Harpoon Hunters S01 E02
00:00On the 1st of June, America's last bluefin tuna harpoon fishery opens off the coast of
00:16Cape Cod.
00:19With millions at stake, the window to make a year's salary closes fast.
00:29Only one day in, three captains have landed over $15,000 worth of bluefin tuna.
00:36Hey, Nico, you picking me up?
00:38Let you know we broke the ice.
00:40Yeah, it's been a pretty slow start.
00:43But strongman Nico Chaprales of the Easy Does It is the only captain without a fish.
00:49This wasn't the start I was hoping for.
00:51This boat has a legacy that it carries with it.
00:53I'm not going to allow us to fail.
00:55Once the pride of the fleet, the Easy Does It is now the underdog.
01:00Everybody's caught a fish so far besides us.
01:02I'm struggling with it.
01:04After his legendary father's sudden death.
01:07Billy, Nico's dad, was a really good harpooner.
01:10That generation invented this stuff.
01:12Nico must step up as captain to keep the family business alive.
01:16So Nick's got some pretty big shoes to fill out there in that boat there.
01:20There he is.
01:21F***ing missed.
01:22He just wasn't ready.
01:24If I was five, I never would have let that happen.
01:26I mean, I got a lot of people dependent on me.
01:29Failure is not an option.
01:55Thomas, tell Kev to come down.
01:59Kev, come on down.
02:07Well guys, I could fish 50 seasons and this will probably never get any easier.
02:15But this is where we spread Billy's ashes last year.
02:22And let's just start them with a moment of silence for the old man.
02:29My father's name was Vasilios Konstantinos Chapralis, but we called him Billy.
02:35A couple of years ago, Billy passed away fighting a bluefin tuna on Fishing Ledge in Cape Cod Bay.
02:41He had a massive heart attack.
02:44And while everybody acted swiftly and professionally, the Coast Guard just wasn't able to reach him in time.
02:49Which is a grim reality of being a commercial fisherman.
02:53Even though I would have preferred to have it 10 or 15 years down the road,
02:58I take small consolation in the fact that my father passed away doing what he absolutely loved.
03:06All right, let's make a prod, boys.
03:08All right.
03:09We'll head on up.
03:11All right, let's get them.
03:13There's definitely a lot of pressure on me and really big shoes to fill.
03:17You know, everybody's used to looking at Billy as the captain to have all the answers.
03:22And now they're going to look to me.
03:24But no pressure, no diamond.
03:28A lot of experience he passed down to me, Kevin and Thomas.
03:31We were all trained by him.
03:33You know, this was his life. This was his everything.
03:36I mean, they called him Billy Bluefin.
03:38So if I'm half the man and half the fisherman he was, then we'll do just fine this season.
03:47Captain Nico of the Easy Does It sits at the bottom of the fleet with no fish caught yet this season.
03:55While Joe Dion on the Red Rum and Dylan Caldwell on the Pine Box each landed fish on opening day.
04:03And fishing veteran Captain Tyler McAllister, with four decades of experience on the water,
04:08must build on his commanding lead at the helm of the Cynthia C2.
04:14I feel optimistic about today.
04:16We're on the other side of the moon. We're going to have the right conditions.
04:19And we're going to have weather right till dark.
04:24And the engine started. Always a good day when the engine starts.
04:28First day of the season we caught two fish, so we are definitely gaining some momentum in this competition.
04:32But it's a long season and there's a lot of quota left.
04:35So it's all about your ability, you and your crew, to make it happen.
04:38And we're going to make it happen.
04:41Zap is on.
04:42Cool. Let's go fishing.
04:44Rock and roll.
04:47Thirty miles north, on the fishing vessel Red Rum.
04:51Come on, Mike. Let's go.
04:53Another day, huh?
04:55To me, Tyler's the one to beat.
04:57He caught two fish yesterday.
04:59If you let him, he'd catch the whole quota himself.
05:02But we caught one.
05:04We hadn't fished for two years, so now we got the monkey off our back.
05:07Today, we can dial in.
05:09We can focus on our program.
05:11We've got markup in the sky.
05:13And we're going to go back to where the bait was.
05:18Twenty-four miles east, Captain Niko powers the Easy Does It
05:22toward his late father's hunting grounds.
