• 2 days ago
Ready to Love S10 E04


00:00Previously on ready to love
00:07This week I will be sitting down with the ladies to discuss which of you fellas are staying which are leave
00:14Why you not I'm texting you back first of all, why am I texting in green bubbles?
00:19No, dude, I got that number. I don't care if it's a green bubble blue bubble purple number. You didn't call
00:25Yeah, I honestly feel blessed that I was giving a second opportunity
00:30I felt connected to you because I know you lost your dad
00:34It just never gets easier
00:38If you do have a connection with me, I will want you to pursue them
00:42Oh, the choice is yours, but don't wait too long because there are decisions that happening me
00:48Unfortunately, they don't feel as though you're ready to love. Yeah, okay
00:55To get to the place that you wanted me
00:57To be
01:22Well, how you doing about the only one that can open that phone
01:30First time it's time you bought gold on the walls. I see purple chairs. It's definitely a swanky spot
01:36No, I like it. All right, welcome to your first visit. Whoo
01:40This is the Tommy vault order to find some value, but you got to surround yourself by some gold. You understand?
01:47All right. Let me explain my vault. The name may have change
01:51But the same rules apply
01:54Vault is where we come in and chop it up about the connections that you all are making and not make
02:01Yeah, we keep it real
02:03And you know the golden rule what happens in the ball stays in the ball. Let's get down to it
02:10I know it's early in the journey. Uh-huh. But this week I want you to really get to know each other
02:16Y'all already know early in a dating process people always do what send a representative?
02:22So this week y'all are about to let these ladies check underneath the hood
02:26Take them on dates and places that matter to you the most
02:30You're gonna set up dates at your homes or your job if you like the objective is to let them dive a little deep
02:37At the end of the week, we're gonna meet back here to discuss how everything went down. That sounds good
02:43Tommy has challenged us with the assignment to you know
02:46Dig deeper and try to build deeper connections with the ladies and that's the main one. I'm struggling with
02:50I just need to learn how to be a little bit more outgoing and being a little bit more open to new experiences
02:56We do
03:18Welcome welcome
03:21Thank you, welcome the way nutrition when Tommy gave us the assignment to bring ladies into our personal space
03:26I automatically thought listen
03:28I'm bringing them to my gym it'll give them the opportunity to get to know me a little bit more on a personal level
03:32You're ready to switch your edges up. Yes. I'm ready to do it. We've been working out today. I know
03:37Yo, yo, what's the deal?
03:42So I'm invited Fritz little Deanna true and Sahara
03:47I was just excited the energy good vibes. Let me come around here with y'all, man
03:52We're gonna work out kick it get to know each other a little bit better. We've been here for seven years now
03:56Okay, there's no excuse for black people not to be working out. Yeah, so that's what that's right
04:00It is my purpose really is just getting our community. Yeah introducing them to a healthy act of life. Absolutely. Absolutely
04:06How y'all feel about working out? Oh, yeah
04:09Get it in y'all
04:11I was looking forward to being around all three of these ladies a little bit more but probably true to most but I kind of
04:16Disappointed when I'm giving everybody my story and there's no true insight for me to even give you a piece of me
04:22So you get to know me a little bit more. All right, look give each other space like your ex told you
04:28Here we go small kicks up one two three
04:37You can't high-five your neighbor just air-fob your neighbor tell your neighbor good job
04:40Somebody check on me
04:44Work out is going good. You got some legs some core in there, but it's a hair and Fritz. They go through
04:50Fritz ain't been working out in a minute. I gotta get my brother in the gym on a consistent basis
04:55You can't have him out here looking like that
04:58Good job
05:09Tommy's assignment is to get more personal. So this week I invited say rocky and who's saying over to my house
05:17So play a few games and let them see deeper side of me and to show more of myself. Oh
05:23Rocky what this
05:26Put it some stations and what's this here? Well, we got what we got. So this is gonna be a game that we gonna play
05:31It's called let's get personal. It's just questions to let us get deeper. It's gonna warm these seats up
05:37See what I pull up out of here. Whoo. What is my favorite body part to be kissed? Okay
05:48So my number one is my neck all right number two down here
05:53Like around the
06:07Thank you
06:18Can connect with closer more because there's a lot of things that we have in common
06:22You said you're from here, you know, right? Yeah. Yeah, what high school? So I went to board school
06:27So I went to African school
06:31Disciplinary school. So it was allowed to whip your ass
06:34They had a panel called Baba do right, right?
