• 一昨日
Once there was a little cloud who lived high up in the sky. He watched in awe as the birds flew freely through the air, their wings flapping effortlessly. The little cloud longed to feel the wind in his "fluffy" and to soar among the birds. One day, as the little cloud floated lazily across the sky, he noticed a flock of birds flying below him. Determined to fly like them, the little cloud began to gather all of his energy and muster up his courage. With a deep breath, the little cloud pushed himself higher and higher until finally, he felt himself starting to move. His fluffy edges billowed in the wind, and he could feel the exhilaration of flying for the first time. As he soared through the sky, the little cloud felt free and alive. He saw the world from a different perspective and felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him. The birds chirped happily as they flew alongside him, welcoming him into their world. But as the sun began to set, the little cloud knew that it was time for him to return to his place in the sky. With a heavy heart, he slowly descended, his fluffy edges growing thinner and thinner until he disappeared into the horizon. The next day, the little cloud rose once again, determined to fly even higher and farther than before. And so, with each passing day, the little cloud practiced and perfected his flying skills, becoming known as the bravest and most daring cloud in the sky. And though he knew that he could never truly be a bird, the little cloud had found his own way to fly and experience the freedom of the open sky. For even a little cloud can dream big and achieve the impossible if he believes in himself.
