Casualty S42 E07
00:00I can't find the chiropticals, she's arresting, so we need them now.
00:09Is that Tarek's dad?
00:11Tarek doesn't know.
00:12His dad has cancer and he's not telling him.
00:14That's what he wants.
00:15He was my husband, but you were my friend.
00:22I thought I'd feel differently after the funeral, but it's just more of the same.
00:25No one expects you to just be okay.
00:28Tarek supports his football team more than he supports his family.
00:31We can talk about it down at the station.
00:34Dr. Dillon Keogh, I'm arresting you on suspicion of manslaughter by gross negligence.
00:43Just take your seat.
00:46You could be looking at cocaine toxicity.
00:48I can feel it.
00:50If he's complaining of chest pains, we've got to take it seriously.
00:53Do you want my help or not?
00:55Watch how you talk.
00:57I'll pay your wages.
00:58You're going to have to take his cuffs off.
01:00We need IVSS.
01:01You are joking.
01:02Okay, no, let's make this easy.
01:04Listen to me.
01:05Listen to me.
01:08My grandson needs me.
01:10I'm sure someone's waiting for you too.
01:17I've got a little boy.
01:21He was born this morning.
01:25I was out celebrating.
01:26Behave, and maybe you'll leave here before he turns 21.
01:32I hope you know your way out of the doghouse.
01:35Hey, what's wrong with you?
01:38Steph, can you hear me?
01:40What have you done?
01:42Steph, can you hear me?
01:43Watch out for 3-0-0-6.
01:44Open your eyes.
01:45Keep on back up and quiet.
02:20It's terribly important that I speak to my partner.
02:43No one called.
02:44Once you've checked in, just stand there, Dr Keogh.
02:47Three weeks ago,
02:48Theo Baylis was involved in an RTC at Antonio's restaurant.
02:51Let me have some.
02:57Dr Dylan Keogh was present,
03:00and he carried out a medical procedure
03:01which involved cutting open the victim's abdomen.
03:04Subsequently, the victim died.
03:07Now, an allegation has been made
03:08that Dr Keogh acted against Mrs Baylis' best interests.
03:13Consequently, he's being arrested tonight at 7pm
03:15on suspicion of manslaughter by gross negligence.
03:18The arrest is necessary
03:20for the effective investigation of this matter.
03:22He'd previously been given a time to attend voluntarily,
03:25and he failed to make that appointment.
03:27Now, my phone call.
03:29It's terribly important I speak to Sophia.
03:32That's my partner.
03:33She's pregnant.
03:34You'll get your call.
03:35We just need to sort a few things out.
03:37This way.
03:52I know you've got a lot going on at the moment,
03:56but I hope that you still might turn up
04:00and put me first tonight.
04:05Look, Dylan,
04:06I've booked an appointment tomorrow at clinic.
04:1110 o'clock.
04:15If they don't hear from you, then...
04:18I guess I've got my answer.
04:27How did none of us notice, Nicole?
04:29Well, you've got an excuse.
04:30I mean, we were trying to work with Aaron.
04:32Must have had you distracted.
04:33Did you cancel on us last night to be with him?
04:37Breakfast on me. I have to work.
04:39Cam, I'll take the second bed.
04:41Guys, we're in recess.
04:42One of the two is full, so we'll have to make do.
04:45We'll get some screens up.
04:46Tarek, can you take the lead on our female officer?
04:48And guys, you're with me.
04:49This is Steph Murphy, 32 years old,
04:51sustained a head injury after falling
04:53following a blunt force attack.
04:54Suspected right orbital floor fracture.
04:56Possible brain injury.
04:57Her GCS is 10.
04:59I'm going to ask you to come across nice and slow.
05:01Is everyone ready?
05:02OK, lift on three.
05:03One, two, three.
05:05Do a primary survey.
05:06Did someone do an ECG?
05:08I'll get bloods and do a VBG.
05:14OK, chest is clear.
05:16BP and pulse stable.
05:18Can you open your eyes for me, Steph?
05:20OK, I make her GCS 11.
05:25OK, we need to get to CT urgently.
05:27She likely has a brain injury.
05:29OK, let's get her on her side.
05:31Let's get her on her side.
