• 2 days ago
Casualty S42 E11


00:00So, what makes you think you could make a good clinical lead?
00:07It's a better be good rush.
00:08It's been a plane crash.
00:10Dusty, I love her.
00:13Our chances of getting output now are quite limited.
00:15Please try it.
00:17I should have all I've just heard.
00:20He's gone.
00:22It was peaceful.
00:23I thought we had more time.
00:25Everyone knows about the allegations of a certain podcast during the rounds.
00:29Update on Dr Slice and Dice Keogh.
00:31The body of his poor victim is being exhumed today.
00:33Nurse Jodie White has been sleeping with the widower.
00:36Dylan, I'm sorry.
00:37They're throwing up everywhere.
00:40Making you lose your job.
00:42Well, that hasn't happened yet, actually.
00:43I think the CPS are due to make a decision soon.
00:45I think we should stop seeing each other.
00:47You don't want me.
00:48I thought this was what you wanted.
00:50Of course it's not what I wanted.
00:51Please, just get dressed.
00:57People are mean.
01:00They don't care who you are.
01:04I'm not a bad person.
01:06I'm just trying my best.
01:08Trying to get through the day.
01:10I feel doubt every day as a nurse.
01:13Question myself all the time.
01:17Can I do this?
01:29I can do this.
02:00What are we doing?
02:01What are we doing?
02:02Nothing. We stay put.
02:10Lock the door. Lock the door.
02:11All right. It is. It is.
02:13Try and stay calm.
02:25I'm sorry.
02:26I'm sorry.
02:27I'm sorry.
02:36Stay back, please.
02:38You've got no authority in here.
02:39Use your back.
02:40Get back.
02:41Get back.
02:42Move back.
02:45Move back.
02:48Stay back, you all. Please, go on.
02:51Yeah, I'll move out of the way.
02:52Push them back.
02:55Get away from the horse.
02:57Away from the horse.
02:59Take the boot.
03:08Get off him.
03:14Get out of the way.
03:27Out of the way.
03:28Get off him.
03:58All right.
04:18Is that the arterial prealerts?
04:20If you're rushed, do you want to take that on through to re-surgery, please?
04:24Dylan, Jodie, cubicles, please.
04:26Why are you still in bed?
04:28The pathology report's been published.
04:30It's fully exonerated.
04:41OK, everybody can... I just have a word.
04:43Gather round the can, please. In you go. Go through.
04:46OK, apparently, a so-called ultra group
04:50has tipped up outside United's ground,
04:54so it's not so much a friendly any more.
04:56Expect plenty more incoming.
04:58Jodie, Jodie, can you not hear that phone ringing?
05:01He's standing right next to it.
05:04Look, I know it's the last thing all of you need, me too,
05:07but we'll get through it, cos that's what we do.
05:09And at least the Holby fans have gone to St James'.
05:12So, gin's up.
05:14We're all happy you're here.
05:16Thanks, Cam, that means a lot.
05:18And, yeah, a warm welcome back to Dr Dylan Keogh too.
05:23What have we got, Jodie?
05:25A police officer fallen from his horse and dragged behind.
05:28Blue line him in shortly. OK, OK, thanks.
05:30OK, guys, off you go, everyone. Have each other's backs, please.
05:33Jodie, I'd like you in resus with Dylan.
05:36Can I be in cubicles today?
05:39If you're hungover again, I will not hesitate to give you a final warning.
05:43I just need a break. Yeah, and I need to win the lottery,
05:46so resus, please.
05:58This lower leg looks broken.
06:00Definitely going to need a back splint on this.
06:02That's ten milligrams of morphine in so far.
06:05Hello, mate. Tell me your name.
06:07Sergeant Matthew Oliver.
06:09All right, let's prep to get this helmet off. All right.
06:12Dan! Dan! Are you all right?
06:14Is he all right? He's conscious.
06:16You look like you've been through the wars, mate. No, it's nothing.
06:19Doesn't look like nothing. What's your name?
06:21PC Oli. PC Oli, I will show some bloody pride.
06:25OK, right, Jacob, can you get the forehead for me?
06:28Er, Oli, did you say? Yeah.
06:30OK, Oli, can you come and support your dad's chin like this for me, please?
06:37Right, Matthew, very slowly, I'm going to take this helmet off, all right?
06:40Hang in there, Dad. There we go.