06:37So if you got into any trouble or anything in school, they was allowed to whip your ass with it
06:42Yeah, my mom my dad they do
06:45Hanging out with D is great. We laugh and joke a lot. She likes to smile a lot
06:49I do I think humor is a great thing to have in the relationship
06:53I think that we connect real good because it's super easy
06:55So I feel like that's the reason why I kind of like, you know, I do have discipline if you ain't doing right
07:09Alright so what has been a life-defying moment for y'all I
07:14Say when I graduated accomplished on my dreams and my goals, you know, like especially being an african-american woman. That's a big accomplishment
07:22It was just a natural beauty at first and you know the outfit that she came in with taste so approachable
07:27Just looking at her eyes. I definitely want to get to learn a little more about a
07:31Oh boy, I like to find a moment for me. This may not be an up one. It's gonna be a down one. I'm sorry
07:40Was in my 20s lost my job and at that point since I ain't have a job
07:44I went to the streets and I started selling drugs
07:47And that just made me realize
07:49What I didn't want out of life and how you should always be humble and always be grateful for what you do have because it
07:55Could be fake like that. I definitely appreciate Rocky opening up
07:58Rocky's always been a real person and that's why I like her. She's a super authentic. All right get personal, I guess
08:06But life to find a moment is a lot to do with my mental health
08:09I used to be like a depressed ass person. I always do this on my own and I had to make it work
08:16I was on food stamps. I was struggling just didn't feel like I wanted to be here anymore to be honest with you. So
08:22Your work, yeah, no self-worth my knees kept popping my head like I can't go cuz I hurt keep her there
08:28Yeah, so I'm like, all right, what do I got to do to get better?
08:31Right, so I just had to like change my mindset and honestly
08:35I'm a way way way happier person than what I was
08:38That's probably the most life-defining thing because that literally involved my life. That's great for you to just share with us
08:45So like yeah, you appreciate you saying I don't give you
08:48Because it's not easy to let people into your personal life
08:53So I'm feeling good about everything the game allowed me to
08:56Have the chance to open up take taste of ice and to break down a few walls and really let people in
09:04Yeah in person once I find a love there you go
09:18Was definitely looking forward to see naive, but I was a little late. Happy Friday. It's Friday. I lost track of time
09:26I was like
09:28But I came right on time right on time to figure out what was going on and why I haven't heard from him
09:33What's it was so I told you where okay, are you not understanding? I was like damn
09:39I was looking forward to working out with you. Oh, so how long was the circuit?
09:43How long was you late?
09:45Hey, you gotta let it go
09:47I'm here now and we're here. Okay?
09:52As far as what today as far as I gave you my number you gave me the Google dot number
09:59Why don't you give me a fake number? Nobody gave you a fake number that that was a business number
10:03You show up late the wave and we didn't really get a chance to connect and you're asking me
10:07Why didn't I use your number which I did and it wasn't the real one. Yeah, you gave me a Google doc number
10:12I did call you. So what does that have to do with the fact that I still don't receive Texas phone calls?
10:19Or anything when I called you the other day you gave me
10:25But then you read it and you have not responded to me since because I didn't know what to respond or do question marks
10:31That's your way of communicating. I know a lot of entrepreneurs that have several phones and several phone numbers
10:37He's had my number for a couple of weeks and he never used it
10:42The reality is fake number real number you still didn't contact me. So it does not matter
10:46So you're using that as an excuse and it's really funny
10:53Is that the real or the fake phone
10:56Just scared
10:58It was time for me to exit stage left
11:00I'm looking forward to an opportunity to meet one of these guys. I'm actually interested in
11:14My neck hurt I'm serious, let me see
11:17Right here. I appreciate it. Oh, um, cuz I got to hit you a few questions
11:21So don't get up on me in a bit get up on me unhand me. Sorry, cuz I need to ask me some questions
11:26Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what's going on with Fritz
11:29I just don't like the way he be texting me like he texts me like hey friends and it's like
11:35Hey friends, but he should be texting. Hey, boo
11:38Hey, honey, I don't know. Hey friend is giving friend zone. We text but
11:44We do that. I feel like you was giving me like
11:48Copied and pasted
11:50Responses, there's a lot of miscommunication in text
11:54The day before I was your day you responded in three different text messages, right? Yeah, I remember that
12:00So the next day I issued
12:04How was your day? Yeah, and you sent me?
