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新闻报报看 | 塑料污染不但会对环境造成严重的破坏,同时也能对人体健康带来难以想象的伤害。如今,一项最新的研究揭露,随着塑料制品的广泛使用,微塑料正在以惊人的速度侵入我们的身体,尤其是大脑!研究人员发现,人类脑中的微塑料量,就等于一把塑料汤勺这么多!有研究人员表示,虽然很想在这方面多做研究,但一想到以后研究做完了,自己脑中的微塑料浓度又会增加,内心就不寒而栗。(主播:梁宝仪、罗美伶)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpot website.
00:30Some researchers said that although they really want to do more research in this area,
00:33but once they think of it, before they find the answer,
00:36the microplastic concentration in their brains will increase again,
00:39and their hearts will not stand still.
00:41This study was led by researchers from New Mexico University in the United States.
00:46They studied liver and brain tissue samples collected from men and women after death in 2016 and 2024 respectively.
00:54Let's talk about the data from 2016 first.
00:56The study found that in liver samples, there was an average of 142 micrograms of microplastic per gram,
01:02while there were 465 micrograms in the brain.
01:05The scary thing is that in just eight years,
01:07that is, in 2024, the microplastic content averaged by liver samples per gram increased to 3420 micrograms,
01:16and in the brain, it increased by about 10 times to 4763 micrograms.
01:21In other words, the trend of microplastic increase in the brain
01:26also showed that the microplastic pollution problem was accelerating.
01:30The study also found that the microplastic content in the brain of dementia patients is three to five times higher than that of ordinary people.
01:37Therefore, researchers speculate that microplastic may be related to neurodegenerative diseases.
01:43At the same time, a Chinese research team found that microplastic stuck in the mouse's cerebral cortex,
01:48which eventually caused cell blockage, brain hemorrhage, and abnormal neural behavior.
01:55Yes, the mice that drank microplastic water in the experiment not only showed a decrease in memory capacity,
02:00but further experiments also showed that its mobility and endurance were also declining.
02:06In fact, in the past two years, more and more research has shown that in addition to dementia,
02:10microplastic particles may also be related to human cancer, kidney disease, and reproductive problems.
02:16However, there is no evidence to prove that microplastic directly causes the above disease,
02:20but the main data shows that there is some kind of relationship between the two.
02:25Faced with the absence of microplastic and the infection of the human body,
02:29a doctor at the University of Toronto suggested that people should no longer use plastic bottles to store water.
02:35By using tap water, the microplastic content can be reduced by nearly 90%.
02:41This is the simplest way to reduce microplastic content.
02:44Next is to reduce plastic tea bags.
02:47Because every time you soak it, it may release millions of micro- and nanoparticles of plastic particles.
02:53He also emphasized that the heating and storage of food is also quite important.
02:57When heating food in a plastic container, especially when using a microwave oven,
03:01it may release a large amount of microplastic and nanoparticles.
03:06Microplastic is not small in harm to the human body.
03:08So the question is, can microplastic be excreted from the body?
03:13Research found that larger microplastics can be excreted through this digestive system.
03:18However, nanoparticles of plastic, which are particles smaller than a micrometer,
03:23may enter the cells and cannot be excreted by the body.
03:27This means that once microplastic enters the human body,
03:30especially smaller nanoparticles may stay for a long time and continue to release harmful substances.
03:36Another study published in the Journal of Natural Medicine also pointed out that
03:41after microplastic enters the human body, it cannot be excreted by the liver or kidneys like normal toxins.
03:48Instead, it will stay in the organ for a long time.
03:51So scientists are now working on how to reduce the accumulation of microplastic in the human body.
