• 3 days ago
Lost in the Maze 2025 film that tells the story of two men navigating the Uraricoera River deep in the Amazon jungle. Their journey takes a harrowing turn when their boat capsizes in wild rapids, leaving them lost in the maze

The movie follows their survival story as they face the challenges of the Amazon jungle. With a runtime of 1 hour and 35 minutes, "Lost in the Maze" promises to be a thrilling adventure film.

Lost in the Maze 2025 adventure film that follows the story of two men navigating the Uraricoera River deep in the Amazon jungle.

Their journey takes a harrowing turn when their boat capsizes in wild rapids, leaving them lost in the maze. The movie follows their survival story as they face the challenges of the Amazon jungle.

Cast :
Alex Morehead as one of the two main characters
Mark Denman as the second main character

Genre : Adventure, Thriller

Runtime : 1 hour 35 minutes

#LostInTheMaze, #AdventureFilm, #ThrillerMovie, #AmazonJungle, #SurvivalStory, #2025Movies, #UpcomingMovies, #movies, #film, #movie, #cinema, #films, #hollywood, #actor, #s, #love, #art, #cinematography, #netflix, #horror, #actress, #moviescenes, #music, #filmmaking, #cinephile, #tv, #horrormovies, #bollywood, #comedy, #movienight, #photography, #cine, #instagood, #instagram, #director, #moviereview, #drama,
