शहडोल ( मध्य प्रदेश ) – पीएम सूर्य घर मुफ्त बिजली योजना गरीब व्यक्तियों से लेकर मध्यम वर्गीय परिवारों के लिये मील का पत्थर साबित हो रही है, केंद्र सरकार द्वारा चलाई गयी इस योजना से लोगो को भारी-भरकम बिजली बिल से राहत मिल रही है। मध्य प्रदेश के शहडोल में पीएम सूर्यघर योजना के लाभार्थी इस योजना का लाभ लोगों को बता रहे हैं। लाभार्थियों का कहना है कि प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा 13 फरवरी 2024 को देश भर मे लागू की गयी पीएम सूर्य घर मुफ्त बिजली योजना लोगों को लम्बे-चौड़े बिजली बिल से राहत दिलाने का कार्य कर रही है।
00:00People are benefiting from PM Suryaghar Bijli Yojana started by Prime Minister Modi.
00:10People from every corner of the country are taking advantage of this scheme.
00:16At the same time, people from Madhya Pradesh, Shehdol district are also taking advantage of this scheme
00:21and are also making people aware of the benefits of this scheme.
00:26Sanjay Mishra from Shehdol's Central Academy School says that PM Modi's initiative is commendable.
00:33He also said that due to this scheme, his electricity bill has come down.
00:40I came to know about PM Suryaghar Bijli Yojana through newspapers.
00:46I have set up a free electricity scheme solar plant in my house.
00:52It has been almost a year since I set up this solar plant.
00:56I came to know about this information through newspapers.
01:00I came to know that PM Modi has put forward a good solution for solar energy.
01:10This is commendable.
01:12Due to this, my electricity bill has come down a lot.
01:16Green energy is also a good way to protect us from environmental pollution.
01:24It is also a good way to save electricity.
01:28Electricity from sun rays is definitely very beneficial.
01:33I would like all the citizens of our city, state and national level to take advantage of this scheme.
01:44This scheme cost us around Rs. 2 lakhs.
01:47I got Rs. 78,000 subsidy from this scheme.
01:51The cost is also very good.
01:53My electricity bill has also come down a lot.
01:57Our student, Mr. Souk Gupta, contributed a lot in setting up this solar plant.
02:04He also encouraged me to set up a solar energy plant in my house.
02:12I have used this scheme.
02:14I felt very good.
02:16There is no expenditure in this scheme.
02:18There is no expenditure in Rath Rafa.
02:20Good electricity is being produced.
02:23We have free electricity.
02:25All the ACs are being used.
02:28The electricity bill has come down a lot.
02:30In today's situation, we are getting electricity bill equal to Rs. 0.
02:34Along with that, there is no problem in Rath Rafa.
02:38The resident of Shehrol, Natin Baderia, tells us about this scheme.
02:42He has set up a 3 KV plant.
02:44The cost of which is around Rs. 2,30,000.
02:47He said that earlier his electricity bill used to come more than Rs. 10,000.
02:52After setting up the plant, his electricity bill comes down to less than 50% in today's situation.
02:57We got information through the means of Madras and NUJA.
03:03How did you get this information?
03:07I got this information through the media.
03:10I have set up a 3 KV solar panel.
03:13The cost of which was around Rs. 2,25,000.
03:18What are the benefits of setting up this plant?
03:22Earlier, my electricity bill used to come more than Rs. 10,000.
03:26Today, it has come down to less than 50%.
03:29We want everyone to set up solar panels.
03:32Because there is zero maintenance.
03:34Maintenance is of no value.
03:36And green energy.
03:39PM Modi has said that green energy is better for everyone.
03:46Actually, on 13th February 2024, PM Modi started PM Suryaghar Yojana.
03:51The aim of this Yojana was to set up solar panels in 1 crore houses and provide free electricity to people.
03:59More than 8 lakh people have become beneficiaries under this Yojana.