Farming Simulator 2024 Funny Moments and Fails from your pals at Worst Premade Ever! Thanks so much for watching and being a part of the Worst Premade Ever community! :)
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00:00It's in the f***ing pallet, it's held up by an inch!
00:04She has not got that!
00:05No, no, she's got it, she's got it.
00:06Stick on Alex, stick on Alex.
00:07Put it in Alex's, in the back of Alex's thing.
00:08I'm trying!
00:09There you go, that's it.
00:10That's it.
00:14Can you get through the lasers though?
00:15Okay, yeah, that's it, yeah, yeah.
00:16Nailed it!
00:17Go, go, go, go, go, go!
00:19Absolutely f***ing perfect, look at that!
00:20Most pre-made ever!
00:21Alright, back at the farm.
00:22How are you guys getting on with those parsnips?
00:30Oh my god!
00:31Where'd Nick go?
00:33I suddenly saw the sky and now my screen is black.
00:38I have no idea where I am!
00:41Oh my god, I'm up in the sky!
00:44Oh my god!
00:47You've like launched into space, dude!
00:51Oh my god!
00:55I can't tell if this is ploughing or not because the textures aren't loading.
01:00Oh, I think real farmers have that problem as well.
01:04I've just clicked I need to borrow machines to mow some grass and then nothing's happened.
01:09I have no idea where the machines are.
01:11Oh, please stop flashing the torch.
01:13It lights up literally every single object in the world.
01:16I know, it's the first game I've ever played where the torch is actually useful.
01:20Look at that, it's so freaking bright.
01:22Right guys, are we ready to start farming then or what?
01:25I see we're all prepared.
01:27You know what?
01:29This is definitely how I imagine Gabby's brain.
01:33Listen to them, Kev.
01:35We're doing all this work and they're just fennying about.
01:37We're doing a pretty good job, aren't we?
01:39Yeah, we are, we're almost done.
01:40I'm trying so hard.
01:42I've got nowhere because I'm a mother****** failure.
01:46You sound like my mum.
01:49Gabby, why are you driving into a tree?
01:52Because I can't even drive!
01:54What do you want me to say, Alice?
01:59What do you want from me?
02:00To drive in a straight line on a straight road?
02:03Have you tried driving one of these f****** tractors?
02:05I can't even do it!
02:06I'm in one!
02:07I can't!
02:08Oh, get to f******!
02:10Jesus Christ!
02:12Oh my god, hang on a second.
02:14If you turn the light on and then cast a shadow in the middle of the day...
02:19Onto another building.
02:20It is like a new sun.
02:21Wow, that's incredible.
02:23Everyone come over to Jake.
02:25Face the house and all turn your torch on at the same time
02:28I think the effect is cumulative.
02:29Oh, really?
02:30Yeah, look how bright the house is.
02:32Holy shit!
02:33Oh my god!
02:35That looks bright enough to kill someone.
02:39You, finally awake.
02:41Guys, just a request.
02:43When we're buying stuff for the farm like the tractors and trailers...
02:46Shut the f*** up.
02:48And then you can talk all you want afterwards.
02:51Why don't we buy them five motorbikes and they can go and...
02:53Nope, that would be even more noisy.
02:55They'll be like, look at the jumps I'm doing!
02:58I'm on a bike up my arse!
03:00That's what it'll be like.
03:03Okay, what, three trailers? Two trailers?
03:05Let's say three.
03:07What the heck, why?
03:09Guys, sorry, but we just need to buy all the tractors and stuff so we can get started.
03:12He's so tiny!
03:14Wait, wait, wait, guys!
03:16Just shut the f*** up.
03:18We're trying to buy stuff.
03:20Oh, Jake, you sound pretty serious there, buddy.
03:22I'm just trying to communicate with Alex.
03:24You sound like you don't want to get any content.
03:27If you give us two seconds, we can buy all the s*** and then get as much content as we want.
03:31But the problem is I'm now stuck under Kath's trailer and she hasn't noticed.
03:34I don't care!
03:36That's our problem, Alex!
03:37Die in a hole, quietly.
03:39Stop bullying me just because you're in soil cultivation.
03:41Shut up!