05:37Tarek, OK?
05:40Good, good work.
05:44He was 14 before he knew how to tie his own shoelaces.
05:50I don't know how he copes down there.
05:55We have to tell Tarek.
05:56Uncle, we can't go on like this.
05:58No, no, no.
05:59This is my life, my illness.
06:02Hey, hey.
06:03Are you OK? Are you comfortable?
06:17The house, I...
06:18I can't accept this.
06:21I want you to have it.
06:23You're more like me than Tarek will ever be.
06:26Because you're strong.
06:32Look, if I die in surgery, then... can tell Tarek, but not before, you understand?
06:43Until you've come close to death like I have,
06:46you never know how he'll react.
06:50I'll only accept the house if you agree
06:52that when you wake up, we'll tell Tarek.
07:01Sean, can you take a look, quick?
07:03He's tachycardic, seems in a lot of pain.
07:05Something's not right.
07:07OK, we can't wait till morning. He needs to go to surgery now.
07:12Sophie, please just make sure she's looked after.
07:15Have you seen Dylan anywhere?
07:18No, I think he left hours ago.
07:24Sorry about the wait.
07:26We'll do an assessment, but in the meantime...
07:29..take this.
07:31It's going to make you, erm, make you relax.
07:34A bit chunter. Thank you.
07:41Mental health will be here soon.
07:54Any update on Steph?
07:56Yeah, they've taken her to Holby City.
07:59Hi, this is Sophia's phone.
08:01Please leave a message after the tone.
08:05Whoa, no.
08:06You may not care about protocol, Dr Cale, but I do.
08:10We both have people that we need to be with,
08:12so if you co-operate, then the quicker we'll be, yeah?
08:16This interview is being recorded.
08:19I'm Detective Constable Bell, this is DC Bailam.
08:24Can you please state your full name and date of birth for the record?
08:29Dylan Keogh, 27th of the 2nd, 1976.
08:34I'm sorry, I don't know who you are,
08:36but I do know that you have a son.
08:38I'm sorry, I don't know who you are,
08:40but I do know that you have a son.
08:42He was born in 1976.
08:46Let's start from the beginning.
08:52Which beginning? I mean, I became interested in biology
08:56at the age of eight when my hamster died.
08:58You know that we can keep you for up to 24 hours,
09:01so I'd stop whatever this is right now.
09:07Just for the record, I'm showing Dr Keogh
09:10a video taken from the account at Lukeys 1997,
09:13filmed on the night of the incident.
09:15OK, so off the chest, please. Let's make the incision now.
09:24Stand by to get back on the chest, OK, once I finish.
09:29Find him back on the chest, gently, please.
09:35I applied for a job at the A&E department
09:38at Holby City Hospital in 2011,
09:41barring a very short hiatus, I've been there ever since.
09:44I would consider myself an expert in emergency medicine.
09:48Do you remember two patients by the name of Sam Williams
09:51and Samantha Hardy?
09:55For the record, Dr Keogh is nodding.
09:58They both died in suspicious circumstances on the evening
10:01of the circumstances under your care last year.
10:04Certainly it's on your homework.
10:06I'm investigating you, Dr Keogh.
10:13So we're going to relocate the shoulder.
10:15Cameron has given you some sedation.
10:17We've got 100 micrograms of fentanyl, 50 milligrams propofol.
10:21Let's relax your arm, please.
10:23OK, bring this up.
10:25And you'll feel a bit of a pop.
10:33There we go. Good job.
10:35OK, nighty-night.
10:37Let's get a recheck X-ray and we'll clear your results
10:40to get them back to cubicles. Thank you.
10:49It's one night, though, Misha.
10:54No, don't worry. It's fine.
10:56All right. Love you.
10:58Love you.
11:40Right, hi, I'm Dr Nash.
11:42Er, let's take a little look at you.
11:44What's your name? Ben.
11:48Right, what happened?
11:50I was on a night out with some uni friends.
11:53I thought I could make this jump.
11:55I couldn't.
11:58I cleaned the wounds myself.
12:00Well done.
12:02Clean, cover and cuddle, that's what Mum says.
12:04OK, look at me.
12:06You're very pretty.
12:08Do you have a boyfriend?
