Power Book III - Raising Kanan S4 Episode 1
00:30Previously on Raising K-9.
00:34I can't have no wildness around me and my son.
00:37You know, you and me, we in different places right now.
00:40I think we gotta pump the brakes.
00:42I mean, we just kickin' it anyway, right?
00:44It's a cafe boo.
00:45I need you to put that on the airwaves.
00:47Get it bubbling in these streets.
00:49I'm here to move weight.
00:50So what I do is who I am.
00:52So what the fuck am I doing here?
00:53You're throwing them back fast.
00:54It's a ball, right?
00:55Throwing them back is what you do in a ball.
00:57Think of the good times, too.
01:00Kel Thomas, Special Agent Preston Tanner.
01:03I'd like you to come in for a conversation.
01:05I'm gonna have to call my lawyer.
01:06I'm the big dog, nigga.
01:08One of your fucking entrepreneurs ain't no big dog shit.
01:11That's bitch shit!
01:19I heard about our friend, Yonique.
01:21I'm sorry.
01:22I'm gonna step into what he started with you.
01:23Take it over.
01:24Let's give it the old college try.
01:26Yonique's gone, and he ain't coming back.
01:28We do business.
01:29If we do this, it's you and me.
01:30My cousin isn't involved, and no one else can know.
01:33Tell him to go to work.
01:34This right here is about knowing that I win every fucking day.
01:38Your mom's is fucking with our investment.
01:40She need to be handled.
01:46I told you not to ever fuck with my family.
01:48You don't tell me shit, little boy.
01:51I know Ronnie had a...
01:54The math is real easy on us.
01:56It's either Marvin, or it's you, me, and Kanan.
01:58You adding shit up all wrong.
01:59The feds on you, not me.
02:01It's Kanan.
02:02I want my son back safe.
02:03What does Ronnie want for the boy?
02:06That cruddy-ass nigga want $500,000?
02:09I got your money.
02:10Now give me my son.
02:11Ain't nobody kidnap me, Ma.
02:13Y'all been played.
02:14You and Ronnie in on this together?
02:16Throw that over you.
02:20Shit's all you, Ma.
03:19Ha-ha, that's right.
03:26Bitch, I would do it on this side.
03:27Niggas get to it on this side.
03:29I know heartbreaks, setbacks.
03:32Bitch, if I crap out, I'm sure I'ma get back.
03:34I've been through the ups and downs.
03:36You know I get around.
03:37So to me, it's all a part of the game.
03:39If I ain't the gold mine, or the dope money,
03:42I'm almost a shell mine.
03:43I gotta take it.
03:44No need to say shit.
03:46I'm gonna take it.
03:47I'm a beast, I'm homicide.
03:48There's nothing to play with.
03:57Before you can figure out where you're going,
03:59you gotta look back at where you've been.
04:03And you gotta look real close.
04:06Cause you miss shit.
04:08Forget details.
04:10There's things that happen that seem like they didn't mean nothing at the time.
04:15But then you realize they mean everything.
04:17That's why you gotta look back.
04:21Because now that you see where you're at,
04:23you gotta understand how the fuck you got there.
05:24I need to fucking talk to you, man.
05:29I'm all fucked up.
05:32You're early.
05:34I need you to come get me.
06:06Goddamn, boy.
06:10Uh, slow.
06:12Try again.
06:30Don't even know how you still alive, boy.
06:33You've been worked the fuck over.
06:35Been worked over three more fucking times.
06:57All right, come on, fam.
07:15In here.
07:22Everything you've seen here happened already.
07:26But we didn't peep it the way we needed to.
07:28Because we wasn't looking.
07:32Yo, we here?
07:33I got you.
07:42Let me get a water bottle.
07:43I got you.
07:45Yo, Ju.
07:47Don't mean to get at you, but...
07:51I'm sorry that I missed your audition.
07:55Been dealing with some shit.
07:57And it got the best of me.
07:59It's all good, Uncle Lou.
08:01It's not, though. I'm fucked up.
08:03I know I've been saying that a lot lately.
08:06Trying to figure my shit out.
08:13I like your spot.
08:16It's good, right?
08:22It's Uncle Lou.
08:25Me and Ju tight.
08:27We family.
08:28We all tight.
08:31I saw them.
08:34You ever met Ju's friend, Nicole?
08:38I did.
08:39She cool?
08:40She cool?
08:43No doubt.
08:44Is she pretty?
