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00:00Yo boys a new fish update just released and i'll show you guys how to get these crazy new eggs that give boats and other stuff and also how you can get these boots right here so first off obviously we gotta get the boots right all we gotta do is get the parts for dr crook's spine he's gonna need boots rocket fuel speed core find them fast i want to finish this invention where i can't find them scatter across the region check old islands uh the open ocean anywhere you can think of time is crucial i'll get them all right so all we gotta do now is
00:29find those three different parts to get the boots and now before we go find those three parts let me
00:34show you guys these eggs because this egg is a robux egg you just gotta open it up like this you
00:39click and that one what i even get i don't even know what i just got with that i'm not even joking
00:43i think i just got money with that one oh this i got five golden tentacles not bad and then let's
00:48go this one another five golden tentacles okay low key and lucky another five go okay i'm getting
00:54golden tentacles dude that one i got money okay see with this one right here i got golden tentacles
00:59again okay yeah horrible horrible luck golden tentacles and i have a 0.5 oh okay asking crate
01:04i have a 0.5 chance to get this uh boat a really cool boat it's a whale boat very rare though but
01:12we could get it in this case i didn't get it we got this skin crate though the skin crate has all
01:17these new skins which are really cool open up later um and there's also a way to get free eggs
01:22and you can get a free egg from megalodons krakens or whales and also even orcas so if you look here
01:28megalodon egg gives you from catching a megalodon you have a chance to get a megalodon egg uh same
01:34with kraken same with orca and whale they have the same things actually and this one you could
01:39get golden tentacle this one you get truffle worms way less money cosmic case this one you
01:43get a legendary cosmic case the boats and stuff are the same though but if you look at the boats
01:47of the chances on this dude 0.04 and the other boat 0.01 so one in 10 000 chance compared to
01:55one in 200 chance one in 2500 compared to one in 66 chance so obviously robux is a lot better but
02:01it's gonna cost you money all right so tiny said he already found them so let's just go over here
02:05sunstone and mush all right let's go to sunstone first sunstone first okay so let's go over to
02:10sunstone let's see the exact spot it's at oh yeah by the way there's also this stuff over here you
02:15get the red racer bundle and there's also this one right here uh a new jet ski some rod skins
02:22including the banana rod right here that costs like 2500 robux it's pretty expensive so for this
02:28first one we just gotta go ahead and get this uh from here at sunstone you gotta fish it up so if
02:34we fish it up at sunstone it is a secret so it's very difficult to get but you know what we could
02:39do we could buy this right here for 800 robux you have red racer bundle and on top of that we're
02:45gonna go right here and give tiny man a red racer bundle there we go so we're at 128x luck plus
02:53aurora so it's gonna be insane luck i already got a secret dude i already got a secret i got a secret
02:58but not the secret i want are you oh no that's not a secret i thought it was secret never mind i
03:03thought i thought it was the other one anyway we're gonna also get this right here so we're gonna make
03:07our luck like insane all right yeah 2x right there right over here we're gonna 4x okay now we're at
03:12130x 132x 8x right here i am going broke with robux there it is at 136x luck let's go all right
03:21let's see either me or tiny needs to get it i already got travis scottfish right there napoleon
03:26nice all right this may take a bit so we might be here for a while oh yeah by the way for those
03:31wondering will the rather forgotten thing catch the secret if you hook a mythical under fourth
03:36we're about to find out and where my mega and the mag no it just dupes the mythical yeah so you can't
03:42get the secret with the rather forgotten thing for those wondering just tested it oh and also by
03:46the way the next update is actually insane they said right here the curse they change it to the
03:51curse it looks like that is the great dreamer that is cthulhu in the background you can literally see
03:57cthulhu in the background so we're getting cthulhu in the next updates insane or i should say the
04:01upcoming update because it's march 29th so not next update but you know what i mean oh i just
04:06got speed core i just got speed core um i i i wasn't i wasn't paying attention but i just got
04:10speed core bro okay so i just got it let's go i got it all right so next one's at mushgrove here's
04:16speed core there it is so this is yeah this is it right here this is it it's super small but then
04:23now we can go to mushgrove and ocean for the next secret all right this guy got it too so then now
04:28ocean and mushgrove i guess we can go to mushgrove and then we'll go to the ocean just because ocean
04:33seems kind of boring but while we go to mushgrove we'll fish in the ocean just in case we get it w
