• 2 days ago
Hi! Welcome to 48 hours in my life where I go car shopping, get a brand new car + decorating, thrifting for a trip and so much more! I hope you guys enjoy today's vlog :)

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00:00It's currently 8 o'clock, so let's get dressed to go on a walk
00:30It's a crisp 57 degrees outside right now and it feels so good very happy
00:38I put this jacket on but it's so pretty today, and I can feel like it's just gonna be a good day
00:43I personally like getting up at 7 and making my own routine now that I like live on my own
00:47So you get a lot more time when you wake up early, which I love now that I'm back home
00:51I'm gonna make some breakfast
00:55I'm gonna make a mini bagel with blueberry cream cheese, and then I'll have turkey sausage
01:00And then I'm gonna make a sandwich
01:21So today's plan guys, it's 916 right now
01:24I have to be at my parents house at 1030 because we're going car shopping today
01:27I'll talk about that later on but I need to shower
01:30I need to get ready and I also need to take my car through a car wash and deep clean it just in case I
01:35Get rid of it today. I don't know if that's happening, but we'll see so so I kind of need to get a move on it
01:42I wish I didn't have to shower
01:44But my hair is just really greasy and I don't want to wear it up today
01:47So I'm gonna try and take a quick five-minute shower. Love you. Bye. Oh
01:53I just got off the phone with my mom
01:54She called me like as I was drying off
01:56The reason why I was meeting them at 1030 was because my sister has work today
02:00And so mark and obviously my mom's going mark has to take Ellie to work
02:04So now we're meeting at the dealership at noon. It's 930. I was planning on leaving here at 945
02:11At least we don't have to rush now gives us more time
02:13I also need to take my car through the car wash get that done. So we'll have time to do that as well
02:18I'm gonna be leaving around 11 o'clock from my place to meet them at the dealership at noon because unfortunately
02:23I'm about an hour drive from the dealership that I want to go to which is insane. I
02:34Just left the house it's currently at 1052. Our first stop is gonna be the car wash
02:53Okay, I finished cleaning my car it is squeaky clean obviously
02:56I needed to clean it because I don't know if I'm getting rid of my car today. We're trading in
03:00I don't really know what's going on
03:01All I know is we're kind of just looking at cars and seeing where this goes and if I do find one we'll probably go
03:06From there, but we're gonna look at a few dealerships today. We're gonna be looking at Mazda Honda probably Nissan
03:12There's a Volvo here mark knows a lot about cars
03:14So he kind of just tells me which dealership to go to blah blah
03:17So those are my top three Mazda Honda and Nissan
03:20So we'll see you what we find today and I'll keep you guys in the loop
03:31We're in one of the cars, so we're at GMC Buick and Chevy
03:35I think is all-in-one and I'm currently in a Buick and vision guys. I really like it
03:40I love the white seats and my mom's like I think you're gonna really love it
03:43The screen is so nice and look at the sunroof. It's giant and I really like this car
03:49He looked at Mazda's I liked them
03:51But I didn't love them and I think you need to love a car in order to be like, okay
03:55This is the one look at the screen. That's insane. I love this gold trim the blue
04:00I was kind of like, hmm, but it's kind of growing on me. I think it's really cool. It's very unique
04:03I love the white interior. I just overall love how classy and clean this car looks and like this is really cool. That's awesome
04:10So I am test driving this car
04:12Which this is probably the most stressful part about car shopping is like test driving because it's not yours and like you have to drive
04:18But thankfully we're not in like a busy part
04:21It's the car guys, it's a Buick and vision it's black with white interior or here's the same car
04:27This is like a plum color. It's kind of like girly. It kind of looks pink. I don't know and here's the inside
04:34So we don't have the white interior. We have like a two-tone interior going on and there's no blue here
04:40This is more of like a rose gold
04:42Which this one's also nice as well
04:44And what I like about this one is that the wheels are black instead of chrome then here's the back
04:50But I just love the white interior and the other one
04:53So, I don't know guys and they also have a red one
04:55But I said no to red because I've never liked a red car at least here. She's looking at my car
05:01She said she really likes it. Oh, he's driving. No, what are your thoughts? Give me the thought?
