• 1 hour ago
Today we do 50 Grian approved Minecraft Pranks on the Lifesteal SMP.

If you liked @Pangi in this video, he's really close to 100k subs so you should go over and subscribe!

Grian's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp-VBg3LFqY

Thank you to Derapchu, Pangi, 4CVIT, ChiefXD, SB737, Leowook, and rekrap2 for putting up with my antics making appearances in this video!
00:00So the YouTuber Grian posted a video where he showcased 50 ways to mess with your friends in Minecraft.
00:05But for how funny these pranks were, Grian never actually did any of these on his friends.
00:09So today, I wanted to test all 50 of these pranks on my friends to see how good they actually are,
00:14but more importantly, which pranks give us the best reactions.
00:18Oh my god!
00:20Why are there chickens up there?
00:23Who's doing this?
00:24But, to be able to do all 50 of these pranks, we have to start with...
00:28Number one, the angry lectern.
00:30Now for this first one, I thought it would be fitting to do it on our server's angriest member, Deraptu.
00:35Yeah, because I don't like you.
00:37And you're spending your time watching me!
00:39There he is. There he is.
00:40That's his name tagged down right there.
00:42Pop down a lectern in your friend's house, and then run a redstone comparator out of it.
00:47Okay, so we pop down a lectern, and then run a redstone comparator out of it.
00:50Then, connect up the redstone underneath their house to some sort of redstone of your choice.
00:56Now, I'm not going to tell you exactly what to do, but I'll just leave that there, shall I?
01:02There he is. He's found the lectern.
01:04Then, you write a book telling them about your angry lectern.
01:07So, the lectern is saying,
01:09No, don't read me.
01:10I said stop.
01:11Wait, I'm actually scared.
01:12I'm getting so mad with you.
01:13I'm warning you.
01:14Okay, I promise if you continue, we won't be friends.
01:17Oh, but I want to be friends with you, Jared.
01:19Okay, fine. I'll do it on the last page.
01:21Yeah, okay.
01:28It was such a lame explosion.
01:30Number two, Sky High.
01:32So, your friend is afk.
01:34Place a bunch of scaffolding as high as you want.
01:37The higher, the better.
01:38Attach a fishing rod to them, climb up that tower, and then right-click.
01:43Wait, that actually worked.
01:45I'm so sorry, dude.
01:47This is my last poll.
01:50Or, wait.
01:50Then, wait for them to return from their AFK session, and then simply remove the bottom block.
01:57Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, it's him, he's moving. He's back.
02:02Yo, what the? Yo.
02:07I think we gotta get out of here.
02:09Number three, plant power.
02:11Now this one is quite different from the last two we've done, but dare I say,
02:15I think this one's more evil.
02:17And one of them is spamming saplings all around their house,
02:21and I mean really going to town with thousands and thousands of saplings.
02:26Now I saw my friend Pengi was doing a live stream,
02:28and during it was planting trees in his base, so I thought I could help.
02:32Because every sapling you place is a few seconds of your time, but it's a few hours of theirs.
02:38But that's not all for Pengi,
02:39because after he cleans all this up, he can go into his house to find...
02:43Number four, it wasn't me, it was the man in the chicken costume.
02:47I think you know where this is going.
02:49Yeah, I filled up Pengi's house with a bunch of chickens,
02:52but this is actually something I've done in the past,
02:55which could inadvertently help Pengi discover that it was us pranking him.
02:59But don't worry, Grian had the great idea of wearing a chicken costume as a disguise.
03:05He'll never know it was me.
03:06But I'm sorry, Pengi, there's still more.
03:09Because after cleaning up the chickens, he'll go outside and see...
03:12Number five, is it a bird, is it a plane?
03:15This one, if Pengi breaks this scaffolding,
03:18lava up top is going to fall down on top of his house.
03:21And watch them panic as they try and work out
03:24how to stop a big pillar of lava from completely destroying their house.
03:29Now this one felt pretty evil, so after I finished building this prank,
03:33I placed a bunch of signs around it apologizing.
03:35But we're still doing the prank anyway, so it's not like I was that sorry.
03:39How are we doing today?
03:41Oh, he's about to log on.
03:45Please don't see it, please don't see it.
03:47No, he saw the lava, he saw the lava.
03:52No, he got rid of the lava.
03:57Okay, so I guess our first troll was just a complete failure.