06:42Nice and slowly.
06:47Dad! OK, can I get a pad?
06:50Dad, are you all right?
06:54Quick, quick. Is he all right?
06:58Keep talking to me, Matthew.
07:02No, no, I don't want to be here.
07:04I know, but you'll be all right, Mr Boris. OK, what have we got?
07:07This is Dane Boris, he's 20.
07:09Knocked over with a fracture to his left... I mean, right elbow.
07:13He's also got abrasions to the right side of his face.
07:16He's obviously stable, GCS was 13 on scene, but has now picked up to 15.
07:22He's had...
07:24It was one gram of iviparacetamol,
07:27tenamorphine, all over officer in normal range.
07:29Heart rate's 87, BP is 105, over 67.
07:32RR 15, SATS 98, and his C-span was cleared on scene.
07:35Thank you. Are you comfortable there? Yeah, I'm fine.
07:37I just don't want to be in this hospital. I want to go.
07:39Yeah, well, you and me both.
07:41Yeah, sorry, Dane's only just recently started using hearing aids
07:44and he'd lost one in the collision. Thanks for letting me know.
07:47OK, so we'll do a set of obs and then we'll X-ray that elbow of yours.
07:50OK, stay put.
07:51Um, Gossie, could you take over here, please? A set of obs and X-ray.
07:55No, I'm about to go on my break. And now you're not. Thank you.
08:03It's a hell of a day to come back.
08:05Yeah, well, never any rest for the wicked.
08:08Yeah, transfer team, please.
08:11Oh, er, just so you know, I'm still the clinical lead.
08:15They've not been able to find a suitable replacement.
08:20Yeah, hello?
08:22And he's had tenamorphine, fully immobilised at the scene
08:25and Vaxplint applied to his right leg.
08:27OK, that's great. Thank you.
08:28Raj, could you start the primary survey, please?
08:30Let's lose these dressings, please.
08:32OK, so we've got a full thymus.
08:36OK, so we've got a full thymus wound there to the head.
08:39Lots of blood.
08:40Airway's clear. Good.
08:42Equal bilateral air entry. Strong pulse.
08:45We've got a possible depressed fracture here,
08:47so I want to stop this bleeding.
08:49Can we have some haemostatic gauze, please?
08:52Can we have some gauze, please?
08:54It's here.
08:59Matthew? Matthew, can you hear me?
09:01Can you hear me?
09:02He's not responding.
09:04What's happening?
09:05Yes, that's a dropping.
09:06So let's prep to our outside, then, please.
09:08You think you should wait outside?
09:09This is my fault.
09:10No, I doubt that very much.
09:12Come on, Danny.
09:13So we are pre-oxygenating, are we?
09:16We've got 100% oxygen, we've got Bougie,
09:18we've got ET tube, have we?
09:21Difficult airway choice.
09:22Yeah, range checked.
09:24Right, OK.
09:25Lisa, shall we have the screens, please?
09:28Raj, when we're ready, let's have those drugs in, please.
09:31I'll do the intubation itself.
09:33OK, what do you want me to do?
09:35Do you want to apply the cripe?
09:41Not ideal.
09:42I know it's not ideal, and I'm sorry,
09:44but there's nowhere else to wait right now.
09:46If you could just take a seat, find a seat,
09:48and we'll be with you as soon as possible, all right?
09:50Thank you. Thanks for your patience.
09:52Are you OK?
09:53Yeah, it's just a bit much, isn't it?
09:54Yeah, isn't it?
09:56Michael, can we get this guy down, please?
10:00Who's the Minister of Security?
10:01How long for call?
10:02I'm not sure.
10:03Look, hang tight, and I'll do what I can do.
10:06All right, thanks.
10:09I can't see the cords properly.
10:11What's the SATs?
10:13I need a little bit more room, Jodie.
10:15No, no, your hand.
10:16Can you release the pressure a little, please?
10:18OK, grade two view now.
10:19Let's have the Bougie, please.
10:25How are the SATs at the moment, Raj?
10:28Do we need to be pre-oxygenating?
10:29Yeah, I'm in.
10:30Let's have the Bougie out, please.
10:34Great, OK.
10:35Let's inflate the cuff then, please.
10:39Let's secure that end tidal and ventilated...
10:42Equal bilateral air entry.
10:43Good, well done, everybody.
10:44We'll get him up to CT.