05:26Come on, boys. Come up and give us a fry in here.
05:30So with the wind the direction that it is, the wind's coming from the direction that it is.
05:34So with the wind the direction that it is, the wind's coming from the north.
05:38So we're going to sneak in behind P-Town.
05:40We've had pretty good fishing in the past.
05:42We're kind of just doing what we think the old man would do, you know?
05:46It's what would Billy do?
05:51It is a beautiful day.
05:54It's calm enough that if we do get a bunch to come up and plow,
05:57we should be able to see them from a pretty good distance away.
06:01Not every harpoon fisherman uses a spotter plane
06:04because operating costs are expensive.
06:07Aviation fuel is $10 a gallon.
06:10My dad taught me to do what we do.
06:12So the way that we find these fish from the tower,
06:15you very rarely see the fish.
06:17When the fish swim under the surface, their tails kick to make them swim forward.
06:21And that creates a fuss in the water that we call the shake.
06:24And you kind of pick up the shake from a distance.
06:27And then once you get up on the fish,
06:29then you can actually start seeing individual fish from the tower.
06:33Like a whale just like laying there.
06:36See that?
06:37Keeps coming up.
06:39You know, whales means life, life means bait, bait means fish.
06:42So we're trying to connect all the dots.
06:46I got something off the left side here.
06:50Right, yeah.
06:51Right here.
06:53See it? Right here.
06:56How far?
06:57About 200 yards.
07:00Yep, that's them.
07:02All right, you got them, Kev?
07:03Looks like they're going off to the left now.
07:04Yep, yep.
07:11Looks like they're staying up, so let's just take our time.
07:16Doesn't have to be a big shark.
07:19I think it's a single, Kev.
07:21There he is. I got color right there.
07:23Yep, yep.
07:24About at your head right now.
07:26It's one fish, Kev. It's one fish.
07:36I missed.
07:43It was one fish, big fish.
07:45Looked like he was taking off, you know?
07:47Yeah, no, he definitely sunk right out as soon as you got within range.
07:51He'll come back up.
07:52We'll get another shot.
07:54That was a big fish.
07:59Just had a pushing single.
08:01Right when we got up on him, he just started going down and to the right.
08:05When I threw, I just missed him a little bit to the left.
08:09Unacceptable on my part, but we'll get another shot and we won't miss this time.
08:1510 miles west on the Red Rum, Captain Joe Dion returns to where he caught yesterday.
08:25Hey, Mark. You seeing it or no?
08:31Man, it smells fishy.
08:33Where's this s*** coming from, though?
08:36It's in there.
08:37See any slicks up there at all?
08:39These are both slicks.
08:41Who are all these guys out here?
08:42I don't know.
08:43There are a lot of them.
08:47Tuna harpooners.
08:48Search for Yetis, Bigfoot, and bluefin tuna.
08:54These giant bluefin tuna.
08:58Obviously, the competitive nature of this fishery always drives you to be better than everybody else.
09:03And I think that's why we're here.
09:06Obviously, the competitive nature of this fishery always drives you to be better than everybody else.
09:13Hope we find a Bigfoot or a Yeti before we find a tuna.
09:17There's the Red Rum.
09:19Is that Tyler over there?
09:21Remember that time we caught fish right off his stern and he wasn't even looking?
09:26He was right next to us and didn't get a single one.
09:29He was not happy with us.
09:36Come on, Sean.
09:37You're going to find them here.
09:38I'm looking.
09:41All right.
09:43I got fish.
09:46I'm pretty damn sure.
09:4810 o'clock, 930.
09:50Yep, I got him.
09:51You got him?
09:52Good eye, Todd.
09:56You got him at 12 o'clock?
09:58He's going a little bit more west.
10:00Just hold your line right there.
10:03He's going a little bit right to left.
10:04Over here.
10:05Going a little bit that way.
10:06Just stay on your same course until he gets down there.
10:09All right.
10:10Start slowing down.
10:16Slow it down.
10:18He's swinging a little bit, isn't he?
10:20He's settled.
10:22I don't have him right now.
10:23I don't.
10:24No, you don't.
10:25You just have the water.
10:28Now I don't have him.