04:01Wait, never mind, someone in chat just said W troll, I'll take that.
04:05Why is there so much wood over...
04:14What happened?
04:15Pengi killed all the chickens relatively quickly, so this was like an all right troll.
04:20But then he went on to the tree one, and oh my goodness.
04:24I'm upset.
04:26Why do I always get content grief?
04:27This isn't even at spawn.
04:29This isn't even at spawn, guys.
04:31Are you kidding me?
04:32He's blowing them up.
04:36It's actually pretty effective.
04:37The other day though, chat, I logged onto the server.
04:40Jaron was on, and the second I logged on, I said hi, and he immediately left.
04:46Oh man, why do I have to be so suspicious?
04:48I heard him, I literally heard him.
04:48It could have been Jaron.
04:50Oh my gosh, he still has so many trees.
04:54It's been almost 30 minutes.
04:55Please don't burn my houses.
04:57And he's now just burning them down.
04:59Number six, fake treasure hunts.
05:02Hi, chief.
05:03How's it going, bro?
05:04There's something that might interest you.
05:06All right, I'm listening.
05:07I found something that I think you, and maybe especially your chat, would like.
05:13It's a bit far out, but it'll be worth your while.
05:17I'm sending you the coordinates right now.
05:19Well, I hope you like it.
05:22All right, goodbye.
05:28There he goes.
05:28Let's pull up his stream.
05:29Yo, W Jaron, by the way.
05:31Yo, chat, everyone W Jaron, bro.
05:34You just can't hate Jaron, bro.
05:36He's such a G, bro.
05:37Dude, if it's a trap, bro, Jaron's the ghost, all right?
05:41But the fact that he's not online makes me think it's not a trap.
05:45But it does make me wonder what it could be.
05:47SB is on, SB is on.
05:49Wait, you don't reckon Jaron just gave me SB's coordinates?
05:52Wait, that would actually be insane, bro.
05:54Dude, this is so good.
05:55By me not telling him what it could be, he's hyping himself up.
05:59He's gonna get so excited until it just immediately just crashes.
06:03Dude, I, yo, chat, everyone put in predictions, bro.
06:06Let's see who can guess it correct.
06:08Everyone put in predictions.
06:10He's like getting too into this.
06:11I'm actually starting to feel bad about this one.
06:13I think it's gonna be this.
06:15Oh my gosh, that's it right there.
06:16That's it right there.
06:19Oh, there's a sign.
06:28No, no, no, don't end stream.
06:31No, he's ending stream.
06:33Are we serious right now?
06:36Are we really serious right now?
06:37I've been back on lifesteal for 15 minutes.
06:41I'm doing the walk of shame right now.
06:43This is the walk of shame.
06:45Oh my god.
06:47Number seven, a new feature.
06:50You go to your friend's house and you locate their food chest
06:53and then rename rotten flesh to the same as their food.
06:58So you replace the mutton with rotten mutton.
07:01Wait, did you say you needed food?
07:02Yeah, do you have food?
07:04Here, yeah, yeah.
07:04I have a bunch of golden carrots in this shulker box.
07:07Why do I feel like this is gonna be a bad thing to pick up?
07:10So many golden...
07:16When someone says, why is my food all rotten?
07:18You tell them that it's a new feature in 1.14.
07:23Did you rot your carrots?
07:24Why are my carrots rotted?
07:26How long have you had them in that shulker box?
07:28I don't know.
07:29Hey guys.
07:30Oh, oh, his carrots rotted.
07:33My carrots rotted.
07:35Number eight, don't lose your head.
07:37Now this next one again requires someone to have forgotten they logged out of the server.
07:42You never learn, do you?
07:44You dispense a silly Minecraft head onto them
07:47and see how long it is before they notice that they're wearing one.
07:51I'll be honest, it doesn't even look that different from his regular face.
07:54I don't know if he'll ever notice.
07:56Number nine, locked in a box.
07:58You take a composter, you then spam it with some vegetation to a very specific point.
08:04Place a trapdoor on the top and you'll find that you can't actually get out.
08:09Now everybody on this server is always paranoid about traps,
08:12so nobody is gonna just walk into this.
08:14Oh wait, never mind.
08:15Nope, she just got stuck.
08:17Number 10, the mysterious orb.
08:19A lot of people don't know that you can actually craft end crystals.
08:22All you do is plop it down inside someone's house.