10:45All right.
10:46Jodie, we should get cleaned up, I think.
10:49Yes, I heard.
10:55Hey, Dawn.
10:56Welcome back.
10:58Yeah, I read the pathologist's report, by the way,
11:01and it totally sticks the finger to all that podcast weirdness.
11:05About time.
11:09What was in that report?
11:12I have a right to know, don't I?
11:14I was there.
11:15It affected me too.
11:16Yeah, OK, fine.
11:17Basically, the upshot is no-one was to blame.
11:20They discovered that they had a few genetic mutations,
11:24but it was the crash that killed her.
11:26Nothing else.
11:27OK, for what genetic mutations?
11:28What does that mean?
11:33It's a significant break.
11:35OK, I'm going to keep him in cubicle three, cast him up.
11:38I think he's going to need six weeks just to check.
11:41Have you ordered extra security?
11:43Yeah, I know how to do my job, thank you.
11:45No, it's just, you know, it's chaos right there and here.
11:47It's match day and we usually order extra security,
11:49so I was just wondering if you had.
11:51Not yet, but I'm doing my best under the circumstances,
11:55so back off!
11:57Rita, do you want to give Cam a hand out front?
12:08Mr Burrows, sorry about the delay.
12:10Yeah, your X-rays are back and unfortunately you have broken...
12:15Mr Burrows, can you hear me?
12:17I don't like this place.
12:18I know, I know, you said.
12:20It's not safe here.
12:21I can assure you it is safe.
12:24You don't want to believe anything you hear.
12:26That podcast was nonsense.
12:29What podcast?
12:32Erm, just forget it.
12:34I'll tell you what I'll do.
12:35I'll get you some painkillers for that and sort you a cast.
12:37Do you fancy a copper?
12:45OK, so your X-ray shows that you've broken a rib on the left-hand side,
12:49but the good news is that you haven't punctured your lung.
12:52OK, do you want to lift your top up for me a wee bit?
12:55That's it.
12:56I know this is going to be tender.
12:59Are you going to tell me if that hurts anywhere else?
13:02No, just that spot.
13:03Just localised?
13:04OK, good.
13:05You can put your top down.
13:07And how are you feeling?
13:09Like I had the hell kicked out of me and I don't know why.
13:12Oh, me neither.
13:14How long have you been mounted police?
13:16Seven years.
13:17Dad, 27.
13:19Wow, that's impressive.
13:21Yeah, he's a bit of a legend.
13:23Everyone knows Sergeant Matthew Allen.
13:26He loves this uniform.
13:28It was his proudest day when I joined up.
13:30I bet.
13:35Hey, come on, don't worry.
13:37This city is reserved for just heroes.
13:40I don't know what I'm doing here, then.
13:49Sorry, I don't know what to do.
13:51It's OK, don't apologise.
13:53Just shock, OK?
13:55You'll be OK.
14:00What's up with you?
14:01It's Leah's sofa from hell.
14:03It's knackered my back.
14:04All right, pigsy.
14:06But I keep my energy up, don't we, Daryl?
14:10You up, Mum?
14:11No, I'm not hungry.
14:13Fair enough.
14:14You've been on that sofa forever.
14:16When are you back at yours?
14:17God knows.
14:18The landlord's knocking down the walls now.
14:20Do you know my exam?
14:21I've retook it.
14:22My results come in today.
14:24Don't worry.
14:25Daryl can pass it.
14:26Anyone can.
14:27I heard that.
15:16I thought we were having lunch.
15:17Yeah, I can't make it.
15:19I was about to call you.
15:29I love you.
15:32I love you too.
15:43Let me see if I can find you a nurse.
15:45Er, did you have any joy in Max's house?
15:47Yeah, they're on their way down.
15:48I'll redress for soot cause.
15:50Yeah, looks like a good idea.
15:51Dylan, can I just speak to you for a minute?
15:53Oh, yeah, can we get some hot bits for this gentleman?
15:55No, I just need to teach you about the report that came out.
15:57I'm not sure it's the best idea right now.
15:58Look, it's about the gene mutation they found.
16:00I think it could affect LC.
16:01We need to tell Aaron.
16:02We've got to tell him.
16:03No, Jodie, Jodie, Jodie, stop.
16:04No, Dylan, this is important.
16:05No, we work for an organisation
16:07that's very good at looking after people.
16:08Just let that happen.
