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We challenged each other to an ultimate parkour race with ultimate lucky blocks! Least amount of deaths by the end of the video is the winner, let's see who can be the best...

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00:00This is the ultimate lucky block parkour race with Estabrock, TinyMacDude, and Allie.
00:05The person with the least amount of deaths is the ultimate winner of the video.
00:08If you guys want to be the best lucky block parkour master, hit that subscribe button right now.
00:12And let's get on to the video.
00:14Oh my god.
00:18Freaking pickle, if I turn around and it's a lucky block race, I'm going to be so excited.
00:22Turn around, Tucker.
00:23You're going to turn around, turn around, turn around.
00:25Oh my god.
00:28Lucky block race, guys.
00:29But this is the ultimate, ultimate, ultimate version of lucky block race.
00:32There's going to be surprises.
00:34Oh my god.
00:42Guys, there's going to be surprises in this ultimate lucky block race.
00:45The best items, the worst items.
00:46Tucker, what are you doing?
00:48I want to press the button.
00:49I want to press it.
00:52We got a wooden pickaxe so we can mine the blocks faster because they take a while.
00:56Who goes first?
00:57I'm the blue.
00:58I'm the blue.
00:59I'm the blue.
01:00I'm the blue.
01:01You know what?
01:02Tucker can go first.
01:03Tucker can go first.
01:04All right.
01:06Oh, I forgot.
01:07The person with the most amount of deaths is the loser of this video.
01:08Sorry about that, guys.
01:09I have an ender chest.
01:10I'm going to put it over here.
01:11And now I have permanent storage if I have anything good.
01:13It's my turn.
01:14My turn.
01:15I'm mining.
01:16Oh no.
01:17Oh no.
01:18Oh no.
01:19Oh no.
01:22Own heroes.
01:23Oh, that's a good one.
01:24We should be aligned.
01:25Oh, no.
01:26Lucky ball.
01:27Oh, my turn.
01:28My turn.
01:31They all died.
01:32Oh, no.
01:33No way.
01:34Guys, I didn't mean to lose.
01:37Miss that parkour jump.
01:38Are you guys ready?
01:39I'm going to mine the block.
01:40Get back here.
01:43Get back.
01:44Ellie, you're trying to get hate comments in the video, I see.
01:46I turned from the guy who always loses to the guy who always wins.
01:49always wins am i right where did esther go
01:54all right can i mind my lucky bloke please yeah yeah you can mind
01:58boop lucky wound what what am i gonna get
02:02oh you got apple what that's just getting lucky today
02:06don't let oh hey jump over jump over jump over yeah you can make that jump you
02:11can make that jump i don't want to he's gonna hit me off
02:13i'm not gonna hit you off
02:17oh there you go oh i can't see oh i'm gonna mind my blood
02:25i can't see
02:38are you serious i had so many emerald apples oh my god
02:43that's what i got yeah
02:48what a dummy oh oh hey hey buddy um we have no problems with each other am i
02:52right mr megamuck are you kidding me no mr bankbook
02:57he just got a 4k and jumped off tucker this isn't
03:01a video game like that oh what it wasn't even your turn are you
03:07kidding me i thought it was oh it was your turn
03:12i got a bunch of potions okay don't blow up please
03:15oh do i looking amazing or not i think you look pretty good with green
03:20i like green i got speed boots what are these called super
03:27lucky boots my turn my turn my turn everyone has to
03:29look everyone cheer me up wait tucker's tucker's doing something
03:32oh esther you should watch out oh hey
03:35ow oh no i just want to test out my axe my turn
03:43diamond oh he got a good one my turn i got pantalones
03:47all right my turn my turn my turn my turn
03:51well what's that tiny oh well you got a lot of spawners
03:54oh are you kidding me are you kidding me
03:59oh my god why is it still going are you kidding me this is perfect
04:09this is working out for me swellingly go go go go get the is it on me guys
04:15yeah my turn this is perfect this is my turn
04:21what's this
04:25i talked to the developers and they said we could set it to peaceful for a
04:28second and set it back to easy again all right i'm mining my lucky block
04:31you guys oh oh what happened your iron garden died
04:36what even is that thing i don't even know what the it looks like it has a
04:39crown at the top or something hey tucker this is your block right you
04:42should go check what's on top of oh i fell
04:46that's the mark is so funny
05:02i recommend you watch out for who coming for you
05:05oh oh my god what is that all right guys not waiting for each other on this
05:11parkour course just go okay i'm mining my block i'm mining my
05:14no no no wait i jumped off veto
05:20i don't know he doesn't he needs not be in this game oh good parkour i like that
05:24i'm easing though i'm already here do you think i can make this jump uh i
05:27think you're gonna mess it up the first try and get it the second try