08:26Now what a lot of people don't know is that these are extremely explosive.
08:31Now I find this prank pretty funny because Green is like,
08:33hey guys, don't grief.
08:34These pranks are just for fun.
08:36We don't want to ruin anyone's builds.
08:39But this next one, we're gonna put a bomb in their house.
08:42Well, I guess that's it.
08:44I don't even know whose house this is.
08:45I just, I'm just, hopefully nobody finds it soon.
08:49Since we've trolled Pingy so much, I decided it'd be helpful to build a base nearby.
08:53This is based off one of the mansions Green built on his own server, Hermitcraft,
08:57and I feel like I did a pretty good job downsizing it.
09:00But guys, there's no way I'm finishing this thing.
09:04Number 11, thinking with portals.
09:07So I'm back at Pingy's build, and it looks like he hasn't made much progress.
09:10I wonder why.
09:12So let's help him with that.
09:13The portal makes probably the worst noise in Minecraft.
09:17It's so obnoxiously loud.
09:19So you can see where this is going.
09:21Hide more than one portal underneath their base and in close proximity to their main
09:27It's so annoying.
09:28You hear that?
09:30We're gonna have like 20 of these.
09:37This one, this one's really working.
09:38You can really hear it in Pingy's house.
09:40So he's gonna be like, oh man, it's so loud.
09:42I gotta go outside so I don't hear it anymore.
09:45But guess what?
09:46I hid one under his porch.
09:48Number 12, no sleep for you.
09:50You go right next to their bed and make a small hole underneath it.
09:55You then lure in a zombie and convince them to go inside that hole.
09:59When your friend then tries to sleep to skip the night, they'll find that they can't
10:03because there's a mob somewhere.
10:06Number 13, bamboozled.
10:08You take the bamboo plant and you start spamming it all around their base.
10:12Kind of like we did with the saplings.
10:14But it's very similar to the tree one we did here already.
10:16So I think it'd be rude to do this to Pingy's village twice.
10:20So I did it to his castle.
10:27Every time I log on a lifesteal session, my Hunger Games arena just gets filled again
10:33with nature.
10:35Who's doing this?
10:37I don't think this is deserved.
10:38I don't think I did anything wrong.
10:42Oh my gosh.
10:42I thought he saw me.
10:44I thought he looked straight at me.
10:47How does this shulker box ever open?
10:52Wait, wait, wait, wait.
10:53Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no.
10:55Golden carrots?
10:56Does he remember the bit?
10:57Please say he forgot the bit.
11:00My food, my carrots rotted.
11:03Golden carrots?
11:08These do not look like golden carrots.
11:11These do not look like golden carrots.
11:13He doesn't remember.
11:14He doesn't remember that it was me who had those golden carrots.
11:20Oh my gosh.
11:22Oh my gosh.
11:25These do not look like golden carrots to me.
11:27Dude, there's so much bamboo.
11:29Oh my goodness.
11:30Who's doing this?
11:33After that, Pingy didn't go into his house to hear the portals, which was a shame because
11:36I had to end my spying to leave for a ski trip, which honestly is quite a green thing to do.
11:41But when I got back, I could tell Pingy had spotted the portal.
11:44So I pulled up his live stream to see his reaction.
11:47But more importantly, if he figured out it was me.
11:50I don't feel like working with Hungry Gems tonight because I just want to mess around,
11:54you know?
11:54I just want to see what other people are up to.
11:57What do I hear?
11:58Another portal.
12:00Why is there another portal under here?
12:03Where does this go to?
12:05I'm so confused.
12:06I feel like I'm not going to like...
12:09Where am I?
12:10Bro, he's got to stop with these hellos.
12:14There are more!
12:17There are more nether portals.
12:20There are more!
12:24What is going on?
12:26Sure that's it, right?
12:35There's so many!
12:42I forgot how many I put.
12:45This is insane.
12:46I don't even know who did this.
12:48I hear more.
12:50Are you kidding me?
12:53Why is there a zombie down here?
12:55Yeah, okay.
12:56I didn't find these earlier.
12:58Penguin, wait, who are you?
13:00I hear more nether portals.
13:03There are more!
13:06After finding all the portals, Pengi also found my base.
13:10Is that Grian's Hermitcraft house?
13:12He started to put together that maybe the person who built this is also trolling him.
13:16Is it exactly in the middle?