16:09You don't need to do people's jobs for them.
16:11I'm doing my job.
16:16Dylan, that is not fair.
16:18I'm just trying to do something good.
16:20I'm trying to do the right thing here.
16:21You know, I think maybe you were right.
16:23I think it's probably best we don't work together today.
16:26Can you ask Rita to swap in for you, please?
16:32Juliet, can you clean that up, please?
16:36Oi, love,
16:37this is any chance of being seen here or what?
16:39First of all, I'm not anybody's love.
16:41And that looks minor.
16:43So wait your turn.
16:44Mrs Williams, please.
16:46You're up next, love.
16:47Is this your husband?
16:49With me, please.
16:50Rita, have you got Mrs Williams' notes, please?
16:54This way, please.
17:08Hey, right, right, right.
17:10Stop, lads, come on.
17:11Come on.
17:12Are you Mustafa?
17:13Did you call an ambulance?
17:15He's peed in my shop now.
17:16All right, mate.
17:17You stay out here and we'll try and sort it, OK?
17:19Can you stay with Mustafa, yeah?
17:22I'll take that.
17:23All right.
17:24Do you want to take the lead?
17:25No, thanks.
17:26Go on.
17:27I think it'll be good for you.
17:28Come on.
17:31Hiya, are you all right?
17:32Do you want to tell us your name?
17:42I'm Indy.
17:43Can you tell me what your name is?
17:47Is it?
17:48Right, Wendell?
17:49Bit of a nasty cut you've got on your head there.
17:51Do you want to tell me what happened?
17:53Those scumbags pushed me into that.
17:55Did they?
17:56It doesn't look good.
17:57Do you mind if I have a little look at your head?
17:59I can just check your head.
18:00I want this first.
18:01Well, it won't take long.
18:02And then we can get you on the track.
18:05All right.
18:06All right.
18:07Take it easy.
18:09I want it.
18:11Indy, we'll leave it.
18:12We'll just wait for the police.
18:22Aaron, it's me.
18:28I thought I made myself perfectly clear the other day, Jodie.
18:31Five minutes.
18:32Jodie, I know you're trying to help,
18:34and I appreciate that, I get it, but...
18:36And don't take this harshly,
18:38but me and Elsie were the best we've been without you,
18:41and you just turning up at my house doesn't help anybody.
18:43Can you just stop talking for a minute?
18:45The pathology report came out.
18:47Yeah, I know. Dylan's in the clear.
18:49Elsie may have a condition called adrenal hyperplasia.
18:52The report highlighted a gene mutation that Theriad.
18:56It's something to do with cortisol levels.
18:58It's basically where the body is unable to cope with physiological stress.
19:02If you've got the same condition, this could be really serious for her.
19:07So what do I do?
19:09You need to go to your GP and get some blood tests done.
19:12Well, that could take weeks.
19:14You could do it.
19:16Look, it'll take a couple of seconds. You must take bloods all the time.
19:19No, Aaron, I can't. If people see us together, I can't cope.
19:22What does it matter if people see us together?
19:24I'm just a patient. You're doing your job.
19:31It's OK.
19:36We are the Wanderers!
19:41What are you doing here?
19:43Dr Keogh. I thought you were sacked.
19:45That podcast said he was.
19:46No, they'd never get rid of him.
19:48Can I put this on you?
19:52Oh, I need to get some water. I'll be back soon.
19:57This is not moving.
19:58Tell me about it.
20:01Dylan? Yeah?
20:02Just a general reminder.
20:04Kisioli would appreciate that update on his dad.
20:07Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah, I will do. Thank you.
20:11Shut up.
20:12You're doing my head in.
20:14Cam? Cam?
20:15Curicle seven when you're done here, please.
20:17And can you trace that young girl's prescription in?
20:19Or she should have been discharged hours ago.
20:22I can, but I think that was Jodie's patient.
20:24Of course. Jodie.
20:26She's doing my head in as well.
20:27And where is she?
20:30This brace today is doing me in.
20:33I've had it.
20:35Rehabilitate! Rehabilitate! Rehabilitate!
20:40Rehabilitate! Rehabilitate! Rehabilitate!
20:44Come on!
20:45Rehabilitate! Rehabilitate!
20:47Stop! Stop it now!
20:49Rehabilitate! Rehabilitate!
20:52Cam, call the police!