05:34oh i was gonna mess up unless he builds like a loser
05:38yeah shut your mouth bro this is called thinking emoji
05:41no make the parkour make the parkour exit right now do it it's impossible
05:45this park oh it's oh this is real oh i'm gonna make
05:48it move okay hold on hold on i'm moving
05:56man that guy that guy sucks that's you why are you bullying me you say i'm the
06:01bully you're the bully you can't do the parkour
06:04you are all bullies you all bully me
06:11you better go back and do it if i if i hit this you guys can't bully me this
06:15whole video all right if we hit this subscribe to
06:17cheap pickle subscribe to cheap pickle and like the video
06:24it's my turn it's my turn it's my turn
06:29subscribe to cheap pickle
06:35dude did he just fall off the ladder subscribe to cheap pickle
06:38oh he's gone
06:42every time s is in a lucky black video he has over 40 deaths subscribe to cheap
06:51how is it that hard it can't be that hard minecraft is not a hard game
06:56subscribe to us the brock
07:01guys i feel bad at this point subscribe to the cheap pickle
07:08god man
07:17all right so you can do this last try actually last try you got this you got
07:24oh wait that's crazy what how'd you do that
07:32all right my turn my turn uh-oh i don't think i can escape oh yes i can
07:37i didn't think about my no
07:41that's the rock i hope you don't get any oh my
07:45oh nice i'm good turn oh my turn three two one i'm pooping my pants
07:52going wow oh you got you got some good pants
07:58yeah oh oh you got a good apple yeah just one my turn
08:04what's up oh cheap look i got seven oh my gosh this is the best block this is
08:11a new block this is a new block it's like a orange block
08:13i want to mine it oh esther oh somebody wants this i know somebody
08:19wants this esther esther come here i want to trade you come
08:22here you got one i'll trade you i'm gonna try
08:25apparently i'm moving really fast are you serious
08:28oh my the comment section is gonna feel really bad for esther
08:31oh wait my turn it's their turn oops extreme hammer
08:40why did that almost kill me my turn oh rotten piece of flesh
08:43and lucky block oh more pants my turn my turn my turn
08:49oh get the rock and the bark and the s to
08:52black my turn oh enderman leggings
08:57my turn
09:03what no way jose oh what is that wait hit me you got a floating ball hit
09:10me oh this guy cannot be this guy cannot be
09:13serious uh it's not white concrete it's white concrete powder
09:17oh my gosh that's dumb all right your turn man
09:21i'm gonna hit you with that yeah okay come on
09:24alex you know what i think no all right cheap i don't think he's very
09:32cheap we're surrounded by idiots you do not know the katana blade of the
09:35yellow you do not know the blade of the samurai
09:38yellow samurai yellow i know the blade of the barbarian
09:41no i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry you do not know the blade of the samurai yellow
09:45my turn wait i have a question guys where's
09:49wally bear all right hit your block yeah oh no
09:54i got a tridon oh my god i don't want to do that
09:58ah try to just pick it up it's your turn that's your turn it's your
10:03turn all right all right pick it up it's not picking me up it's only it's like
10:06the four's hammer so you have to be worthy
10:10oh my god i got the master's katana i challenge you to a battle of the
10:21master's katana of the green samurai versus the yellow samurai
10:27are you
10:30what's in your hand magic no way no way i sniped him
10:38no way i sniped him bro oh my god cheap look you're lucky
10:44now you will face the samurai of the ninja yellow
10:47let me just go on to the next block guys this guy's oh
10:51not again he got double it that was a double tap you see that
10:55thank god oh are you serious
11:01oh my shield it goes through my shield i had a full shield
11:05you got this you got this you got this
11:17tucker stop killing esther tucker you're being a bully and everyone's
11:20gonna be mad at you
11:24your turn you got it oh god
11:29how many times how many y'all kill this thing bro it's gonna kill me it's gonna
11:36kill me he's having a great time isn't it
11:41uh wait it says it's a fish called i'm funny
11:45what if i eat it
11:48i have a joke what is the joke sir how does a cow
11:52do math how a cow do later
12:04i haven't heard that one in since third grade you didn't even pass third grade
12:08exactly oh my turn wait i want to know what you got
12:13let me hit you once build a block over i don't have any blocks do you have a
12:16block yep i got one watch this watch the samurai
12:19allows you to hit him once and only once
12:22ow ow ow what what was that why when did she become such a sweaty
12:27try boy it's so annoying you're you're sort of
12:31so big stop stop mocking me when you know it's