10:35Slow it down.
10:38He's settled.
10:40I don't have him right now.
10:47Giant striper.
10:50God dang it.
10:52Oh, man.
10:53It had me fooled, too.
11:04Good eye, though.
11:05He's far that long way off.
11:06Let's go.
11:07Let's go.
11:08Let's go.
11:09Go back to work.
11:14I just sure as hell hope those guys haven't got him before us.
11:19There's Marky up there.
11:21I got one.
11:22I got one.
11:238, 97, and 202.
11:27Got him, Mike?
11:29Come back down to 7 knots.
11:31It's a swab.
11:34Got him.
11:36Two more to the right, though.
11:38They haven't straightened out yet.
11:40Gonna have to turn right here in a second.
11:45Start turning right, Tom.
11:49Steady like that.
11:50Steady like that.
11:5112 o'clock.
11:57Get him.
12:01Get him.
12:05Nice job.
12:07Nice job!
12:09Stop at neutral.
12:14Get him.
12:15Nice shot, Joe.
12:16Hey, that's what we're supposed to do.
12:19Once I connect, what Mike does in the tower is he hits a button,
12:23and it sends electricity through a 100-foot cable into the harpoon dart,
12:28and it instantly shocks the fish.
12:30It stuns it.
12:32And because the fish doesn't struggle, there's no lactic acid buildup,
12:36and the meat stays cool.
12:38All those factors contribute to a better quality meat and a higher price per pound.
12:44Got a pair.
12:45Got a pair.
12:46Got a couple.
12:47Come on, boys.
12:48Put it together.
12:49Let's go.
12:52Higher, higher, higher, higher.
13:03Hey, we got one on the boat.
13:04We're going to keep getting them.
13:06The plane's circling.
13:07He's got fish.
13:08He's waiting on me, so it's go time.
13:12What is that?
13:1388, 89?
13:15That's a giant.
13:16Hopefully we get a real good price for him.
13:19This fish has tied me with Tyler on the C2.
13:22One more fish will put us on top.
13:25Tell him we're ready to go.
13:27We're ready, Mike.
13:32Five miles to the east.
13:36On the easy does it.
13:40Yeah, so Nick's got some pretty big shoes to fill out there on that pulpit.
13:44That pulpit's seen a lot of action, a lot of meat.
13:48And we'll see how Nick's performance is.
13:52I got a lot of people dependent on me.
13:54You know, without my dad around, it's important that we produce.
14:01Hey, Nick.
14:03Anything at 11, I saw something white.
14:13There they are, there they are, there they are.
14:15I got to get rigged up.
14:16They're going away from us.
14:20Get me the masking tape on the dash.
14:23Thomas, in the red basket.
14:26Grab me one of those.
14:28You got it?
14:30Rigging the electric throw-in line onto the harpoon.
14:34You have to re-rig after every throw.
14:36And we missed a fish just a couple hours ago.
14:39Where were they headed last, Kev?
14:41Off our starboard side.
14:47Holy ****
14:49One o'clock.
14:51I think they're coming at us.
14:52Right in front of you, Nick.
14:54Just about five boats.
14:56We're **** on them.
14:57At your head right now.
14:59Is that them up there?
15:02Thought I just saw a flash.
15:03They just went down.
15:06Not seeing it now.
15:09I don't see any tuna.
15:12They're gone.
15:13We lost them.
15:14That's just a perfect example of why you want to be ready.
15:18Got to be ready.
15:19Got to be ready.
15:20Got to be ready.
15:22Ooh, look at that.
15:24Looks like Nico wasn't prepared.
15:27His father never would have let that happen.
15:29Billy was a really good harpooner.
15:32That generation invented this stuff.
15:35So it's really up to Nico to live up to that expectation
15:38and that legendary status.
15:46Everybody's caught a fish so far besides us.
15:49I'm really doing my best.
15:51Because it's important to me that this boat continues to produce
15:53the same way it did when my father was the captain.
15:56It sucks the most because I feel like, you know, here
16:02is where I have all my memories with them.
16:07I'd give just about anything to ask them
16:11what to do right now, you know?
16:13So, this season means more to me than anybody could know.