08:47Nicole, I...
08:52Ju's so dope.
08:54Nicole was lucky.
08:58Happy to be here with you, Canaan.
09:02Pretty good, right?
09:03Man, he's cute.
09:04Never heard of him.
09:06Don't tell me you went to all that March, November shit show.
09:10I think it's May, December, but no.
09:13I like my men like your whiskey.
09:16I heard that.
09:19He's talented, though.
09:21And he's got stage presence.
09:27Excuse me for a minute.
09:37Excuse me.
09:41You good?
09:42For sure.
09:44You still coming over for dinner with my parents later this week, right?
09:47No doubt.
09:55Yo, I thought Rock was coming through the spot.
09:57I don't know what the fuck she doing.
09:59She got her own life and I got mine.
10:20I think they smell something.
10:22They're realizing it's just their own stench.
10:25There's no there there and they know it.
10:28I feel very confident that you won't have to worry about the FBI or the so-called task force anymore.
10:33These dogs simply don't hunt.
10:40Everything okay?
10:42I just got crazy hungry.
10:44Guess I ain't eating in a minute.
10:46Tell me what you want, I'll go back and get it.
10:48I appreciate that, but I gotta see what they got.
10:51Can't have you bringing me back no nasty-ass Mounds bar or some shit.
10:55I'll wait for you outside.
11:02Who's this?
11:06You sure he wanna talk to me and not my sister instead?
11:18I'll come through then.
12:06He's seriously injured, aren't we?
12:07I can't x-ray him here, but I'm betting he has multiple skull fractures.
12:11I ain't his daddy, I don't fucking care about all that.
12:14All I need to know is whether he gonna live long enough to pay for services provided.
12:17He'll survive, but recovery from head trauma like this is long and difficult.
12:21He's gonna need constant care and monitoring.
12:24Someone in his condition should be in a rehabilitation facility where he can recover while under the care of a full medical staff.
12:32That shit ain't gonna happen.
12:33We often see significant personality changes in people with these kinds of brain injuries.
12:39Can you speak normal, nigga? Because I don't get all that Dr. Needs you speak.
12:43When he wakes up, he could be different than who he was before.
12:46It's not unusual for people with this kind of injury to experience significant bounce of anxiety, even rage.
12:53Like I said, Doc, I need to know the fool gonna give me my money.
12:58Because I came straight out of pocket for your fucking time tonight, and it sounds like my work ain't even done.
13:01Getting you your money is gonna be the least of your friend's problems.
13:17While you seem to be out of their crosshairs, I can't say the same for everybody else in your circle.
13:22The FBI doesn't like to leave a party empty-handed.
13:25Frankly, there's no depths to which they won't stoop to get an indictment.
13:28You and your family need to keep your side of the street squeaky clean for the foreseeable future.
13:33Let's also acknowledge tonight for the win that it is.
13:36Right now, at this moment, they have nothing at all on you or anyone else in your circle.
13:41Which is inarguably and undeniably good news.
13:45I'll be in touch.
13:47Have a good night.
13:49You too.
14:10My box.
14:17I didn't step the fuck over.
14:19Fuck off.
14:25Tell her I'm a widow.
14:30Tell her that.
14:50I'm sure you were surprised to hear from me.
14:54Never met you face to face like this before.
14:59Heard good things from my sister, though.
15:01Well, I was really impressed with your work with our pal from Jersey.
15:05I wanted to put a name to her face.
15:07Hey, by the way, that job executed flawlessly.
15:12Felt like I could've tightened it up in a couple spots, but...
15:14I appreciate the kind words.
15:16Hey, you're wondering why I reached out to you.
15:20And the answer is twofold, my friend.
15:24First off, as discussed, you are a true professional.
15:30I mean, in a business that is sorely lacking in that particular area.
15:35And secondly, as was the case with our late comrade,
15:39I have a job that demands a little bit of distance and some cover for me.
15:46You need me to do more work for you?
15:48My daughter, Paulette.
15:50Her new husband, Tommaso.
15:52He's embarrassing her. And me.
15:54And that's unacceptable.
15:56Problem is, is Tommaso's a made guy,
15:59so I can't have one of my own guys go over there and knock some much-needed shit out of him.
16:03You know what I mean?
16:04Problem is, is Tommaso's a made guy,
16:07so I can't have one of my own guys go over there and knock some much-needed sense into him.
16:11And it's against the rules.
