👉 Bahía Blanca y sus alrededores enfrentan una crisis tras un temporal que dejó caer entre 260 y 300 milímetros de lluvia en solo cuatro horas. La ciudad, con una población de 325,000 habitantes, sufre graves daños materiales y humanos. Hasta el momento, se han confirmado 13 muertes. Las fuerzas de seguridad, incluyendo la Policía Federal y el Ejército, trabajan incansablemente para rescatar a los afectados y proporcionar ayuda esencial. Sin embargo, la falta de alimentos y energía eléctrica agrava la situación. Los vecinos luchan por salvar lo poco que les queda mientras esperan asistencia urgente.
👉 Seguí en #DiarioDeLaTarde
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👉 Seguí en #DiarioDeLaTarde
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00:00Live in Bahia Blanca, keep in mind that we are talking about a city and its surroundings that has 325,000 inhabitants,
00:08325,000 inhabitants and that it is very difficult to calculate at this point the damage, not only material,
00:15but also the human tragedies that still have no calculation beyond the fact that officially 13 people have died,
00:2313 people have died so far.
00:31Urgent, Leo Godoy is calling us from one of our cell phones in Bahia Blanca.
00:39Well, Guille, here we are on this journey to the most difficult areas.
00:43At this moment, there you will see the truck of the Federal Police,
00:47which has arrived here at Ingeniero Guay, one of the most punished areas by the Temporal,
00:55and there you see one of the people who is trying to get out in that supermarket basket,
01:01without that supermarket cart, some of his belongings, to save something of what little he had left.
01:08And while we continue to advance in the search for people who have asked for help,
01:14there we go.
01:16Yes, look at the level of the water that is here.
01:22Let's see, let's go in slowly.
01:25The situation is very complex in this regard.
01:29Look, there, rescuing some of the things.
01:34And we are accompanying this operation.
01:38Yes, look, Guille.
01:40Look, Guille.
01:41Well, look at the level of the water that has gone down,
01:44but where people are still starting to take refuge,
01:47still partly on the sidewalk, trying to clean up some of what was left.
01:52Leo, we are live.
01:54We remind people, this is live.
01:56This is not recorded, this is live, this is happening now.
02:01This, of course, Guille, we are telling you.
02:03Look, look, that sidewalk at one point was covered with water,
02:06but now the neighbors use it to be able to move in the middle of a neighborhood
02:11that was covered by water.
02:14A neighborhood with, as we see, many shortages.
02:17I tell you, look, let's go ahead, one of the trucks of the Federal Police is guiding us,
02:22which is the one that received this request for help.
02:27Look, look, there are families there who are still,
02:30how is that patio, completely full of water, the streets.
02:35It's full of water.
02:36They still don't have food, they don't have any food.
02:39Nothing, they can't leave my house.
02:41Of course.
02:42It's the big problem now.
02:44There are people who can't leave the house, right?
02:46There is the mother-in-law.
02:47Yes, there they are asking for help, which now we will surely make them arrive.
02:51There we are moving forward, because there is a particular request,
02:54that's why the truck is moving forward,
02:57and we are also going to transfer the request of this woman.
03:01Look at what this corner is, Guille.
03:03There is the poster that shows the streets,
03:08and there, finally, the operation.
03:11There are people from the Federal Police there, prepared.
03:15Look, a kayak.
03:18There is asphalt down there.
03:19I thought there was land, but it was covered by water, but there is asphalt, look.
03:23No, exactly, all asphalt.
03:25Look, where this motorcycle is, there is an improvised kayak,
03:30which was an old surfboard that the neighbors improvised
03:34to be able to help and get some of the things.
03:40Yes, look.
03:41Well, moving in the truck, what little is left.
03:45And here, part of the operation,
03:48the Autoid Tactical Unit of the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires,
03:53which is also working in the area,
03:56the different forces that work together in this case.
04:01Well, look, this house is also a humble neighborhood,
04:05where assistance will surely be essential.
04:10Let's go to that place.
04:12Look, most of the people in this case,
04:14with all the footwear, with everything wet,
04:17end up barefoot or with their feet, obviously, wet.
04:21Yesterday they had water inside the house.
04:23They had a meter of water yesterday.
04:26They had, of course.
04:28Imagine, Guille, that everything got wet here.
04:31There is still a lot left.
04:32I have the task of being able to clean something of what they had left,
04:37what they could have picked up.
04:39Look, there is part of these families.
04:43We keep going.
04:46This is Ingeniero Guaid, as I was telling you.
04:49This is an area, if you want, closer to the port.
04:53And there we arrived,
04:54the place where the call for help was received.
05:00So there we are arriving at this moment
05:05with this operation of the Federal Police, as I was telling you.
05:09But we see all the forces working in the different areas,
05:12the gendarmerie, the army.
05:14Well, let's go down and see what the situation is.
05:18Excuse me, we are going to make a stop because we have to go down.
05:22Let's see.
05:23We are getting closer.
05:26There it is.
05:27Let's see if...
05:29From here.
05:30Let's see.
05:31There it is.
05:32There it is.
05:33Our cameraman is going down.
05:36Diego Trafferi.
05:38To be able to show you what this is about.
05:44Of course.
05:45What happened?
05:46Yes, there...
05:48I tell you that...
05:50Well, the people who ask...
05:52Now the question is the food.
05:54And as night comes, the issue of the light.
05:57No, here the supply is cut.
06:00There is no electricity.
06:02For security, too.
06:03There is no electricity.
06:04Of course.
06:06Security is a whole issue.
06:10Let's see.
06:11Hello, how are you?
06:13Well, I imagine.
06:14Difficult moments.
06:15Yes, the truth is that I didn't have such a bad time because the house didn't flood.