13:18Yeah, it is exactly in the middle.
13:20But after finding nothing concrete, just like forgot about it?
13:24It's insane that we're still getting away with this, but you know what?
13:27That lets us go on to...
13:28Number 14, Snowed In.
13:30Just outside their house, we're going to dig a big hole.
13:34You take your scaffolding block and build it high enough and then cover that up with snow.
13:39If you time it just right, as you hit the bottom block of the scaffolding,
13:44they should come tumbling down into your pitfall.
13:47So I've been sitting at this trap for like two hours now,
13:50and nobody has come close to even thinking about coming over here.
13:55Because whoever lives in these snowy biomes?
13:58Nobody does!
13:58Genuinely, the person who lives closest to this snowy plains is literally me!
14:04Number 15, Still Very Annoying.
14:07Pop some obsidian over your friends' chests and watch them go...
14:12Yep, we found SB737's base.
14:14I don't think it could be more obvious than two just crazy farms.
14:18I'd actually need a bit more obsidian, so I'm gonna steal some of it here.
14:21Now this would seem easy, but I was doing it while SB737 was online,
14:27because I just thought it would be funnier.
14:28He's built so many farms.
14:31What the heck?
14:32What is this?
14:34I was scared placing obsidian the whole time.
14:36SB could be around any corner, but then he wasn't around any corner.
14:41Turns out he abandoned this base for an even more secret base.
14:45There was no way I was ever gonna find that thing,
14:47so SB737 got the best of me for about an hour,
14:52because he then made the mistake of asking me to meet up.
14:54But guess what?
14:55Even better?
14:56Wherever I wanted.
14:58So I built the cake from Grian's life series.
15:01This is where SB would meet me,
15:02so I filled it with a bunch of pranks for him to find.
15:04But I didn't realize, because I haven't trolled anyone like this in this video yet,
15:08I didn't foresee how awkward this was about to become.
15:12Okay, SB says he's on his way.
15:14Oh, I'm getting stressed out.
15:19Hi, SB.
15:22Wait, can he not?
15:22Jaren, I'll be right back.
15:23Hi, SB.
15:24You wanna come on up?
15:26No, you're not gonna use my stairs.
15:29Wait, you have stairs?
15:31Wait, you have stairs?
15:32Yeah, I have stairs.
15:32I'll use the stairs.
15:34Number 22.
15:36A hidden fish.
15:37You go to the front door of your friend's house,
15:40and knock out a single block next to the door.
15:42You then place a puffer fish,
15:44and when they try and walk in,
15:45they will take a lot of damage.
15:47This is why I didn't use your stairs.
15:48Wait, is the other side?
15:52Why do I feel paranoid coming up here?
15:54Here, oh wait, you take the scaffolding in the middle.
15:56Oh, you climb up, okay.
15:58You can probably break that scaffolding too if you want,
16:00but okay.
16:01Number 18.
16:02The floor is not quite lava,
16:05so if your friend has decorated their house
16:07with a bunch of carpets,
16:09simply remove those carpets,
16:10and add magma underneath.
16:16Okay, well don't stand on the magma either.
16:21Anyway, Jaren,
16:22I have,
16:24what, why am I just hearing all sorts of things up here?
16:26I don't know.
16:27Number 21.
16:28The mysterious gonging noise.
16:30And this time we're going to make a hopper clock
16:33that every now and again
16:35will dispense an arrow at a couple of bells.
16:40I just hear bells and everything.
16:41Anyway, down to business, okay?
16:43I am a salesman,
16:44and I am selling notch apples for hearts.
16:47Oh my gosh.
16:48Are you interested?
16:49He's got notch apples, man.
16:50Oh, it's in the info, is it info?
16:52No, it's in heart recipe.
16:54Number 20.
16:55What goes up?
16:56We're going to create another curiosity scaffolding.
16:59At the very top,
17:00we're going to add a bunch of chickens.
17:03Why are you panicking me like this?
17:04What, what, what is up there, Jaren?
17:06Why are there chickens up there?
17:10What do you mean?
17:11What is going on?
17:12I don't know, man.
17:13I want to know.
17:13Why do I feel like, you know,
17:14there could just be something on top of these guys or something.
17:16I don't know.
17:16Why are there chickens?
17:21Okay, I just wanted to say the big thing.
17:22Do they die on the dripstone?
17:24I don't know.
