• 2 days ago
The fellas become flies. Where is poop?

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00:00Oh my god!
00:02Bro, move laterally!
00:04Why are you just running forward and back?
00:08Go get him! Go get him, Poop!
00:10Welcome to Fly Night!
00:12And may I just say off the bat,
00:14this game is incredible. And to understand
00:16why I'm saying that, you gotta have a bit of
00:18background. I spent so much
00:20time as a child playing old school
00:22RuneScape, and this game looks exactly
00:24like that aesthetic. Except in this game
00:26you're a fly, and it's first person,
00:28and you rub your hands together mischievously
00:30and then touch your face. So I guess it's not
00:32really like RuneScape at all, it just kinda looks
00:34like it, which I love. Not to mention you can
00:36just straight up kick your friends. Nice
00:40So if you
00:42also like pooping everywhere you land, and
00:44rubbing your hands together mischievously,
00:46leave a like on this video. If you want us
00:48to play more Fly Night, please let me know in the
00:50comments section, and you know, by leaving a
00:52like on the video, which I already said, but you know.
00:54Subscribe if you're new to the channel, and thank you so much
00:56for watching. I hope you enjoy the rest of the video.
01:00crap. Dude, I'm
01:02an ant man in underwear. You gotta get
01:04on this game, dude. You can't say ant,
01:06dude. I got roasted in my video. They're
01:08FLYS, okay? They're flies.
01:10Holy shit, you're totally right!
01:12I'm sick, I'm sick. It's not my fault.
01:14Yeah, okay, it's definitely a fly. He's
01:16doing a little- yeah, he rubs his face!
01:18Holy shit, this is crazy.
01:20He did the thing?
01:22Bro, hit his emote. I think when you sleep, like, you
01:24get eight pounds of fly duke in your mouth
01:26every night, I'm pretty sure.
01:28Guys, I'm just waking up in the game.
01:30Can we just wait a second?
01:32Most flies do not attend church.
01:36bug facts. Please don't bring up
01:38quick anal effects, bro.
01:40I know it's been, like, three years
01:42since the bit, but- It needs to come
01:44back. If there was ever
01:46a time. Yeah, f*** it, let's do it.
01:48Can I fish? You can.
01:50What? Perry?
01:52That's literally why I bought this game.
01:54Oh my god.
01:56Fly fishing.
01:58Super, are you just
02:00fishing? Are you fishing right now?
02:02I'm looking up quick animal facts.
02:04Most coyotes are illiterate.
02:08Where's poop?
02:10Why is your-
02:12Why is your fly-
02:14I'm looking for poop.
02:16Rub hands!
02:18You can do the rub hands.
02:20What do you hit? Z.
02:22Ah, yes. Guys, focus up.
02:24Yeah. Where is Dookie? Where is Dookie?
02:28Oh, I didn't mean to shoot!
02:30Ah! Missed hit point! Missed hit point!
02:32Can you find dog shit on a hot
02:34summer sidewalk?
02:38Quick animal fact, they do like that.
02:40Me in the morning, then washing my face.
02:42What is that shit?
02:44With poop?
02:46Just everything you say is poop related.
02:48Are we talking about poop?
02:50Guys, are we talking about poop right now?
02:52Who's this purple fat bastard over here?
02:54Dude, that's a mirror,
02:58Okay, man.
03:00Go get him, poop boy.
03:02See ya, bitch!
03:04Shit! Oh!
03:06Kick him off!
03:08Yeah! Get him, dude!
03:10Oh, he died.
03:12We should only communicate in buzzes.
03:14I'm down.
03:16At least make it realistic.
03:18Don't all talk over each other.
03:20Uh, there's an ant man over here
03:22shooting at me. Ant man?
03:24Paul Rudd? I'm coming.
03:26Come here, Paul!
03:28Ow, he just head shot at me.
03:30Ant man up there.
03:32Hold on, we have to cross this.
03:34I'm gonna kick him off.
03:36Show me kill!