04:39luck w luck i have like uh i have a full server right now with 136x lock and aurora and everything
04:45so we should be able to get this thing oh tiny just got speed core too who needs pack i'll give
04:50out some more packs as well and then we could get even more lock all right we got agent all right
04:55agent right here another andrew robux that's gonna give another 64x lock all right and then we got
05:01this guy right here the nub that's another 800 robux 264x lock let's go yo yo yo yo i got it i
05:10just got it i just got it i think i think that's it yes i got rocket fuel let's go let's go speed
05:18core and rocket fuel first try all right now he's got to go to the ocean w lock one last one that's
05:26all we need here we are in the ocean and now we just need a secret here lucky man for real all
05:31right and for the secret boot this guy right here is gonna give it to me you can't get the normal
05:36boots because those won't work you need to get the specific boots which are the secret ones which is
05:41this one right over here and he got them as a big so here's a big boot all right let's go get it
05:46thank you so much w man thank you for that so we got the speed core rocket fuel and boots all three
05:53are different secrets so to repeat sunstone mushgrove and the ocean that's where you get all
05:59three all right sunstone gives a speed core mushgrove gives rocket fuel and ocean gives big
06:04boots now we can head over here what's up dr crook's spine take all this stuff wonderful job
06:10now take these amazing boots and run as fast as you can all right i'll start working on other
06:14inventions so now we got glimmer fin suit boots here it is and as you guys see we run a lot faster
06:21with these let's go and i'm pretty sure that's all it does dude i'm not gonna lie very l i think
06:28that this should get buffed for it literally costing three secrets to craft yeah it's cool
06:34and all but just for having you run faster kind of mid i mean hey i'm not i'm not gonna complain
06:40it's useful yes but not worth it these three secrets in my opinion i think it should get
06:46buffed probably make you fly at least have you go a little bit faster in the water than super
06:52flippers like literally super flippers need to have an upgrade and this should be like a upgrade
06:58super flippers on land and also in water you know i mean oh actually is it yo wait a second it might
07:04be yo someone race me some of my super flippers race me and let's actually see if this is worth
07:09it all right here here it is and oh yeah okay okay we're faster we're faster than him he has
07:15super flippers on right now and i am faster okay i mean i guess that's good then it's on land and on
07:21water that's pretty decent i guess yeah i guess that's all right but i mean dude you could just
07:26have a tide breaker you know i mean so if i have a tide breaker though paired with this is it better
07:32i don't know i don't know okay i mean it's better on land and water but is it worth the three
07:37secrets you guys let me know i think it's pretty decent now because it works also on water i don't
07:43know if it's fully worth it though can you also pair the normal suit uh the glimmer fin suit with
07:50this let's see glimmer fin suit level three yeah you could pair it and for those that need help
07:54getting the secrets just make sure you let me know in the comments i could give you guys some
07:58secrets i could literally hook you guys up with them because i could get tons of luck if you guys
08:02want the bundle make sure you subscribe if you want some of these eggs right here that you could
08:07buy from the egg salesman he's in like every island you could buy these robux eggs over here
08:12and the robux eggs have a chance to give you the very very rare boat that i'm probably gonna spend
08:18a lot of robux for so stay tuned for that i'll probably have to give away one of these boats
08:23too i'm not sure how that would be possible but i'll try oh can i give these eggs let's see can
08:28i give this egg to people you cannot so the only way is to give robux to people okay i'll figure
08:33out a way stay subscribed and i got three last eggs to open up and let's see if we get it i'm
08:39getting so many golden tentacles it's actually kind of crazy oh my goodness last and final egg
08:44and with that i got golden tentacle mid but before we do anything let's get the skin crate because i
08:50did say i was going to open it it's called a legendary all right cosmic case legendary skin
08:55crate three two one boom and let's open it up let's see what we get let's see what we get come
08:59on give me something good give me something good yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo okay not bad not bad that's
09:06her kraken rod wait you can wear both wait super flippers and boots yo wait super flippers and
09:13boots and i went fast oh same speed same speed but that's not bad yo i mean i keep saying they're
09:18mid but like it's pretty decent you know i could run around everywhere a lot faster and stuff it's
09:22decent let me know what you guys think again in the comments and that's gonna be it for this video
09:26see you later peace