17:25No, I guess not.
17:27They do die on the carpet.
17:29Well, that was, I mean, that was a nice magic trick, I suppose.
17:38He was so unfazed by everything.
17:41Oh my gosh, I just realized something.
17:44That's gonna go in his video.
17:46Oh, you can see me right there.
17:47Wait, dude, he literally...
17:50Dude, my clip's like not even 30 seconds.
17:53Bro did not want to put me in his video.
17:57Dude, dude, dude.
17:59Like, like, what is going on in the background?
18:04Like, there's no context in the SB video.
18:06Anyone, does anyone say anything about me?
18:08Here, let's control F Jaren.
18:10We got one person.
18:11After this, I wanted to push how far I took these pranks even further.
18:15I didn't want to just prank Pengi's face again because he would expect that.
18:19But then I learned that Derapchu, SB737, and Pengi, people we have all pranked,
18:23share a secret base together, which would be a dream to find.
18:28So when I saw one of the owners, I went invisible and secretly followed him.
18:37Yo, wait a minute.
18:38Okay, secretly followed him as in he just showed me where it was.
18:41He thought it'd be funny to prank Pengi too.
18:44I heard something.
18:45Who's here?
18:48It's me, SB737.
18:49I'm going to go build an enchanted golden apple farm.
18:52So the next day, right before Pengi started a live stream, I set up three pranks.
18:56First, number 16, surprise creeper, where when this trap door is open,
18:59a creeper I put in would fall out.
19:01Then number 17, bed bandit.
19:03I needed to move Pengi's bed one block over so his respawn point would be removed.
19:08But because this bed was against the wall,
19:10there wasn't really a way to move it just one block without being obvious.
19:14So I moved the entire wall.
19:16Then number 19, that shouldn't be there, which so far has to be my favorite.
19:20Remove some of the ceiling blocks and replace them with a slightly odd color such as acacia.
19:26Then go into the ceiling itself and add a bunch of anvils.
19:30They will then walk into their house, think that's strange,
19:33and fix their roof just to find a bunch of anvils falling on them.
19:37This one is so silly that I just had to be there to see the anvil fall on Pengi.
19:42So I dug into the walls and used a piston and snow layer to put me in a glitched x-ray view.
19:48So I'm staked out here and we can see one, two, three pranks.
19:55Pengi's gonna log on for his live stream any minute now.
19:58So we're just gonna sit here.
20:00We're gonna watch and wait.
20:03It's Pengi, it's W come back.
20:05Oh, there he is.
20:08So why is there a creeper in there?
20:11Why is there a creeper called Pookie in there?
20:12Hello, SB?
20:14Let me tell you, I am done being played with, being toyed around.
20:18It's Pengi come back season, chub.
20:20Well, this is ironic.
20:22I'm done being toyed with.
20:23Is being toyed with.
20:25It's not gonna happen again, chub.
20:26No more Mr. Nice Guy.
20:27What is Pengi going on about?
20:29Did he just like forget about the creeper in his ceiling?
20:32Do I not have alchemy villagers here?
20:34Yeah, we gotta get the other guys done.
20:35Oh my gosh, he's not gonna see the rest of them.
20:39We are winning.
20:42No, he missed it.
20:43He missed it.
20:45Oh, gosh.
20:47Number 23, Snowman.
20:49Duraptu, Duraptu.
20:54You're gonna get me enchanted golden apples, really?
20:56Okay, I'll get them.
20:57I'll probably leave them in a chest at the cruise ship.
20:59What the heck?
21:00Like over there.
21:01What the heck you say?
21:03Yeah, you didn't do this?
21:05Yeah, this one wasn't me.
21:08Are you insinuating that it was me?
21:11Yes, I am.
21:12This one wasn't.
21:13I see, like that's the thing though.
21:14It's like, you think Grian made his video?
21:17Troll number 25, put Snowman on their cruise ship.
21:21Yep, yep, probably.
21:23That is not, that is not there.
21:25Oh, okay.
21:26What's rule number 25 then?
21:27So can we admit that you did this?
21:29Put Snowman on their cruise ship and hit it with an iceberg.
21:32Do you really think he said hit it with an iceberg?
21:36Oh no!
21:38Okay, let's admit it was me.
21:40No, Snowman!
21:43Number 24, lazy wood cutting.
21:45You take out the most accessible part of the tree and leave the rest,
21:50leaving a bunch of floating trees all around their base.