16:2015 miles east and without a spotter plane,
16:24father and son Dylan and Emmett Caldwell
16:27drive the pine box along the northern edge of Cape Cod Bay.
16:31I can smell them. Smell them.
16:33What causes that scent?
16:35Like their poop and the nitrogen?
16:37It's the oil and all the fish they eat and the bones.
16:40You know, fish bones have a lot of oil.
16:42So when they blow all that stuff out, poop it out,
16:45it's greasy, it's oily.
16:47It's greasy, it's oily. That's why the birds like it.
16:50Yeah, so they'll leave a big slick.
16:54There's your whale, Joe.
16:56Yeah, there's the whale right off the bow.
16:58That's a humpback.
17:00Those are the whales you see when there's tunas around.
17:03Oh, I'm going down. I'm freezing.
17:05I know. It's freezing going in the wind like this.
17:08Without a plane, this is a little bit of a tough place to fish
17:12because the animals don't always swim on the surface,
17:15so you always have to be there for every calm moment waiting for them.
17:18If they come up, you'll have your chance.
17:20But harpooning is really a game of being there all the time for them
17:23when it's calm so that when they do come up, you're there.
17:26I think we're going to see one. That's what I think.
17:34There they are. There they are.
17:36I got it, Joe.
17:38I'm down there going from left to right.
17:40Go slow.
17:42Start getting down behind them.
17:44I see them, Joe.
17:46Make sure the shocker's on.
17:48A little more throttle if you're behind them.
17:54Hey, they're turning a little bit to the east, so come over here.
17:58Go right in behind them.
18:00Go right at them. Go right at them.
18:05I missed it.
18:07Take it out. That's good. Take it out.
18:10Yeah, I just threw the pole wrong, and they were taking off.
18:14Got caught in the basket and pulled us down.
18:17Let's hope you got your misses out of your system.
18:20Good to flush it out.
18:22What's that behind you? Is that the mother load?
18:24It's still awake, I think, Joe.
18:26That tide? All right.
18:28Keep going to the east.
18:30Well, there's something out here, guys.
18:32You saw something, Joe. Nice work.
18:34At least they're running nice.
18:36That's what we want them to do.
18:48We got our first on the boat.
18:50Let's go. Let's find another one.
18:54There's some birds working up there, see it?
18:59Three real ones over here. Nice ones.
19:04I'm going to go down.
19:06One down. Let's get back to work. We've got to get more.
19:09You see the water just to the right.
19:12We have one fish today, and with each attempt,
19:15we're coming together as a team.
19:17Stop. Slow down. That's it.
19:19One more fish puts us ahead of the pack.
19:22It means real money.
19:24Mike, just listen to him.
19:27Hold that course steady like that.
19:33Yes, come right a touch. Right a touch.
19:36That's it.
19:38Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
19:46He's going to start coming left now.
19:49Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
19:59Stop it!
20:08Are you in the wheel?
20:10I don't know.
20:12Just don't do anything.
20:14I don't want to move.
20:16Seems like you're in the wheel.
20:18No, you're out. He's right there.
20:20Mike, you've got to get better.
20:22Joe, I was in reverse there.
20:24It just kept going.
20:26When I dart the fish,
20:28Mike has got to put the boat in reverse,
20:31which will keep the fish right under my feet.
20:34But when he saw the fish rushing towards the boat,
20:37he panicked, and instead of giving it some distance
20:40by throwing it in reverse,
20:42he basically shut the boat down.
20:44And the dead tuna fish is going to go under the boat.
20:50We're still getting our dance steps down.
20:52I just want to be the best.
20:54The only way to be the best is talk about it.
20:57That was a gift.
20:59Sometimes we're going to have disagreements on the boat,
21:02but I get worked up because we have to produce.
21:05Now we have 2 for the day, and that's 2 more than Tyler.
21:09Hey, guys, 85 inches!
21:13This fishery is something, isn't it?
21:15I think it's as big as the other one.
21:17Yeah, it's not a bad fish.
21:19I shouldn't be disappointed with 2...fish.
21:21You're never happy.
21:30What the...
21:32I just heard that Joe got another, so...
21:35They're obviously up in the right area.
21:38And, um...
21:40You know, it's, uh...
21:43It's tough trying to make the right moves.
21:46All right.