12:10No. I am very happily married.
12:12To my work.
12:14When do you finish? I'll take you out.
12:16Yeah, we operate a zero-tolerance policy here,
12:19so I'd watch your mouth if I were you.
12:22I get it.
12:26Yeah, potential fracture there, so...
12:29OK, we will request an X-ray
12:31and give you time to sober up.
12:42Recommendations have been made for a section two.
12:45But she'll remain here until she's taken to the unit shortly.
12:49Is she sleeping?
12:52You have to treat Nicole, not like she's your...
12:56Well, like you would any other patient.
13:02Look, I've got an appointment in the morning,
13:05but you can call me whenever, about whatever.
13:11Hey. Sorry.
13:25You're going to have to hold this open for me, please.
13:28What? I can't.
13:30Well, you need to. I need to get...
13:36Were you drinking before the accident?
13:38No, I wasn't drinking.
13:40What can you tell us, then, about the two wine glasses
13:43you'd seen on the table there?
13:45I don't know. I'd have to ask the waiter.
13:48Did he maybe bring two glasses over when he brought Jodie's drink?
13:51Miss White was drinking, yeah.
13:53Well, she only had one glass, then.
13:55Neither on her bottle.
13:57Yeah, no, I appreciate it. I shouldn't have lied about that when I did,
14:00but nonetheless, I... No, I hadn't been drinking.
14:03I'm an alcoholic, for God's sake.
14:05I can remember every detail.
14:07You know, when we managed to get Theo out of the car,
14:10she was breathing diaphragmatically.
14:12I saw the blood,
14:14and I could tell that the baby was pressing on the vena cava,
14:17so I had to displace that,
14:20which means that I had to roll her onto her side,
14:23but before we could administer the hypertonic saline
14:26that we would use to reduce her brain swelling,
14:29she went into a peri-arrest, and, you know,
14:31I had to use my clinical judgment,
14:33and, you know, she had maybe a 1% chance,
14:36so I carried out the perimortem that we've just been looking at.
14:40You know, Jodie can confirm all of this.
14:431% is still a chance?
14:4735 weeks, pregnant, front seat, passenger, unrestrained, by the way.
14:51Unrestrained in an RTC.
14:531%, is that not a chance?
14:55She's breathing diaphragmatically. She's got a GCS of 3.
14:58You're showing off. We'll just delay it.
15:00I'm not showing off.
15:02With respect, if anything's delaying us, it's your ignorance.
15:05Look, 1%, we can't save everybody.
15:09I had to make the best decision that I could.
15:13I didn't exhume the body, and you'll find I'm 100% right.
15:16I wouldn't drink that.
15:17Your breath smells a little of pear drops.
15:19Is that familiar to you? Are you diabetic?
15:22The next time you go to the bathroom, I would check your ketones.
15:27Yeah. Now, my phone call, please.
15:31OK, so, the X-ray showed no fracture.
15:37You've definitely got tenderness over the scaphoid bone.
15:40OK, what we'll do is we will order another X-ray for a week to ten days,
15:45but we'll give you a splint for now.
15:47Actually, if you go and grab the coccodomol prescription, thank you.
15:51Do you need us to call anyone for you? No.
15:53Parents? No.
15:55They don't know you drink? It's not that bad.
15:58It's just tonight was my leaving drinks.
16:02I quit uni.
16:04OK, uni's not for everyone.
16:06My parents made it very clear it has to be for me.
16:10Did someone call you?
16:13His friends called me.
16:16Hi, Mum.
16:20What have you done to yourself?
16:22Er, yeah, he's fine. Absolutely fine.
16:25Who's going to type up your lecture notes when you've got lobster claws for hands?
16:29I, erm...
16:31I quit university.
16:34No, you haven't.
16:36I want to travel, not sit exams.
16:39But look here. How are you surviving?
16:41A young Ben here came in with some of the cleanest wounds I've ever seen,
16:45so, you know, he might surprise you.
16:47Dr Nash, can I have a word?
16:53Don't you dare.
16:55He's my kid.
16:57Siobhan! Hi.
16:59I thought you weren't in till later.
17:01Hey, Cam, are you OK to go over here?
17:04Great. Thanks.