12:44true you know it's true later losers
12:50you hit me for the last time the samurai demands a battle against you
12:54yellow samurai action
12:59oh my god i died again you guys get a free weapon and you have to
13:04make the jump wait i didn't get my weapon i got to
13:08come back all right your turn all right all right let's see this
13:13oh my turn go cheap whoa
13:23all right cheap watch this this is the yellow samurai
13:26ah i'm talking 360
13:32you get 360 or you die all right come on come on come on oh you're done
13:40let's go oh i made it it's all down to the yellow samurai
13:45i can do this
13:50okay nice guys nice i'm glad you showed off your skills today
13:54um but look at straight ahead of you what is it
13:57whoa what is that this is the parkour course
14:01speed run challenge right here all right let's do this
14:05jump jump jump
14:11are you serious right now are you serious right now guys there's a lot of
14:14noises i'm not sure what's going on but i'm
14:16dead how far do we speed run cheap you have to go to that ice block
14:20the samurai falls again my bad my bad i lost time
14:24enchanted sword more golden apples i'll take those um guys
14:30how do we get oh this guy is parkour oh my god yeah another parkour guys
14:36there's another parkour all right i'm doing it
14:38oh no
14:43i can do this i can do this check me out check me out i'm watching i'm watching
14:46you the samurai of the night you see that watch this now cheap
14:49oh god are you kidding me right now i gotta poop
14:52i gotta freaking poop dude i gotta poop asda
14:56so bad i want to hit something yeah boy yeah boy all right i'm taking a
15:03poop break while you losers do this
15:11how do you how do you do how do you do this i'll make it i'll make it
15:19come on you got this
15:27blackbird singing in the dead of night take those broken wings and learn to fly
15:33tucker okay tucker yeah i've just been playing my guitar waiting for you guys
15:37i've been like doing so we made the first job we made the first
15:39job it's the first time i made this jump okay so i think these ones are easier
15:45if you get the point how what happened what happened why
15:55come on 39 we'll wait come on 39
16:02whoa he made it all right guys you ready mind your backs
16:06here we go mining oh i got a crossbow with no all right
16:10guys this is the next parkour section it's going to be a race all the way up
16:14to that random tnt looking thing me first me first i'm dropping i'm dropping
16:19okay wait cheap you didn't think about this man
16:22watch this how
16:27what happened
16:31what just happened keep miles keep going cheap
16:34this is not a possible block jump for me now there's no drop door anymore
16:39that's that's a you problem because you cheated i didn't cheat
16:46oh my god who did that i don't know what the heck was that
16:49shut up 40
16:57oh my god it's not so easy is it don't do it don't do it don't do it
17:03you battled a samurai bat for the last time have fun with that buddy
17:09the samurai comes in
17:25oh don't mind me don't don't worry don't worry don't worry don't worry don't worry
17:30i died
17:32what come on i can make this yes nice good job ali well i got five
17:39nether right lucky blocks i'm right on the other section
17:43what are these wait what are these oh wait i think i stepped
17:50guys i think the pressure plates are tnt you think
17:54wow wow wish i knew that earlier huh are you serious i don't know
18:01oh i have to run i gotta run
18:09okay it's my turn i'm scared i'm super scared
18:12don't worry cheap you don't hit don't hit the pressure plate cheap
18:16jump up jump up jump up
18:39i can't believe this how are you doing 50 yeah you're making fun of my numbers
18:42here but it doesn't matter wait until we get into
18:45the battle actually you know i should call you i should call you
18:48double quarter that's what i should call you how you doing double quarter
18:51because 25 plus 25 equals 50 how you doing double quarter how you
18:55doing half an hour all right guys this is the speed right
18:59all the way up to the tnt
19:03take them down okay never mind after you okay
19:07yeah i'm here okay
19:11three two one go let's go oh my gosh i was close
19:18and you lost a lot of lucky blocks somehow what
19:21what gonna be me oh my god i got a bunch of wood tools useless useless
19:28what's a path apple what does this do i don't know i'm good oh oh my
19:35oh my goodness i made to the top oh there's a
19:38steel too let me put it right here and then i'll just light it
19:42oh no oh tucker did it guys it could be bad
19:48it'd be bad what what was that i just lost my lucky block dude why did you do
19:52that oh that was the point of racing guys so
19:54we can yeah wait so i won the race you won that
19:57part yeah oh my god good riddance so what i won the
20:01race just to die what was that for so this is another
