Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR RI, Rahayu Saraswati, di Jakarta, Sabtu (8/3), menegaskan bahwa keterwakilan perempuan dalam politik bukan sekadar isu gender, tetapi isu kemanusiaan.
00:00This is actually an event that is indeed in a...
00:05Deputy Chairperson of the 7th DPRRI, Rahayu Saraswati,
00:09emphasized the importance of women's representation in politics
00:13and policy making as part of the gender equality struggle.
00:18The matter was conveyed after a discussion titled
00:21Parliamentary Politics and the Advancement of the Interests of Low-Income Groups
00:25in the Kemang area, Jakarta, on Saturday, March 8.
00:28According to her, the issue is not just about women,
00:32but is a human rights issue that has a broad impact on the progress of the nation.
00:37The representation of women does represent the voice of women,
00:42but what we are talking about is not the issue of women.
00:45This is what I have to correct.
00:47This is a human rights issue,
00:49because if women are truly empowered,
00:56if they are given the opportunity to work, to contribute,
01:01whether it is a company or a country,
01:04it will certainly be better.
01:07She also hopes that the discussion and political education event
01:11can be an example of education and discourse on the representation of women.
01:16The Inter-Agency News Agency team reported.