Setelah menjelajah sekitar Kota Raya Kuala Lumpur, Qawiyaro ke Kota Melaka untuk bertemu dengan Ustaz Abu, iaitu guru kepada Qawi yang menjadikan Qawi insan yang sukses pada masa kini. Sepanjang jelajah Qawi dia bertemu pula dengan jejaka India dan bersama tebok Al -Quran beserta pemahaman setiap baris bacaan untuk pedoman bersama.
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#HypeHafizS3 #TebukNgaji #Qawiyaro
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#HypeHafizS3 #TebukNgaji #Qawiyaro
00:00Where are we going for the third season of Half Harvest?
00:04For the third season of Half Harvest, we are planning to go to Melaka.
00:24Before we go to Melaka, we will stop by at Bajaj Sunway.
00:28We will stop by at Zohor.
00:29After Zohor, I was about to wear my shoes,
00:32when suddenly, someone came.
00:39When I saw him, I had a flashback to the past.
00:42I was close to Din and Akmal.
00:45Din was a bit hardworking, I was just playing around.
00:48He was actually an imam at the Sunway mosque.
00:52Where are you now? Are you an imam?
00:53I am an imam, praise be to God.
00:55I have not left my практиce until now.
00:59Do you remember me, Akmal?
01:00Akmal, you don't remember me?
01:02He taught tafiz.
01:05In Syaalam.
01:06Oh Syaalam, I see.
01:07Yes in Syaalam.
01:08How are you now?
01:09Being an influencer is getting better, it seems.
01:11I don't even know if this road is right.
01:14Actually, you are in a bad position.
01:17When we are learning tafiz, we should become an ustad.
01:19Be a religious teacher, tafiz or an imam.
01:22But... I am an influencer.
01:23I don't know how to answer that.
01:25If we want to learn the Qur'an, we have to teach the Qur'an.
01:29I want to know if what I'm doing is right.
01:33If the direction I'm going is right.
01:35Because not many of our friends in Dhafiz do this.
01:38Aren't you going to Melaka?
01:40I told you I'm going to Melaka to shoot here.
01:43Do you know Ustaz Abu?
01:44Yes, I know Ustaz Abu.
01:46Ustaz Abu taught us together.
01:48He taught us about knowledge.
01:50I went to Melaka and met Ustaz Abu.
01:52I asked Ustaz Abu for advice.
01:54I think Ustaz Abu is a better and more affable person.
01:57Ustaz Abu has his own point of view...
01:59...and answers that you really want and need.
02:03Because Ustaz Abu knows us better.
02:05He knows how we were when we were young.
02:07And I'm on the team to go to Melaka.
02:22Melaka, Indonesia
02:32When we get to Melaka, we'll look for a spot.
02:35We'll stop at the FM Hostel.
02:38There's a red building there.
02:41There's a mariam there.
02:44We'll look for people.
02:45Okay, can you try?
02:47Can you try?
02:49Can you try?
02:50Just read a little bit.
02:52You can do it.
02:53Try it.
02:54There's a girl.
02:56She's shy.
03:02You can do it.
03:03Okay, come closer.
03:04What's your name?
03:07Where are you from?
03:08I'm from Kelantan.
03:10Kelantan? That's far.
03:11I'm here with my family.
03:12Don't be shy.
03:14You can open any bookstores.
03:16You can try.
03:17If you can't do it, I'll give you RM50.
03:21Just open it.
03:47Surah Al-Baqarah
04:18Is that right?
04:23Do you know what this means?
04:25It means...
04:29...that Allah has told us to do good.
04:31And to do good.
04:32Ihsan is to do good.
04:34But the difference is...
04:35...that we do good for Allah.
04:38And to be fair to everyone.
04:40That's what it means.
04:41Thank you very much.
04:43You're welcome.
04:44See you again.
04:46Now that we're done...
04:48...I'm going to look for someone else.
04:53Who else?
04:56Are you Kowi?
04:57I'm still behind.
04:58There's an Indian woman who came to me.
05:01Isn't that you?
05:03Oh, it's you.
05:04I'm Kowi.
05:05I'm BJ.
05:06They were shooting something at Kowi.
05:08So, I went to Kowi.
05:10And I saw...
05:12...the cardboard that Kowi always holds.
05:16But this time, it's a bit longer.
05:18I didn't understand what they were doing.
05:20So, I waited until the shoot was over.
05:23And when it was over...
05:24...I ran to Kowi.
05:26I saw that Kowi was about to leave.
05:27So, he said that he knows me.
05:30He saw me on TikTok.
05:32I follow all of Kowi's content.
05:37How are you?
05:38I'm good.
05:39I came to Melaka...
