I received a message on discord from someone asking if I could help them find a friend they hadn't spoken with in a while. The task seemed innocent enough at first, but ended up being one of the most mysterious and darkest rabbit holes I've ever investigated. What happened to Alex? This is finding a minecraft player who doesn't exist.
Channel: @xXCraftykinggXx
➤➤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WifiesWasTaken
➤➤ Discord: https://discord.gg/zAWUuWb
➤➤Links: I dont think any? but maybe I'm forgetting
This is a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Secret Minecraft things or Minecraft lore (like Game Theory) or Escape Rooms, but a scary arg based series. The footage in this video isn't of a real person, an ARG is a story that's known to be fictional but we all pretend it's real and try to solve the mystery that the owner of this channel created. Such is the life of an ARG hunter. Very scary very creepy. BOO!
Channel: @xXCraftykinggXx
➤➤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WifiesWasTaken
➤➤ Discord: https://discord.gg/zAWUuWb
➤➤Links: I dont think any? but maybe I'm forgetting
This is a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Secret Minecraft things or Minecraft lore (like Game Theory) or Escape Rooms, but a scary arg based series. The footage in this video isn't of a real person, an ARG is a story that's known to be fictional but we all pretend it's real and try to solve the mystery that the owner of this channel created. Such is the life of an ARG hunter. Very scary very creepy. BOO!
00:00Hello, I saw some of your videos and I was wondering if you could help me with something.
00:04I know it's not some big mystery to solve or anything, but I lost contact with a friend
00:08I used to play with a while ago.
00:10Him and I had a falling out, but I just want to make sure that after all these years, he's
00:14just okay.
00:15The only things I can provide to help are just some old videos of me and him playing
00:18on a server a long time ago.
00:20Thanks so much.
00:23At first, I didn't think much of this message.
00:26People stop talking for all sorts of reasons.
00:29Lives grow apart, life gets too demanding, there are countless possible explanations
00:34for what happened to Alex, all very normal.
00:37But for just a moment, curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to take a look.
00:43And I can now assure you that this, what happened to Alex, this is not normal.
00:51And it all begins with the first video on Crafty's channel, which opens with him on
00:56the multiplayer screen joining a server named Eternal.
00:59We can see several other players in the distance welcoming him online, and just a few seconds
01:04later, there he is.
01:06Alex joins.
01:07Seemingly very much okay, and not disappeared.
01:10According to the description, this was recorded in December of 2010.
01:14Crafty and Alex ask where they can make a base, and are told that anywhere is alright
01:18to build.
01:19They go off searching for a cave, and eventually just end up digging down to get resources.
01:23There is this odd bit a minute in where Crafty punches Alex to get his attention, and Alex
01:28just kind of zones out for a second, but otherwise this video ends very normally.
01:32Crafty has to leave to go to work, and the recording cuts off there.
01:36At this point, I was skeptical that these three videos would have any clues as to what
01:40actually happened to Alex, but video 2 is where things start to get strange.
01:45It resumes with Crafty logging back on to find that Alex had built up their house and
01:50even gotten two full sets of armor for the both of them.
01:53The video continues with normal, friendly discussion, and the two decide to work on
01:57the roof.
01:58Until suddenly, Alex freezes and says this.
02:03We can see Alex staring off into the distance.
02:06He asks Mine, another server member, if that was him, and Mine doesn't know what he's
02:11talking about.
02:12Were you behind the house?
02:14Mine says no, and Crafty is equally confused.
02:17The subject then gets changed though, and Alex doesn't mention it again.
02:21But what did he see?
02:23I doubt Alex would just say this out of the blue, and judging by the fact he asked Mine
02:27if that was him, it's likely he saw a player.
02:30But if it wasn't any of the three of them, who was it?
02:34Surely if they knew another player was online, Alex would have asked them as well, like he
02:37did Mine.
02:38But he didn't, implying that nobody else should have been connected to the server.
02:42So what did Alex see?
02:44From the mildly ominous description, we learn that this video took place two days after
02:49the previous one, but other than this odd incident, nothing particularly strange happens.
02:53Six minutes in, some music begins to play that I can't say I've heard before, and
02:57just like last time, Crafty has to go, asking Alex for a full set of diamond armor before
03:02he leaves.
03:03Something is unsettlingly wrong with this server, but Alex still seems to be totally
03:09If we're going to get any clues as to how he eventually disappears, it's going to
03:13have to be in this final, third video.
