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friendings in vid
Outro song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkmHOkP5B-Q
© 2024 Sniping Soup (liquidmetall711)
➤ VODS - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeJnECtsGqzCQd7rP81-KnA
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friendings in vid
Outro song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkmHOkP5B-Q
© 2024 Sniping Soup (liquidmetall711)
00:00:00Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god
00:00:56Guys Oh Erik
00:01:12Welcome back to the game. Hey guys. Hey everybody. You're white change your color. I was born this way
00:01:19Chance of your coordinating color of what you feel like you should be. Okay, I think I'm blue. Oh, man
00:01:24I would
00:01:30But it was like audio test everybody everybody talk at the same time really loud
00:01:36Everybody what the fuck I went out. Let's all harmonize
00:02:15Here's the goal
00:02:17You see how he said he's crying. Yeah, we gotta make sure he's happy. So what do you mean?
00:02:22It's a 7700 bucks at the top, right?
00:02:25He needs seven. I meet bro. He just like me for real seven thousand dollars will make him happy
00:02:29So we got to go do that then we can revive trippy if we get 7k
00:02:32He just instantly doesn't have content
00:02:35It was pretty pretty worth it
00:02:44Holy shit
00:02:50Hey, all right, so we can play the game or
00:03:10See how this is worth 600 bucks like I gotta put it on the thing, but it can't get damaged
00:03:13So it's like a fucking turd. How's it worth 600 bucks?
00:03:18If items get damaged they lose value. Why does this go laughing?
00:03:22What the fuck?
00:03:30It's fine, it's fine keep it open it's fine
00:03:43Shotgun that's what's happening
00:03:54Speech is the best part. Okay. Well, we got to pick up his head. How do I pick up head? Oh, there we go
00:04:01You really like you really like herbs what
00:04:09It's like Stephen Hawking getting jerked off
00:04:12All right, how much is this bottle of shit worth oh my god damn dude don't walk that close to me you're fucking big
00:04:27Shit what do I do man? What do I do? Is there like an FOV slider in this mother? It's so
00:04:34Run you stupid
00:04:36How am I supposed to even go in the room? The man just has a shotgun in there. Hello. Where'd he go?
00:04:43What the fuck is that Oh something worth some money $600 eggs. Oh, it's not an egg. It's like a doll. Okay
00:04:54So I just fuck it how do I leave hello, how do I leave how do I leave just no one's gonna help me
00:05:00All right. Well, I guess I'll just let shotgun man blow my fucking head off. Can you get all right? Oh
00:05:05Shotgun man. Oh, this is enough for the thing to be happy
00:05:13My fucking god, I just break it. Okay
00:05:17$2,500 soda bottles. Oh, this is great. I'm having a good time guys. Oh
00:05:22He's somewhat satisfied bro, this is so scary being by yourself a crown
00:05:29I'll take the crown
00:05:31Ain't worth that crown. Where's that big mama money? Is there anything else in here? I can steal. Oh, this is enough
00:05:38Whatever the fuck this is a crystal ball. Okay. Well, this is gonna get me over the cash barrier
00:05:44Can I please get the fuck out of here? I
00:05:46Did it yes tax return money
00:05:51What the fuck does that mean hello time to leave the truck heals you and revives carried player heads
00:06:31Why is he only like soup the second we come back he's just here soup got fucking shot
00:06:41It's not it's broke
00:07:02Who was that
00:07:04All right, they're gone whoever it was we can leave. Okay. What the hell are we even supposed to do?
00:07:08Well, we got our set. We hit our one quota. It was 7,700. We we hit it
00:07:22No, you didn't get all of it
00:07:25You've got like 8k out of the nine we could buy some health for you guys since you're probably low. Yeah, I have one health
00:07:36Literally American help you guys want to buy a grenade? Yeah, man, whatever dude for us, whatever you want
00:07:41I know I made all the money. But yeah, you just pick out whatever you want
00:07:48Stephen Hawking
00:07:53Or maybe hold it hold it till he gets a health
00:08:25This time you see we have oh up to we got to this time where I look at the quota tax man tax man top
00:08:30Right. 11k is our first one. All right, just be careful, bro
00:08:33See like how these are locked you can sometimes loot drawers and she like right here like these can open you can loot these
00:08:39Does us being loud bucks does us being loud bait the guy with a shotgun to blow our head off
00:08:44This game react to sound so you got to be kind of quiet. Thank you. Is how you duck Oh Q's duck
00:08:50You'd be quiet you can't you so you don't die. All right. Got you understood. I said I am
00:08:55Oh shit, I still have one health by the way, I'm realizing
00:10:30Actually fucking insane. Oh my god this game game of the year already
00:10:35This level is easy. We just need like a little bit more money. So if you use the scroll wheel it goes
00:10:43Cloud thing one thing
00:10:46Get out of there
00:10:48Big ol' red laser. I think he killed Blark. I can't run. Why can't I run?
00:10:54Is Yummy dead?
00:10:56They both died though. Yummy had something. I see someone's head here. I think that's Blark's head. Where's the clown bitch at?