05:07Literally the one I wanted again, should I get it? No, I'm in dry. Okay Park. Here's the Sun roof
05:12Yeah, now I'm sitting in the passenger seat at least that she really likes the blue
05:15So, I don't know guys it is very much later as you know, it's like almost night time. It's currently 632
05:22I am so over car shopping. It took all day. We've been out since noon. I really really loved the Buick and vision
05:29It was so nice. It was so beautiful. I love the white leather
05:32You guys know this but when it came to the lease payments
05:35It's just outrageous. It's literally ten times more than what I'm paying for this car
05:40It did not work out financially. So we are not getting that car. I mean outrageous
05:45Okay, so my mom was like you should go look at the Sarasota Buick dealership
05:49So I did found one that I really really liked it was white on the outside black on the inside
05:53It didn't have a sunroof, which honestly I don't even use this thing. So didn't really matter to me
05:57That's the only difference. I think it was also cheaper and the lease payments were also cheaper as well
06:02Obviously depends on like what you put down on the car how long you do the lease
06:06Like I said, I always do three years and then 12,000 miles each year. Am I in a rush to get a new car?
06:11No, but I guess we got a nice first round of looking at new cars. Love the Buick. Am I gonna get it?
06:17I don't know. It just all comes down to it when I start looking at all of the cars. I really want to look at
06:22Nissan's like Nissan Rogues. We didn't make it there today. And I also want to look at maybe Toyota
06:28I don't know
06:28Maybe just look at all the dealerships and see what you can find when the times right and we find the right car it will
06:32Happen so right now we need to make a quick pit stop at Walgreens because I need to pick up my birth control because I ran
06:38Out guys, they closed at 6 literally 30 minutes ago. I don't have birth control for tonight
06:44So I will have to come back and pick it up tomorrow, which is annoying, but that's okay
06:49I did not know they close at 6 on Saturday, but I should have looked it up, but that's okay
06:53So we'll do that tomorrow I guess
07:29Don't know
07:44Good morning guys. It is the next day. I'm getting ready to leave but I wanted to show you guys my outfit for today
07:50I am kind of obsessed with it. This top is from Billabong
07:54These pants are from free people. This bag is from dandy worldwide outfit is so cute
07:59So colorful and I love it. I'm changing out my bags really quick before we leave
08:03I am headed up to Tampa today, which I'm super excited about because I love that area
08:08Indie flea market is currently going on right now. I think the hours are from 12 to 4
08:12It's truly one of my favorite markets. So you best believe I'm driving all the way up there for that market
08:18You're probably thinking why would you drive all the way up there for just a market guys?
08:21There's only three left and then they're done for the season
08:24So we are going today and I'm so excited
08:27It's also gonna stop at like one of my favorite coffee shops in st
08:30Pete since it's on the way called bean wandering. It's like the canned iced coffee. It's so good
08:35But they're closed today and I'm so mad. I've been looking forward to that coffee for so long
08:40You guys have no idea but it's okay. We can stop somewhere else
08:44Let's we're not going to the coffee shop in st
08:46Anymore and we sort of have like an hour and 15 minute drive that calls for a coffee
08:51So we're making a pit stop at Duncan. Hi, can I do a medium iced latte one pump of vanilla, please?