21:53There weren't even trees here, so I had to plant them all.
21:57Now it just looks terrible.
22:00Why is that salmon so big?
22:03Number 25, wordplay.
22:05You go into your friend's chest or barrel, you take all of their grey blocks in particular,
22:10and you mix up their names.
22:12Andesite may become stone, stone may become gravel.
22:15When they come to build with them, they may get very confused and frustrated
22:19why the names don't match up to what they're placing.
22:22Now this one, I have to let you know, is by far my least favorite prank.
22:27Because it works too well.
22:29Oh my goodness, there's no way I just fell for my own prank.
22:33There is no way, because I actually did it.
22:35I'm smart, don't worry about it.
22:36Number 40, secret rooms.
22:38This next one, I was back to Pengi's base, because last time he didn't see two of our pranks.
22:43That made me curious.
22:44If Pengi wasn't going to notice, um, uh, I don't know, half his roof being stolen,
22:49what else is he not going to notice?
22:51Which is why I built a secret base inside his secret base.
22:55Once again, this base design was taken from Grian.
22:57It's his hobbit hole in season seven of Hermitcraft.
22:59But I should make it clear, the redstone was not taken from Grian.
23:03It was taken from his friend Mumbo Jumbo.
23:05Uh, to the left here, this is where we have our x-ray tunnel that we can use to spy on Pengi.
23:10But then how do we exit?
23:11This is my favorite part.
23:12Is we have this slime block launcher that you press this button and it launches you all the way
23:17up to this ladder that you, you have to climb the rest of the way out.
23:20Number 26, a surprise firework.
23:22First, we have the trap door set up.
23:25We head down this hole.
23:26Now I don't know how deep to mine this.
23:28I think that here might be good.
23:29So I put some test rockets in the dispenser.
23:31When Pengi comes down and goes through.
23:37Number 27, do it for the vine.
23:39Cover your friend's house in a small amount of vines.
23:42It will spread all over their house.
23:45I'm going to be placing these around sparingly,
23:47trying to spread them out so we can get maximum vine coverage.
23:51Number 28, smoking out the house.
23:54Oh no.
23:57See, already.
23:58Oh, this is like perfect for his base.
24:01Oh, he's definitely going to notice this troll.
24:04Number 29, the oldest trick in the book.
24:07See from the outside.
24:08Oh, there's ancient debris and, and white shulker boxes.
24:11Oh, wait a minute.
24:12You can't enter because I'm about to put a trap under this pressure plate.
24:15After I set up these pranks, I went to my secret x-ray base and waited.
24:19And waited.
24:20And Pengi just wasn't live streaming the server.
24:23It took so long for him to log on.
24:24By the time he did, all the fireworks had already been launched.
24:28Number 26 was now just a trap door.
24:32What happened to my base?
24:35What's in there?
24:36Absolutely nothing.
24:41When I walked over it, I didn't fall for it.
24:45So someone's trying to troll me.
24:49I waited a week hiding in this base just for Pengi to say I failed.
24:55I could not let that slide.
24:57I had to push these pranks even further.
24:59Do something that Pengi would never expect.
25:02But I didn't know how.
25:04Until an opportunity was given to me.
25:08Except it had one condition.
25:13Yeah, I know.
25:15I know.
25:16See, Pengi wants to make a video where he takes Girapchu on a date to a maid cafe.
25:21And, well, a maid cafe does need maids.
25:24So I helped him transform a random KFC we found into a maid cafe.
25:28So then when he left, I'd know where to set up a bunch of pranks that would ruin his date.
25:33We'd be trolling Pengi right in front of him.
25:35But I should make it clear, this isn't like an actual date.
25:38It's just two platonic best friends flirting with each other for a video.
25:42This is honestly nothing new to the Minecraft community.
25:44But I know some of my viewers are thinking,
25:46Wow, Jaren, you are the last person on Lifesteal I'd ever expect to wear a maid outfit.
25:50Well, except for maybe this other guy I watch, RecRap2.
25:53He'd never wear a maid outfit.
25:56Which is what makes this all the weirder.
25:59To outweigh the embarrassment, we have to make these pranks worth it.
26:02So we enter the maid cafe, and this table here is where the date is going to take place.
26:07So this is where we want all the pranks to kind of congregate.
