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The 7 Most BROKEN Operators In Rainbow Six Siege History *JYNXZI REACTS*
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The 7 Most BROKEN Operators In Rainbow Six Siege History *JYNXZI REACTS*
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00:00This looks like a peak video.
00:03The seven most broken operators in Rainbow Six Siege history.
00:08There are over 70 operators in Rainbow Six Siege right now,
00:12with Ubisoft intending to add many more.
00:15These operators on release are fairly-
00:17Chat, this is a peak video.
00:19The seven most broken ops.
00:21...balance. However, in this video-
00:22In Siege history. particular operators that were absolutely broken on release.
00:27In chronological order, the first broken operator in Rainbow Six Siege history was actually Thatcher.
00:33The way that Thatcher works now-
00:34Is a little bit different than how Thatcher used to work in the past,
00:37which is why some of you watching this video might be wondering how Thatcher was ever even overpowered.
00:42As you know-
00:42I remember when Thatcher was broken. just disable any electronic gadgets in the radius of the EMP grenades.
00:48Oh yeah, they used to break them.
00:49Then, he wouldn't just disable the gadget.
00:51No, he would completely destroy the gadget.
00:53This made bandit-tricking way harder,
00:56I remember this.
01:00Dude, also, Prime Thatcher could counter, like, half of the Defender's electronic gadgets.
01:06And like he said, it wouldn't disable it.
01:09It would fully break it.
01:14Oh, this video's good!
01:46Aura, dude!
02:16...that support players back in the day absolutely had it made.
02:18And Thatcher was undoubtedly overpowered for support players.
02:46You see, Blackbeard had a face shield that melted on his weapon with a lot of HP.
02:50And when I say, on this face shield, there was a lot of HP, I mean a LOT of HP.
03:11Who thought this was a good idea?
03:13I understand this was 10 years ago, but who thought this was a good idea?
03:23In a one-shot headshot game, by the way!
04:00Now, to be fair, back then, he only had one face shield.
04:03Whereas later down the line, the HP would be significantly nerfed, and he'd gain two face shields.
04:07But make zero mistake, one Blackbeard face shield was enough.
04:11And he was the most played entry fragger on Attack for a long time.
04:15Longer than he ever should have been.
04:16Somebody else who was way too overpowered,
04:18...or way too long, was the operator that came out the very next season after Blackbeard, which was Caveira.
04:23You might not believe me when I say this, but Caveira, at the time, was the best roamer at one point in the game.
04:30If my memory serves me correct, I'm pretty sure her pistol did 99 damage to the body.
04:36If my memory serves me correct.
04:38On release, Cav's pistol did a whopping 90-
04:41I fucking knew it. I'm such a nerd.
04:4399 damage per shot.
04:45That is the most amount of damage a pistol has ever done in Siege history.
04:49This would allow you to down attackers with one single bullet, either to the head or even to the body.
04:53This was huge because downing somebody would, and still does, give you the ability to-
04:57Dude, I remember this!
04:58Interrogating someone worked the exact same way-
05:00He's gotta talk about Prime Lion.
05:01He has to.
05:02...and influential an interrogation can be.
05:04Not only was her pistol good, but her loadout was better back then.
05:07She brought a nitro cell on release, which, if you're good, is a free kill most of the time.
05:11People also didn't have as many roamclear operators back then, which made her even more oppressive.
05:15Think about it.
05:15Back then, Jackal wasn't out, Lion wasn't out, Dokkaebi wasn't out, and Deimos wasn't out.
05:19In fact, not only were there little roamclear operators in the game, but there were no roamclear operators in the game.
05:24And with people using flank drones less back then, too, Caveira was an absolute menace to the ranked pool.
05:29Dude, they just droned me, but like, they didn't drone me.
05:33Ah, type shit.
05:35Oh my god.
05:38I'm gonna wait a long time before turning.
05:41There's like a lot of people beside me, dude.
05:46Oh my god.
05:50They're all coming.
05:54Oh, you're in small tower?
06:02Okay, covering you.
06:06I got another one.
06:08Now, the smart thing to do is wait for this to wear off, and then re-interrogate.
06:12I don't know what the fuck they're doing. They're playing super slow, and fast.
06:14Like, half of their team is playing fast, half of their team is playing slow, and so you get the—
06:19Attention shoppers, wanna spend less? Go to Aldi.
06:27Aldi is good, though.
06:32Aww, Cynthia!
06:40Cynthia, you are beautiful.
06:45Please talk about Primelion.
06:46Those, like, weird, um, disconnections.
06:52Ah, I didn't want to kill him.
06:55Dude, old organ! It gets me wet!
06:58Old organ, chat!
07:01Is that you here?
07:02He's outside tower, by the way.