08:59Yes, please. Thank you
09:04Hope they made it right today now that we have a coffee. Let's hit the road
09:12We made it
09:37Back in the car and the only thing I ended up getting I was kind of just looking at the clothes because I'm going somewhere in
09:43April and I just really wanted to find like clothing for that trip
09:46But there's a really cute air freshener stand and I had to get one cuz look how cute it is
09:52It has a little hibiscus flower on it and it smells so freaking good. You have to take out this like stopper
09:58She used scissors. I don't really know how I'm gonna
10:01Wait, I got it
10:03You put the lid back on and then you turn it upside down. It basically goes through the cap, which is kind of cool
10:08So let's hang this up. Oh, it's so cute. I love it
10:13Lighting is really bad, but it's so cute
10:15I found this place called stained marketplace and it has like vintage pieces whether that's clothing jewelry
10:23Furniture, so we're gonna check it out. I mean, they're open doesn't hurt to look
10:39I didn't find anything in there, but it was a really cool place
10:42We're gonna make one more stop and then we need to get lunch because it's 222 and I haven't ate lunch
10:46So my last stop is Avalon Exchange
11:13I got home around an hour and a half ago. I've just been chilling on my couch
11:17I was editing some tick tocks, but I wanted to show you guys what I got at Avalon Exchange
11:21I didn't plan on getting anything, but I tried these two pieces on I was like, okay
11:25I have to get them. These are not for my trip in April
11:28I just got them because they were really cute. Look at this little blue tank top. I am obsessed
11:31This is perfect for summer
11:33Some of you might think this is like an old grandma top
11:35But I just think this is so precious with like the lace trim and the floral detailing
11:39This is me in a shirt. So I had to get it. It was really cute on so I got those two things
11:44But since it is 613, I'm heading over to my family's house because we're doing family dinner
11:50But I need to go upstairs and do a quick outfit change so much better
11:54But I just stepped outside to get in my car. Why is it freezing? Why is it literally freezing outside?
11:59I'm gonna go put on sweatpants
12:04So much better everyone always asks me why I wear clothing like this duh
12:09Because it's comfy it's truly the best feeling being able to wear comfy clothes
12:27Couple days have passed and I got a brand new car. So I have to give you guys a car tour
12:32I also have all of my stuff out of my Jeep that I need to put back into my new car
12:36So we'll do that later on but let me give you guys a tour
12:40So I ended up going with a 2025 Buick Envision ST and I am so in love with this car guys
12:47I love it so much
12:49I've had it for the past two days and I love it more as the days go on and I'm so happy with my decision
12:54When I first looked at the first Buick that I loved with like the blue interior, I knew that it was the car
13:00I just instantly loved it
13:02And I really liked how it drove when we did the test drive and looking at other cars at other dealerships
13:08None of them like measured up to this one. So I did go with it. Let's talk about the exterior
13:12I have a white exterior and since it's a ST we get black rims black trim
13:18And I think that's what sold me with this car
13:20I just think it makes it look so elegant and so classy black and the white just looks so good together and out of all
13:26The cars that I was looking at I think this car looks the best on the outside
13:30Honestly gives off like a sporty look which I kind of like it's a little bit bigger than my Jeep not so much height wise
13:35But it's definitely longer and wider, which I really like overall
13:38I'm really happy that I went with a white car with the black rims and the trim
13:42I just think it looks so good. And that's ultimately what sold me
13:46Obviously we have the interior which is honestly my favorite part about the entire car
13:50So so let me show you so let me show you guys the interior now for the interior. It looks so good
13:55We have the beautiful steering wheel the giant screen. It's so big guys all the buttons right here control the temperature
14:03I've only had this car for two days. So I'm still learning all of the buttons
14:06That's right here controls my windshield wipers front and rear this right here is my gear shift guys
14:13I am still getting used to it
14:15I'm always used to mine being right here, especially my Honda and my Jeep
14:19But basically you just move this forward you go up to reverse you go down to drive now as far as the screen
14:24There's a lot of buttons. I'm still figuring it out. But we have Alexa climate. We have a Wi-Fi hotspot audio camera
14:31We have Apple CarPlay which I'll show you guys in a second once I connect and then we just have a bunch of buttons
14:36Right here. We're on the home page right now. This button just changes the layout of the screen. We have music
14:42You have Sirius XM Bluetooth bunch of stuff you have Google Maps, which is nice
14:46But I just use Apple CarPlay and like the maps on my phone
14:49This is to pair your phone and then this I think is just like these