17:07A well-balanced breakfast, I see.
17:10You do realise you're an hour early.
17:12Yeah, I just wanted to make up for yesterday, didn't I?
17:14Make a good impression.
17:17Right, sit there.
17:19I'll be back in a minute.
17:35Right, sit there, answer the calls, follow the script,
17:38and nothing will go wrong.
17:40Raise your hand if you have any clinical concerns.
17:42No pressure, then?
17:43Well, some pressure, indeed.
17:46After the photo you sent.
17:48Won't forget that in a hurry.
17:59Ambulance service, is the patient breathing?
18:01Yes, I can breathe.
18:03I've fallen at home.
18:05I can't get up.
18:07It's my back.
18:09I'm meant to visit my grandson.
18:11My train's in an hour.
18:13And what's the address?
18:15Victoria Road.
18:17I live by myself, so...
18:20..if someone could just help me up.
18:22OK, demand is quite high in your area,
18:24but we do hope to have an ambulance with you as soon as we can.
18:27Thanks, love.
18:29Hello, ambulance service, is the patient breathing?
18:38What's happening with your surgical registrar?
18:41Who? Oh, Sean?
18:43Don't know. I mean, first he begs me for my number,
18:45and then didn't even bother calling.
18:48It's a shame, cos he was fit.
18:55Well, um, why don't you text him?
18:58Yeah. What happened to the feminist in you?
19:01I'm waving my feminist rights away.
19:06Just leave it.
19:09Please. Josie.
19:11Yeah, hi.
19:15Is there no-one else?
19:19No. No, yeah, sure.
19:27Aaron's got a work emergency.
19:29No. I'll make it up to you, I promise.
19:32It's all right. Don't worry, another time.
19:34Sorry, have we all just suddenly got amnesia?
19:36Did you forget he threatened you?
19:38No, look, I was there when his wife died.
19:41I can't explain it.
19:43I sort of get what he's going through.
20:00How is he?
20:02We found an infected abscess in his liver.
20:05But the operation was successful.
20:10A shame you won't get on the property market so quickly.
20:13I've got no intention of taking the house.
20:16It was the only way I could get Kareem to agree to speak to Tariq.
20:28Hey, it's for you.
20:30Oh, right. Thanks.
20:33Hey, Dr Nash speaking.
20:39Life decisions are not about what makes you happy.
20:42It's about what's best.
20:44Hypocrisy, Richard. Excuse me.
20:49Well, Dr Nash said you cleaned your wounds yourself.
20:52Antiseptic cream and opal mauve bandage.
20:55Clean covering a cuddle, eh?
20:58Um, listen, we'll think about it.
21:01Hey, um, I've just got a phone call.
21:04Dylan's been arrested.
21:06Oh. Let me get changed.
21:08Hold the floor. Yeah, yeah, sure.
21:10Your dad will take you home.
21:18Detective James. Do you have anywhere we can set up?
21:21Yeah, yeah, fine. Let's go this way.
21:31If you take my advice, you look a little bit better.
21:34You look less red.
21:36Um, that and Steph.
21:39She's going to be OK. Y'all did good.
21:43Interview resumed at 11am.
21:46Outside of work, was everything good?
21:49Your relationship, is it stable?
21:52Yeah, it's new, but it's stable.
21:54Just remind me again, how long have you been sober?
21:57Seven years.
21:59Then why is there a bottle of alcohol in your work locker?
22:03There's no alcohol in my locker.
22:06You're being recorded, Dr Keogh.
22:11Er, OK, so, yes, there is...
22:14Yeah, there's a bottle of wine in my locker,
22:17but as far as I can remember, it was a gift from a patient.
22:20But it's unopened. You can see that.
22:23Don't you get a lot of gifts?
22:25What do you think?
22:27I think you're a doctor that thinks he's talented.
22:30I think you're a doctor that thinks he's smart.
22:33I think you're a doctor that thinks he's talented.
22:36But in reality, your professional standards have slipped.
22:39Demonstrated by a string of negligent medical outcomes.
22:43Sam Samantha, now fear.
22:46Initially you lied to us about Miss White's drinking,
22:48now you're lying about your own.
22:50Then charge me. You know, you've made up your mind.