03:40He died instantly.
03:42Can I get what he has?
03:44You can.
03:48I'm already having so much fun.
03:50What, bitch?
03:52Yeah, okay, you mean tutorial bug?
03:54Okay, dude.
03:56What the shit?
03:58Tutorial island looks way different than I remember.
04:00Why is he just flying?
04:02Wait, nevermind, don't answer that.
04:04How do you kick?
04:06On god question.
04:08Oh, it worked.
04:10Alright, I'm gonna just drag my arm across my keyboard.
04:13He left!
04:19You know what the worst part is?
04:21You actually did kick.
04:23You did find the bug.
04:25It worked.
04:27Oh my god.
04:29Is it reopening the game?
04:36Nice work, laddie.
04:38Come here, potato bug!
04:43Ah, shit, I'm poisoned!
04:45Fuck, dude, someone rest my ass.
04:47Are you gonna just kill me or not?
04:51Thanks, buddy.
04:53You're a piece of shit, dude.
04:57Yeah, you should like me even more than a piece of shit.
05:04Don't worry, poop, I got you, poop.
05:06Thanks, dude.
05:08Watch out, dude, you need to look around, bro.
05:10What are you doing?
05:16Is he under the map?
05:18Oh, he's right there.
05:20Oh, there's a wasp in here.
05:22What's that thing?
05:24Is that one of those things that grabs you?
05:26Oh god!
05:28You're superior!
05:30You're superior in every way!
05:34Oh my god.
05:36I'm gonna try and get you.
05:40Did you die again?
05:44He's playing dead!
05:46What the hell?
05:48Oh, we got him!
05:52Give me that sword.
05:54Oh, shit.
05:56Don't run into that, bro.
05:58Is that a...
06:00That's one of them things from Half-Life.
06:02That's what I was saying.
06:04It's a big sausage.
06:06Quick fly fact.
06:08You're dead.
06:10Quick fly fact, you're fucking dead.
06:14I still almost died.
06:22You didn't have to do that.
06:24That's the thing about that whole interaction.
06:26I kick him in the mouth.
06:30Dude, I got the wasp costume.
06:32Hold on.
06:34You have a little dandelion around my ass.
06:36That is not the wasp costume.
06:38Yeah, it is.
06:40Yeah, you look cool, dude.
06:42I took off my team damage thing, by the way.
06:44That doesn't mean you can...
06:46You look like you're wearing a piece of one-ply toilet paper.
06:52Your mom.
06:54Why did you do that to me?
06:58Alright, bitch.
07:00It's on sight.
07:02Buzz, buzz, buzz.
07:04It wasn't even us, dude.
07:06It wasn't even us.
07:08It's all you motherfuckers.
07:10It wasn't even us.
07:16There ain't no shitty, shitty way.
07:18How'd you do that?
07:20Because we got end-game raid armor, dude.
07:24What the fuck? That's crazy.
07:26It's a long drop here, guys.
07:28So no messing around, okay?
07:30The first guy was late on it.
07:32Everyone immediately got more skifty.
07:36Sting plant!
07:38Oh, daddy's coming.
07:40He don't care about me.
07:42He just wants to kill, dude.
07:44He just wants to kill, dude.
07:46What is your problem?
07:48I'm gonna let this play out.
07:56Go get his loot.
07:58I can't believe that happened.
08:02I can't believe that happened, he says.
08:06I don't know where to go from here.
08:08I'm going down.
08:10I believe in you.
08:12We should Solidarity with him.
08:14He's rubbing his fucking face.
08:16I'm cooking up something devious, hold on.
08:18He's plotting his revenge.
08:24He punched the shit out of me.
08:26He punched the shit out of me.
08:28Damn, he's BMing me, too.
08:30Okay, we gotta get down there.
08:32So, can anyone res him?
08:36So we all just gonna sit here and laugh, huh?
08:42We gotta kick him to the next campfire or something.
08:46Here, get out of the way.
