Tania hat ein Paar elegante Oxford-Pumps zur Anprobe zuhause. Sie weiß noch nicht so recht, ob sie die Schuhe behalten will, eigentlich ist sie eher Fan von Stiefeln und klassischen Pumps, aber diese Oxfords gefallen ihr eigentlich sehr gut. Mal sehen, sie versucht die Schuhe auf jeden Fall sehr liebzuhaben – die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass wir Tania noch einmal in diesen Schuhen ist ziemlich hoch…
Tania has a pair of elegant Oxford pumps at home to try on. She isn't sure yet whether she wants to keep the shoes, she's actually more of a fan of boots and classic pumps, but she really likes these Oxfords. We'll see, she's definitely trying to get very fond of the shoes - the probability that we'll see Tania in these shoes again is pretty high...
Tania has a pair of elegant Oxford pumps at home to try on. She isn't sure yet whether she wants to keep the shoes, she's actually more of a fan of boots and classic pumps, but she really likes these Oxfords. We'll see, she's definitely trying to get very fond of the shoes - the probability that we'll see Tania in these shoes again is pretty high...