07:03Outside tower, alright.
07:06Okay, I'm gonna go back to site, because that's what he has to do.
07:09Let's play the objective.
07:12Oh! Oh, okay.
07:13What the fuck?
07:14Old organ, dude!
07:16She was by far and large the most broken roamer in the game on release.
07:20Well, almost the most broken roamer.
07:21You see, we're not accounting for the actual—
07:23Ella! Ella! It's gotta be Ella! I knew it!
07:26—on release didn't have anything honestly that crazy that stood out from the rest that made her so good.
07:30Rather, it was the combination of a lot of things that made her a broken operat—
07:34The reason why Ella was broken—
07:36Why am I even yapping? You're gonna see in the video.
07:39She had 51 bullets. Yes, you heard that correctly.
07:42Fifty-one bullets.
07:45High fire rate.
07:46And four grismod mines.
07:50—greater overall.
07:50First of all, you had her weapon.
07:52If you think the Scorpion Evo is a good SMG now, you should have seen the monster it was on release.
07:57It had almost zero recoil, and the same quick fire rate it does now.
08:01Plus, having 50 bullets in the magazine paired this up with her being a 3-speed,
08:05and this made her the perfect fragger on release.
08:07You also have to take into account when she was released.
08:10Year 2, Season 3, otherwise known as Operation Blood Orchid,
08:13was when her and Legion were released in the same season.
08:16Legion was another very powerful—
08:17Yeah, this was the start of the trap meta, chat!
08:19—with Ella already being a great fragger at the same time—
08:21Start of the trap meta!
08:22—this introduced the first hard meta of Rainbow Six Siege, which was the trap meta.
08:26This brings me into my next point, which was her grismod mines.
08:29These mines slash traps—
08:30Why every time someone says the word Ella, you guys type mommy?
08:36Really, dude?
08:40—were good too.
08:41On release, her mines would slow you down,
08:43take away your ability to sprint,
08:44and the concussion effect was much more effective towards actually blinding you.
08:48Yeah, the concussion would actually blind you!
08:50—of these mines on release, whereas now she only has three.
08:53She even had an innate passive ability that made it to where if she ever got downed,
08:57she could manually set off a fifth Ella mine around her to stun anyone in her vicinity.
09:01You also have to take into account that movement was a lot faster in Rainbow Six Siege as well back then.
09:06You could lean faster and lean farther,
09:07you could crouch spam more,
09:09and just move faster in general.
09:10Her gun and playstyle fit all of these things perfectly.
09:33She was probably the most broken defender ever released
09:36due to just how easy it was to take gunfights with her in-game on her release.
09:40Now that we've gone over the most broken defender on this list,
09:43it's time to go over the most broken attacker.
09:45And that is Lion.
09:45You may be a player right now that thinks Lion is a mid-tier operator.
09:49And to be honest, you'd kind of be right.
09:50I think as it stands, Lion is perfectly balanced.
09:52And in the middle of the pack, when it comes to Siege balancing,
09:55he's where he honestly should be.
09:56But it wasn't always this way.
09:58You see, every time you'd Lion scan someone,
10:00the information you'd get was a bit different back then to say the least.
10:03Right now when someone gets scanned by Lion,
10:05they get pinged three times with a second in between each ping.
10:08This ping is also on the operator's body instead of on their head,
10:11meaning you can't just wallbang headshot people with the pings that you're provided.
10:14So how did Lion scans used to work?
10:16Well, instead of pinging you once every second,
10:18it was a continuous ping until the duration of the scan was over.
10:21Kind of like how Deimos' tracking works now.
10:23Not only was it a continuous scan, but instead of pinging you,
10:26if you blinked, it outlined your entire body perfectly in red,
10:30essentially giving the Lion player and his entire team free wallhacks
10:34anytime anyone moved during the scan.
10:37People when he released also weren't used to his scan,
10:39meaning more people on average would fall for it and move during his scan too.
10:42And also, you had a huge issue with the other operators that were released.
10:46Back in the day, Dokkaebi was also out,
10:47and Bolo had started to inspire kids to just play the game a little bit faster
10:51than they had been, specifically on people like Buck and Ash.
10:54All of these factors, less more,
10:55combined into the most attacker-sided meta Rainbow Six Siege has ever seen.
10:59This was the rush meta.
11:01Lion on release not only created this meta,
11:03but was the single driving factor behind it,
11:05allowing people to hit clips like these.
11:36With any crust and any toppings for just $9.99 online,
11:40you can order your dream pizza-
11:43Why do I ONLY get food commercials?
11:53Dude, it's actually annoying, bro!
12:05...was so good, in fact, that Pro League players petitioned for him to be banned from Pro League,
12:10which actually ended up happening because everyone voted yes on the petition.
