• 3 days ago
Breakfast is better with Faith Da Silva’s Veggie Burritos! | Mars Pa More


00:00We heard that you're good at cooking and your mom is good at cooking as well.
00:07Yes, actually I started cooking when I was young.
00:12Why are you old now?
00:16I'm still young.
00:19She's still young.
00:20So how young?
00:21Grade school.
00:23When I was in grade school, I was with my mom when she was cooking.
00:26And when I was around 10 or 11, she would give me money and I would go to the market to prepare our food.
00:35Okay, so because of that, what are you going to cook for us this morning?
00:39So I will be making veggie breakfast burrito.
00:43It's very easy to cook and very healthy.
00:46So here we have 6 eggs.
00:49I will just whisk it.
00:51Eggs are really one of my favorite dishes to cook because it's very easy to make.
00:56So make sure that the eggs are fully incorporated.
00:59You can also add salt and pepper.
01:01But for me, it's the last step because they say that eggs can be hardened if you add salt right away.
01:07Oh, okay.
01:08So you have to whisk it like that?
01:09Yes, you have to whisk it.
01:11Oil and then our butter so that it won't get burnt.
01:19I love butter, it makes everything delicious.
01:21Everything is better with butter.
01:22Should I put all of it?
01:23Okay, let's put all of it.
01:24So put all of it first.
01:27So now that the butter is melted, we could put the egg whites.
01:32Your way of saying butter is so beautiful.
01:37So this is 6 eggs.
01:38You can feed this to your family members.
01:41So 6 eggs is good for how many people?
01:43It depends on you how strong you are when it comes to eating eggs.
01:48It's like scrambled eggs.
01:49What kind of scrambled eggs do you like?
01:52The one that's a bit runny?
01:54I like it.
01:55They call it malasado.
01:58The one that's not super dry.
02:00I like the one that's a bit runny.
02:03Me too.
02:04The one that's so soft and fluffy but buttery also.
02:08I love it.
02:09I think this is good.
02:11I don't like the one that's too dry.
02:13It's overcooked.
02:14So you like the one that's a bit runny?
02:17That's what you like.
02:19Okay, so what next after that?
02:21Then here, I'll mix the bell pepper and onion that we sauteed.
02:27I'll get the spoon right here.
02:32And then I'll break it like this.
02:35So that there's space inside.
02:39And then we mix this.
02:43With the egg.
02:44So what's nice about this, Faith, is that you can add different vegetables.
02:50Yes, because I'm like that at home.
02:53I just add what's inside my refrigerator.
02:57If you want to add spinach or any greens.
03:00Or any greens.
03:02Just mince the small ones and mix it.
03:05You can even put cheese.
03:07So here, we can now add the salt and pepper.
03:11Salt and pepper today.
03:12Because I don't really like to add salt.
03:16So maybe like this.
03:18One and a half pinch.
03:20But I have pepper.
03:24You want it to have a bit of bite.
03:27So here.
03:28I think we can even toast our pita if we want to.
03:31To seal everything.
03:34So here.
03:35This is our tortilla.
03:37The others can be warm.
03:40But I would want to toast it there.
03:43So we'll put our egg and bell pepper and onion mixture here.
03:49This is so easy to do at the same time.
03:52It's also not common to eat.
03:57Actually, if you want a heavier burrito, you can add rice.
04:02I think for those who want a healthier burrito,
04:05Cauliflower rice.
04:07Adlai rice.
04:08Adlai rice.
04:09So I'll just fold it in the middle.
04:11Your normal pita pocket.
04:14So I'm not sure if it still has heat.
04:17It still has heat.
04:18It has.
04:19It's on slow fire.
04:21We'll just put it in the pan so we can seal it.
04:24So everything will stick.
04:27Let's add cheese.
04:30I have cheese that I endorse, right?
04:33Do you have any?
04:34It's milk.
04:35So it's the same.
04:37Kuya, I'm getting nervous with you.
04:40Do you have a way to seal it?
04:43It has to be like this.
04:44In the middle first.
04:46Middle first, okay.
04:47And then on the side or the side.
04:49What's important is that nothing will come out.
04:52Let's toast it.
04:53It will seal because it will stay that way.
04:57We can check if…
04:58We can flip it first.
05:00Let's flip it.
05:02So there's a bit of browning.
05:04It needs more browning.
05:09Let's taste it.
05:10Let's go.
05:13Here it is.
05:15Here it is.
05:16You know what?
05:17This is perfect.
05:18You said it earlier.
05:20The one with cheese is the best, Kuya.
05:22You can also use your hands.
05:24It's good.
05:29I can really feel the spice because you said you like pepper.
05:35For me, I enjoy the butter.
05:38It's good.
05:40It's good.
05:41Thanks, Faith, for this recipe.
05:44It's really good.
05:45It's easy to make.
05:46It's different.
05:47It's healthy.
05:49It's easy to make.
05:51Everything's in this dish.
05:52It's really good.
05:53Marcia, I'll just eat you.
05:55I know you like this.
05:56This bite is for you.
06:03Thanks, Faith.