03:17The video begins with Crafty joining, and the whole server getting ready to light the
03:21nether portal.
03:22But before that, Crafty asks if anyone has seen Alex.
03:25This is the first time he hasn't already been there, waiting when Crafty hopped on.
03:30But the response of the server members is odd, it's apparently the exact opposite.
03:36Alex has never logged off.
03:38Apparently he plays so much on this server that it has become a topic of concern on the
03:43And we actually get to see this concern, because right after mine asks, note system actually
03:48drops a link in chat.
03:50The link takes us to an imgur screenshot of the forums, and there it is.
04:01It sounds like the exact opposite of the original message Crafty sent me, but granted, if he
04:06does play so much, why isn't he here now?
04:09Surely if you're going to be playing 24x7 anyway, you're gonna be present for a server
04:14wide event.
04:15Something is very, very wrong.
04:18The group decides to light the nether portal without Alex, but when they try to go through,
04:23it doesn't work.
04:24For some reason, the portal is broken.
04:26Crafty says he'll message an admin about it, and the server closes, the video ending
04:32And that's it?
04:34These three videos are all the pieces we have to work with, and honestly at this point I
04:38was almost positive I'd have to tell Crafty that I couldn't find his friend.
04:42If anything, Alex seemed like he was too active, not vanished at all.
04:46But no, this couldn't be the end, so I decided to dig deeper.
04:50I took another look at the screenshot, hoping to find a link or something to take me to
04:53the forums to get more clues.
04:56I thought about putting this weird music through a spectrogram in hopes of uncovering a hidden
05:01Also nothing.
05:02So I rewatched all the videos again, maybe there was something I had missed, a small
05:06detail that had slipped through the cracks.
05:09Wait, wait no, there was something.
05:11A single frame right as the server closes, we get a flash of text in the error message.
05:16It looks like total gibberish, but attach it to the end of a YouTube video URL, and
05:21we have ourselves a lead.
05:23Alex's channel.
05:24If there has ever been a way of finding out what happened to him, this was it.
05:28The video begins similar to Crafty's, but with a little bug.
05:31But when Alex joins Eternal, he's hit with this.
05:35By accessing and utilizing the services of Eternal, you hereby agree to the following
05:40terms of service.
05:41These terms are binding and govern your conduct on the server.
05:44Failure to comply with these terms may result in penalties including but not limited to
05:48temporary or permanent suspension of access to the server and or the loss of privileges
05:53given to you by your birthright.
05:55This is extremely ominous, but it doesn't end there.
05:59The messages keep coming, starting with normal disclaimers about alt accounts and harassment
06:04and turning into mentions of undisclosed experiments, potential psychological distress, mental instability
06:10and permanent real world impacts on mental health and cognitive function.
06:15All of this seemingly orchestrated by the Department of Metaphysical Sciences or DMS.
06:21Why this message was seemingly only shown to Alex and not Crafty is up in the air, but
06:26we don't have time to think, because before we can, Alex agrees to the terms and conditions
06:32and logs on to Eternal.
06:34Crafty says hello and immediately Alex's screen bugs out.
06:38The footage continues with the same events of Crafty's Day 1 video but with sporadic
06:42glitches appearing non-stop all over Alex's screen, though judging by the fact that he
06:46never once pauses the game or mentions it, it seems like it's only happening in post
06:51and not in the moment.
06:53The video continues like this for a while until we get this, black splotches appearing
06:58all over the footage.
07:00These glitches continue to get worse and worse, with this one 4 minutes in being significantly
07:06A bit later, the glitches trace out some odd lines, but that's it.
07:09The video ends very normally, well normal if you ignore all the horrifying oddities
07:14we've been seeing.
07:15But despite this really weird video, there are no immediate clues as to what's actually
07:21That is, until we check the description.
07:24This video has been encrypted in standard procedure as stated in Chapter 7 Section 924.
07:29However, as also stated under Chapter 7 Section 933, any footage involving or of experiments
07:35classified as Class 4 Employee or above must have each video encrypted in a separate way
07:41as to avoid any leaks to the American populace.
07:44Please remember that Company Poker Night is on Thursday and the following card codes have
07:48been banned from practice.
07:50Sorry, what did we just read?
07:56This video is apparently encrypted and it's likely the people behind this are the DMS
08:01we heard about earlier.