22:53What can I say?
22:55Charge me with whatever fictitious offence you think it is
22:59that I'm guilty of.
23:01But can we do it and save the time?
23:04And then, for the love of God, can I have my phone call?
23:12Are you guilty?
23:14Is this the confession?
23:18Ambulance service. Is the patient breathing?
23:21Yes, love. It's our knight from Victoria Road.
23:28I'm still here.
23:30Ambulance hasn't come.
23:32Has anything changed since your last call?
23:37It's just cold on the floor.
23:40And my grandson, he's waiting for me.
23:43We are getting to you as soon as we can.
23:45We're just really busy at the moment with high-category calls.
23:48I am going to have to hang up, Anne.
23:50Don't go.
23:52Please, love.
23:54I really have to free the line, Anne.
23:57I promise an ambulance will be with you.
23:59Stay with me, please.
24:07Hi, I'm Indy. What's your grandson's name?
24:13He's a musician.
24:15Jazz. Not my cup of tea.
24:18Really? What kind of music do you like?
24:21The Beatles.
24:25My husband looks a little bit like George.
24:28Oh, cool. Would they do anything I know?
24:31Listen, Anne, I've just got to talk to my boss.
24:33The line might go quiet, but I am here.
24:35Just shout if you need anything.
24:37This is Anne. Seven hours she's been on the floor.
24:40Nothing's changed, but I don't know what to do.
24:42We can't leave her there.
24:46Hi there, Anne. My name is Jan.
24:48I'm one of the paramedics at control.
24:50How are you feeling, love?
24:52A little uncomfortable.
24:54Oh, dear, I am sorry.
24:56Listen, Anne, we need to free up this line now for other emergencies.
25:00But I want you to call back if your symptoms change, OK?
25:08OK, Anne. Bye. Bye.
25:17I know he wanted to stay on the line. I wish we could.
25:21But it's the right thing to do. I promise him.
25:33Thank you so much for doing this.
25:35I've sorted your formula out on the side.
25:37There's some fresh mussels in the basket.
25:39And any problems, just let me know.
25:42And I'll be back in three hours' time.
25:45You said two.
25:47Yeah, but my editor rang me this morning
25:49and the interview's right on the other side of town.
25:52OK, sorry, Anne. I've just had a long shift.
25:55It's cool. You go.
25:57If I had anyone else, I could ask.
25:59It's fine. OK, thank you.
26:11This is Anne Knight, 74.
26:13Long life for around ten hours after a mechanical fall at home.
26:16Complaining of lumbar back pains, tender abdomen.
26:19She's hypothermic, looks dry.
26:22Pulse 90. Last BP was 88 over 57.
26:25Initial stats of 93 have improved after two litres of oxygen.
26:29She's had one gram of IV paracetamol with fluids running.
26:32GCS 50.
26:34OK, ready, brace, lift.
26:36OK, thanks, guys.
26:38Hi, Miss Knight, I'm Dr Massam.
26:40I'm going to assess you first, then we'll send you for a CT scan
26:43and take some bloods.
26:45Thank you, boys.
26:47I'm sorry for all this fuss.
26:50Did you speak to my grandson?
26:53Kai's on his way from Manchester, but there's been delays.
26:59OK, let's keep her on her side.
27:01Let's get some suction, please.
27:03Let's give her a high-flow oxygen through a non-rebreather
27:06and let's get a second line and make sure we take some bloods,
27:09including cross-match, OK?
27:12She's still hypotensive.
27:14Let's activate the major haemorrhage protocol.
27:17Where's Rosie? Is she all right?
27:21Yeah, she's, um...
27:23She's OK, Nicole.
27:27Nicole, your room, it's nice.
27:41When did you get back?
27:43About an hour ago.
27:45About an hour ago?
27:47Sorry, I didn't want to wake you.
27:50Maybe I should have.
28:01Yeah. Yeah, I'll be straight in.
28:05The police. Aaron.
28:07Dylan's in custody. Do you want to interview me about working with him?
28:10Just because I left you out the article does not mean that I trust Dr Keogh.
28:13No. I've got to fix this.
28:20The CT scan shows an abnormal connection
28:23between your graft repair and the bowel.