00:11:03Oh my god you scared the fuck out of me dude!
00:11:05Oh my god!
00:11:07Oh my god!
00:11:09Sorry I didn't mean to hit you with that.
00:11:11Wait he's there! He's there!
00:11:13Okay I see the chunks of a dead guy.
00:11:15I'll peek.
00:11:18I can't move.
00:11:36I'm putting this back.
00:11:38What are y'all doing bro?
00:11:40We got money to make bro!
00:11:42We're hiding from that big ugly bitch.
00:11:44I know dude she's camping.
00:11:47What was that?
00:11:49I swear I just saw something floating.
00:11:51I'm tweaking bro.
00:11:53I don't know.
00:11:55He died back there.
00:12:01We just need like 200 more bucks.
00:12:03This is easy.
00:12:05We just need a small little meat.
00:12:07I do have a grenade.
00:12:09I have a grenade just in case.
00:12:11I found his head.
00:12:13My bad bro.
00:12:16We just need a little bit of money.
00:12:18Find something worth just a little bit of money.
00:12:20Why is nothing lighting up for me?
00:12:22Am I not scanning properly or something?
00:12:24Sometimes items pop up sometimes they don't.
00:12:26There's another one in there under the bed.
00:12:28Yeah just go under the bed.
00:12:30It's stuck under the fucking...
00:12:32You need my help?
00:12:34Oh I got it.
00:12:36I keep losing money because I keep smacking it against the wall.
00:12:38I haven't been able to pick up anything this whole time.
00:12:40What the fuck?
00:12:42Alright I got it don't worry.
00:12:45Money! We did it!
00:12:49We get a tax return because we did extra.
00:12:51Money back baby!
00:12:53Welcome back.
00:12:55This level has multiple extraction points.
00:12:57You must clear them all to leave?
00:13:01We have one more.
00:13:03This is our little car we're going to take to the extraction.
00:13:09Guys there's an eyeball around the corner.
00:13:11What's that mean?
00:13:14An eyeball?
00:13:16I don't see an eyeball.
00:13:18There is not an eyeball here bro.
00:13:20Dude the eyeball is on the ceiling it watches everything.
00:13:22Dude you're tweaking dude.
00:13:24There is no eyeball in here.
00:13:26I was in that corner I swear to god!
00:13:28I swear to god the eyeball was in that corner!
00:13:30Wait hold on we gotta loot shit.
00:13:32Well no shit buddy.
00:13:34There's nothing to loot I don't see anything.
00:13:36Yeah I don't see anything.
00:13:38He said bring the cart.
00:13:40Can one of y'all grab the cart?
00:13:43I've seen the face of god bro it's sketching me out.
00:13:45Dude I did I saw the face of god in the corner it's an eyeball.
00:13:47Bring the cart.
00:13:49I'm trying dude.
00:13:51We got the damn cart.
00:13:53You knocked it down so much!
00:13:55It's fine we got big money here.
00:13:57Check this out.
00:13:59Look at this alien cube dude.
00:14:01Throw it in.
00:14:03It's heavy.
00:14:05What the hell?
00:14:07Is that the thing from Transformers?
00:14:09It looks like it's in.
00:14:12Wait wait there's a base here.
00:14:14Hold on it's 6k.
00:14:16It's not popping up for me!
00:14:18Oh shit.
00:14:20We gotta strap it down.
00:14:22We can make it fit.
00:14:24We're breaking shit.
00:14:26Everything's going so wrong.
00:14:28Everything's going so wrong.
00:14:30We gotta move it around.
00:14:32Just put it in.
00:14:34Pick it up.
00:14:36It's heavy.
00:14:38We got 17k in the cart bro.
00:14:41Let's find the extraction.
00:14:43It's gotta be this way.
00:14:47We have to find the extraction?
00:14:49Is that what he said?
00:14:51Definitely not up here.
00:14:53Extraction point activated.
00:14:55It sounded like it was somewhere over here.
00:14:57Come back for the cart right?
00:14:59Hello Eric.
00:15:01Non-verbal staring at the thing.
00:15:03I think it might be through here.
00:15:05It's over here.
00:15:07It's over yonder.
00:15:10Or just whatever items you find on the way.
00:15:12Does somebody else want to handle the cart?
00:15:16I didn't break anything.
00:15:18I don't know what you're talking about.
00:15:20What exploding base?
00:15:22I don't know what exploding base you're referring to.
00:15:24I'll try and get the cart.
00:15:26I ain't scared. I'm a good chopper.
00:15:28Walmart professional.
00:15:30I'm doing my best here.
00:15:32The wheelchair one.
00:15:34I can't see in front of me dude.
00:15:36It's so massive I can't see anything.
00:15:39The all sparks in the way.
00:15:41Where'd you put the other base?
00:15:43Which way is it? To my right?
00:15:47Where is the extraction?
00:15:49It was sitting there.
00:15:51Did I just put the cart on top?
00:15:53Oh yeah baby!
00:15:57You guys know I already extracted right?
