• 2 days ago
Abinader asegura que este es el mejor momento para invertir en la RD


00:00We always have to remember those difficult years of the pandemic.
00:05And he said, when we started, that he helped us a lot, Gabriel, and recommended many of his recommendations to be able, as we did, to succeed.
00:16But I came and told him, this is the best time to invest in the Dominican Republic.
00:21And they kept investing.
00:23And I think that those investments that they made in those times have been really successful, thanks to their work, but also to the collaboration that we have between the government and the private sector,
00:36so that the difficulties that normally arise in any activity can be solved together.
00:42And I repeat to you today, that today is still the best time to continue investing in our country.
00:49It is an excellent time, if you study all the opportunities that exist in our country, it has much more institutional strength, it has a bright economic future,
01:03with a lot of recognition at the international level, in terms of indicators for the quality of life, not only of Dominicans, but also of tourists who come here, because it has improved.
01:18Therefore, this commitment to continue investing in the Meliá and Rafa group has to continue to be the example of many other groups, both Spanish and also of other nationalities,
01:34which every year leads us to break the record of foreign investment, as we did in 2024, with 4.5 billion dollars of foreign investment in our country.
01:47Congratulations to the Meliá group, we are sure that this new brand, the third hotel of this new brand, which is a joint venture between Meliá and Rafa Nadal,
02:04we are sure that it will be a great success. We are also sure that in other tourist poles, this brand and the Meliá brand will continue to invest for the good of our country and also for the development of this great hotel group that honors us and makes us proud to have it in the Dominican Republic.
02:27Congratulations, always count on us and this development, this growth of tourism in our country will continue and will improve and every day we will see that we always become a lighthouse in terms of investments, in terms of growth and in terms of social and economic development.
02:50Thank you very much and always count on Gabriel with our friendship and with our support.