03:43Shut up!
03:45Christ alive.
03:47Scroll down to soil cultivation.
03:49Okay, what else?
03:51Scroll down to f***ing vegetables.
03:56Oh, yeah, vegetables.
03:58Vegetable harvesters.
04:00Shut up!
04:02I love that the tag on these games on Steam was, like, relaxing.
04:08It probably would be if it wasn't for the f***ing other people.
04:12Other people.
04:14Your wife has a name.
04:16I haven't made anything stressful. I'm almost back to where we should be.
04:18I can't believe I'm saying this.
04:20Kath and Jake are the two people not being annoying.
04:23Alright, we're going to buy two fields.
04:25We're going to buy 69 and we're going to buy 70,
04:27because 70 we can harvest straight away,
04:29so we go straight into content.
04:31Because 70 has got snips on it and snips are ready to go.
04:37It's a field full of nips.
04:39Can we grow marijuana in this game?
04:41We'd make a lot more money.
04:43We can make oilseed radish, though.
04:45There's got to be a mod for that, surely.
04:47You can tell by the way Nick's in it that he's never smoked before.
04:49Can we grow the marijuana?
04:51Gabby, Gabby, my guy.
04:53Oh, I thought it was on the side.
04:55No, no.
04:57You do not need to mount the f***ing seat.
04:59Okay, that was an accident,
05:01but I thought it was long.
05:03Oh, wait, stop, stop, stop.
05:05We need to wait.
05:07Gabby is currently doing a f***ing wheelie.
05:09Oh, s***.
05:11I just climbed through the ground.
05:13Oh, God.
05:15Hey, guys, what's up?
05:17Oh, my God.
05:20Two farmers dead.
05:22Hold on, hold on, hold on.
05:24Time for a bit of peace and quiet around here.
05:26Can you move out of the way?
05:28I want to go.
05:30You want to go, do you?
05:32I've never had two guys at once.
05:34What the f***?
05:36First time for anything.
05:38Oh, my God.
05:40Right, guys, I'm just going to go for a piss real quick.
05:42I'll be right back.
05:44I've never had a golden shower, either.
05:46Oh, Jesus.
05:49It's not following gravity.
05:51Oh, my f***ing God.
05:53Oh, my God.
05:55It's just a hard 90 degree angle.
05:57That's so s***.
05:59Look at the state of that.
06:03What's going on at the shop, Gabby?
06:05I'm waiting for a heavier weight.
06:07Is that the weight over there?
06:09Yeah, it should be a considerably larger weight.
06:11Is that the big boy?
06:15I was so close.
06:18He's going to yell at me again for taking a 500 pound turn.
06:20Those aren't weights, Gabby.
06:22That's a f***ing pallet.
06:24They're not there.
06:26They're the one right at the end.
06:28That's fertilizer.
06:32You said there was a considerably larger one.
06:34You're not that big.
06:36You're that one that you next to now.
06:40Do you guys like my hat?
06:42That's a Jake hat if I ever saw one.
06:44I've literally got one of these now.
06:47I think if you were clean shaven and bald,
06:49you'd just look like you.
06:53I was like, clean shaven.
06:55Yeah, that works.
06:57It took me a while to realize he said bald as well.
06:59Oh, God.
07:01This is so bad.
07:03I hate this.
07:05It's so bad.
07:07Oh, my God.
07:09It's so s***.
07:11It's sully.
07:13I've seen better graphics on Oblivion.
07:16You know the static between the clips?
07:18Can you replace it with this?
07:22This is now the farming stream static.
07:24Genuinely, that's PS1 era graphics.
07:26Like, genuinely.
07:28Where the hell are you?
07:30This has not worked.
07:32What the f*** happened here?
07:34Well, I tried to park it between the wheels
07:36and get taken along for a ride
07:38and it has not gone well.
07:40This is actually really good for a screenshot
07:42of Gab driving a tractor over L.A.
07:45Marriage, everyone!
07:47So, how long have you guys been married?
07:51You got married by accident.
07:53Oui, oui.
07:55Oh, my God.
07:57I found a riverboat hotel.
07:59It's so s***.