28:26Now, we think you fell because you lost blood from this.
28:32I've discussed things with the surgeons
28:34and given your age and health problems,
28:36it would be a very high-risk operation.
28:44They don't feel it would be appropriate.
28:48And I'm so sorry.
28:52I know this is a lot to take in,
28:54but do you have any questions for me?
29:00So how long do I have?
29:04It's difficult to say.
29:07You may hemorrhage over the next few hours and then...
29:11I hope not.
29:18I just want to see my Kai.
29:20Yeah. Yeah.
29:23OK. We'll keep you comfortable.
29:28I'll call him now.
29:32Let's do ten milligrams of morphine.
29:35And titrate's a good effect. Yeah.
29:37And we'll need towels. Black ones.
29:42Um, she... she shouldn't be left alone.
29:47Yeah, it's the biggest regret of my life,
29:49you know, not being there for Mum when she died and...
29:54Terrence, did you... do you speak to your dad today?
29:57Did he call you? No.
29:59Why? What's, um... what's going on?
30:06He has cancer.
30:08Your dad, he...
30:11He's got cancer. Sean operated on him last night.
30:17What, is he... is he OK?
30:20He's recovering.
30:22He's upstairs on a ward recovering.
30:25Why don't you take a break? What? No.
30:28No, I'm good.
30:36So, why were you at dinner with Dr Keel?
30:40I was looking for a mentor.
30:44Were you drinking?
30:46I drank, um, but I spent most of my time with Aaron.
30:50Sorry, Mr Bayliss.
30:53Doing what?
30:55Comforting him.
30:57He was in shock.
31:00Can I just say that I would trust Dylan with my own life?
31:04OK, well, thank you very much indeed for your time.
31:08Well, that's it. No more questions.
31:10I heard that you were one of the nurses that treated Ox Orange.
31:26Hey, um, Kai's just gone past the Edmund train.
31:33Kai takes after his granddad with his music.
31:38He used to take me dancing.
31:42My sweet lord was our son.
31:54Yeah, I still need to interview you.
31:56Yeah, I still have patients to see.
31:58Sorry, the wine in Dylan's locker, I gave it to him.
32:01It was a gift from a patient.
32:03OK, good. Case closed.
32:06Right, thanks for the morning. OK, let's have a look.
32:09How long have I been out?
32:11We gave you quite heavy sedation to get your shoulder realigned,
32:14so that would have been a couple of hours,
32:16and then the rest of the time you were probably sleeping off the hangover.
32:20When do I get out of here?
32:22My girl, she's been alone all night with the baby.
32:25You'll be discharged into police custody, so...
32:28You're judging me.
32:30No, that's not my job. Can you feel this?
32:32Yes. Good.
32:34She might be at home, but I make serious bread for my boy.
32:37He's going to have whatever he wants.
32:39Right, OK, he's stabilised,
32:41so we'll get your paperwork complete and then he's all yours.
32:45What's your problem? I don't have a problem, yeah?
32:48I'm not the one who had but a female police officer so hard
32:51she suffered a bleed to the brain, OK?
32:53I didn't mean to.
32:55You need to start with a breathing performance, OK?
32:57Because that's not going to get you any longer in hospital.
33:00OK, great. In the morning, can we get an ECG and full bloods, please?
33:04Because we're obliged to now.
33:06Why be a doctor if you don't want to help?
33:08I do want to help, yeah? That's all I do, is help.
33:11Because this job is about service, and anything outside of it,
33:14whether it's friendship or relationship or social life,
33:17that just goes by the wayside.
33:19And if we're not at work getting yelled at, we're getting locked up.
33:22So tell me, because I'm actually interested, yeah?
33:24Do you think it's worth the sacrifice?
33:26Excuse me, could you keep it down, please?
33:28We have a patient on palliative care.
33:30Sorry. It does not look very good.
33:35Lamorna, can we get 300mg of aspirin, please?
33:38Let's get GTN spray and IV morphine titrated to effect, thanks.
33:43I want cardiology.
33:45Siobhan, I...
33:59We're releasing you.
34:02Is that 24 hours?
34:04The superintendent believes there's still a case,
34:06but we've finished interviewing your colleagues.
34:09We are still investigating.