14:53Controls and safety settings and buttons this button controls your light
14:57So right now mine are on auto and then I also have heated seats as well
15:00Now this is the screen behind the steering wheel basically everything you need
15:03But I think it's really cool that it displays the time date and temperature and then this button over here, which is really cool
15:10I hope you guys can see it on camera. I don't know if you oh, I think you can
15:13Do you see the zero miles per hour? It's a little display
15:16So when I'm looking at the road, I can see how fast I'm going and also gives you directions
15:19Which is really nice. So you don't have to look down here in this car
15:22I do have a sunroof and it goes all the way back to the back seats, which is really nice
15:27So it's like super big. So let's open it up for you guys
15:33It literally goes so far back so it lets in a lot of natural lighting which I love and I cannot wait to have the
15:39Top open especially in summer as far as this we have a hidden
15:43Compartment that has the charger ports and a wireless charger, which is so awesome
15:48I just usually keep this closed this style right here is the volume two cup holders and this thing right here
15:55I think just hold your phone. I think that's what that is meant for now as far as sound
15:58I would say it's pretty good
15:59This car has both speakers, which is really nice and I swear the volume goes up to like 200
16:04It can get really loud in this car, which I think is crazy
16:06I can't even turn it halfway up without it hurting my ears
16:09That's how loud it gets for the middle console you just click a button and these two open so you have a decent space right
16:14Here for storage as you guys can see I do have a red interior, which is so not like me
16:20But honestly, I am such a big fan. It's more of like a deep burgundy
16:25It kind of looks purple to me like more of a plum color and I am so obsessed with it
16:29The other Buick that I was looking at had the chrome package
16:32So the rims weren't black the exterior was white
16:34But the seats were black and ultimately this car just looked so much better
16:38I am so obsessed with the seats makes it so sporty and like classy and luxurious and I am just a big fan
16:45We of course have the passenger seat and here is the back row
16:49Here's the Apple CarPlay display, which I think is their like biggest design flaw. Obviously, it's not that big of a deal
16:54I just don't understand why it's not the full screen and then over here
16:57It also says what you're playing and that is my car tour. The trunk is just a trunk
17:02It's pretty spacious and we'll fit a lot of things but that is it and I like I've said so many times
17:07I am so obsessed with this car and I'm so happy and so grateful
17:10And I cannot wait to drive this for the next three years
17:12I end up leasing this car again three years 12k miles each year
17:17Which is what I've done with my Honda and my Jeep just can't believe this is my car like it's so weird
17:21So my Jeep lease was ending this year or some other reasons as to why I needed to go car shopping like pretty soon
17:28So that's why we have a brand new car. So hopefully that clears up some things
17:31So for decorations, I don't really have anything. I think the car speaks for itself
17:35I don't want to decorate it and do anything too crazy. So I'm basically just gonna be using the same stuff
17:40I had in my Jeep. I will say though. I found these car coasters
17:43I think these were for my Jeep, but they were too small
17:45And I think these are gonna be too small now for these cup holders. They're a little small, but I don't think it looks bad
17:50I just love the print of them
17:52So, I mean, I guess I can just leave these in here. These are obviously necessary for the state of Florida
17:56So I don't really have anywhere to put them up here. So trunk it is
18:00I have this little self-care bag that I made for my Jeep. I think this bag is from Amazon
18:04I'll show you guys what's in it. So we obviously have tampons. I have a little hair clip
18:09We have chapstick which I don't even know why this is in here because it's just gonna melt
18:12I have this little oil roller pen because you never know you might need a pen. Oh, I just lost it
18:17Okay, I got it. I also just have a bunch of chargers in here as well
18:22Which it fits perfectly. This is my change purse. It has a little smile on it. It's a little dirty
18:27I need to get another one just kind of overflowing with coins. I just keep this in my car because of tolls
18:32Here's my glove compartment. We have a band-aid kit car registration and my insurance holder and then I just have napkins in there
18:39Here's my cup holders. They're a little small, but that's okay. I think they're really cute. And here's this
18:43I added my sunglasses a hair clip self-care bag and then my Queens that is all I have in there
18:49And we just need to put those in my trunk and that completes my official car tour
18:53I just had to show you guys before this video is over
18:55So I hope you guys enjoyed today's video make sure this video a big thumbs up
18:58You enjoyed it and I'll see you soon and back in more videos. Bye guys