12:06All three of them, I'm consistent
12:12Sahara's energy and personality is a lot
12:16And then you'll be texting me like you're and I'm like, is this I can't do that. What is that? What is that?
12:22It's aggressive
12:24Rambunctious text me something nice. They're giving me friend zone. I'm gonna hear you back and that's not where I want to be
12:30It's excessive
12:32loud, but
12:34Authentic raw and unfiltered like tonight. Can I get like a like a nice text send the heart eyes in a smile?
12:41They got this emoji. They got me. Well, you think about me to meet a and I know we you know, I'm there. Okay
12:47I'm really learning how you think now
12:57I definitely you know was intrigued. I think you had a really good conversation. Yeah. Yeah, we did. We did absolutely
13:02So, um, yeah, how's the process been going for you so far?
13:05Enjoying date ten guys. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know. I would tell you it's definitely
13:10Difficult, you know, I mean trying to like juggle that like it's something I've never done it either. Yeah, I don't know
13:17I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, it's tough but having these conversations like I feel like I'm really dating with intention now
13:23I'm the same. I'm very intentional. Yeah, and like my questions and everything. Yeah, some of the guys were just like, oh wow
13:29Because there's certain stuff that you need enough, you know, I mean, so, um, you got kids not yet
13:33I'm gonna have kids with my husband. Okay, how many you think you want as many as he want? Okay. I mean, let's do this
13:39Where how old are you? I don't think I just um, you know, I'm definitely a grown woman
13:44Okay, definitely the groans but
13:49Like I mean
13:51That's a very easy question to answer
13:54Like I mean
13:56That's a very easy question to answer
13:58And we here to get to know each other and I figured a bit of information like that is just a easy response
14:03Sure. You're in the groans, too
14:14I don't know what she was trying to hide or why she felt uncomfortable
14:19Saying her age, but it was definitely a red flag for sure. Yeah. Yeah, I don't I don't hear that that often
14:35So this week the men in power
14:37So I'm kind of looking to connect with Rose a little bit more see what she's about. We have a connection
14:43So I'm just excited to see where that goes
15:00See chocolate sitting over at the table
15:03Cheesing all I see is pearly whites. You can tell he's super excited to see me just as much as I'm excited to see him
15:10Oh my goodness. They are smiles
15:14Both smiling
15:23You know, I think I'll try your scallops
15:27They say that's a pretty jack why you know that
15:35So what
15:36Quality, do you need in a partner stability for sure?
15:41Communication the trust is big. Um, I've been cheated on by every man. I've been with yeah. Yeah
15:48But I don't lose hope I don't lose faith because I understand you gotta keep getting off and dust yourself off and try again
15:55Sometimes you gotta dig through that garbage to find your diamond. So like what pulls you through that? I don't believe in giving up
16:02Okay, I believe in my happily ever after
16:05And I also don't believe that every person is the same
16:08I am NOT the woman or a type to make anybody pay for what my past
16:15Relationships has done that's just not me each time. My heart gets broken. I just sew it back up and I live to fight another day
16:26What some voices
16:28Can I be honest don't like horses? It looks like a vagina
16:32Well, maybe that's why I like it so much
16:35About us. I wonder why he's so many voices. I love that for you
16:45But we also just have to give things and be grateful, okay
16:49Always we've always practiced gratitude. Absolutely. So for me I pray before I indulge in anything
16:56So I know this spirituality thing has been a little constant back and forth between Cam and I
17:01I pray that she bless their hands to prepare this meal and bless the bellies from the seedbed. Amen
17:08Short sweet to the point, right? Can you get down with it? I can get down with it. Okay, so by me praying
17:14And he you know, actually acknowledged that he took the time to pray with me and sealed it. I was like, all right
17:21I'll see you got my back a little bit. You're your own person. I don't want to change your viewpoint
17:27I don't want to change who you are as a person because I fall for you. I'm falling for you
17:38But no, that's I never want to change you I want you to be authentic with you
17:42Yeah, that's why I'm here. Okay, I definitely see me and Rose lives
17:49Almost perfectly like she's definitely a woman that I want to pursue
18:11It's Thomas assignment to bring people into our personal space