34:12I'm only doing my job.
34:14Just let me get out of here.
34:28What's happened? Is everyone OK?
34:31You haven't heard about Dylan?
34:36Siobhan, Siobhan, wait, wait, wait.
34:38Kai has been held on.
34:40Yeah, apparently there's service failure,
34:42so he could be delayed for up to three hours.
34:45It'll be too late. Thank you.
34:54What are you doing? I took the 999 call.
34:56Jacob updated me. Can I sit with her, please?
35:00Who else is going to do it?
35:02Anything happens, you call me.
35:04And next time you want an update, you come to me.
35:13You all right, Anne? It's me, Indy.
35:27Hey, I got this beaker from orthopaedics,
35:29so that should be...
35:34Right. Connect it.
35:41It's not...
35:46It's not... It's not working!
35:55I don't want to lose him.
36:06Jodie, everything all right?
36:08Yeah, there's still no ETA on Max Fax.
36:11Ah, you could put another anchor strip on.
36:14Dylan will be OK.
36:16Just tell him what happened.
36:20OK, I'm just going to stick another one of these on,
36:22so if you just keep nice and still for me.
36:29It took a bleed on the brain to buy me chocolate.
36:35I'm not good at this stuff.
36:38Oh, Stevie.
36:40I agreed with what you said about Dylan.
36:43I just wanted Mrs Knight to be comfortable.
36:48And thank you for looking after Ben.
36:52I worry about him.
36:54But if you love them, you've got to let them go.
36:58So, we'll see.
37:00Yeah. Good for him.
37:13I told you I'd be back.
37:15I'm sorry.
37:17It's OK.
37:19It's OK.
37:21It's OK.
37:23It's OK.
37:25It's OK.
37:27It's OK.
37:29It's OK.
37:31I tried calling you.
37:33Let me try to call you.
37:35I wanted to give this to you last night.
37:43I know it's crazy.
37:45I'm ready. I know it's mad, but I...
37:48I want to be a dad.
37:52I took the first pill.
37:54About, erm...
37:56About an hour ago.
38:02And my head is just, you know, it's been...
38:05It's been spinning and I've been thinking about, you know,
38:08what I want and what I want for...
38:10..for my future and...
38:15And I shouldn't have to do this alone.
38:18You were never on your own.
38:20But it felt like it.
38:26You know, maybe it's for the best.
38:28Cos, you know, we don't...
38:30We don't really know each other, do we?
38:34St James', they called again about that job.
38:37So I might not even be, you know...
38:40And Dylan, the police said that they found booze in your locker.
38:49Yeah, erm...
38:53It was a gift. It wasn't even a gift to me.
38:56I don't know why I kept it.
38:58I don't know, maybe I was thinking about drinking.
39:00The police seemed to think so, you seemed to think so.
39:03But then what happens when you have another bad day?
39:05Oh, it was a bit more than just a bad day.
39:09I know.
39:29Have you got a minute?
39:37Erm, I think I might be able to explain
39:40why Mr Bayliss made the complaint.
39:44So, I've been getting to know Aaron a little bit.
39:48Erm, well, I've been helping him out.
39:52I'm all he's got, really.
39:55And he's not a bad person.
39:58But he is taking his grief and his guilt out on Dylan.
40:03Aaron's guilt? For what?
40:06Well, he was the one driving when the accident happened.
40:12And... the wake...
40:20..we slept together.
40:22We slept together.
40:26But you can see why he's doing it, can't you?
40:28You can see why Aaron's doing this.
40:30Neither of us are proud, but Dylan's an easy target.
40:33Jodie, this seriously undermines your credibility.
40:36How? How does it when I'm telling the truth?
40:38Please, Dylan is innocent.
40:41What's going to happen now?
40:50..what happened?
40:53Erm, I'm on enforced gardening leave.
40:56I might be struck off.
40:58I mean, all I have going for me at the moment
41:00is your report and Jodie's account.
41:02What? That's... That's ridiculous.
41:05That's totally unfair.
41:08Like, what are we actually supposed to do?
41:10Like, what do they want? Do we have to watch our backs?
41:13Like, think twice? Be careful?
41:15No, don't be more careful, Stevie. Be brave.