08:01Hey, it's a good name. It's called Willy's.
08:03Oh, yeah, but they haven't fixed the windows.
08:05They're still just as they used to be.
08:07Oh, my God, they are.
08:0942 pounds.
08:1142 pounds.
08:16Alex is only fans manager.
08:18Thanks for the five pounds there.
08:20Hi, mom.
08:22F***ing hell.
08:24So, the petrol station has an interior
08:26but the bank doesn't.
08:28The bank's a bar.
08:30The bank's got the same texture
08:32as the riverboat.
08:34Oh, my f***ing God.
08:36Oh, my God.
08:38Come on.
08:40The best thing about Farming Sim
08:43is just looking through people's windows
08:45and there's a door that says
08:47bank employees only
08:49and it opens up to f***ing signs of wine
08:51and s*** on the back.
08:53The best thing about Farming Sim
08:55being a peeping Tom.
08:57Right, do you want to get the server back up again?
08:59Yeah, it takes about five minutes to launch.
09:01Of course it does.
09:03It takes five minutes
09:05to launch a f***ing server from start to finish.
09:07What was it called again?
09:09Farming Stimulator.
09:12Is it?
09:14Yeah, in the first video.
09:16I don't remember.
09:18Okay, I'll take the credit then.
09:20Have you tried jumping yet?
09:24There's no gravity.
09:26Also, if you run forward
09:28you sort of jump forwards a bit
09:30and then randomly stop in mid-air
09:32then drop, which is really bizarre.
09:34If you jump and then spin
09:36you can get more air time.
09:38Oh, my God.
09:40Hang on.
09:42Oh, I f***ing landed it!
09:44First one in the world!
09:46We should play Thug 2, hell yeah.
09:48Yeah, this is totally my Tony Hawk car.
09:50Can you title that with the Tony Hawk's underground points?
09:54Let's get some John Deere, shall we?
09:56The three 650s.
09:58Can we have a sheep?
10:00Can I buy a goat?
10:02Can it smell periods?
10:04I'll ask the dealer.
10:06Gabby, can you grab the car?
10:09Oh, I feel sick.
10:11Why do you feel sick, Gabby?
10:13Because she's just driving in a circle.
10:15I know, it was a rhetorical question.
10:17I've been putting my...
10:19I've got my screen looking down
10:21because I was trying to do an optical illusion
10:23when you stare at a certain point for ages
10:25and if I look away and close my eyes
10:27oh, my God, the room is spinning.
10:29Gabby, I'm getting a phone call.
10:31It's the Spectrum. They want to talk to you.
10:33Oh, no.
10:39What's that? They want me to refer a friend?
10:43I think... Is there a cool down on your jump?
10:47Yeah, so if you jump...
10:49Yeah, there is a jump cool down.
10:51Holy shit!
10:55Come on, Gabby, your turn.
10:57One, two...
10:59That was only a 720. That wasn't as good.
11:01Oh, go on, Kat.
11:03Kat, that was a 360.
11:05Your 360 didn't even make it off the roof.
11:08Wait, what are we... Thomas and Gen Con?
11:12I can't find the tractors anywhere.
11:14Oh, drivables. That's the first one!
11:16I've got my tractors!
11:18What should we call them?
11:20Let's have a good brainstorming session.
11:22The last one was Dick Cheese Farm, wasn't it?
11:24It was Dick Milk.
11:26Dick Cheese Ranch Simulator?
11:28Dick Milk was the old one.
11:30Well, come on.
11:32Let's do something not Dick-related this time.
11:34No, impossible.
11:37Fanny Fart Farms.
11:39Fanny Fart Farms!
11:43Okay, there we go.
11:45Oh, what? Hang on!
11:47It's bloody Blurred Fanny.
11:51Okay, so I just want to point out
11:53this is the reason why
11:55when Farming Sim 2025 came out
11:57we never got offered a sponsorship.
11:59I just really want to emphasize that.
12:01Ah, I see Kat is in the fucklift.
12:03Yeah, she's loaded the pallets
12:06because we need them to load the vegetables into apparently.
12:08Oh, for fuck's sake!
12:10It took me so long to line that up!
12:12You fucking eejit!