05:41...because there's a Zikir programme.
05:43Zikir in India?
05:44That's right.
05:45There's a programme.
05:46When I was about to leave...
05:47...I felt like taking a break.
05:52I'm interested in Zikir.
05:53So, that's how I found out about Kowi.
05:55And this is to hype Hafeez, right?
05:57Yes, that's right.
05:58I've followed the previous two seasons.
06:00That's right.
06:01I told Kowi that I'm actually... Indian young man who's interested in Zikir.
06:06That surprised Kowi.
06:07And Kowi was quiet for a while.
06:09He said that he's interested in learning more about Islam.
06:12I didn't expect that.
06:13So, it's a blessing to meet Kowi.
06:15I'm going to stay here for two days...
06:16...for Hafeez's programme.
06:17This is the third time.
06:18If you're not interested, I can follow you.
06:20I'll come with you.
06:22He suddenly offered to come with me.
06:26But, it won't be difficult for me.
06:27I'll hold this and look for people.
06:29I can learn something new from Kowi.
06:34So, Kowi can just hit me.
06:35Praise be to God, this season...
06:37...I was sent from heaven.
06:39He didn't want to hold it.
06:40So, I said, sure.
06:41Quran is in this language.
06:43So, if you have any questions, Kowi can help you.
06:46Sure, no problem.
06:48So, I can help you?
06:50This time, it's rare.
06:51I'll look for people.
06:53Join Kowi...
06:54...for his next book.
07:05We were looking for a place to sleep.
07:07Suddenly, I saw a street.
07:11If you're in Formosa, there's a street...
07:14...with a lot of people.
07:16So, I called BJ.
07:19But, he didn't want to come.
07:20So, I called this guy.
07:22Can I sleep here?
07:25I want to sleep here, too.
07:26Kowi, this is different.
07:28This is hard.
07:29Keep going.
07:30Peace be upon you.
07:31Peace be upon you, too.
07:32Where are you from?
07:33I'm from Melaka.
07:34What's your name?
07:35Muhammad Izzuan.
07:36Can I sleep here?
07:38Are you sure this is your design?
07:41It looks cool.
07:42But, it's purple.
07:45It's purple.
07:46There's a lot of chromium.
07:50There's a lot in the middle, too.
07:52Do you like purple?
07:54The front and the back are all purple.
07:56It's for kids.
07:57Oh, it's for kids.
07:58We're kids, too.
08:01It looks ordinary, but it's cute.
08:02That's right.
08:03Open all the books in the Quran.
08:05I'll try to continue.
08:07If I can't do it, I'll give you RM50.
08:11Open all the books.
09:04Is that right?
09:06Praise be to God.
09:08Do you know the advantages of Surah Al-Muq?
09:11First, it's a hadith.
09:13When you read it, Allah will forgive us.
09:16Second, it's a famous surah.
09:18It's a surah to protect us from the torment of the grave.
09:21The torment of the grave.
09:22What does it mean?
09:23For example, after we die, in Islam...
09:27...we'll go through the torment of the grave.
09:29There will be a new world in the grave.
09:31Alam Barzah, right?
09:32That's right.
09:33Sing a song from Alam Barzah.
09:43We're the ones who will go through the torment of the grave.
09:45That's Alam Barzah.
09:47If we do good, we'll be treated well.
09:50It'll be heaven.
09:52But if we do bad things in this world...
09:55...we'll be tormented in the grave.
09:58This is a life after death...
10:01...where everyone who has sinned...
10:05...will be tormented in the grave.
10:09Because of the sins they've committed.
10:11If we read this surah every day...
10:14...we'll be protected from the torment of the grave.
10:17When is the best time to read this surah?
10:20Ulema say it's every night.
10:23After Maghrib or Isha.
10:28It's the same in our religion.
10:31All the good things we do...
10:33...will lead us to heaven or hell.
10:36So, we should do good things.
10:38There are many types of prayers in India.
10:42So, we should read this so that we'll be closer to God.
10:45So, we won't get involved in negative things.
10:49If Allah wills it.
10:50Let's do it together.
10:51It's simple.
10:52Two faces and a half.
10:54You're the first one.
10:56Let's do it.
10:57I don't want to be the first one.
10:59Study hard.
11:00We'll do our best.
11:03Let's go.
11:04Let's go.
11:07Next, we're going to Taming Sari.
11:15Can you do it?
11:16Yes, I can.
11:17Read this.
11:18I can.
11:19Do you know him?
11:20He's my friend.
11:22We're just friends.
11:23When I was in the jeepney, I fell down.
11:25It was like I was hit by a cloud.
11:28I'm Hafiz.
11:30Can you do it?
11:31If Allah wills it.