41:17Hold on, but what you did, that was brave?
41:20I'm not talking about work, I'm talking...
41:22I'm talking about everything else.
41:24Medicine, it saves lives, but it doesn't protect us, does it?
41:27From what? From everything.
41:29From everything in here, from everything out there.
41:32You've got to be brave, Stevie.
41:34I wasn't, and now I have nothing.
41:40So, we found an infected collection in your liver.
41:45Which means...
41:47..a second surgery.
41:52You good?
41:57How long is the wait for this second surgery?
42:00A few weeks.
42:02But it's good they found it now.
42:04Let Sean explain.
42:08I knew you couldn't handle it.
42:11I was never given the chance.
42:13You had every chance to be there for your mother,
42:16but you ran out to Australia.
42:18I didn't know she'd get sick.
42:20You abandoned her.
42:27You asked Rash to help despite me.
42:31I asked Rash to help because he's stronger than you.
42:36He can cope.
42:39Uncle, this isn't good for you, OK? It's not good for anyone.
42:42He copes.
42:44He copes.
42:48Did you know Rash tried to kill himself last year?
42:53How strong can he really be?
42:55OK, let's go, mate.
42:57Cool down.
43:03You tell Tariq, and now this.
43:07Perhaps you and Tariq are cut from the same cloth after all.
43:13What would your father think?
43:17I know what I'd want him to think.
43:21I'd want him to think...
43:23..that I'm better now.
43:27I'm stronger.
43:37Hey. Hey.
43:40Erm...thanks for agreeing to meet.
43:47Look, something...
43:49Something happened at work today,
43:51and I thought to myself,
43:53what if I ended up in a prison cell?
44:00Is everything OK?
44:01Yeah, yeah, no, no, everything's fine.
44:03Just, yeah, just go with it.
44:07I thought, what if I ended up in a prison cell?
44:10I...I thought, what if I ended up in a... a prison cell,
44:16and I only had one call?
44:21Who would I call?
44:25And I'd want to call you.
44:31And I was just wondering that if we could get past this...
44:38..this mess, this whole mess,
44:40that maybe...
44:42..that maybe this could be something.
44:45And I know, I know I said to you that we were done.
44:51But I'm...
44:53I was wrong.
44:55I'm wrong.
44:59I know you're not saying anything, and I feel mortified.
45:02Please, please just... Can you just say something?
45:15OK, well said.
45:31They're not bad, this lot, are they?
45:34They were.
45:40Just stay awake, Anne, OK?
45:42I promise I'll stop with my boring chat.
45:49Siobhan, I think something's happening.
45:53Who's it? Who's it?
46:25Dylan. Yeah?
46:30I'm not allowed to be your witness.
46:33Why? Cos you...
46:35You had a glass of wine, so they're going to discount your statement.
46:38Has Aaron said something? Has he written something? What?
46:41No, no, erm, it's none of that.
46:47I slept with Aaron.
46:51You are? When?
46:53After Nia's wake. I told you not to go.
46:58What, so has Aaron told the police?
47:01Tell me he didn't. No, look, I thought it might help.
47:04How? How would that help?
47:06How would that help?!
47:08I'm being persecuted for making the right decision,
47:11and that's the decision you make!
47:13You need to take a look at yourself in the mirror.
47:16You need to wonder and consider what kind of a person you are,
47:19cos I do not think you're going to like what you see.
47:42Dylan found out about Aaron?
47:46I told the police, thinking it'd help, but they're throwing out the statement.
47:51Well, you reap what you sow.
47:56You sleep around.
47:58You cheat, you hurt people,
48:00you don't listen to what me and Cam have to say,
48:02and it is painful, it's tragic to watch Jodie.
48:05And I love you, but I'm done.
48:08Rita, look, I don't think that's helpful, OK? She's clearly upset.
48:11You call me a slag too, remember?
48:13Do you know what I want to know?
48:15Is who's going to be left when this is all done?
48:17Oh, is it going to be those guys that you speak to online, yeah?
48:20Yeah, cos they show you a bit of love.
48:22And they give you a little bit of affection.
48:24But you know that's not real, don't you?
48:27Don't you?
48:31You need to figure out why you're like this.