16:13You mafia guys seem to find a whole lot of ways around the rules, though.
16:16Well, yeah.
16:18It's not so much the letter of the law as it is the spirit, if you know what I'm saying.
16:23Anyway, this piece of shit Tommaso,
16:28you know, he's running around with my daughter,
16:30which, in and of itself, it's not the end of the world that happens to the best of us.
16:34But the issue is, Tommaso's doing it in such a public way that it's insulting to my family.
16:41And that's why I come in.
16:43Now look, this is gonna have to be between the two of us.
16:46That's why I didn't contact your sister.
16:49I don't like mixing my businesses. It confuses the conversations.
16:54Rock ain't the king of me.
16:56I got my own life and my own interests.
16:59I do what I do.
17:01Yeah, a man after my own heart, huh?
17:04All right.
17:06So we're agreed.
17:08You'll set my son-in-law straight for me, and we'll keep this to ourselves.
17:14You give me that information.
17:16I'm gonna roll up on that sucker and see what he's talking about.
17:19Marvin, a friend in need is a friend indeed.
17:27I know I say this to you every time that we meet,
17:31but I just cannot help but remember when you were in the 10th grade
17:35and I encouraged you to take the test to go to Stuyvesant.
17:39That seems like another lifetime ago.
17:43Things tonight are supposed to, Dr. West.
17:47Our lives are what we make of them, Kanan.
17:50And your grades are what you make of them.
17:52Which is why you're here.
17:56Ms. Terrell tells me that if you don't turn in your research paper
17:59on one of your grandparents before the end of this semester,
18:02you'll fail her class,
18:04which will put you in violation of the terms set forth
18:06by the social worker who's managing your court case.
18:09I told Ms. Terrell I'd do a paper.
18:12I just wanted to do it on something else.
18:14I ain't really got no grandparents to write about.
18:17I spoke to your mother.
18:19She said you were a good kid.
18:20I spoke to your mother,
18:22who says that both your grandmother and your late grandfather
18:26have wonderful histories you could explore.
18:30You don't get to decide what work you're assigned, Kanan.
18:33This paper has to get done.
18:51This is for the pain.
18:53But he really should be in a hospital early.
18:56He ain't going nowhere.
18:58I don't know who did this to him.
19:00And I don't know if they're still out there
19:02waiting to finish the damn job.
19:04Just last week, we had a German shepherd
19:06who got hit by a car and had similar head trauma.
19:09When the dog finally regained consciousness,
19:12he turned vicious.
19:14Gave one of my nurses stitches with a needle.
19:17And he's still alive.
19:18Gave one of my nurses stitches.
19:20We had to put him down.
19:22Last time I checked,
19:24this fucked up nigga ain't a German shepherd.
19:26He paying me for safety and security,
19:28and that's what he getting.
19:30You may be keeping him secure,
19:32but I can't say that this is safe.
19:49Hell no.
19:51Can't write about my family.
19:53You don't even know them.
19:55That's why I'm trying to learn, man.
19:57I mean, they my grandparents too, right?
19:59Could be good for me to know who they are.
20:01Why don't you just write about your mother's parents, man?
20:03Nah, then I gotta talk to her.
20:05And I'm really not about that right now.
20:08You can't write about my peoples.
20:13What if somebody put two and two together?
20:15Start asking questions.
20:16Realize you ain't Def Con's son.
20:18You want people to know you a cop's kid?
20:23Look, I haven't given up on you and me.
20:27I'm still thinking,
20:29maybe we can connect.
20:31Be something to each other.
20:33I mean, we ain't there yet.
20:35Maybe we can get there.
20:37I'm hoping we can get there.
20:40But you,
20:42writing some history paper about my family?
20:43That just ain't smart, yo.
20:49I gotta get back to work.
20:52Hey yo, for future reference,
20:54showing up to my place of business
20:56is probably not the brightest idea you ever had.
21:08Aisha never stops raving about you two.
21:10Aisha never stops raving about you jukebox.
21:15Which is a nickname I absolutely love.
21:18And I need to know the origin of it.
21:20Thank you for having me.
21:22And jukebox is what my family called me
21:24because I was always singing when I was young.
21:27What do your parents do, jukebox?
21:31Actually, my mom's passed kind of recently.
21:35Aisha told us.
21:37And we're sorry about that.
21:39And my dad,
21:41he does a whole lot of different things.
21:43Juke's dad is so cool.
