• 20 hours ago
Qirat o Tarjuma | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital

The Sehr transmission starts with the recitation of the Holy Quran along with its translation by “Qari Waheed Zafar Qasmi”.

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #Shanesehr


00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:28In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:59And We gathered together before them all things in front of them.
01:14They did not believe except that Allah willed.
01:33But most of them are ignorant.
01:47They did not know that We sent down to them the angels.
02:07And the dead spoke to them, and We gathered together before them.
02:21And We gathered together before them all things in front of them.
02:42They did not believe except that Allah willed.
02:57But most of them are ignorant.
03:16And thus have We made for every prophet an enemy,
03:36and the devils, the humans, and the jinn.
03:46Some of them are inspired to others, and some are misguided.
04:06And if your Lord willed what they did, leave them, and they will not leave.
04:37And thus have We made for every prophet an enemy,
04:55and the devils, the humans, and the jinn.
05:12Some of them are inspired to others, and some are misguided.
05:42And if your Lord willed what they did, leave them,
06:12And if your Lord willed what they did, leave them, and they will not leave.
06:37And if your Lord willed what they did, leave them, and they will not leave.
07:07And if your Lord willed what they did, leave them, and they will not leave.
07:33Sadaqallahul Azeem
07:41Jazakallah, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
07:43Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
07:45How are you, Qari sahab?
07:46Alhamdulillah, I am fine.
07:48The first week has passed and we have entered the second week of Ramadan.
07:51The eighth day of Ramadan in Pakistan.
07:52See how fast it has passed.
07:53Yes, one week has passed quickly.
07:56So, Inshallah.
07:57May Allah keep this journey going.
07:59Every hour of the day is a night of appreciation.
08:04What to say?
08:05Every night is a night of appreciation.
08:07Every night is worth appreciating.
08:09Every moment is worth appreciating.
08:12Janab-e-Qari Wajid Zafar Qasimi sahab has started this program with the recitation of the Holy Quran.
08:17Today, there will be 8 Ramadan Mubarak in Pakistan.
08:21That means, the eighth fast will be performed in Pakistan.
08:24Inshallah, all over the world.
08:25All the people watching from Pakistan, welcome to all over the world.
08:28Wherever Pakistani and Urdu speaking people are watching this program,
08:33we send our greetings to all of them.
08:35And we hope that you are enjoying the journey of Ramadan.
08:39As per tradition, today is the eighth fast.
08:43So, we have started with the recitation of the Holy Quran on the eighth fast.
08:47Walau anana, which is also the title of this fast.
08:51There are 142 verses.
08:52There are two Surahs.
08:53Surah An'am and Surah Araaf.
08:56Yesterday, it was mentioned about Surah An'am.
08:58An'am, In'am, Mawashi, etc.
09:01Surah Araaf.
09:03The people who will be between Jannat and Jahannum.
09:06There is an interesting definition and explanation of it.
09:09What will be that place?
09:11Which will not exactly be Jannat.
09:14It will not exactly be Jahannum.
09:16It will be a place in between.
09:17It is also mentioned about that.
09:19The incident of Noah A.S. is mentioned in this.
09:23The incidents of Hazrat Saleh A.S. and Lot A.S.
09:27If we look at these verses which are being recited.
09:30Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
09:31Walau anana nazalna ilaihimul malaika.
09:35If we reveal the revelation to them.
09:37Ilaihimul malaika.
09:39If we reveal the angels to them.
09:41If we reveal the angels to them.
09:43In fact, further.
09:44Those who don't want guidance, they don't want it.
09:46Quran says.
09:47Walau anana nazalna ilaihimul malaika.
09:50If we reveal the revelation to them.
09:52Walau anana nazalna ilaihimul malaika.
09:53What is further?
09:54Wakallamahumul mawta.
09:56Those who have died.
09:57Those who are dead.
09:58They talk to them.
09:59That is, if the dead talk to them.
10:01In fact.
10:02Wahasharna alaihim kulla shay.
10:06That is, if we gather everything in front of them.
10:08All the things of the world.
10:10We gather them in front of their eyes.
10:12Even then, they were not believers.
10:15Maa kaanu liu'minu.
10:17Even then, they were not believers.
10:20Even then, it was Allah's will.
10:22That they should believe.
10:24Wala kinna akhtarahum yajhaloon.
10:26Most of them talk about ignorance.
10:29Most of them talk about foolishness.
10:31So, one group.
10:33They talked about that.
10:35Their matter is that.
10:36Whatever is done.
10:37They don't want to believe.
10:39So, what is further?
10:41We have always.
10:44Shaitaan Insano.
10:46And Shaitaan Jinno.
10:47We have found that.
10:48These are Shaitaan in both.
10:49In humans and Jinn.
10:51Every prophet has an enemy.
10:52Who is happy with each other.
10:55And they do it as deception.
10:57If your Lord's will is.
10:59That they don't do this.
11:01Then they would never do it.
11:02It has been mentioned in the verses before.
11:04In which it has been said.
11:05That this is the matter.
11:06And then it has been said.
11:07If Allah does not want.
11:08Then it never happens.
11:09This is Allah's will.
11:10This is Allah's plan.
11:11So, this whole matter is going on like this.
11:13So, then it was said.
11:14That this category.
11:15Which are such people.
11:16You leave them on their own.
11:18That whatever they are doing.
11:19Keep doing it.
11:20It is not worth it.
11:21That their heart should be set on them.
11:23Leave them on their own.
11:24So, this is Surah Al-An'am.
11:26Verse 111.
11:27And verse 112.
11:29From which we have started today.
11:31And when we will come in Iftaar.
11:32Then of course.
11:33There will be some other verses of 8th Parah.
11:37It has started from Tilawat-e-Kalam-e-Paq.