20:05race you guys watched squid game before yeah
20:08the squid game you see how it's one bridge let me go first let me go first
20:12let me go first wait what are we doing
20:15i'm safe i'm safe i'm safe someone else go now i'm not going off
20:20i think tucker's faster he's clearing up
20:24can i try you guys are coming oh god
20:28wait guys so this one's safe the one right here is safe the one that's right
20:32next to me oh okay now how did i died i died i died
20:37wait a second oh my god i'm a genius oh my god i'm a genius
20:41oh my god i'm a genius oh my god i'm a genius
20:45come on let's go wait am i supposed to jump here what
20:50come on
20:59i'm gonna do this legit i'm going to do this legit yeah i'm gonna do legit too
21:03i'm gonna do it legit see you guys later
21:08no hey
21:12hey surprise oh my god did any of you do it legit did
21:17any of you there's still a lot of tnt left
21:19yeah i did be careful cheap be careful that one's a team wait wait wait okay
21:27i was lying
21:30oh my gosh
21:36where is ally i don't hear him where is he
21:39this guy loves to be invisible why are you why are you standing there with a
21:43sword at the end
21:48this guy is the worst invisibility player of all time
21:51why dude his dude his thing makes me start
22:08speed run speed run
22:14obsidian lucky block all right guys this is called the guessing room
22:19everybody picks a plate choose your plate it can be any any of them who wants
22:23to go first you know first because he has the most
22:26amount of deaths as you get to choose what pressure plate you want to go on
22:30okay oh god there's someone gonna be on the creepers
22:34let's see let's see i'm choosing this one i'm choosing this one then
22:38okay okay break that break that okay now who's next
22:45wait i have the second most test that means i goes okay i pick middle
22:49okay oh he's alive he's alive oh my god wow
22:56so is it my turn i get all those lucky blocks or i get a nice chest
23:01one because i'm number one what's in here
23:05my turn guys a lot of dynamite for me that's that
23:12that was a sword nice you guys know the rules five minutes
23:18person with the most amount of deaths is the loser person with least amount is
23:21the winner
23:29oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh super lucky apple
23:43oh my god
23:47i'm flying wait
23:52hero sword don't let anyone else get that oh nice who's that who's hitting me
24:01oh god
24:11oh my gosh more lucky blocks more lucky blocks
24:17lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky
24:20low tape come here doctor come here go for hours he's your
24:26demon what
24:31dude cheap so p guys cheap so p yeah bye-bye
24:38enchanted golden apple oh don't mind if i do
24:42what's hitting me what get out of my face bro where are you
24:45sir get out of my face sir i don't want to i don't want any problems
24:52yeah how's it feel how's it feel
24:56oh see you later
25:00what was that come here asta come here 57
25:03come here 57 come here i can literally see you what are you talking about
25:11who's hitting me it's actually this guy's
25:15in your butt you're the only one i can go for you're out you're at 53
25:19i can get third place you're not taking my third place buddy
25:22you're not taking nothing you're you're you're done you're done for
25:25get away from me oh god yeah yeah you're scared where you going little baby boy
25:32huh random dynamite
25:37i got the random dynamite guys two more minutes on the clock what is happening
25:42watch this watch this ally okay come down here buddy
25:46come down here oh yeah get him get him get them get the loser boys what are you
25:52what are you doing down there guys what's going on down there
25:54wait a sec you have no death you're gonna die
26:00no i'm not there you are i'm incredibly strong
26:04where are you going baby boy oh you're in the water now no
26:07my bucket of milk bucket of dead yummy cookie bye cheap i hear you but i can't
26:13see you where am i where am i ha ha where am i ha ha where am i ha ha where am i
26:21where am i hi tiny
26:27oh okay get this guy get this cheap guy loser
26:31i'm out of here are you spot camping me are you spot camping me rival i cannot be your rival
26:38i do not want to be your rival
26:44cheap pickle oh i'm comboing you rumble combo that ain't falco that ain't falco
26:50hi guys hi guys hi how's everyone doing hey estabrock hey estabrock
26:58hey man hey man hi tucker oh my god were you whoa whoa whoa someone's mad at me yeah come here
27:04come here then come here then oops oops where did i go oops where did i go oops where did i go
27:09oh no your armor's breaking oh oh wow oh this hurts
27:16oh wait five seconds come here
27:17oh 61 sorry 61
27:28thank you guys for watching the video hope you guys like comment subscribe
27:30and see you guys in the next one