21:46He's been to a few of our rehearsals
21:48and says the funniest stuff.
21:50My dad always talking.
21:52So what are your plans for next year, jukebox?
21:56Where are you thinking about going to college?
21:59Can Juke just enjoy her dinner
22:01without being interrogated by you guys?
22:05I don't know.
22:06You guys?
22:09Right now, I'm kind of just focused on better, I guess.
22:12Seeing where that goes.
22:16Well, this singing group
22:18is a wonderful extracurricular activity for you girls.
22:20But it's a diversion.
22:22It's a lark.
22:26Thanks for stomping on our hopes and dreams,
22:28mom and dad.
22:30We are not stomping on anything.
22:32Last time I checked,
22:34you've been dreaming of going to Spelman
22:36and not everybody has to have the same dreams.
22:40I'm quite certain Jukebox
22:42wants a bright future for herself.
23:01I want to do it in the car again.
23:07How is it?
23:32This nigga don't give a fuck at all.
23:37Does the father know?
23:42Are you planning on telling him?
23:45He's dead.
23:49Is that why you're terminating the pregnancy?
23:51Well, I ain't got no room
23:53for another kid in my life right now.
23:55Just so you're aware,
23:57you are going to need to meet
23:59with one of the clinic's social workers
24:01when you return for your follow-up.
24:03We are just getting started.
24:04We are just as concerned
24:06about your emotional well-being
24:08as we are about your physical health.
24:10Let's get the schedule.
24:18Yo, Hurley.
24:20Give me the keys to one of them rides, man.
24:23Just where the fuck you think you're going?
24:27I gotta let Vanessa and Jerome
24:29know I'm alive.
24:31Doc says you in a danger zone.
24:32Need to stay your ass in bed.
24:34I'm paying you
24:36to do what the fuck
24:38I tell you to do, nigga.
24:40You ain't paying me shit, boy.
24:42I'm still waiting on my fucking money.
24:44Give me them keys.
24:59This fool won't get behind the wheel.
25:00Can't even walk across my damn kitchen.
25:09Clown-ass motherfucker, man.
25:17Special occasion over here.
25:20I'm the President of the United States.
25:22Not often
25:24my grandson comes calling.
25:28to what do I owe this pleasure?
25:30Because you know I love
25:32seeing you any chance I get.
25:34I'm sorry I haven't come over more often.
25:36I just,
25:38I've been caught up with the school stuff.
25:41You don't ever
25:43need to apologize to me, baby.
25:45I'm not your mother.
25:47I don't put expectations
25:49and demands on you.
25:50Look, I got this assignment.
25:52Gotta write a research paper
25:54on one of my grandparents.
25:56Just thinking I'll write it
25:58on Grandpa Elijah.
26:00Like, I done heard
26:02so many stories about him,
26:04but I don't know that story,
26:06if you know what I'm saying.
26:08I know exactly what you're saying.
26:10And I think it's a great idea.
26:12You should know more
26:14about your grandfather.
26:16You know,
26:17I think it's a great idea.
26:19You should know more
26:21about your grandfather.
26:23Because he would've loved you, Kanan.
26:26You have that
26:28same spirit he had.
26:30That same belief in yourself.
26:33Look, your grandfather
26:35did what he did
26:37because he didn't like his life
26:39and the world around him.
26:41He didn't like me much, neither.
26:43But for most of his life,
26:45he believed he could do
26:47whatever he wanted to do.
26:49That's why he had so many jobs
26:51and interests and passions.
26:53Elijah was capable
26:55and skilled
26:57and brilliant.
27:01Just like you.
27:03I appreciate that.
27:05You don't have to thank me, baby.
27:07I'm your grandma.
27:09I'm supposed to pile praise on you.
27:13I'm gonna tell you my point of view
27:15of your grandfather.
27:17I'm not saying I'm right about all this.
27:19I'm just saying
27:21this is how I remember him.
27:23You got your pencil and paper?
27:25Oh, yeah.
27:36Elijah Thomas
27:38was born in 1925
27:40in Clinch County, Georgia.
27:44His daddy, Charles,
27:45worked on the railroads
27:47as Mama Ruth
27:49did laundry for white folks.
28:16Yo, Tommaso.
28:19You lost?
28:21My bad.
28:23Is Ford green?
28:25Not even close.
28:27You got off on the wrong exit, boy.
28:29Maybe so.
28:31I've never been good with directions.