08:48Let me try and kick him.
08:50There we go.
08:52Let's think about what we gotta do here, guys.
08:54Let's give it a little...
08:56Go ahead and plot for a minute.
08:58Let's give it a quick little thought right here.
09:00Don't laugh at him, dude.
09:08Oh, shit!
09:10He's a son of a bitch.
09:12He's a son of a bitch.
09:14Oh, my God.
09:16Quick animal facts.
09:18Bugs remember everything.
09:22Quick animal fact. Bugs hold grudges.
09:26They remember faces.
09:30Is there a jump there?
09:34No, no, no, no!
09:36Oh, shit!
09:40I saw him turn around, and then my life flashed
09:42for my little fly eyes, dude.
09:44My short, insignificant life
09:46flashed for my eyes.
09:48So, like, three seconds.
09:50There's a fly in the distance.
09:58Ow! Fucking Legolas over here!
10:06Stop hitting me, bro!
10:08I don't have a revive left.
10:14This is the view you had to watch
10:16your cat for, like, seven minutes.
10:18When Snoot had a revive.
10:20He was just scolding it.
10:24The bonfire is here, gentlemen.
10:26Oh, shit!
10:28Where's the pope?
10:30Look at this fancy bastard back here.
10:32Fishing pond up ahead.
10:34I don't have a fishing rod.
10:36You never talk to the guys?
10:38Well, it looks like you're gonna watch us fish, buddy.
10:40I don't know what to tell you.
10:42You missed a secret.
10:46Is Orion's secret?
10:48Why can't I run?
10:50Move your bug ass.
10:54So freaking cool.
10:56The Fus Ro Dah, dude.
10:58I don't even wanna see you guys
11:00attempt the parkour section with that new spell.
11:02I wanna try the parkour section.
11:06Good luck!
11:10I'm not gonna fuck with you, dude,
11:12if you don't mess with me.
11:14We gotta try this.
11:22Dude, that was so easy.
11:24Why is he worried about that?
11:30I had to do it.
11:32I'm sorry.
11:34I'm so sorry.
11:36What? Where?
11:38Why is he running up the stairs?
11:40Oh, shit.
11:42Where is he?
11:44Is he stupid?
11:46Oh, shit!
11:48I saved you just there.
11:54This guy wants my...
11:56Fly nuts.
11:58I got you, bubba.
12:00He got my fly nuts.
12:02Not again!
12:04He insta-kills you!
12:06Give me up, please!
12:08Are you fucking kidding me, dude?
12:10What is wrong with this guy?
12:12Fuck off!
12:14Little shitter.
12:16I'll kill you.
12:18I'll win.
12:22I mean, not really.
12:26This shit...
12:28Him slapped you.
12:36Good luck.
12:38You got it.
12:46There we go.
12:48Yeah, baby.
12:50I'm out of stamina. Help!
12:52Look out!
12:54You get back in there, bitch.
12:56Go fight him.
12:58I win.
13:01He is not happy.
13:03Oh, shit.
13:07I missed it.
13:09Give me that shit.
13:11Dude, I got your samurai's chest.
13:15So cool, bro.
13:17You look so fucking stupid, dude.
13:22I wish I could see myself.
13:24Look in the top left.
13:26Oh, yeah. I guess I could just look at the inventory.
13:29I was about to take off all my armor
13:31and make someone wear it, dude.
13:33I'm so stupid.
13:39What would you like to order, fish?
13:43That was a hard line you just said.
13:47He was at a fast food counter.
13:49I had to let him know, bro.
13:51He was at a fast food counter.
13:53I can't believe I said that.
13:55I can't.
13:57What would you like to order, fish?
14:02Tea's ready.
14:06You can tell I wasn't exactly confident.
14:08Do they see what I see?
14:10Do they know what I mean here?
14:14All right. This way?
14:20Look out for piranha.
14:22This is it.
14:24This is where you want to be.
14:29I want the peanuts.
14:35Kill the Amorphophallus Immensis.