21:53So, yeah.
22:05Today was a good day. We got 2 today.
22:08Hey, Joe, what's up? Mike, how we doing?
22:11They're getting bigger.
22:13That's a good sign. Let's weigh them up.
22:16All right, ready for number 2?
22:20My favorite part of the day,
22:22unloading them and finding out how much we're gonna get paid.
22:30First fish got a nice belly on it.
22:34The color's pretty good.
22:36Not seeing too much fat.
22:38When I evaluate a fish,
22:40I'm looking for a nice, round body.
22:42When I evaluate a fish,
22:44I'm looking for a nice, round body shape,
22:46a nice, oily tail cut,
22:48and a very nice, translucent cherry red core.
22:50For this one, I'm thinking
22:52it's probably around 14 bucks a pound.
22:5414? We'll take it.
22:56We'll take it.
22:58How about for the second one, Bubba?
23:02The second one, believe it or not,
23:04has, you know, a little more fat than the first one.
23:08It doesn't seem it in the shape.
23:10But color's pretty much just about the same on it.
23:12With a little bit more fat content in this,
23:14could probably do 16 bucks a pound for you.
23:18Show him, buddy.
23:22Hey, Bubba, what's the chest weight on this one?
23:24First one's 329 pounds.
23:26Let's see what the next one got.
23:28All right.
23:30What do we got, Bubba?
23:32Number 2's 341 pounds.
23:34Awesome, man. Thank you.
23:36And hopefully we're gonna keep racking up these fish.
23:38Thank you so much, buddy. Thank you very much.
23:40Yes, sir. How's that for a day's work?
23:42That's right there.
23:44Appreciate it.
23:46No problem. Thank you.
23:48Hey, thank you, Bubba. Thank you, Mike.
23:50Thank you very much. See you soon.
23:52This afternoon,
23:54northwest wind 8 to 10 knots
23:56as 3-foot seas increasing
23:58to 10 to 15 knots
24:00with gusts up to 20 knots
24:02after midnight.
24:04It's sloppy right now.
24:06So today we're gonna wait
24:08till this lays down.
24:10I mean, the flag's standing straight up.
24:12We're gonna wait until it lays down.
24:14We're gonna wait until it lays down.
24:16We're gonna wait until it lays down.
24:18We're gonna wait until it lays down.
24:20We're gonna wait until this lays down.
24:22I mean, the flag's standing straight out, so...
24:24Weather on the Cape can turn on a dime,
24:26and if it's gonna get better,
24:28you want to be where you want to be when it gets better.
24:30So taking the beating
24:32is just a fact of life when you're going harpooning.
24:34The reward for taking the beating
24:36oftentimes is you can make
24:38a couple weeks' pay in one day.
24:40As soon as I see that first cloud
24:42pop off of Marshfield, I'm out of here.
24:44It sounds like that.
24:46Right now, southern edge of Jefferies,
24:48it's still three-foot seas,
24:50so it's not like it's really let go up there.
24:52I want to make the best business decision
24:54for the boat.
24:56At this point in the game,
24:58we don't have a plan at our disposal,
25:00and spotting them from the tower
25:02in really marginal conditions like this
25:04is incredibly difficult.
25:06I mean, when do you think this is gonna...
25:08I don't know. I'm having a hard time
25:10justifying that kind of a run.
25:12In north wind, we...
25:14I don't know. It's a tough call.
25:16First cloud, it's like, oh, come on.
25:20What's going on, Nick?
25:22Morning, boys.
25:24What's your plan? You gonna go?
25:26I don't know. Penny for your thoughts.
25:28I'm leaving probably in 20 minutes.
25:30It's still a pretty good ride.
25:32Oh, yeah. No, it's gonna be a beating.
25:34Well, that's fishing.
25:36Yeah, it sure is. All right, good luck.
25:38All right, guys. Good luck.
25:40I'm going to check it again.
25:4222-foot tower.
25:44Come on. Pete Town's got land clouds.
25:46Let's go.
25:48Let's rock and roll.
25:50So I just talked to Tyler,
25:52and he's gonna make a run for it.
25:56He says it's definitely gonna be
25:58an ass-kicking going across the bay.
26:00There he goes.