18:14So I'm hosting a pool party at my house. The men are still in power this week. The pool is clean. I'm ready
18:21Let's have some fun
18:34Thanks for coming out
18:42What are we doing Chinese looking amazing Angie she looking amazing Coley. She look amazing
18:48Kiera she definitely look amazing. All the ladies look amazing. It was Eddie myself Fritz and Francisco pool party barbecue
18:55Let's get busy
18:58Yeah, I do
18:59That's a nice. You're gonna like these. I definitely want to spend more time with Coley. She just have a lot of confidence
19:05I love it. You look good
19:11They go together real good
19:17Oh, no, it's a temporary situation. Why is it somewhere? It's gorgeous here. I'm a team of one
19:22So I really don't feel love this home. Well, we're here for love. So hey
19:28Now you're talking
19:30Let's talk about what you're looking for to the nitty-gritty
19:34Hey, I think like laughter is so important somebody who is loyal who appreciates being loved and supported
19:41I believe having like a really good connection with someone is also spiritual
19:45You have to be able to cover each other pray for each other pray together
19:49That's what I believe in. So like I just want to know where do you stand saying like I definitely believe in the higher power
19:56I pray every day at that moment
19:59I'm like man
19:59Like Johnny's a beautiful woman that I can possibly see myself with
20:03Definitely enjoyed having the conversation and knowing that side of her as well
20:06I don't want to be like your answer is my answer
20:09They they coincide
20:16Angie was doing a thing showing her wifey quality. She was being real supportive. I was on the road bringing the food out to me
20:23That was a beautiful thing to see
20:35Yeah, come here with me in the pool, oh you want me to jump in with me right now
20:39Yeah, don't pull me. I just I'm not gonna pull you
20:42I know as the host the people weren't gonna jump in until I jumped in, but I didn't want to jump in by myself
21:02We don't play fair over here we ain't losing
21:10Don't even know what the name of the game was
21:12I just know that I had Angie on my shoulders and she's supposed to knock down Johnny's. I'm like, listen, man
21:17I'm knocking everybody down. I'm too competitive and I'm definitely not trying to lose to no Fritz
21:31Energy at the pool party was really nice. Everyone's just tighten it and getting along. I love it
21:42How you feeling I feel good how are you feeling I actually feel all right so
21:48Not to make it weird like where do we actually stand
21:52So I was doing my due diligence and I looked at your like Instagram
21:56And I saw you were following hashtags about like Polly life
22:02And like me personally I'm looking for a monogamous relationship
22:05Felt weird knowing that Fritz is following Polly influencers on Instagram. I'm looking for a monogamous relationship
22:13So I need to get some clarity on how we're gonna handle this
22:16Oh, so you think that reflects what I actually believe in?
22:24No, I follow out of curiosity, I'm curious
22:28But no, I wouldn't actually engage in that
22:30I was a little taken back when she asked me about that Polly thing judging somebody based on hashtags is a bit of a reach
22:37I follow NASA. I never been in space. I
22:41Follow chefs. I don't cook. So yes, I follow Polly. I don't Polly
22:46Get your head out the gutter. I couldn't even pull that off. I'm glad we talked because this is ready to love not ready to love everybody
22:54No, no, that would never happen
23:04What you want to know what's your story like you have two kids you're working you're gorgeous
23:09But I don't really know what's behind all that. I'm just kind of happy to like be at this point
23:14I was in a relationship with someone that I was with since we were teenagers and we have two kids together
23:20He was like a pro boxer. Like I literally thought we were gonna be married, but he did cheat
23:25I was hurt and I took him back. I just couldn't let go
23:31But then he went to jail
23:34He got sentenced to a very long time in jail
23:36And I think that that was like a sign from God like you couldn't do it on your own
23:39So I kind of did it for you my children's father he is currently incarcerated
23:44He will be coming home soon. But right now it is just me taking care of the kids. It's been six years. Okay, so
23:52I'm good now. It was just like a whole big drama filled
23:58Part of my life that I would never ever want to go back to but me and my son's father are in a good space
24:04He respects me. I respect him. We're just really just in it for the children
24:08I did the work and I really had to be by myself and I was there and I was crying and I was depressed