14:41Oh, God.
14:43What's that noise?
14:47It's going to do it again!
14:51He's dead.
14:53Yeah! Circumcised, bitch!
14:56Very good.
14:58For poop!
15:00Where's the poop?
15:02Down here?
15:04Bad idea.
15:06Oh, my God.
15:08One sniff of poop and we're all falling to our death.
15:10Carnivorous spear.
15:12Oh, it's like a...
15:14It's like a spear.
15:18What am I saying?
15:20What am I saying, dog?
15:22What the hell am I saying?
15:26There's still a little ways to go before we can fish again.
15:28Damn it!
15:30What do you mean?
15:32Do's name, but
15:34replace poop with fish.
15:38Fish is poop?
15:40That's not...
15:42What are you saying, dude?
15:44There's no way, dude.
15:46Poop is fish.
15:48You have to be dumb.
15:50What do you mean?
15:52I know what I'm saying.
15:56Stand still, stand still.
16:00Why are you
16:02knocking next to my bed?
16:04Double shot.
16:12Let's see what happens.
16:14Oh, my God!
16:16Bro, move laterally.
16:18Why are you just running forward and back?
16:22Go get him!
16:34Bro, he's got a vendetta against you.
16:36He keeps padding his
16:38KD stats on you, dude.
16:40He likes killing you.
16:42Come on, bitch!
16:44Eat shit!
16:50Bro, just
16:52fucking Bruce lead your ass, dude.
16:54That was crazy.
16:56Don't let him
16:58do it again.
17:00No, no, watch this.
17:02I kicked first.
17:06Is that a wizard?
17:08What the hell is that?
17:10It's a wizard spider.
17:12That sounds like a...
17:14Sounds like a clan
17:16member role, dude.
17:20Don't mind me, grandpappy.
17:22Did you know where I was going
17:24when my mind went there?
17:28Can I use my personal
17:32Maybe when I have to borrow other people's facial hair.
17:38Where are you?
17:40That's enough of that.
17:44I'm going to keep the
17:46banjo hammer out and I'll use it on myself
17:48if I have to.
17:50Now it is time for fish holes.
17:54I can read that sign!
17:56You're starting to understand flying language.
17:58Good work.
18:00I've literally been waiting for this
18:02since NOM. This is incredible.
18:08Why are you able to cast
18:10spells while doing that?
18:14How do I...
18:16How do I pull him in?
18:18Somebody's going to have to drop me their fishing rod when they're done.
18:24I am fish.
18:26I'm dead!
18:28I don't think we can get you
18:30down there, buddy.
18:34I am fish.
18:36He in fact
18:38was not fish.
18:40Take it, you stupid pineapples.
18:46Yeah! Woohoo!
18:48Look at this thing!
18:50Oh, so all the fish are fruit.
18:52All fish are gay.
18:54Well, yeah. I guess that would make us fruit flies,
18:56wouldn't it?
19:00How does shit work?
19:02Oh, you gave it?
19:06That's your bow and arrow, dude.
19:08Aren't you going to fish?
19:10I'm going to.
19:12Nice banana!
19:15You have to be
19:17shitting down both of my nuts.
19:21You have to be shitting my nuts.
19:23I have to re-log now.
19:27There's got to be a button
19:29for respawning, dude. There's no way.
19:31There isn't.
19:33It's quit to main menu
19:35or quit to desktop.
19:37There's no...
19:40You know,
19:42I honestly didn't think about that.
19:48I didn't even think about that
19:50when I kicked you.
19:52My mind was strictly on kicking you
19:54and not thinking of the repercussions.
19:56Look at the chat
19:58just three times.
20:00Where is PoopJoin?
20:02It's like he keeps
20:04joining and he's asking the same question
20:06but I'm telling him...
20:10I'm sorry.
20:14Bro, I cast my net for .3 frames.
20:16It's a fishing rod.
20:20I'm backing away.
20:22I'm going to get off the dock so I'm not tempted to do it.