28:35All right, well,
28:37here's something you should follow.
28:39Get the fuck back in your car right now
28:41and we won't make you eat the fucking curb.
28:45My bad.
28:47I was expecting you to say
28:49that I should make a limited delight
28:51in my second ride or some shit.
28:53But y'all,
28:55y'all crackers got different maps out here, I see.
28:59Y'all have a good night.
29:10It's fucking cool.
29:12I mean, does this look like Ford green?
29:13I don't see no monkeys swinging from the fucking trees, dude.
29:16Come here.
29:20You like that?
29:27The doctor will walk you through
29:29the actual step-by-step process, but...
29:31Ain't my first time.
29:35I didn't see that in your chart.
29:37It was an off-the-books type thing
29:39when I was a lot younger.
29:41I'll let the doctor know.
29:43And I'll see you in the recovery room.
30:04Does it hurt?
30:08It's just uncomfortable, is all.
30:13Those knees.
30:20You want to drop your jaw, yell or some shit,
30:22do what you got to do.
30:24Because I know the shit's got to be a shock.
30:26I mean, it's...
30:28It's a surprise.
30:30It's a surprise that I was carrying
30:32the baby of the nigga I was trying to kill for years.
30:34Come on, Juke.
30:36You got to give me something better than that.
30:40It's a shock.
30:44I can't even believe it.
30:46Like, I don't even know what to say.
30:50That's more like it.
30:53Of course, you got to keep this shit to yourself.
30:58To the grave, Juke.
31:00No, no.
31:05Truth is, I can't even believe the shit myself.
31:08I can't believe none of it.
31:15Did you love him?
31:18I think I could've.
31:38I love you.
31:51This elephant man looking motherfucker eating solid food.
31:58Just give me a couple more days,
32:00and I'm going to be ready to circle back on my brother.
32:04Settle this fucking score.
32:07We don't want to do all that right now.
32:12Like I keep saying,
32:14I don't give a fuck
32:16about what you think I should or shouldn't do, early.
32:21Just hear me out, nigga.
32:23You got a damn superpower at the moment, man.
32:26You invisible.
32:28Everybody think you dead and gone.
32:30Why you want to go and fuck all that up?
32:32Let the dust settle.
32:34Lay back in the cut.
32:35See who comes to fill that hole you left behind.
32:38Because whoever step in behind had a hand in taking you out in the first place.
32:43I don't need to let nothing settle.
32:45Because I already know who did it.
32:48It was my own fucking brother, man.
32:52But maybe he had somebody behind him.
32:55It's a big move for a nigga to make dolo.
32:58Look, horniness,
33:00element of surprise,
33:02is the biggest advantage there is.
33:03And you got that shit in spades right now.
33:08All I'm saying,
33:10you ain't pay me shit,
33:12so I gotta protect my investment.
33:14My investment is you, nigga.
33:16You get took out,
33:18all my money dirty with you.
33:21Well, I'm gonna need you to do some recon for me, then.
33:25See what niggas is talking about out there.
33:29I need to understand the lay of the fucking land.
33:34Trust me when I say this.
33:37Just cause I'm invisible right now,
33:41don't mean you ain't gonna see your fucking money early.
33:49Every debt I owe is gonna get paid.
33:53Every fucking one.
34:04You just gave up, man.
34:06Your grandfather threw up his damn hands.
34:09Check the fuck out.
34:11Didn't think about nobody else when he did it, neither.
34:14Cause him being gone meant me
34:16having to step up and be daddy to your moms and uncle.
34:20Couldn't be no kid no more.
34:22Cause I had to raise Rock and Lou.
34:24Had to help out any way I could.
34:26What your grandfather did
34:29was selfish, man.
34:31And weak.
34:33To him, it felt like it answered all his problems.
34:36But all he did was leave them problems behind.
34:40And some new ones, too, for the rest of us to figure out.
34:44So you don't have no good memories of him, then?
34:49I don't.
34:51I don't.
34:52You don't have no good memories of him, then?
34:57Of course I do.
34:59I love that nigga, man.
35:02He was my father.
35:05That's why it hurt so bad.
35:08That's why I stay hurting.
35:18I remember when he was prize fighting.
35:22that's when your mom was still young and Lou was a baby.
35:25He'd take me to his fights and
35:27I'd see him put fools on they backs.
35:31You know what that's like for a little nigga?
35:34Seeing his pops do that to another man?