20:54Rehabilitate! Rehabilitate!
20:59I've got you now!
21:01I've got you! I've got you now!
21:20Rehabilitate! Rehabilitate! Rehabilitate!
21:24Are you OK?
21:26Rehabilitate! Rehabilitate! Rehabilitate!
21:35Just look at you!
21:37Screw you!
21:38Oh, yeah, yeah, big man.
21:40Is this what you want, is it?
21:42Is this what you want?
21:43You went to watch a game of football.
21:46Men, kicking a ball around,
21:48and now you're here, doing this.
21:51Shame on you!
21:56When that plane crashed,
21:58we fought to save lives.
22:00All of us here, do you see us?
22:02We fought to save lives, innocent lives,
22:04because that's our job.
22:06That's what we do.
22:08But people died.
22:10My husband died.
22:13He was just doing his job.
22:17Please, just sit down.
22:20Wait, just wait.
22:22We're doing our best.
22:24Just doing our best.
22:28Show's over.
22:30Is she going to be OK?
22:36Does he come in a lot?
22:38I used to with Susie, Sue something.
22:41Always drinking.
22:43Fun times, eh? Now...
22:46These guys, though, it's all right, to be fair.
22:49What are they going to do?
22:51Calm them down.
22:53If not, then nick him.
22:55They're the police's problem now, once we've cleared him, obviously.
22:59Where are you going?
23:01I just need a minute.
23:09Put it in here.
23:14Stick this in as well.
23:16Cos if it's in here, then it's take-out,
23:18and the police haven't got anything on you.
23:20Got any money?
23:22I've got some, yeah.
23:24Give it out.
23:26So tell me about this Sue's.
23:28Is she your girlfriend?
23:30Mustafa said you used to come in together,
23:32but you don't any more.
23:34I used to shag her and buy her chips.
23:36But she's in Portmouth now.
23:38I'm sorry.
23:40What have you got?
23:42I've got 10, 20...
23:45Is that a five?
23:47Yeah, that'll do. Stick it on the counter.
23:57What do you think they're going to do to me, eh?
24:01Cos you're not a scumbag.
24:03You're just sad.
24:05And sad's all right.
24:07Come on.
24:13Yeah, PC Ollie.
24:15Is that...
24:17Do you use your Christian name as your surname?
24:19Yeah. Just at work.
24:21Dad hates it. Thinks I'm embarrassed of him.
24:23I'm not. I'm just not him.
24:27Yeah, right, right, right.
24:29So I've got your dad's scan results.
24:31They do confirm there's a bleed on the brain.
24:33So we're going to hand over the care to the neuro team.
24:35And they'll discuss the ongoing care.
24:37But in the meantime, he will need an operation.
24:39Right. What will they do?
24:41Relieve the pressure. Hopefully prevent any further damage.
24:45Is he going to be all right?
24:47Well, it's a little early to say.
24:49We need to see how he does with surgery and when he wakes up.
24:54This is cos of me.
24:56I think it's a stone from a horse.
24:58No, it's because of me.
25:00I should have quit years ago.
25:02I hate this job.
25:04It's not me. Then quit.
25:08Don't just talk about it. Do it.
25:10If it's not doing it for you, then, you know, what's the point?
25:15I can't tell him that.
25:17Well, then you're wasting everyone's time, aren't you?
25:32I mean, so that's how it's done.
25:34Very impressed.
25:36Where are they going to take him? His hostel.
25:46Miss Laffer offered you free kebabs for, like, cheer-up.
25:48These are my results.
25:50I can't open them.
25:52Give it here.
26:00You smashed it.
26:02Have I? Yeah. Have I really? Yeah.
26:04Yeah! Well done.
26:15Get up. OK.
26:17I said, get up! OK.
26:20Just...in there.
26:24I know what you did.
26:26Sorry, I don't know who you are.
26:28Don't you? Have a look.
26:30Hello. Recognise that, do you?
26:33I had two, but I lost one. OK.
26:35Yes, you had some hearing loss.
26:37I think you came in because you'd had a car accident with your girlfriend.
26:40Ex-girlfriend. Ex-everything.
26:42Thanks to you, Dr Slice and Dice.
26:45No, don't shake your head, don't you dare.
26:47I will gut you, do you understand?
26:51You were accused of medical negligence.
26:54I want you to check.
26:56Go over everything that you did to me.