06:18But this block and around it, the one that didn't flood.
06:21After the rest, the whole neighborhood was flooded.
06:23Me too, the water got to my head.
06:25To the head?
06:26No, not to the head.
06:27But hey.
06:28Up to the window.
06:29There is no way to say, up to the window.
06:30We lost everything.
06:31You lost everything.
06:34And now, well, now we are staying there on the beach.
06:35I don't know if you saw us today.
06:36They are on the beach.
06:37We are making food there, helping people.
06:39There they met again to be able to help each other.
06:42Among all the neighbors, yes.
06:43Among you.
06:44Well, here the police came to give you a hand.
06:47Yes, they came today.
06:48They told us that they were going to bring us water.
06:50Well, he hasn't come yet, but hey, among all, many people came to help us.
06:53To help.
06:54They are receiving some help.
06:55Yes, yes, yes.
06:56Well, you here in the courtyard are ...
06:58Excuse me.
06:59Go, Leo, go, go.
07:00We accompany you.
07:01Completely full of water.
07:02Let's see.
07:03We have ...
07:04Let's see the signal up to where it gives us.
07:07You are guiding us.
07:08So far it is solid.
07:09With the signal we can get there.
07:12Let's see.
07:13Look, to show you how the patio was, this house obviously.
07:16This is going to be the reality of the clothes hung on what is the door.
07:21Of humble people, right?
07:22And here the patio, Guille.
07:24Yes, people who obviously row every day.
07:28Yes, we were also draining with water so that the water runs.
07:31Did you have to drain?
07:33But there is still water, look.
07:34Yes, so that the house drains a little.
07:35Because, well, the water got here.
07:37How far?
07:38Let's see.
07:39The water got here.
07:40I managed to get a little water under the door, but nothing more than that.
07:44All the patio.
07:45She is the lady who says she did not arrive and did not get out of the house.
07:47Well, we have all the footwear.
07:49The footwear, the boys, all soaked.
07:52All soaked, yes, taking out the clothes as we can.
07:55Boulevard is worse than here.
07:57Then the sector of Alcorta, which is on the route, they are all under water still.
08:01Under water still.
08:03Now let's go there.
08:04Juan, it's fair too.
08:05You stop on the route and you see the water.
08:06Now surely we will go to visit that area.
08:09You know that there will be problems to be able to reach all the people with the help,
08:13because we just saw in the position where Alejandro Pueblas worked,
08:16that they are still working to restore Route 3,
08:20or the circulation on Route 3, which is vital in the passage from the south and to the south.
08:25Although the airport was opened today and a Hercules arrived,
08:28and they will continue to arrive at Hercules,
08:30obviously it will not reach in these first hours because the situation is chaotic.
08:34From the very government they have said that the situation is complex.
08:38From all sides.
08:39Nobody expected this.
08:41It's very sad.
08:42How did the situation start?
08:43How did you live it?
08:44Look, I...
08:46Well, I, thank God, I left my house a little,
08:48the patio was filled with water.
08:51But all this could not happen.
08:54It was all full of water.
08:57How long did it take for you to start worrying?
09:01Because it started at 4 in the morning.
09:03Yes, yes.
09:04At least when I got up, I saw that my house was like this,
09:07the patio was full of water.
09:09I said, oh Lord Jesus.
09:11Well, later it was an alarm.
09:14It was alarming.
09:15Yes, the people, everything.
09:17And when at night you knew that the tide was going to rise,
09:21you didn't know what to expect.
09:24You didn't know, because at 11 at night you were already waiting for the tide
09:27and you saw that the water was going.
09:29And it's sad.
09:30The truth is that it's sad.
09:31It's sad for all of us, you know, guys.
09:33Because there are many people who have not been able to sleep or rest.
09:36And they are going to need help.
09:38The truth is, with 63 years old, they are going to need help.
09:42And God bless you all, I hope everything can be solved.
09:45I hope they can get out of there.
09:47Because I also, my daughter's house was filled with water.
09:50I have the house of my other daughter here,
09:52which was also filled with water,
09:54and the other in the boulevard.
09:55But it can't be done.
09:57I hope God blesses all the people and that they can get out, guys.
10:00And may God bless everyone who can help us.
10:03For everything they need.
10:05For those whose things got wet.
10:07I hope the help arrives soon.
10:09And strength, strength, so that you can get up.
10:12Well, a strong testimony of this woman, Guille, right?
10:17Obviously, this is the feeling of desolation, of bitterness,
10:21when, well, everything is covered in water, all your clothes got wet.
10:26Obviously, many were getting up from what was the tornado a while ago.
10:33And now, again, this situation that was even, for some, more serious than the previous one.
10:40Well, we keep going, look, part of the houses, the entrances,
10:44there is still some accumulated water.
10:50What it's going to cost, it's going to take time.
10:52You are in the high area, we just saw where you were coming from.
10:56And there are still areas that are flooded.
10:58We'll go through it clean, some information.
11:00Look there, we don't leave the phone, we'll just go through it clean,
11:04for all those who just got to 24.
11:07We are talking about Bahia Blanca and its surroundings.
11:09325,000 inhabitants fell in...
11:13How many hours?
11:15Almost 300.
11:17Almost 300 millimeters?
11:19There is an estimate...
11:20Look, I talked to Miriam Andreoli and she explained to me that there is still no closed number,
11:24but they use what the agronomist engineers from the area are measuring,
11:29which they have as a way of measuring, because they need it for the crops,
11:34and that is taken as data.
11:35So that is the unofficial number, but it is indeed what fell,
11:40between 260 and 300 millimeters.
11:44We have urgent information.
11:45We were going over it, but I'll recap it right away.