you're putting down
10:16but like more than that we want it to be
10:20we want the idea behind it to be like a movement
10:25you know it's like rug cuddle approved
10:28less like trend based more forever based
10:33basically we need help like getting this project across the finish line
10:41and we need you to help us do that.
10:45So is it official that you're gonna help work with us again?
10:48Can I ask you can I ask a serious question?
10:51Last time you guys worked together it didn't necessarily go like that amazing.
11:00Are we sure we're all wanting to work?
11:03I mean I want Tess to work.
11:05Well here's what I will say.
11:07I want older and wiser.
11:09That's the answer.
11:11Most fun I ever had doing any of this stuff
11:14was when I was like just doing
11:20or operating as close to the Mr. Kate model as possible.
11:26This will be fun.
11:28And this is like that kind of like creative direction thing
11:32you know thinking of it like in its end point
11:35like how are we styling this
11:37like how you you you are so good at thinking in that way
11:42which is so important
11:44because that's how like we need to think
11:47because that's how it's going to be positioned all these people too
11:49it's like yeah this may be a basic rug
11:54but it's the best basic rug and look how good it looks
11:57It's a basic bitch.
11:59Rug bitch.
12:03Hey guys sorry quickly interrupting this video
12:05because I want to do a little bit of housekeeping
12:07got to announce the winners of some of our recent giveaways
12:10I know a lot of you have been waiting to find out who the winner is
12:12so first up we're giving away the Luna cabinets
12:14it's available in a bunch of different colors
12:16these are them right there actually
12:18We love the Lunas
12:20and the winner is Sutton Shriver
12:22Congratulations Sutton Shriver
12:26We're also giving away that gorgeous
12:28Mr. Kate test wing back bed
12:30pop it up right there
12:32boom that thing is awesome
12:34this is our tallest most luxurious bed
12:38and the winner of that is
12:40Soraya Chavez
12:42Soraya Chavez I hope I'm saying your name right
12:44and last but not least
12:46you guys all of course always win
12:48because you can use the code MrKate10
12:51for your special viewer discount
12:53so go check out the Mr. Kate products
12:55we got a whole world of products
12:57that we've been working hard on
12:59and if you like anything feel free to use that code
13:01thank you
13:03we love you
13:05back to the video
13:07the video
13:11drive your cars over to this side
13:17I said to Moon you get to pick what we do
13:19and he said I want us to wear crowns
13:21what are you doing?
13:23and I thought that was such a good idea
13:27and so we decided of course
13:29we had to make the crowns
13:31and you put me in
13:33and we thought
13:35we're also in a little bit of a cleaning mode right now
13:37call it nesting
13:39call it I don't know
13:41but Moon rounded up a bunch of his toys
13:43I have like a ton
13:45of broken jewelry
13:48or like these really cool gigantic earrings
13:50that I never wear because they're way too heavy
13:52on my earlobes
13:54oh I love these
13:56so my crown is going to be like broken jewelry
13:58and then Dada's got a bunch
14:00I got all my
14:02random screws
14:04you know the random box
14:06that's what I'm going for
14:08so Joey's going to make like a hardware
14:10cast off
14:12trash to treasure
14:14all of them are going to be kind of like
14:17objects or trash to treasure
14:19let me get a rough measurement of your head
14:21and then we'll cut it
14:23I cut right here?
14:25oh actually that worked
14:27what are you imagining for the
14:29cars like
14:31I'm imagining for them to be sideways
14:33and one like it goes sideways sideways
14:35and then like under here
14:37which is like a tip
14:39oh that would be so cool
14:41almost like a pile up
14:43it's so easy
14:45right there?
14:47yeah that's good
14:49yeah let's see if four is enough
14:51did it
14:53remember how hot glue
14:55is so ouchy ouchy
15:01so if the green one was in the middle
15:03and then the red
15:05like that
15:07that would be so cool
15:14thank you sir
15:16why don't you pull out what you think is cool
15:18I like this
15:20and I also like this pencil sharpener
15:24whoa he has a lot of them
15:28you need to blow on it
15:32fine I'm going to put it in
15:38that's up
15:42that's ok
15:44oh you know what else
15:46do you feel like being a little destructive
15:50can you just like bend that off
15:54the post I don't want the post on it
15:58you want me to bend these things
16:00too mama
16:06you're literally working through the whole day
16:10yeah that's good
16:20well thankfully
16:22you left the sides open
16:28that is awesome
16:30so cool
17:04I caught it
17:07Chris just came over
17:09for an impromptu photoshoot
17:11oh heck yeah
17:36that's so good
18:02oh that's wonderful
18:04thank you