08:02But what sort of experiment are they running here?
08:05From the contents of the video and this description we can now essentially confirm that some sort
08:10of testing is being conducted on Alex, something potentially very harmful that might be the
08:15reason behind his disappearance.
08:17We don't know exactly what they're getting at just yet, though, where can we go from
08:23Well, taking a look at this description again, we can read that the DMS doesn't want anything
08:26getting out to the American public about these experiments, so they're encrypting these
08:30videos in various different ways.
08:32Case in point, the poker card codes.
08:35Replacing each letter of the alphabet with its corresponding number and each number with
08:39its corresponding letter of the alphabet, capitalizing the ones with an arrow, we get
08:43another YouTube video URL, House.
08:46And finally, we get to see what Alex saw out there.
08:50The video is initially similar to the previous one.
08:53Again, Crafty logs on like we saw in his perspective and Alex's screen experiences the same weird
09:00As we expect, Alex and Crafty eventually go to build the roof.
09:04Any second now, something should happen.
09:14There it is.
09:15We see some glitches and we get a zoomed in shot of a black player watching from a distance,
09:19and looking out onto the beach, we can see it, watching Alex and Crafty.
09:24The screen flickers again, and it's gone, and we get the same interaction we saw earlier.
09:29The video proceeds as usual with Crafty logging off, but this time, it doesn't end.
09:35Alex heads down into the mine and we hear a very fast set of noises.
09:44Alex looks around, scared, but continues to go deeper.
09:47He collects iron before heading back out of the cave, all the while looking back over
09:51his shoulder, until suddenly, there it is again, watching him.
10:01If we go frame by frame, we can barely get a glimpse of the nametag, H-Y-G-something-OPOL?
10:09We can't exactly make it out, but one thing is for certain.
10:13Something is horribly wrong.
10:15The description is very similar to the last, but this time, the URL is in plain sight.
10:20No encryption, no nothing.
10:21Which is odd, considering the line that comes right after it.
10:25Maybe someone at the DMS wants us to find this.
10:28Which is good, because the next video is genuinely insane.
10:33Alex begins in a different part of the server, notably with strange, burning trees.
10:38He proceeds normally, cutting sugar cane, replanting wheat, but begins to become strangely
10:42attracted to this gravel path, and seemingly without reason begins to follow it.
10:47As he does, his screen continues to glitch more and more, and the path takes him away
10:52from everything else on the server, out into the unknown.
10:55He heads onto a beach, and into a dark tunnel dimly lit by redstone torches.
11:00He follows the tunnel deeper and deeper, entering a strange maze, until he finds a ladder, and
11:06climbs down to see this.
11:31Alex runs, trying to get away from the figure, but the footage glitches, and somehow he's
11:35back in the main room.
11:36He climbs the ladder to get out, but the path he came through is now blocked.
11:39He runs down the other end of the corridor, facing dead-end after dead-end after dead-end.
11:44He's trapped here.
11:55Suddenly, Alex is back in the main server spawn, and as if slipping into a trance, runs
12:00into his house, grabs a compass, and begins heading north.
12:04That was a lot, so let's go through it again more slowly to try to understand what
12:09just happened.
12:10After following the gravel path, Alex makes it into a room with tens, if not hundreds
12:15of signs, all telling him not to stop playing.
12:18He opens a chest with a weird arrangement of blocks, which I'll get to in a second,
12:22and as he turns around, there it is.
12:25Right in front of us.
12:26Hijope Call.
12:28The name is gibberish, but decoding it with a basic Caesar cipher, it translates into
12:34If this name doesn't mean anything to you, then don't worry, we'll get to it in a
12:37second as well.
12:38Alex runs from Archive before getting sent back to the main room, where he tries to escape
12:42through the series of corridors, each time met with another dead-end and a cryptic sign.
12:47Finally, Archive corners him, approaching quickly before sending him back home, and
12:52Alex goes north.
12:54I don't have to tell you that something is horribly wrong.
12:57To even begin to understand any of this though, let's go in order and take a look at the
13:04If you replace each block and item with the first letter of the name of that block, you
13:07get this.
13:08That's nonsense, but taking it one step further, and substituting in the second letter
13:13of each name if there's two items, the third letter if there's three, and so on and so
13:17forth, we get this instead.
13:19It's possible I misinterpreted the cipher, but the message is pretty apparent, even if
13:24not perfect.