12:16Have you also noticed the massive divots
12:18that the ploughing leaves now all of a sudden as well?
12:20Which never used to be there before.
12:22It's literally like making trenches for rats.
12:24This ploughed field looks like World War I.
12:26Yeah, I know.
12:28It's like a fucking soldier.
12:30Go on, get in your trench, Jake.
12:32Let's have a war, shall we?
12:35Hang on, let me get over here.
12:37I'll be the Germans, you can be the British if you want.
12:39Ah, nein!
12:41Siegfried is here, I'm coming!
12:43Over the top!
12:45And then Tony Hawks arrives on his motorbike!
12:47Oh, hang on!
12:49Do you want to buy new boxes to fill?
12:51One for 130 Euros.
12:53I'm just going to try something a sec.
12:55I don't think we need to buy the forklift.
12:57And I don't think we need to spend half an hour
12:59trying to get the pallets on the back of a truck
13:01that didn't work.
13:04Oh my god!
13:06You piece of fucking Eurotrash filth!
13:08Wait, what just happened?
13:10You can just buy the box and they just teleport onto the back!
13:12We just spent like half an hour
13:14transporting all the fucking boxes over!
13:16You dickhead!
13:18How are you getting on with the woodcutting?
13:20Yeah, this is my attempt at cutting down a tree.
13:22What the fuck?
13:24What the fuck has happened here?
13:26Well, it fell over,
13:28so I started cutting it,
13:30and then it just wouldn't fall apart.
13:33Jake, come back to me. Look at Alex.
13:35Look at that chainsaw animation.
13:37Oh, it's perfect. It's brilliant.
13:39Is that it? He's just crouching over and over again?
13:41Yeah, he's just crouching over and over again.
13:43Oh my god.
13:45This is fucking pathetic.
13:4742 pounds.
13:49This is genuinely pathetic.
13:5142 pounds.
13:53If you keep repeating it, it might make it better.
13:55No, it just makes me more and more sad.
13:57This is 7 pounds less than Spider-Man 2.
14:00Oh, Kath, do you want to come and join us in the hole?
14:02Yeah, we've formed out a hole and can't get back out again.
14:04No, you're right.
14:06No, you really should.
14:08She left the game.
14:10Honestly, fair enough.
14:12Load the game back up and come in the hole.
14:14You're on the clock.
14:16Look how deep down the floor
14:18is inside of this building.
14:20Oh my god, that's terrifying.
14:22It's like it goes on forever.
14:24Oh my god.
14:26It's like three foot in the ground.
14:29The outdoor grass is coming through
14:31the bottom of the texture.
14:33Oh, hold on.
14:35Jake, wait.
14:37Put that down. I've got an idea.
14:39You're going to cut it up a bit?
14:41Yeah, I'm going to give you a sword
14:43and then I'm going to get a sword.
14:45It fell into the floor.
14:47Oh, for fuck's sake.
14:49Alright, let's finish up here, I think.
14:51We should have finished up about four weeks ago.
14:53I'm just going to say right now, I called it.
14:55I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt.
14:57Okay, but we can definitely get some moments.
14:59We got moments.
15:01What have you got in your hand?
15:03I've got a spray can.
15:05You're just spraying at a dick level.
15:07Spray it down.
15:09Oh, for fuck's sake.
15:11Oh, okay.
15:15I just noticed something that's not appropriate.
15:17Really, what did you notice?
15:19I went up to this cow with my flashlight.
15:21Are there cow dicks?
15:23There's cow fannies.
15:26It's like highly detailed cow fannies.
15:28They've made muh-jines.
15:32Oh my god, have you tried swimming?
15:34Jump in the water and look at the bowel wave you create.
15:36Oh, wow.
15:38You act like a boat.
15:40You actually create a bowel wave in front of you as you're swimming.
15:42Oh yeah, you do.
15:44Yeah, genuinely.
15:46Holy shit!
15:48Jake, would you like to say the line?
15:5042 pounds.
15:52All together now, guys.
15:5542 pounds.
15:57Oh my god, I'm outside the wall.
15:59Okay, bye.
16:01I'm out.
16:03You split me in two.
16:05Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.