26:10But then even better is Parker and I are going to be spending a lot of time in this kitchen.
26:14And look at these levers that are already placed here.
26:17We can use these to activate pranks without them even knowing.
26:21Number 38, making a racket.
26:25There we go.
26:34Number 37, Skelebrows.
26:36You can just hop in.
26:40Oh, yeah, that was perfect.
26:45Yep, yep, I made it.
26:47Freaking ghost.
26:48That's so clean, dude.
26:50Number 34, a pretty lame prank.
26:53If you put ice under someone's carpet, it may take them a long time before they realize
26:57that they've been slipping and sliding everywhere.
26:59Now right under the main table, RecRap's set up.
27:01Number 33, a helpful neighbor.
27:03Where you put minecarts under the floor because they will pick up and make disappear
27:07any items that Pingy drops during the date.
27:09Number 45, call the plumber.
27:11This one, Grian wants us to make use of water particles to make it look like the cafe is
27:16But I wanted to have it just randomly start dripping in the middle of the date, so I rigged
27:20this lever to turn on lamps that would silently melt the ice.
27:23Number 35, fake TNT.
27:25For the final prank, I put a bunch of TNT under the cafe.
27:28But don't worry, because it falls into the water, it won't actually blow anything up.
27:32They'll just get scared by the sound.
27:34Dang, there's like a lot of stuff set up here.
27:36Yeah, we have one, two, three, four, six.
27:39We have six set up.
27:44Oh, my God.
27:47Now I'm starting to like rethink some of this.
27:49Yeah, it's worse than I thought.
27:52Dude, Pingy has like a hundred viewers in his chat right now.
27:56I have never been so nervous for a recording in my life.
28:00I want to welcome you to Lifesteal's maid cafe.
28:05Oh, okay.
28:07Welcome to the maid cafe.
28:13Parker doing a record?
28:15Yeah, Jared.
28:16What the?
28:17This might be my fantasy come true.
28:20Okay, anyways, moving along.
28:22Come right in.
28:23Here, we made a special table just for you two.
28:26How are you doing today?
28:28Are you two ready to order right now?
28:29Or do you think we'll give them some time?
28:32Yeah, give us five minutes.
28:34You do not know how happy I am to see RekRap2 and YeahJared in maid outfits.
28:39How much did they pay you, Jared?
28:41Yo, are you gonna laugh at us?
28:50Are you gonna order?
28:51Yo, yo, this isn't a laughing cafe.
28:53This is a maid cafe.
28:55I am Pingy and I love...
28:59What are we doing?
29:01Okay, hello.
29:03Sorry to interrupt whatever thing you're talking about.
29:05So as courtesy in any maid cafe, you do get a card.
29:09You get a princess card with a level representing how often you've been here.
29:13So Pingy, you know, it's your first time.
29:15There's yours right there.
29:18Sorry, let me get you another one, I don't know what happened.
29:20I have a question.
29:21Why does mine say princess card level 99?
29:24I've never been here.
29:25Set your guys's cake here.
29:26Oh, thank you.
29:27Okay, there you go.
29:27And we'll let you enjoy your time.
29:30Where is it?
29:31Wait, what?
29:32Wait, there's something under this.
29:34Wait, what is this?
29:37I'm sorry, are you running or a statue?
29:40What are you trying to do?
29:42Are you trying to steal from...
29:44No, no.
29:45Why would I steal from a maid cafe?
29:46If I was on a date with the Rapture, I'd think he was a thief.
29:49Favorite anime.
29:50Let's say it together.
29:52On the count of three.
29:53All right.
29:54Three, two, one.
30:02What was that?
30:03What was that?
30:03What was that?
30:04What was that?
30:05What was that?
30:06It's that judge you don't know.
30:08Um, okay.
30:09Anyways, um...
30:12That tastes like it's three days old.
30:13Last time I've tried Penta's milk, it did not taste like that.
30:16Oh, you've had this type of drink before?
30:20Ah, my bag!
30:27Where did that come from?
30:29Uh, I think we're done.
30:30Yeah, thank you.
30:31Where can we pay?
30:33Well, we have more for you though.
30:39On the house?
30:40Yeah, on the house.
30:40Let me go grab it.
30:46Oh my gosh!
30:51What just happened?
30:56Please, please stay out of the kitchen.
30:58Uh, we're doing maintenance check here.
31:00What is going on?
31:06What is going on here?