12:15Or at least, most of them did.
12:16Which is absolutely insane to think about.
12:18An operator that was also being petitioned to be banned in Pro League as well is the next-
12:22Oh, back when he had a shield!
12:24...used to work a lot differently than he does now.
12:27As of right now, he places four canisters that, if destroyed or shot,
12:30will blow up and release a pool of fire for 20 seconds.
12:33Because of this, he's used as an entry denial operator like Smoke or Tachanka more than anything.
12:37But back on his release, he wasn't used for his area denial at all.
12:41Because back then, his gadget not only denied areas, but it was also immediately on a deployable shield.
12:46So instead of just deploying the canister like you do now,
12:48you would deploy a deployable shield with the canister automatically on the back of that shield.
12:52And considering he had two of these at the time,
12:55that meant that one operator could bring two deployable shields.
12:58Most of you know that deployable shields are the best-
13:00Dude, this was insane, by the way!
13:02So what people did back then was bring Goyo, another deployable shield,
13:05plus Jaeger before his rework, which could deny nine pieces of utility,
13:09and they would bring Walden Isle.
13:10This made it completely impossible to clear all the defender utility,
13:14no matter what operators on the attack were being-
13:16Goyo and Jaeger was like the best duo!
13:18...defender-sided metas ever, which was the utility meta.
13:22Yep, I remember the utility meta.
13:25Ember Eyes.
13:28I'll never forget the utility meta, dude.
13:31Goyo, Jaeger. Goyo, Jaeger.
13:32Now, you might think that having a utility-based game where utility is the meta is a good thing,
13:36especially after just suffering the TDM meta a few years back
13:39that I know a lot of you watching hated.
13:41But it actually wasn't a good thing.
13:42There was not just a healthy amount of utility, but way too much of it.
13:45That, like I said, no possible combination of attackers could even get 75% of this utility,
13:51much less all of it.
13:52Goyo single-handedly made this a problem.
13:54Not to mention, when he came out during Operation Ember Rise,
13:56deployable shields were reworked,
13:58meaning that you could see in front of the shield,
14:00making them way more powerful overnight with this update when Goyo came out.
14:04This was bad.
14:04And after seasons of complaints, Ubisoft nerfed him to what he is today,
14:08which, to be fair, is still a strong operator, but not too overpowered like he used to be.
14:11Someone who was too overpowered, though, was the last operator on this list,
14:15which was Azami on release.
14:18And that's exactly what Azami did for the defense, too.
14:20Now, unlike other oper-
14:22Unrelated to everything in this video,
14:27used my face as a toilet.
14:30Operators on this list, Azami on re-
14:32Oh, she's so fine.
14:33Release actually works almost the exact same as she does now,
14:36but with one crucial difference that makes her much more balanced-
14:39She's so fine! Oh my god, she's so fine!
14:42You see, today, her Kiba barriers are susceptible to bullets,
14:44and with a good gun like a DMR, you can get rid of two entire barricades
14:48with less than one magazine in your gun.
14:50But back in the day when she was released,
14:52she was very quickly crowned as the best defender in the game, seemingly overnight,
14:56because back then, her gadget was bulletproof.
14:58So just like Goyo gave you two extra deployable surfaces-
15:01Azami gave you five extra deployables-
15:03Also, by the way, she's still the best defender in the game.
15:08After, like, an entire nerf.
15:12Not to mention, she brings impact grenades,
15:14allowing her to destroy soft utility in her own right.
15:16These impacts before the impact nerf also allow you to trick certain walls
15:20and impact trick your own Kiba barriers.
15:22Dude, she's so-
15:23Also has an eagle for some sight setup, making her ability-
15:25She's so good, bro. It's insane.
15:27...absolutely lethal compared to other defenders.
15:30One other thing that made her broken was her Kiba barriers when-
15:33Jack, she's so good, dude.
15:34...its own surface in-game,
15:35meaning that you could get crazy parkour spots and vault prompts out of nowhere
15:39that were never possible before Azami's release.
15:41Playing Azami back in the day made you feel like you were a wizard.
15:44You just stand on top of it here, and place it closest to the edge.
15:50Like, how so exactly?
15:53So it's vertical, or so it's on top of it?
15:55No, on top of it.
15:56So it's hanging off at this time.
16:00Oh, what the f-
16:04Oh, that's f***ing insane.
16:06You can hold a window from up top, and you reinforce it.
16:10She was very quickly and concisely made the queen of defense
16:13second she was released.
16:15Check out this next video on screen, and I'll see you there.
16:17Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
16:22That was a banger video, dude.
16:25Oh my god.
16:27Go subscribe to R6 Central, bro.
16:30Ah, go sub to that channel.
16:32That was a banger.
16:34Oh my god.