26:02I would close that hatch.
26:09No turning back.
26:11We're gonna wrap it up and call it a day.
26:13And just get ready for tomorrow.
26:15We'll try to get back in the game here.
26:20I really don't know much about Nick and his abilities.
26:24I've never seen him do the fish before.
26:27You know, it's very much a learning process.
26:30And you learn mostly by failure.
26:33Come on, Charlie.
26:35Nice 90-incher.
26:37Well, not exactly as they forecasted today, but...
26:41Is it too rough to get a good throw?
26:45It's never too rough to throw.
26:47Too rough to hit?
26:49Too rough to hit, yeah, exactly.
26:55Look closer. That's fish.
27:03Right in the boat?
27:06I'm gonna go away now.
27:08You got him, Todd?
27:13That looks really good, guys.
27:15The biggest challenge of fishing in windy weather is seeing them.
27:18The second problem is going out in the front end of the boat.
27:21I mean, my pulpit's 27 feet long,
27:23so that's a very large fulcrum.
27:25So if the boat itself is pitching a foot and a half,
27:28that's magnified by the length of the pulpit,
27:31so I might be moving 2 1⁄2, 3 feet up and down.
27:34Sometimes you feel like you can get thrown right off the pulpit.
27:37There's a lot of fish in there.
27:39Hold on a second. Don't do anything yet.
27:42Let me get my kidneys back.
27:44Oh, they might have just turned.
27:46Yep, they're going dead away now.
27:48That's out of watch.
27:50That's fish. That's fish.
27:52I got a fish. I got a fish.
27:54Got him. 12 o'clock.
28:00Give me that fish on the right. Right there.
28:03Fish on the right.
28:05Right on the right. Right on the right.
28:08Right there.
28:10Come on! Damn it!
28:15We have a lot of sea running around us.
28:18I thought everything was perfect until the boat turned.
28:23He was right there, and then he waved,
28:25and then he was 4 feet, 5 feet to my right.
28:28Come on! Damn it!
28:30It's horrible out there right now.
28:32That was a good one.
28:37Right here.
28:39Right there. See that right there?
28:41Got something at 1 o'clock.
28:431 o'clock. What do you got?
28:45Yeah, it's the fish making up again.
28:47Okay. I got him. Yep. All right. Go for it.
28:50Are you mad yet?
28:52I'm mad. I'm mad.
28:54See that fish right there?
28:56I want that fish.
28:58Right there.
29:00Go this way. Go left.
29:08I got him. Hit him.
29:10Back it down. Back it down.
29:12Nice job.
29:14There he is right there. Dead fish.
29:18Sean, that was a class A job right there.
29:21That was not easy. This is not easy.
29:26Still got him? Yep.
29:30Well done, boy!
29:38Let's go this way.
29:40Right over the top of that.
29:4480 1⁄2, 80 inches.
29:47That was a nice job.
29:49They were the only one fish in that bunch that was a keeper,
29:52and we got them.
29:54I think the show is over.
29:56Hopefully we'll get a great price.
29:58Oh, shit.
30:07I wonder if E.C. doesn't have a left of dock today.
30:10It's where he was when we left.
30:15We had literally about an hour and a half weather window
30:18of good weather, and those fish showed for 45 minutes
30:21and took it full advantage.
30:23I mean, that's what you do. You got to be out there.
30:25What's going on, Bubba?
30:27I wasn't out there today. I thought it was supposed to be bad.
30:30It was bad.
30:32Well, at least you got one, right?
30:34Yeah, we took what we could get today.
30:42Well, unfortunately, nothing too crazy about this fish.
30:46Still German.
30:48Still a little bit of color to it, not really any fat.
30:51Not many fish landed today, that's for sure.
30:55It's because there's just no fat.
30:57Really only give you $9 a pound for this one.
30:59It works.
31:03Let me just get a final weight on it for you
31:05and figure out where you're getting paid.
31:07$9 a pound is extremely disappointing,
31:09but there's only so much in your control
31:11when it comes to fish quality.
31:13224 dressed. Take that all day.
31:17Bluefin migrate to where the food is
31:19in this particular school must not have fattened up yet.
31:21Even though I hit the biggest one,
31:23I got lower-value meat than I was hoping for.