26:59I want you to prove that you did nothing wrong.
27:03OK, to do that, I need to go out there.
27:05I need to use a computer. We've got nothing in here.
27:07I mean, there's a tablet there.
27:09Get on with it, then.
27:21Can you get Steely for me, please?
27:24Er, yeah, sure.
27:28Right, just wait there.
27:29Thanks, I won't take it.
27:30I know, I'll be as quick as I can. Just wait there.
27:43What do you think you are doing?
27:45Aaron wants a blood test.
27:47Do you know where Stevie is? She'll know which one.
27:49Have you lost your mind? You've just walked out!
27:51Yeah, I know, and this is the last place I want to be,
27:53but he needs me to do it, so...
27:55No, you don't get to do this.
27:56Siobhan, we owe him.
27:58We don't owe anybody anything,
28:00and you don't get to dish out special favours to anybody.
28:03All right, but this isn't about Aaron, it's about Elsie.
28:05Oh, is it now? Yes.
28:07Julia, you OK?
28:08Oh, we don't need you here, thanks.
28:10And we don't bend the rules for anyone,
28:12no matter who we've slept with.
28:13Siobhan, seriously, come on, that's way over the line.
28:16Yeah, well, you would stick up for her, wouldn't you?
28:19Julia, it's OK, leave.
28:25Stop talking to me like I'm dirt.
28:27Stop looking at me like I'm nothing.
28:29I'm sick of it, I'm sick to the teeth of this martyr act.
28:32What's that supposed to mean?
28:33You know exactly what it means.
28:35My husband, my grief, like what?
28:37Your rally the troops talks won't work
28:39if people knew that I was actually with Ridge, is that it?
28:41You were a fling, a nothing.
28:44My husband wasn't going anywhere.
28:46Siobhan, he couldn't wait for the divorce to come through.
28:49I mean, you know that, I'm sorry, but you do know that.
28:52We've got kids!
28:54We were a family!
28:56I was with him, you know, just before he died.
28:59And do you know what he told me just before he died?
29:01Funnily enough, he told me that he loved me.
29:03He didn't mention you.
29:05He didn't mention you, not once!
29:07You weren't even an afterthought!
29:14You should stop.
29:21We're stopping.
29:27Just have a minute, please.
29:36It says that your hearing was damaged
29:38because of your proximity to the explosion
29:41and that I ordered some tests.
29:43So, I don't know, is your hearing worse now?
29:46Do you still hear ringing in your ears?
29:48It's quieter. Everything's quieter.
29:50OK, well, would you like me to have a look at it for you?
29:53Dylan, can I have a word?
29:54Not now, Jodie.
29:55Please, Dylan, I'll let you take two seconds.
29:57Jodie, not now!
29:58Just get over there! Just stay there!
30:00OK? All right.
30:02You should have listened to Dr Keogh.
30:04OK, I'm just going to stand here. It's fine. I'm not going to move.
30:07OK, so, Dane was a patient of mine
30:10and he's concerned that I might have made a mistake with his treatment.
30:13I know you did.
30:14Dylan doesn't make mistakes.
30:15Then why is my life nothing?!
30:17OK, um, Dane, is it?
30:22OK, Dane.
30:24I know what it's like to feel like everyone's against you.
30:27No, you don't. No, I do.
30:29But all we can do is our best.
30:31And I know sometimes it may feel like it's nowhere near enough,
30:34but I am telling you now,
30:36Dr Keogh will have given you nothing but his best,
30:38because he can't do anything less.
30:40It's not true. It is.
30:42It's almost compulsion, I swear.
30:44Why don't you put the scalpel down?
30:46Come on, Dane.
30:48Come on, please.
30:50Just give it to me. Get away from me!
30:52I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I just...
30:54It's OK. It's OK.
30:56Get away from me! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
30:58I just turned and it was just in my hand.
31:00Do it again. Do it again.
31:02I didn't mean to. Dane, listen, OK?
31:04Just take a deep breath for me.
31:06That's it. It's all right.
31:13Am I texting you?
31:15Yeah, I meant to get back to you, but...
31:18What's the matter?
31:20No, nothing. Everything's fine.
31:23Why did you stand me up?
31:25I didn't.
31:27I came and I saw the ring box and I left.
31:40Ian, you listen, please.
31:42I love you so much
31:44and I wouldn't be here without you.
31:46I just... I can't marry you.