35:39I remember it felt like
35:41his muscles was my muscles.
35:43Like nobody could fuck with me.
35:50I loved him most
35:52out of everybody.
35:57Which is why
36:00I can't never forgive him.
36:02I can't never forgive him.
36:24It's all rock out, D.
36:29Picked up all the work, man.
36:31And she moving out of that old Chinese spot
36:34that you was fucking with, too.
36:36Yeah, I can't say for sure,
36:39but it's also sounding like
36:41she getting her supply from your old connect.
36:43This bitch tell me she done.
36:45Now she got my work.
36:51She let me get shit up and running
36:53just so she could take it from me.
36:57And your brother fucking with Rock's kid, too.
36:59Ronnie and that boy working together.
37:12So you was right then, huh?
37:15Rock had Ronnie's back.
37:17He conspiring against me and shit.
37:24Kenny had Ronnie take me out for his mom's
37:26so she could take me out.
37:28I mean,
37:30you jumping to a lot of conclusions there,
37:32but some of it sound like it could be real.
37:35It's her fucking son, nigga.
37:37That motherfucker don't wipe his nose
37:39without her say so.
37:41They all working together against me, man.
37:44Rock do this with every nigga
37:46she's ever been with.
37:48F-Con to Hot Posts.
37:51She plays them
37:53and she takes what they got.
37:54That's how she do.
37:56You ain't been a man like that.
38:03Yo, you got a gat?
38:06That's what you gonna do with it?
38:08Hold it, nigga.
38:52This bitch think I'm dead.
38:55I ain't never been motherfucking alive.
39:06What your mom say about your grandfather?
39:09I ain't really talk to her.
39:12Ain't you back home because of the school shit?
39:15That don't mean me and her talking.
39:18But look,
39:20I'm still learning shit about your grandfather
39:22that I didn't know.
39:24But here's something your moms and grandma
39:26don't understand about your grandpa.
39:28Nigga was a creator.
39:32He'd take nothing,
39:34turn it into something.
39:36Was real good with his hands.
39:38Go used to make a lot of the furniture
39:40we had up in the crib.
39:42And I know you know he was a hell of a horn player.
39:45Yeah. Oh.
39:47Make a blow, boy.
39:49I mean, he get lost in his shit.
39:51He close his eyes.
39:53He blow that horn.
39:55He was a million miles away.
39:58Somewhere better than here.
40:00He always work for himself.
40:02He was his own fucking man.
40:04Never lick no nigga boots.
40:06Never took no shit from nobody.
40:08Wish I could say the fucking same about myself.
40:13You know, I used to be real angry at him
40:15for leaving us like he did.
40:17And I'd bring my bedding,
40:18and scream into my pillow
40:20so no one could hear me.
40:22Raging at that motherfucker.
40:25Then I'm older, though.
40:29I understand him better.
40:33I understand why he did what he did better, too.
40:38Death gotta be easy, kid.
40:40Because life is fucking hard.
40:42Yo, Mikey.
40:44Sorry about that check.
40:46I thought you saw me coming.
40:48No, you didn't.
40:50You're right, I didn't.
40:52Fuck you, Tommaso.
40:54Oh, don't get your panties in a bunch.
40:56You're fine.
41:00I'm sorry.
41:02I'm sorry.
41:04I'm sorry.
41:06I'm sorry.
41:08I'm sorry.
41:09I'm sorry.
41:18Who the dumb Ofe motherfucker
41:20stand out in some brick-ass cold,
41:22peep the fucking sheet of ice,
41:24and thought, yo,
41:26let's slide around on that shit.
41:28Fucking sticks in our hands.
41:30I got off on the right exit this time,
41:32little boy.
41:34Who the fuck are you?
41:36You've been disrespecting your wife
41:38with that other bitch.
41:40I'm here to tell you to knock that shit off.
41:42You following my directions, nigga?
41:44Say it out loud, motherfucker!
41:46I hear you.
41:53You're dead.
42:06What are you doing?
42:09Working on this paper
42:11on Grandpa Elijah.
42:13Yeah, yeah, school called me on that.
42:15I meant to talk to you about it,
42:17but I got caught up in other things.
42:21So you ain't got no questions for me
42:23about your grandfather?
42:25I mean, you know I was his favorite.
42:27I mean, you know I was his favorite.
42:29I mean, you know I was his favorite.
42:31I mean, you know I was his favorite.
42:33I mean, you know I was his favorite.