31:25That's for you.
31:27Perfect, thank you.
31:29So looking at about $9 a pound,
31:31about $2,000 for that fish.
31:33$9 a pound?
31:37Keeps the heck out of sitting on the dock, doesn't it?
31:39Good to go?
31:41Ready to get out there.
31:43It's getting nice,
31:45so hopefully we can stumble across something.
31:47All right, cut it loose, Thomas.
31:51Another day,
31:53another not-so-optimal situation.
31:55Hopefully they'll act right
31:57and they'll be easy to get on.
31:59Let's go.
32:01Let's go.
32:03Let's go.
32:05Let's go.
32:07Hopefully they'll act right and they'll be easy to get on,
32:09and we can just
32:11reverse the curse here.
32:13The weather hasn't cooperated,
32:15the fish haven't cooperated, nothing's cooperated,
32:17so we're just going to keep putting in the effort
32:19and putting in the time,
32:21because you can't catch them on the dock,
32:23so away we go.
32:29We're days into the season,
32:31and we're the only boat that hasn't caught a fish.
32:33I realize I've been playing it too safe
32:35and let the situation get in my head.
32:37Today I'm going to trust the training
32:39that my father gave to me,
32:41trust my instincts, and get out of my own way.
32:43And hopefully,
32:45that'll make a difference.
32:53Well, that's got to be Tyler and Doug down in there, then.
32:59We missed a day of fishing yesterday.
33:01Tyler was the only boat that went out.
33:03But the weather's a lot better today,
33:05so we have to get a shot at them.
33:09When we slow down,
33:11take the engine hatch off.
33:13I don't know if it was
33:15superstition or science or whatnot,
33:17but whenever we were having trouble
33:19getting on the fish
33:21and they were a little finicky,
33:23the old man would always pop the engine hatch
33:25and open up the
33:27engine room door just to
33:29let the sound kind of come up
33:31instead of having it propagate and go down
33:33into the water.
33:35Well, it's still there.
33:39We're going to do what we've got to do
33:41to make this boat as sneaky as possible
33:43and get right up top of them
33:45and give ourselves the best opportunity
33:47to put a dart in one.
33:49I'm at a loss.
33:53About another hour and a half
33:55until slug.
33:57There's a lot of similarities
33:59between both just hard workers
34:01and, you know, hard fishermen
34:03and a lot of pressure
34:05just as a captain.
34:07It's definitely a disappointing start,
34:09but we've had ups and downs over the years
34:11and you forget pretty quick
34:13once you see fish on the deck.
34:17Going to jog up here a little bit, Nick.
34:19Right up the sun.
34:21You got something, Kev?
34:23Just checking something out,
34:25just past the second slick.
34:27This season,
34:29failure is not an option.
34:31This boat has a legacy
34:33that it carries with it,
34:35and I'm not going to allow us to fail.
34:41I think that's fish, Nick.
34:43F***ing brown.
34:45How's the speed?
34:49To the right. To the right.
34:53All right, go on them.
34:55F***ing place.
34:57There he is.
35:03F***, I missed.
35:05I got to switch this pull.
35:07This dart's frozen in.
35:11Thomas, get a hammer or something.
35:15Got him again.
35:17What's that?
35:19They're coming up. Right up, right at 12 o'clock.
35:21F***. Hang on, hang on.
35:23I'm just f***ing out with my f***ing hands.
35:25I think they're coming at us.
35:27F***ing right in front of you, Nick.
35:39I'm Nico Chaprales, captain of the fishing vessel Easy Does It.
35:41But when I'm not fishing,
35:43I'm a competitive strength athlete.
35:45Today we're here at the No Fame Games,
35:47which is a Highland Games-style event.
35:49Other guys in the fleet may think that they're tough guys,
35:51but I bet you none of them can bench press 565 pounds.
35:55Being a professional strength athlete
35:57and being a fisherman
35:59actually have a lot to do with each other.
36:01It takes a lot of dedication.
36:03It takes years of hard work to perfect it.
36:05And I'd like to think that being a commercial fisherman
36:07at such a young age
36:09lent itself well into me being a successful strength athlete.
36:11I'm a little out of breath.