13:25Don't stop going north.
13:27Shifting our attention now to the signs, we only get to see them for a few frames each,
13:32and honestly, try as I might, this first sign we run into is just way too dark for me to
13:37actually read.
13:38I just can't make enough out.
13:39The second sign though, I had a bit more luck.
13:42With the exception of a few uncertain characters, I was able to see most of these, and if you
13:46hadn't already guessed by the convenient number, this is going to be another video
13:52Finally, the third sign is just barely visible, and I was able to get this out of it.
13:57Seems like more nonsense, but you know the drill.
14:00Wait for his… something.
14:03The word here is likely approach, but I couldn't make out the middle three letters to confirm.
14:07Altogether, across all three messages, we have don't stop playing, don't stop going
14:12north, and wait for his approach.
14:15All of these remarks check out with the video title, which I haven't even mentioned yet,
14:19and translates into my first command.
14:22It seems that for some odd reason, this archive guy is trying to command Alex, scaring him
14:28into staying online, waiting for his orders, and for some reason, heading north.
14:34But why?
14:35Who is Archive, and what does he want?
14:38How does he connect with the Department of Metaphysical Sciences, and maybe most importantly,
14:43is he the reason that Alex disappeared?
14:46Well luckily we don't have to wonder for very long, because the URL that we found on
14:51the sign earlier, CaesarShifted of course, takes us to a video on what channel, if not
14:56Archive themselves.
14:58This, is Onboarding.
15:22Watching this video we learn a few important things.
15:25For one, Archive is a division of the United States Department of Metaphysical Sciences,
15:30specifically focused on ensuring the safety of humanity in interactions with machines
15:35and us, as well as advancing the power of the US government.
15:39Currently they have four ongoing experiments with various different metaphysical or supernatural
15:45The only one that we can read, translating from binary, is Entity M, if you know you
15:51We don't get much else, just that our instructor will supposedly reach out to us soon.
15:56This is probably a video they show to the new hires at Archive, but why is this branch
16:01of the US government concerned at all with Alex and Eternal?
16:05It seems odd that they'd be so interested in a Minecraft server, but clearly they have
16:09something to do with all of this.
16:11Well, to find out, we have to watch the next video.
16:15Getting to it though, isn't easy.
16:17The description of the last video on Alex's channel is this giant paragraph that reads
16:22like a spam email.
16:23There is no obvious link hidden in here, and I wasn't sure at all how to progress.
16:28Out of ideas, I copy pasted it into Google and found a result that caught my eye, a paper
16:33on steganography, a way to hide codes in plain sight.
16:37It's a pretty interesting read, but look at this.
16:40Somehow you can start with this simple phrase you want to hide, and after applying the specific
16:44encoding technique, you get this output.
16:47Insanely cool, but also very similar to our description.
16:51So I click the link the paper referenced, spam mimic, and pasting the video description
16:56into the decoder did the trick.
16:58Somehow this giant text decodes to this, another URL.
17:03The next video, just titled North, features Alex going, well, north.
17:09He mines into a wall, unwavering in his focus, until suddenly something joins the server.
17:15Shifting the letters over, we get, crafty?
17:18Hey Alex, he says, also caesar shifted, but Alex ignores him, continuing to mine, and
17:24this is the conversation that follows.
17:42Fine dude, you don't have to respond.
17:44I just wanted to say bye.
17:46I got accepted to a college really far, so I won't really ever see you.
17:51I guess it's all on me for expecting you to actually say something instead of playing
17:55this stupid game.
17:57Well, have fun wasting your life playing this game.
18:03Do you expect to play Minecraft forever?
18:06Do you think in like 6 years time, you'll still be playing this stupid game?
18:13I'm basically talking to myself at this point.
18:16God knows you haven't talked to anyone in months.
18:20Goodbye, Alex.
18:21Goodbye, Eternal.
18:22You were fun while it lasted.
18:25And crafty logs out.
18:26The entire time, Alex paid him no attention whatsoever.
18:30His mouse never giving any indication that he even noticed.
18:33His pickaxe even broke mid-mine and he continued to break through the mountain with his fist,
18:39He mines through trees without ever straying off his path, fixated on going north.
18:44It's as if he's in a trance, but it only gets worse.
18:48Throughout the various glitches in the video, there are scattered parts of a QR code.
18:52Putting them together in a photo editor takes us to a Google Drive link for an audio file.