20:24Let's soup on the other hand.
20:26I'm sorry.
20:38You should have looked at me before you did that.
20:40I was just back here plodding.
20:42Just back here plodding on that move.
20:51You just wanted to see where is PoopJoin.
20:57Dude, you split his kill feed, dude.
20:59What the hell?
21:01I'm keeping a fishing net.
21:03It's like real fly comms.
21:11Guys, you got to come to New York.
21:13So much garbage here.
21:17Yeah, now what are you going to do, buddy?
21:19I'm the game host.
21:21You're going to ruin your shit.
21:23Unless it respawns me back.
21:25Dude, you got to catch one fish.
21:27I believe in you.
21:29Shut up, bitch.
21:31Bro said you got to catch one fish.
21:33Did he kick you off?
21:35After I've been shit on twice.
21:37I'm going to rip my dick off.
21:39Oh my god!
21:41Shouldn't he kill me?
21:49Shouldn't he kill me?
21:51I just want a fish.
21:53I was trying to time it with you catching a fish.
22:07Size good.
22:09Heard that before.
22:13You should try and catch one way, way over there, dude.
22:15Way out.
22:17Throw it way, way far out.
22:19Dude, he's right in that thing.
22:23What are we waiting for here exactly?
22:25Oh, you'll see.
22:37Was that the fish or was that one of your fly feet?
22:39No, that was the fish.
22:41That was the fish.
22:43Absolutely just the fish.
22:53Are you guys friendly?
22:57Come on, boy.
22:59Charged today.
23:01Oh, we're fighting, bro. We're fighting.
23:03This guy's got like a damn
23:05gilded scimitar.
23:07That looks cool.
23:09Trimming armor?
23:11Really? I'll give you everything I have.
23:13I trust you, random stranger.
23:17I like how quickly
23:19you fucking...
23:21Oh yeah, real? You ever fall for that?
23:23I was the person who did that to people.
23:27This was two weeks ago.
23:29I still do it to like eight-year-olds
23:31on RuneScape all the time.
23:33Oh, damn.
23:35Look at our one teammate.
23:39He's still kicking his ass!
23:41That's incredible.
23:45The wasp went after him.
23:47He died. He fucking died.
23:49No good. See ya, bitch.
23:51You fucking killed him, Sup.
23:53There's fishing down here.
23:57Please don't.
23:59Oh, fuck.
24:01Oh, fuck.
24:05Anything for the fish.
24:07Workplace hazard.
24:09I was a little too excited about the fish.
24:11Oh, this place is the place to fish!
24:19Oh, shit.
24:31Not again.
24:39Hey, friend.
24:41I was a little upset when you turned around to see me doing that.
24:43Man, he sees me plotting.
24:45You are a son of a bitch.
24:47Mother shitting.
24:49At least you spawned close.
24:55What happened?
24:57That elevator don't work, bro.
25:01That elevator don't work, bro.
25:03It's just dead.
25:05I think we're close to the
25:07second boss fight here.
25:09Yeah, I'm gonna do that.
25:11I've had enough of kicking dew in the water.
25:13I'm bored.
25:15My fly-like attention span has been
25:17You know what?
25:19You've spent half of your fly life
25:21kicking me in the water.
25:23Oh, shit.
25:25I didn't realize
25:27Did you activate it super?
25:29No, I didn't.
25:31Oh, it's just bleeding?
25:33You're coming down, bitch.
25:39He gets crushed by it.
25:41What happens if I put one of these up here?
25:51Oh, my God!
25:55I'm gonna rip my dick off.
25:57Oh, no.
25:59Oh, my God!
26:01Where is Poop?
26:03He's in the water!
26:05He's in the water again!
26:07Wait, there's no way.
26:09Turns out I wasn't
26:11tired of kicking him in the water.
26:16That was a complete accident.
26:18That's crazy.
26:20What happened?
26:22Dude, the elevator's there for you.
26:24Just run on.
26:30What the...