36:13When you stick a nice big fat slob
36:15that's 5'6", 700 pounds,
36:17you need to be in peak condition
36:19to get all that sucker through the tuner door.
36:21And sometimes it takes two or three guys in other boats,
36:23but on our boat,
36:25it only takes one man.
36:31Coming up.
36:33Right up to 12 o'clock.
36:35Hang on, hang on.
36:37I'll rip this thing out with my hands.
36:39When I pulled back the harpoon,
36:41I realized the dart was frozen onto the shank,
36:43which is not what you want.
36:45Are they still up, Kev?
36:47We'll go on them a little easier this time.
36:51Ideally, when you hit the fish,
36:53the dart toggles in the fish and the pole comes away.
36:55All right, good to go.
36:57Four boats, 12 o'clock.
36:59Hang on, hang on.
37:01They're sinking out.
37:03Don't come back up.
37:09They must be deep.
37:13There they are.
37:15Right in front of you, right in front of you.
37:17Yep, okay.
37:21Oh, yeah.
37:29Hit him, hit him!
37:31Hit him, Kev! Hit him!
37:35Wake up, baby!
37:39About damn time.
37:41Take it out, Kev.
37:43You got it, you got it.
37:45We got him, Thomas!
37:51There you go.
37:55Thomas, through my legs.
37:57Got it.
37:59All right, get him in.
38:01Go, go, go!
38:03Oh, yeah!
38:07First one, just got him in, though.
38:09Hey, Kev, Nico got one.
38:11Nico got one?
38:13Yes, he did. Good for him.
38:15Good for him.
38:19The Greek alliance creeping up on you.
38:21God bless them.
38:23At least they're getting some.
38:27Way to go, Nico.
38:29Keep up the good work, man.
38:33101, baby.
38:37101 and 160.
38:39That's tuna fishing.
38:43Yep, you heard him.
38:45You heard him.
38:47Ready for a paycheck, playtime's over.
38:49First fish in the boat
38:51without the old man, so...
38:53Hope he's proud of us.
38:57We're gonna do just what he would do
38:59and get a little bit of sleep
39:01and head right back out here tomorrow
39:03and try to get five more, so...
39:05This is how we do it.
39:07All right.
39:15Nice shot.
39:19My father, he always had this
39:21saying, if I die on a Monday,
39:23I want you to go fishing on a Tuesday.
39:25The main goal for this season is to make
39:27Billy proud, carrying on his
39:29legacy and his name.
39:37We're gonna offload this sucker
39:39and pay some bills.
39:43All right, up, Thomas.
39:45Hopefully he's nice and fat and we can get a decent price
39:47and get back into the black here.
39:49That's the goal. What's up, brother?
39:51Good to see you, money guy. All right.
39:53All right.
40:07What's the weight, Serge? What do we got?
40:09All right, 441, buddy.
40:11441. All right, nice big fat one.
40:13Let's take a look, Sergio.
40:15All right, Nick. Nice color, Sergio.
40:17Nice color, no burn. That's good.
40:19It's really nice fish.
40:2118? All right. I'll take that, Sergio.
40:23Thank you very much.
40:25That's gonna pay some bills. I'm happy about that.
40:27Can you believe it?
40:31So the fish dressed out at 441
40:33and we got 18 bucks a pound,
40:35so that's almost eight grand.
40:37So that's a great start.
40:39We can be happy for five minutes
40:41and then we're gonna go back out there tomorrow
40:43and do exactly the same thing.
40:45Cool. You heard him.
40:47It's bittersweet because
40:49this is the first fish on the boat
40:51without the old man.
40:53I just hope wherever he is,
40:55he's looking down on us proud.
40:59if there's one thing
41:01that I could say to my old man right now
41:03is thank you for my name
41:05and I hope I live up to it.
41:07We want the number one spot
41:09and that's what we came for.
41:11Captain Nico's 101-inch monster
41:13puts the easy-does-it on the leaderboard
41:15with the largest fish yet of the season.
41:19Captain Tyler's decision to fish
41:21in inclement weather
41:23keeps the Cynthia C2 in contention
41:25with a three-fish total.
41:27But the two-fish haul by Captain Joe
41:29pushes the Red Rum just ahead
41:31into the top spot.