24:13I prayed my way through it. It's hard for a single mother let alone an african-american mother and
24:20I have a real soft spot for that me being adopted certain things
24:24I've been through so I see that fits in with me being a father, but just seeing things through very attractive
24:30So I'm trying to allow love to find me
24:38It's jelly in Philly I
24:41Enjoyed a pool party. It was nice. You had a good time. I played that you try to jump. Don't be fake. Don't me
24:47I was being nice. Oh, I'm being honest. I want to get you know
24:51Too hard on you. Okay. I like Angie, you know, she stepped it up
24:55She just gave real partnership Bob's that sound that's big to me. So yeah, shout out to you Angie
25:00There's no I'm paying attention. I see you baby. I love how you was, you know being that partner with me on the grill
25:06Yeah, I think that
25:09Spoke a lot. I think it got elevated the connection made things a little bit more more deeper
25:16I mean, it was natural. That's important to me. I'm happy. That's important. That's important to me Eddie. Oh my god
25:24I'm happy. Our connection is growing because I'm feeling the same way about him as well
25:30It's really nice to have that confirmation and reassurance
25:33Every time I see you I'm like, oh my god, we got to do this again. We got to do this
25:37Better and better and better
26:00Thank you so much
26:01Going into the date with Coley. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what kind of quality that compatible with me
26:07So, how was your day?
26:11It was good, but I know so I'm gonna steal your line
26:14I'm really excited that Jay invited me to play golf because that's right up my alley
26:18It'll be fun to do it with Jay because it's a great date to match his personality. Golf is my jam. Let's go
26:27Hold on which old would you
26:30And I exactly
26:35I'm gonna try to get that hole up there. All right, look at the wrist. Okay
26:44Honestly Coley wouldn't necessarily be my type I got a surprise for you. I love surprises. Well sit down. I'll be right back
26:51I looked at as a rich spoiled daddy's girl. But as I got to know her more
26:55No, I'm definitely interested in Coley and seeing a redhead I like your necklace, thank you. Thank you. It's an anchor
27:01With someone in the Navy and I'm angry. I hold down. I'm a single dad
27:05So yeah, I like that you love with that too. Like that was one of the first things that I learned about you
27:10Yeah coming into this process like dating a man who had kids was not anything that I ever considered
27:18But now I feel like they definitely make me feel more safe
27:22They definitely just seem to be on a different level than the men who don't have kids
27:27So tell me like love though, like you say you're looking for love, right?
27:31Yeah, what makes you like know that that person is the person for you? That's a really hard question to answer
27:39Because a lot of people paint like pretty pictures and everything with their words, but I'm more like action oriented. Okay. How do you know?
27:48Love is communication
27:50Love is loyalty being empathetic when your partner is going through something. Mm-hmm, you know being there for him. Yeah
27:57It's sex a big thing for you
27:59How do you mean like is it a thing like some people like oh, no, I'm not really don't mean much to me
28:05Okay, sex does mean a lot to me. So like I don't just like to have sex with anyone
28:09Like it has to be someone special. I like that. I like that. Yeah
28:14So we're gonna do this date again. Yeah
28:17I'd love to okay, Koli. I'm definitely interested in her and it was a great experience great date
28:22I got to see her in her golf attire and I got to see her open up
28:26I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of her. You got me sweat
28:29Is that me?
29:02We're back in Tommy's vault we got drinks over there. Oh, this is how we loosen up
29:07It's immense week time for us to chop somebody out
29:16Well, I wouldn't be sitting here talking
29:26All right, fellas welcome back to the vault
29:28Yes, sir. Thank so this week. I asked y'all to dig deep
29:32I opened up your homes and your world to your potential ladies, right? I want to know where the sparks are really flying
29:39Hey, you I want to talk about growing connections. Yeah
29:44She's very aware of herself the fact that she is a mother to shows resilience and I like I'm a little hood
29:51The way me and her Bob says day one
29:53It's been growing and I would like to see where it goes. There you go
29:57I got a little bit closer to D physical attraction is there. She's very strong. She's resilient
30:02I respect what she does every day. You know what I mean?