18:57Hey Alex, I'm just calling to see how you're doing.
19:00It's been a minute.
19:02I know you keep getting busy and you can't make it to dinner or anything involving us,
19:08I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself.
19:11The reason why I'm calling is that earlier today, some guy came by and told me to sign
19:15a paper.
19:16I don't really know exactly what it is, but they said you are moving somewhere and will
19:21help you out.
19:22But just give me a call soon, hon.
19:33A falling out?
19:34Crafty, you berated him with insults.
19:36Why would you get mad at him if you were talking in a Caesar cipher?
19:39How is that his fault he didn't understand you?
19:42But why did Alex not even question it at all?
19:44Why was he so focused on going north?
19:46I don't get it.
19:47Why isn't he talking to his mom?
19:49Why are people taking him away?
19:51What's happening?
19:52I don't know anymore.
19:53I don't know.
19:54Archive is doing something with Alex, forcing him to obey their command to go north for
19:58some unknown reason.
20:02And we're going to find it.
20:04Okay, according to the description, someone has been leaking classified archive videos
20:09to the public, probably referencing that really not hidden link we saw earlier.
20:13Um, but okay, never mind.
20:15Not important.
20:16The rest of the description has a new encryption, but yeah, we can solve this.
20:21Just taking the first letter or number and saving the capitalization, obviously, we get
20:25another URL to a video.
20:29New objective.
20:37We can do this.
20:39This video is such an insane watch, I can't even do it justice unless you watch the entire
20:44thing for yourself.
20:45It's just under two minutes, but the visuals are genuinely unlike anything I've ever seen
20:51Minecraft do before.
20:52It's absurd to degrees I never thought were possible, and the entire time Alex is just
20:58walking, stuck in this sort of trance as he continues through the horrors of the game
21:03around him.
21:04But what does this all mean?
21:07What's the point of all of this?
21:09And maybe more importantly, where is Alex now?
21:12The description of this video doesn't have any new URLs for us to follow, but it has
21:17something else.
21:18A notice telling us to contact our archive supervisor at this email and give them this
21:23code word.
21:24Out of curiosity, I sent a blank email to the address, just saying hi, wondering if
21:29they'd then ask me for the code word.
21:31But instead, I was quickly met with this.
21:34A notice that hi was incorrect, and if I gave the wrong code word two more times, I'd
21:39be locked out.
21:40I couldn't just let this chance go to waste though, sooner or later they'd probably
21:43catch on that I wasn't an actual employee.
21:46So I ran the code word through a Caesar and binary decoder to get Entity E, and sent that
21:53Wrong again.
21:54This was bad.
21:55One more failed attempt, and odds were high that I would never be able to find Alex.
21:59Their system would flag me, and my only lead would be gone.
22:03So in a final attempt, I decided to just try and send the code word untranslated.
22:10And it worked.
22:11I got an email back with a notice of success, and a link to one more last video on Alex's
22:18With the title translating to, do you think, in like 6 years time, you'll still be playing
22:24this stupid game?
22:28The video is 10 minutes of Alex mining bedrock.
22:34The description is just the same two words over and over and over.
22:40Mine bedrock.
22:42Mine bedrock.
22:44Mine bedrock.
22:46Throughout the video, we can hear horrifying noises in the background.
22:49Doors being knocked on and opened, followed by some thudding.
23:05Something being wheeled through a corridor, horribly unsettling sounds, followed by a
23:10come here.
23:24And worst of all, frantic and scared breathing.
23:36And then it ends.
23:37What is going on here?
23:39Why is Alex just lifelessly mining this bedrock?
23:43Why is Archive making him do this?
23:45Why do they have to take him from his home?
23:47I don't understand.
23:49All of this that we've seen has been Alex getting progressively worse and worse, tormented
23:54by strange figures, disturbing noises, and eventually turning into some sort of drone
23:59that just follows orders.
24:01And if the title is to be believed, he's been trapped, trapped mining in this trance
24:06state for 6 whole years.
24:09What does it all mean?
24:11Well, I think I know how to find out.
24:14Something I've neglected to mention up until this point is that all the videos we've
24:18seen so far have had hidden messages in the subtitles, and decoding it gives us this.
24:24A broken link to a wordpress site.
24:27Woke Sheeple's Truth.