26:32Shit! It's happening!
26:40Oh, my God.
26:42Oh, my God.
26:45I agree.
26:47Holy shit.
26:49I make you nervous?
26:51Oh, my God.
26:57I got off the elevator.
26:59I don't know.
27:05Oh, my God.
27:07This is the biggest challenge.
27:11I'm taking the stairs.
27:14Sim, you can't say that
27:16and be the one to flip the lever, dude.
27:20Did you die again?
27:24I think I spawn up there, so...
27:26That's fair.
27:30Are we going this way?
27:32I don't know. Which way do we go?
27:34I don't know. Where do we go?
27:36Why do you say ooh like you know
27:38something's about to happen, Gandalf?
27:41But again, I'll just...
27:43He's just trolling.
27:45He's just trolling the fellowship.
27:47He knows everything.
27:49Bro can see the future. He's just letting them go through this shit, dude.
27:51What the fuck?
27:53Look at the dead flies just floating in the
27:55hair soup.
27:59Oh, he don't jump it.
28:01Okay, he does.
28:03He don't jump it.
28:05He gets kicked in.
28:08You do it to yourself.
28:12are you prepared for battle?
28:14Is this the boss battle?
28:16I'm ready to get my wings, sir.
28:18I'm ready to get my wings.
28:22There's enough wings on that guy for all of us.
28:24Are we supposed to be just stuck here?
28:26Oh, okay.
28:28Oh, he's cool.
28:30Cast a spell.
28:32I'm hitting only...
28:35That's me.
28:37Hold on, let me cast another spell.
28:45That's a propagate.
28:49Watch out.
28:51He shoots fire. Look out.
28:53I would get out of there if I were you.
28:57Bro, why does he only want me?
28:59You're doing the most damage.
29:01Now I'm doing the most damage.
29:03One bomb.
29:07What was that?
29:09I thought that was a fart.
29:11That was not me.
29:13I don't know what that was.
29:15It's not that intense, brother.
29:17You must be playing a different game.
29:19Bring it on, buddy.
29:21Kill that bug.
29:23Oh my god.
29:29I have no more health things.
29:31Kill him now.
29:33Beat his ass.
29:35Send it.
29:37I'm one hit.
29:41Shouldn't have said anything.
29:43Thank you, baby.
29:45He's so weak.
29:49I'm burning my dick off.
29:51We got him.
29:53Eat shit, but not our shit.
29:55That's ours.
29:57Is this how you get the frog thing?
30:03Me when I beat the second boss of this game?
30:07I thought the second boss was the elevator.
30:11That's a secret boss.
30:13Not a lot of people know about that.
30:15You have to be really stupid to struggle on that thing.
30:25I love poop.
30:27We gotta get poop.
30:29This has been the most fly video ever.
30:31It's all about poop.
30:33Where was that?
30:35Anyone know where that is?
30:37Track it down.
30:41Oh, is this the armor you have?
30:43Yeah, baby.
30:47If you want us to play more Fly Night,
30:49and now that we're all caught up to soup,
30:51make sure you leave a like on this poop.
30:53Make sure you leave a poop on this fly video.
30:55Make sure you poop on this fly.
30:59I'm looking for poop.
31:03I'm looking for poop.
31:05No, there's poop.
31:07That means there's poop.
31:11Oh my god, it's a beast.
31:13Holy shit.
31:19Where was this the entire video, bro?
31:21I feel like it's been so calm
31:23until that moment.
31:25It's like we finally clued into the fact
31:27that we're flies and we like poop.
31:31I didn't have to be a fly for that.
31:35I'm gonna burn you at the stake.
31:39Somebody get him up.
31:45Ain't no shitty titty way.
31:47Where is poop joint?
31:50One more time for the points.
31:52I'm gonna bring you there.
31:54Hold on, I'm gonna bring you there.
31:56That's the wrong way, soldier.
31:58Yeah, but I can't kick you down the stairs.
32:00Oh my god.