30:06I made a little connection with Koli. She cool. She wanted to drink. She want to have fun
30:11You got to bring it out of her. You know what I mean? But here she's still the top of my list right now
30:17Okay, that's good. So for me right now, my number one is say that's a pretty girl. What's after all the pretty?
30:23It's just a conversation. It's just so wholesome and it's intentional and we get deep. It's not like I'm just talking
30:29I got a very very strong connection with a tag. I can let my guard down with her
30:33You know and I can talk about my rough upbringing
30:38Rose is just what I look for in a woman. She's very soft. She's feminine
30:44She wants to be a good woman to a good man
30:49Okay, Prince you invited a group to your house I did tell me about that and shiny was dolled up
30:55She's caring. She's maternal and I think shiny is one of those types that she's definitely ready to have a man in her life
31:03So Angie, she's a warrior and she's fun
31:07Mm-hmm. I like to have fun. I feel like we can like play fight
31:18All right
31:19Who are you not feeling at all Prince? I mean that's easy for me
31:25Chiara, you know, she spoke about her baby father got a lot of time up north and he might be coming out soon
31:31And I'm not playing against her. I just know I can rule myself out
31:37I'm gonna say true because who came late to the workout
31:40I wanted to get to know you said you won't get to know me some more
31:43You should have probably been here on time
31:44But then she said hey, I gave you my phone number you didn't use it and I said, hey
31:48You gave me a fake number. You gave me like a Google Doc number, you know
31:52You know for business purposes a lot of people use it. I don't think you want to give me a fake number
31:56She knows she was doing she gave you this. Yeah, she knew what she was doing
31:59She was very aware of it. I actually had a decent conversation with true
32:02I was connecting with her
32:03But the only thing that threw me off I asked her age and she just didn't want to tell me
32:11Like, you know, what's your age like if we here to get to know each other
32:17Yeah, rub me the wrong way and I think right there trying to find the truth through true is hard right now
32:23Trying to find the truth through truth. You can't get a shoe by the truth. Yeah, I'm not connecting with it D
32:29Where you stationed 43s, okay. Yeah, we had a weird conversation
32:34Too far. It ain't gonna be no fire department love story on this show. I
32:40Think shiny and I feel her vibe like it's she beautiful. She's got everything going on, but I'm a jokester
32:46I like to have fun. I think I'm too immature for her. You know what? That is a genuine statement
32:50I have no problem with you saying this. So all right, I really do just get a friend vibe from her
32:55She's a high-energy individual which some places is cool
32:59But like once I'm a little bit softer a little bit more reserved and I think that's why she just fall into that homie category
33:05Yeah, understood and there's a ceiling with me and Sarah
33:09She's always gonna say how she feel give it to you real but I need a little bit more decorum
33:14Explain brother. I need somebody that I feel comfortable introducing to my family my cousins. Does that feel like a loose cannon?
33:23Unpredictable, okay. All right fellas, I think we have done what we need to do in the ball
33:28Now, I think it might be time to make a withdrawal from the group of ladies
33:34I want you to take each of these ladies that we discussed out on a date
33:40And let one of them know that they just not ready to learn
33:44first and foremost
33:46With respect
33:49Sound good. Sound good, sir
33:52Easy said and done now
33:54It's definitely hard sending one of the ladies home this week
33:57It's never a good feeling because everybody is here to find something
34:02Y'all ready to man up and get this job done ready man up man. Okay, y'all go find love
34:08I'm gonna go find me a feeling cheese
34:13I know it's a heavy responsibility
34:15But that's what this process is for and we got a show other people that we're here to love it just puts the pressure on
34:32My way to meet him at the beer garden knowing that the men are empowered this week
34:38Knowing that they can send a woman home all that puppy. I wish you I'm a little nervous, but I'm excited to see
34:45Daddy, you know last time we seen each other. Yes
34:48Where you been I've been here they're everywhere here in there. That's your problem. You don't need to be here and there
34:55You need to be but we're here. You've been though cuz you right at me. Oh, yeah. Yeah
35:08Your girl is sweating right now everything's going to my head who's going on look amazing. How are you?
35:17Every single day every single conversation. I don't know what's to come
35:22I'm gonna pray for the best, but I'm definitely thinking it's the worst
35:27How's the process going for you so far?