31:48I nearly took drugs last week
31:50and why would you want to marry someone when you don't know...
31:56I wasn't going to propose.
32:03It was...
32:05It was just a... just a treat.
32:13Just a serious treat.
32:17And if...
32:19If not was to propose, if...
32:21then, well...
32:23First of all, that's because I love you.
32:26Second, I...
32:29I think we do us...
32:32well, don't we? Me and you.
32:34Yeah, yeah.
32:36So it'd just be a rubber stamp on that.
32:39So that we always knew we had each other.
32:44We deserve to be happy, don't we?
32:46Yeah, of course we do.
32:48So be so, don't you?
32:50Yeah, well, don't tell anyone.
32:52Oh, Ian, this is so bizarre.
32:54Ian, this is...
33:02It's just a rubber stamp.
33:14Take it as a yes, then.
33:16Yes, yes, yes.
33:18I'm shaking.
33:22Oh, look at that. Perfect.
33:24You're perfect, you're perfect. I love you.
33:33Can I still get the chocolate?
33:38Cosmo, what are you doing?
33:42That's enough. Just step away.
33:44I need to finish this.
33:48Dane, I don't think you're very well, just...
33:50Just my arm. It's OK.
33:52Why don't you sit down?
33:56I'm just going to listen to your chest, all right?
34:01Do we know why he was admitted?
34:03He's got muffled heart sounds, very tachycardia.
34:05Let's put some oxygen on him.
34:08BP is 70 over 40.
34:11Sat's 87%.
34:13What's going on here? I don't know.
34:15Let's get an ultrasound.
34:17We may have missed something.
34:19Yeah, he's got an accelerated heart rate.
34:21Looks like a crush injury,
34:23and that's definitely a pericardial effusion.
34:25He needs to go to IR, right?
34:27No, too late, I think, for that. He's peri-arrest.
34:29So let's do pericardial synthesis down here.
34:31Can you hold that for me?
34:33Can you just get him into a slightly more upright position, please?
34:38How's that? Yeah, that's great.
34:40OK, so we need to find a space
34:42between the zephyrsternum and the left costal.
34:45If you can keep the prave there.
34:47You ready for this?
34:49Neither am I.
34:51Here goes nothing.
34:53Let me know when you can see the nipple.
34:55Yeah, maybe less deep.
34:57Yeah, agreed.
34:59Try again now.
35:01OK, here we go.
35:03Let me know when you can see the nipple.
35:05Yeah, yeah, got you.
35:07I tell you what, sorry to do this.
35:09This is really painful.
35:11Can you hold that for me, if I hold on?
35:13Am I pulling his back? Yes, please, that's it.
35:15I'll hold it, I'll hold it. That's it, that's good.
35:17Keep going, keep going, keep going.
35:19Yeah, you're aspirating fresh blood there.
35:21That's it, that's it. Keep going. Yeah?
35:23There you go. I think that's all of it.
35:25OK, just hold that there. Let me get some water.
35:29That's it, that's it. OK, withdraw the needle, that's fine.
35:31Yeah? Yeah.
35:35Let's recheck his blood pressure.
35:37Yeah, BP is 95 over 60,
35:39his heart rate's slowing down,
35:43he's regaining consciousness.
35:45Yeah, not bad.
35:47Shall we get some help? Yeah.
35:51Do you want to come and hold this on here, Jodie, for me?
36:01What's happened?
36:03Oh, one of the patients tried to take a slice up,
36:05Mr Slice and Dice.
36:07I think he'd heard the podcast.
36:09Anyway, we did a pericardiocentesis.
36:11Jodie was amazing.
36:13He'll live.
36:15I'll call cardiothoracics and get IR down,
36:17and I'll give him some fluids.
36:19And some low-grade sedatives as well,
36:21if you could please rush. OK.
36:25Siobhan, about today...
36:27Listen, let's talk about it later.
36:29You see to Dylan's arm first.
36:31You should be proud of yourself.
36:33Proud of what?
36:35I mean,
36:37we were one arm down and...
36:39Aaron's in there waiting for me to do his blood test.
36:43Sagan, you've brought Aaron in.
36:47Siobhan was finally proud of me at last.
36:49What, three seconds?
36:53What sort of a mug am I?
36:55Aaron closed the door on me like everyone else,
36:57yet I'm still here.