31:07Thank you so much for the hospitality and everything.
31:10I, I really love this place.
31:11Okay, yeah, they can't hear us.
31:17Yeah, yeah, let's sneak out of here.
31:18We don't want to, we don't want to be caught.
31:20Yo, what's up?
31:21Thank you all so much for uh, joining the recording today.
31:24Oh, it was literally just me.
31:26The other two are not here.
31:27I swear.
31:28You sure?
31:29Yeah, I'm just trying to renovate my kitchen.
31:31Did you place that TNT down there?
31:34No, I didn't.
31:34Because I wasn't me either.
31:36I don't know who did that.
31:37Are you hearing this?
31:39We trolled Pengi right in front of him.
31:41There were only three people online and he's still going.
31:45Hmm, I wonder who this could be.
31:47So, I had one last prank for him.
31:49Number 50, best for last.
31:51But before that, I needed to finish our last few pranks.
31:54Hello, buddies.
31:55Go wreak havoc on all of spawn.
31:57Now, I've started to notice that Pinky's Hunger Games Arena
31:59is actually really starting to come together.
32:01That's a really nice field he has there.
32:04Would be a shame if it died.
32:06And now, I'm putting string over a sugar cane,
32:09which is gonna stop it from growing.
32:11I know, we're really pulling a fast one on him.
32:13Wait, where did he log out?
32:15I don't know.
32:16You're evil.
32:20How far off?
32:23This was terrible, Jared.
32:25Well, here is a nice community center that has a bunch of items that everyone shares.
32:29I literally gain nothing from this.
32:34This just makes everything worse for everyone.
32:36But doesn't this just look so silly?
32:49There you go, you can hear it.
32:50You can hear the making creeper noises.
32:52And with that prank complete, we just had one left.
32:55Number 50, best till last.
32:57What I think would be funny is if we revealed to Panky
32:59that it was us pranking him this whole time,
33:01get his reaction to that, and then prank him one last time.
33:05What is up, Panky?
33:07What's up?
33:10This is like a really nice arena that you've put together.
33:12Six months, man.
33:14What do you think has made it take so long?
33:16Probably my poorly time management skills.
33:19Yeah, that's probably the only thing that made this take a really long time.
33:23I don't know how to say this, Panky.
33:24Just follow me.
33:29What are you doing?
33:30Wait, what is this place?
33:34Panky, do you remember when your Hunger Games arena
33:37got filled with a bunch of trees and chickens?
33:40Oh, yeah.
33:41Do you remember that?
33:42Yeah, yeah, I do.
33:44And wait, the bamboo and the portals all around it?
33:49I think I might be understanding where this is going to.
33:56You actually probably don't remember this one
33:57because you didn't notice any of the pranks that happened to your secret base.
34:03So then it was very clear.
34:04No, I remember this.
34:05I was like, was this you?
34:09And then do you remember the maid cafe?
34:14I remember the maid cafe.
34:16Panky, okay, Panky, follow me up here, follow me up here.
34:21I just have a question for you.
34:23Did you know it was me pranking you this whole time?
34:30Did you seriously not know it was me?
34:35What would I think it was you?
34:37Oh my god.
34:38Dude, no, but I remember like all of this,
34:41like with this, I thought it was SB
34:43because I thought he just left me or something, you know?
34:45The creeper thing, I thought it was just a...
34:48Yeah, I remember the creeper thing.
34:49No, I remember the nether portal.
34:51I was like, dude, this is so annoying
34:52because I remember I was walking towards nether portals.
34:55I did a video where it's 50 pranks,
34:58but I've actually only done 49
35:01because there's one last prank.
35:03Grian says it's the best to last.
35:06So let me, I'm sorry, I want to get a replay shot of this.
35:17That's it.
35:17The final prank is just reversing my skin.
35:20It's nothing crazy or insane.
35:22It's just silly.
35:23And you know what?
35:25I think that's exactly how Grian would want this video to end.
35:28Wait, there's a bonus number 51.
35:31Kill ya, Jaren.
35:36Wait, Jaren, Jaren, you forgot number 41, a shortcut.
35:40Yeah, I know I did, but it requires a command block,
35:42which I couldn't get.
35:44So Parker, can you, can you press that button for me, please?
35:48Oh, am I gonna press it?
35:49Press it, please.
35:52Does it just kill me?
35:53Is that literally it?