35:31You know, I just gotta focus on me and you know, so why thank you very much appreciate it
35:37Do a little cheers. Yeah
35:39Cheers to people finding love absolutely
35:43Those guys know what time of the day? Yeah, and your name came up and what was that?
35:49Everybody said that you cool like you are
35:52Everybody say that you don't only vibe you gonna be the ride-or-die chick. You're authentic and that's what they like about you, but
36:00But what?
36:01Huh? They said that like you're good is you're bad
36:05You're cool, but you keep up the homie vibes and people want to break through that
36:10Well, that's they need to do that, but that's what you need to show too. Am I not do I not?
36:17So me and the guy spoke to Tommy the guys thought you were cool they thought you were professional
36:21They thought they all thought you had something going on the bad things to say
36:27They thought that
36:29It was some like honesty in question as far as being up front about
36:34phone numbers about
36:37Yeah, yeah, that's a privacy thing I don't know you it's about being honest about it
36:43Yeah, this is what the guys say. I'm just I'm just a little bit one of the guys
36:47I am the guys that I give you on them. No, it wasn't me, but it was it was one of the guys
36:53Yeah, so whatever the case
36:55The guys. Oh, all right
36:58That's fine
37:00They want to actually like get past that like tough exterior
37:05They say that you kind of like to a high energy and they don't see the other side of it
37:10You gotta show up a size of you too. You tell me
37:13So I'm saying so sometimes you gotta show that on your own
37:16That's nonsense. They saying this for a reason, right?
37:21Everything I'm saying you already know
37:24You gotta take it seriously
37:26You do it. I don't feel like I'm not taking it serious. Okay, like this is wow, like this is beyond me
37:33Maybe I should just eliminate myself
37:37And then people didn't know your age
37:39So did anybody actually I actually age you said we're around that middle range if you remember, correct?
37:44Okay, you know, I thought we was trying to get to know each other
37:47I thought we was being honest and it kind of just do a little curveball with me because I feel like
37:53Yes, absolutely Wow, there's a lot of mystery going on
37:57With you so ask the question, how old are you?
38:04I did though, but I told you just told me just now
38:09Two to three times with somebody that's supposed to be getting to know somebody exactly are exactly
38:16I'm I don't want me. I don't want you to be irritated. I'm not I'm not everything
38:20What's going on right now?
38:23So like the fellas have decided that
38:28So we decided
38:33They decided she's still ready to love
38:39We want to get to the softer side of
38:41Once you to show people that you have other sides to you because that's what other people was not seeing. That's all
38:47Okay, can the men's perception is absolutely
38:53I don't feel like I'm giving homie guys. I am ready to love so stop playing. Don't sit me down here again
38:59You gotta take it seriously. Like I have to break down your walls to see that's fine for me
39:04Cuz I'm actually interested but that's not fine for other people. Okay, you dope. Okay, Cam. I'm gonna be better
39:11Sahara, she's very brash. A lot of men don't like that
39:15But once you break that down, it's just like a soft woman that just want to be loved
39:20It's a pinky promise. It's just a serious. Yeah, I definitely can't handle Sahara
39:24It's my little firecracker and I always got her under control in a good way. It's sexy
39:32So we decided
39:41I don't know. Okay. Well, yeah shout out to the guys that um, you know felt this way. Yeah that couldn't communicate it
39:47So it was some sort of
39:50He's like a little cancer he went and he spread and he got in y'all head
39:54I ain't wasn't the only person I put you at the bottom. Obviously you already know. Yeah, we asked the guys
40:00And I'll wait to see how everything plays out god bless peace and love I
40:05Don't let people get the best of me. I'm loyal. I have great communication skills. I don't come with any baggage
40:12I'm smart. I can continue take a little chairs one chairs. No, I'm gonna say
40:21Though these men didn't see it. I am ready to love
40:28Next time on ready to love welcome to Thomas Philly block
40:41It's you deeper than you realize
40:44We can I
40:47Opened up about my past wait. Hey, yeah, I feel like the spark and the connection that was there in the beginning is Satan
40:58When this opportunity first started I was playing
41:07For it stop with the bulls bro you over there in j-ear. It's a hard hard hard. What are you doing?
41:16Okay, we see straight through the book immediately and he get no respect from me