24:29The about reveals that this site was made by some sort of government conspiracist, and
24:34all of the blog posts have these crazy ravings about various types of mind control the government
24:40is using on us.
24:41Subliminal messaging in advertisements to get us to buy more fast food, music videos
24:46with patriotic undertones, Superbowl ads trying to control our minds, and movies pushing pro-military
24:53The list goes on, and at first I thought it was a red herring, but then, on December 12th,
24:592010, around the same time Crafty and Alex first logged onto Eternal, Woke Sheeple posted this.
25:29This is it.
25:42This is exactly what I've been looking for.
25:43If we go back to the post he's talking about, he mentions how he has a buddy that plays
25:47on this Minecraft server and he's going to hack his account and do some digging.
25:52And all things considered, this could well be Eternal.
25:54I mean it lines up with everything we've seen so far.
25:58Hidden experiments, hidden government branches, whatever Woke Sheeple found could be the key
26:03to it all.
26:04The key to finding out what's going on here and what actually happened to Alex.
26:08This is it.
26:10Alright, buckle up because I've uncovered something huge.
26:15For years, a secret government department has been running mind control experiments
26:20on us, using media, technology, and social systems to manipulate our thoughts and behaviors.
26:26Everything is part of their plan to turn us into mindless drones who obey without question.
26:31This is just the beginning, get ready to see the truth.
26:34Here it is, classified, Experiment Eternal.
26:39By leveraging the open-ended nature of sandbox games, Experiment Eternal aims to evaluate
26:44the potential for prolonged psychological immersion, leading to a full neglect of the
26:50outside world.
26:52Phase 1, have quiet audios and whispers to promote exploration and reinforce behaviors.
26:58Phase 2, disturbing visuals to scare them and keep their focus on the game, unsettling
27:03audio and horrible game distortions, don't let them stop playing, keep them dependent
27:08on the virtual environment.
27:10Phase 3, endurance, see how long you can keep them controlled and immersed, recover the
27:16subject's physical body and pump them with food and water through an IV so they never
27:21have to look away from the screen.
27:23Intensify the visual and audio distortions, employing fear to push the bounds of how far
27:28they can be manipulated and scared.
27:31The program will intercept any messages that they receive from the outside world and alter
27:37them so the participant can't possibly understand and snap out of it.
27:42Make them fully dependent on the program, make them controllable.
27:47This is what was happening to Alex, this is the point of everything we've seen.
27:53A government branch focused on testing interactions between machines and biology, developing a
27:59system to push the bounds of psychological control.
28:02It all makes sense, all the disturbing visuals we've seen, the strange noises, everything
28:06makes sense.
28:07The reason Alex was taken from his mom, the reason he couldn't read Crafty's messages,
28:12and the reason he's been brainlessly following these orders, it's always been about following
28:17orders, controlling him, turning him into this drone, this sheep, for the sake of this
28:22sick experiment.
28:23For 6 years he's been locked up, forced to mine bedrock, just to see how long they
28:29can keep this up.
28:30It's horrible.
28:31There's one more blog post on the site, a van outside Wokesheeple's house.
28:37People knocking on his door, they found him.
28:39There's no one left who knows the truth anymore, no one who can save Alex, except
28:46for us.
28:48We can save him.
28:50The last line of the document says this, assets needed to access the program will be provided
28:55on the title page.
28:56Okay, title page.
28:57The username is blacked out, but there's the access code for us right there, and if I'm
29:02thinking about this correctly, the username is probably just PyJobCall, Archive, Archive
29:07sent another email, they think I'm one of them.
29:11I can do this, I can access the server, I can stop this.
29:15There's the link to the console right there, log in with the details from the document
29:19we're in.
29:20There it is.
29:22The IP.
29:23How do I know if it's correct though, I can't accidentally touch the wrong thing.
29:26One mistake and I'll out myself.
29:28I have to be careful, no mistakes.
29:29I have to make sure this is the right server.
29:31I have to log on.
29:33I have to find Alex.
30:15Alex, are you there?
31:15It has come to our attention that you are not, in fact, a class 4 employee.
31:19The experiment has been prematurely terminated.
31:22Ordinarily, you would have been severely punished, however we acknowledge your ingenuity in bypassing
31:28Archive's encryption systems, so consider this a postponement of punishment.
31:33Try it again, and the consequences will be swift.
31:37This is your first and final warning.
31:40From this point forward, your life is no longer your own.
31:44Sincerely, Archive.