42:35I talked to Grandma, Uncle Marvin,
42:37and Uncle Lou.
42:39They gave me what I needed.
42:47You know it don't matter to me
42:49what you think of me, Kenan.
42:51It don't matter to me at all.
42:54I don't need you to love me
42:56for me to love you back.
43:02You understand what I'm saying?
43:05I love you.
43:07So much.
43:11Don't matter if you hate me.
43:35I love you.
44:05I'm so happy to hear from you, Laverne.
44:07I just wanted to say thank you
44:09for telling me about that audition.
44:11I decided to try out after all,
44:13and I got picked for the group.
44:15Oh my gosh!
44:19That is such wonderful news.
44:23Oh, I am so happy for you.
44:28Nicole would be so happy for you.
44:32Wow, but I thought you said
44:33you were tired of singing,
44:35that you didn't want to do it anymore.
44:38I thought I'd give it a shot.
44:40I'll do it to myself, I guess.
44:42Well, you did, and you do.
44:46I'm so proud for you.
44:50Here you go, honey.
44:52There was something I wanted to ask you.
44:56I remember Nicole saying to me one time
44:58that you were in the Army back in the day.
45:00I was just wondering what that was like
45:01and how you felt about it and all that.
45:04Are you thinking about enlisting in the military?
45:07It's something I'm considering.
45:10Well, I was on an ROTC scholarship in college,
45:13which requires four years of service after graduation.
45:17I served in the intelligence branch.
45:19And for me, the service helped.
45:22It taught me discipline, commitment.
45:25It gave me some direction that I lacked.
45:27But the Army's not for everyone.
45:28The Army's a very conservative institution,
45:31especially when it comes to certain societal issues.
45:40But look, you're going to be a huge pop star,
45:44so you're not going to have time for anything else.
45:47Tell me about the group.
45:49It's called Butter with an A.
45:52Ooh, Butter with an A.
45:54I love it.
45:55I'm going to buy 20 copies of the record
45:57just because of the name alone.
46:04Wow, wow, I'm so proud of you.
46:14We ain't open yet.
46:16Not here for a drink, Lou.
46:20Oh, shit.
46:22It's Jess.
46:23It's me.
46:27Fame told me you was working here a while ago.
46:32I like it.
46:34No, you don't.
46:36It ain't high post enough for you.
46:38I'm still a Southside Jamaica girl, Lou.
46:40I won't ever change.
46:42That Cali life look good on you, though.
46:44It never rains over there.
46:46It feels like you're always on vacation.
46:48Shit, I could use a vacation.
46:50You could do big things in L.A.
46:51And what?
46:53Leave all this behind.
47:00I heard about Crown.
47:02Crown, yeah.
47:04The niggas there finally caught up to him.
47:06And they still don't know who did it.
47:08Crown was owing crazy Lou to a lot of people.
47:13Anyway, I'm in town for a minute
47:16just doing some label meetings.
47:18Family doesn't even know I'm here,
47:19so I wanted to stop by and see you.
47:21Now you see me.
47:30You know, I tell the people I work with
47:32about you all the time.
47:34Always talking about how talented and smart you are.
47:38How one day we all gonna be working for Lou Thomas.
47:47Anyway, I gotta get going.
47:50But I'll be back in New York soon,
47:52so maybe I'll come through and see you.
47:55Would though.
47:57It'd be okay, too.
48:00You know, one day you're gonna have to forgive yourself
48:02for all this shit that wasn't even your fault
48:04in the first place.
48:19I miss you.
48:30Man, you got us out here all day and night
48:32delivering shit.
48:34You gotta make it worth our while.
48:36We need more money.
48:38So the other niggas sent you in here
48:40to negotiate with me for their fucking races.
48:43They know I'm about business.
48:45We paying y'all way more than Paul was hitting you off
48:47for his courier shit.
48:49But Paul was only working us nine to five
48:51Monday to Friday.
48:53You got us out here 24-7.
48:55You making 24-7 money?
48:57Ain't enough.
49:00All right, I'll run some numbers.
49:02I'll get back to y'all and I'll see what's good.
49:07I'll let the crew know.
49:12Everybody always wants home.
49:14Shit never ends.
49:15You can't ever control the money coming in.
49:18You can only control what's going out.
49:21What the fuck you know about it, Crystal?
49:24My father owned a health food store.
49:27And before he bounced on us,
49:29he was always telling me this stuff.