36:59Aaron closed the door on me like everyone else,
37:01yet I'm still here bending over backwards to make sure he's OK.
37:03It's fine. We'll sort it out.
37:05Is it?
37:07Is it fine?
37:09Or is it just the same old story, Dylan?
37:13I let people in,
37:15and they just take bits of me until I'm nothing.
37:19My own dad.
37:25I'm not a daughter.
37:29I'm not even a friend anymore.
37:31And I might not even be a nurse
37:33for much longer after today.
37:37I'm just...
37:41I've just used scraps.
37:43Just used scraps.
37:45Just bits of a person.
37:49I mean, you even saw it yourself the other day.
37:53I'm nothing.
37:55And who's going to be proud of that, really?
37:57You're not nothing, Jodie.
37:59Yeah, I am.
38:01You're not nothing. Come here.
38:03It's OK.
38:11It's all right. I've got you.
38:13It's all right. I've got you.
38:27Get out of here, brainiac!
38:29Virgin Bride's coming through.
38:31Shut up!
38:35Hey, leave it.
38:37There's drinking to be done.
38:39Are you coming in, dear?
38:43No, it's fine, Leah.
38:45I shouldn't stay so long.
38:47Yeah. Yeah, I'll come and get my stuff.
38:51All right. All right.
38:55Hey. You good?
38:57Yeah, erm...
38:59No, erm...
39:01Leah's got family staying,
39:03so I've got to give up my soaping from hell.
39:05Is that what you're going to do?
39:07Stay with mum?
39:09Probably, I guess.
39:11Right, well, let's have a drink, then we'll sort it later, yeah?
39:13No, cos I need to go and get my things.
39:15All right, well, I'll give you a lift.
39:17I don't want to.
39:19Why not? Because I don't!
39:25How long will it take?
39:27About a month.
39:29Your GP will have the results.
39:31Look, I was angry the other day.
39:33We would like it
39:35if you could still be in our lives.
39:37I mean, I would...
39:39I would love it.
39:41I can't.
39:45Like you said, I think it's time we move on.
40:13I heard you were a bit of a hero today.
40:15I was just doing my job.
40:17OK, well, you don't get bonus points
40:19for being bashful.
40:25I've been an absolute nightmare, haven't I?
40:29I am so sorry.
40:33Erm, obviously,
40:35I've not exactly been an angel, either.
40:37I've just hated
40:39everything you've been doing.
40:41It is weird.
40:43I know.
40:45But what?
40:47I've missed you.
40:49I've missed us.
40:51And you and Cam,
40:53you are literally my family.
40:55I don't have anybody else.
40:57But what, I do get it
40:59if you don't want to speak to me again.
41:01I've missed you, too.
41:05Don't look at me like that.
41:07Oh, don't cry.
41:09I'm not.
41:11I'm not.
41:13It's not over, though,
41:15because I feel like you should buy me a takeaway
41:17or something.
41:19I do.
41:23What are you doing tomorrow?
41:25I'm finally sleeping.
41:27OK, well, I need to do something.
41:29And I'd like it if you and Cam could come with me.
41:37It's me.
41:39That nurse.
41:41You know, the one off the podcast.
41:43Yo-Yo Knickers.
41:45Now I recognise me now, do you?
41:49Well, this is me without my uniform.
41:53The normal person.
41:55Me who does normal things.
41:57Like drinking and dancing
41:59and ending up in bed with men I wish I hadn't.
42:03And I get now that the uniform is special.
42:07But that's only a part of me.
42:09I'm not perfect.
42:11Just like you aren't.
42:17And I will not apologise for that.
42:27What are we doing here?
42:29Yeah, I hate cemeteries.
42:31Yeah, everybody hates cemeteries.
42:33Why are we here?
42:51This is my mum.
42:57I haven't been here since she died.
42:59I haven't been able to.
43:07It used to make me feel too alone.
43:13What was she like?
43:17What was she like?
43:21She drove me mad
43:23with her 80s pop.
43:27She drove me mad.
43:57She drove me mad.
43:59She drove me mad.
44:01She drove me mad.
44:03She drove me mad.
44:05She drove me mad.
44:07She drove me mad.
44:09She drove me mad.
44:11She drove me mad.
44:13She drove me mad.
44:15She drove me mad.
44:17She drove me mad.
44:19She drove me mad.
44:21She drove me mad.
44:23She drove me mad.