49:31What else your father have to say?
49:33If everyone else go in one way,
49:35you go the other.
49:37Because that's where the opportunity is.
49:39Where you get that shit?
49:41A cereal box or something?
49:45Grandma, where are you?
49:51I'm on the way.
49:54It's your grandmother.
49:56She at the hospital.
49:58I gotta go, I'll get at you later.
50:00Wait, you want me to come with you?
50:06Come on, Mama.
50:08Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit.
50:09Try this on for size, huh?
50:11Here, let me light it for you.
50:15Yeah, there you go, there you go.
50:18Hey, so, Tommaso,
50:21he just booked a cruise to the Bahamas
50:24for him and Paulette.
50:26So whatever you said did the trick.
50:29I just told him a good woman's hard to find.
50:32Hey, so's a dismembered body.
50:34Hey, Marvin, I owe you one.
50:36And believe me, that's great news for you.
50:57You must be the grandson.
51:01I'll let you two talk.
51:08Grandma, what happened?
51:10I fainted.
51:12It's no big deal.
51:14Happens at my age.
51:16They're gonna discharge me in about an hour or so,
51:19which is why I called you.
51:21I could use a little help getting home.
51:24Hey, of course.
51:32Why did you faint, though?
51:34This boy always asks the right questions.
51:40Your grandmother has kidney cancer.
51:42The treatment makes me weak sometimes,
51:46which is what happened today.
51:48But I'm okay.
51:50Like I said, they're letting me go home.
51:56So Mom and Uncle Marvin and Uncle Lou know?
52:03You're the only one in the family who knows.
52:06And I'd like to keep it that way.
52:11I don't want everyone coming around,
52:14making this about themselves
52:16and all their problems with their mother.
52:23I'm asking you to keep this to yourself.
52:33I got you.
52:39I know.
52:40I know.
53:04You can't drive like this.
53:06I'm all right.
53:08You're not. You're not. You're not.
53:10You give me those keys
53:12and let me drive this shit to a fucking tree.
53:14I'm not letting you do that.
53:17Go over here.
53:20All right.
53:22In we go.
53:24All right. Here's a step.
53:26There we go.
53:28All right.
53:30Now we've got a step here.
53:32That's it.
53:34That's it.
53:36That's it.
53:37So, how are you feeling?
53:39Your feelings, that is.
53:41How are your feelings feeling?
53:43They're fine.
53:45I'm fine.
53:53Your chart says that the father is recently deceased.
53:58I'm sure that makes for some complicated emotions.
54:01Well, the only thing that makes it complicated
54:04is conversations like this.
54:05That kind of a loss,
54:07coupled with a terminated pregnancy,
54:09is a lot to grapple with.
54:11Everybody losing something every day.
54:13Time, money, people.
54:15It all comes and goes.
54:17And you can fight that shit all you want,
54:19cry about how it ain't fair,
54:21but it ain't gonna change shit.
54:23You expected me to kick and scream
54:25about what I gave up here
54:27and what I lost before,
54:29but I don't do that.
54:31That ain't me.
54:33It ain't never gonna be me.
54:35And I'm gonna get mine.
54:37You can be goddamn sure of that.
54:42My feelings is good.
54:44Nobody need to worry about them
54:46and nobody need to worry about me.
54:51I appreciate you, Tom.
55:05I appreciate you.
55:36Now here we are.
55:38Back where the fuck we started.
55:42See, you thought you knew everything.
55:44But turns out you didn't.
55:48Because nobody know everything.
55:50And it's better that way.
55:53Because if you knew everything,
55:55you'd know too much.
55:59You know how I feel.
56:01You know how I feel.
56:03You know how I feel.
56:05You know how many times you've been lied to.
56:08How many times you done lied to yourself.
56:12You know how many times you came close to dying.
56:16How many times you almost made somebody die.
56:20And knowing about them lies and dying,
56:23that ain't no fucking way to live.
56:29Not at all.
56:31You know the difference between right and wrong?
56:33You alive because of me.
56:35This is a variable business, Kanan.
56:37You can't predict much except trouble.
56:39It's a constant.
56:41The king is back.
56:43I think it's time I show my face up in this motherfucker.
56:46Here you are.
56:48Behind your mother's back.
56:50I don't feel safe in this apartment, Kanan.
56:52Unique is alive as hell.
56:54He doing anything he can to hurt us.
56:56Soldiers are made.
56:57Killers are born.