00:16:01Do we have to bring the cart back?
00:16:05Do we need to bring the cart?
00:16:08Leave the THC cart bro.
00:16:10We don't need it.
00:16:12I'm trying to quit smoking.
00:16:14I'm bringing you to the big man cart.
00:16:16Is there a big man over here?
00:16:18He's around the other way.
00:16:20To secure our life.
00:16:22I don't know where it is so I follow you Jerry.
00:16:24Shut up.
00:16:26Is Supe dead or is he just?
00:16:28Shut up.
00:16:32My. Life.
00:16:35He killed him.
00:16:37He killed him.
00:16:45She just kicked me in the fucking dome.
00:16:47Like I'm hiding under the table.
00:16:49Who's running?
00:16:51Are we all dead?
00:16:53You got me killed whoever that was.
00:16:55You got me killed bro.
00:16:57That was McNasty.
00:16:59Oh my god McNasty you fucking asshole.
00:17:01Dude I said fuck my life.
00:17:04I just lasered my ass.
00:17:10Dude she can kick bro.
00:17:12You gotta look out.
00:17:14Who did she just beat in the head?
00:17:16Be careful.
00:17:18My body is being attacked.
00:17:20My friends are dead.
00:17:26I swear.
00:17:29I swear.
00:17:31It's for Christmas.
00:17:37Maybe don't bother.
00:17:39Look at the monsters right there.
00:17:43Oh he's good.
00:17:45Oh shit where the fuck is the exit bro?
00:17:47Where do I go?
00:17:49Come on Trippy.
00:17:51If he just goes left he's out like after this.
00:17:53Come on Trippy. Go Trippy go.
00:17:55I see it what do I do?
00:17:58He can't run.
00:18:00He got healed.
00:18:02Did I win?
00:18:04Press the envelope button.
00:18:06What do I do now?
00:18:12Yeah yeah yeah press that.
00:18:16Come on Trippy hold it down.
00:18:18Come on Trippy.
00:18:20Oh my god.
00:18:22Keep doing it Trippy.
00:18:24Hold the button.
00:18:27Oh my god he's coming to the ship.
00:18:29Oh shit.
00:18:31All he had to do was hold it.
00:18:33All he had to do was hold it.
00:18:35Oh my god if he gets kicked it's over.
00:18:37Oh shit.
00:18:39What is it doing?
00:18:41I didn't even know it could path on the ship.
00:18:43Dude I didn't know it could path on the ship.
00:18:47It's coming back!
00:18:49Oh my god he's so fucked bro.
00:18:51Don't move.
00:18:56Look at his big old butt.
00:18:58That's a tiny bony butt.
00:19:00It's got a little greaser.
00:19:02He's got a rotisserie chicken butt.
00:19:04Hold the envelope.
00:19:06He's deaf and I can't tell him.
00:19:08Hold the envelope!
00:19:12Oh shit.
00:19:16I'm gonna lose my mind.
00:19:18It's in my bed.
00:19:22Jesus Christ.
00:19:25Why is it still going?
00:19:27I'm trying to call him.
00:19:35Jesus Christ.
00:19:37Hold it!
00:19:39Hold it!
00:19:43Thank god.
00:19:45Yes he fucking did it.
00:19:47Let's go!
00:19:49Let's go baby.
00:19:51Jesus dude.
00:19:54Bro you had like 10 characters to hold it.
00:19:56You just did it.
00:19:58You just kept touching it dude.
00:20:00I was so confused.
00:20:02We have more money.
00:20:04These upgrades over here are not ever worth it at all.
00:20:06They're so bad.
00:20:08They're horrible.
00:20:10What about rubber ducky?
00:20:12I'm doing 6k.
00:20:14I want a rubber ducky.
00:20:16I'm buying a health pack.
00:20:18I'm still at 1 HP.
00:20:20What is that?
00:20:23Who bought a flashback?
00:20:29One more rubber ducky.
00:20:31There's no way that's gonna fit.
00:20:33Too much money.
00:20:35One more rubber ducky.
00:20:37It's 17 grand.
00:20:39Why the hell are they worth 17k?
00:20:41Oh my god.
00:20:43Did it go back in there?
00:20:45The fucking asshole did.
00:20:47What the fuck just happened to me?
00:20:49It got mad.
00:20:51Did it just destroy all that stuff?
00:20:53It fucking killed me.
00:20:55It actually killed me.
00:20:57It killed me.
00:20:59Press E.
00:21:01Why did grenades spawn and blow me up?
00:21:05It got mad because you tried to steal twice.
00:21:07Because I threw the rubber ducky?
00:21:11It took my life.
00:21:13Reasonable Walmart employees.
00:21:15I don't even understand why.
00:21:17We got money immediately.
00:21:20Look out for the cheese rod.
00:21:22Look out for the cheese rod.
00:21:24Taco Bell cheese rod.
00:21:26Taco Bell cheese rod.
00:21:28Mustard guy.
00:21:30Big ol' mustard rod.
00:21:32You're telling me I can't sell no fucking TV?
00:21:34Dude, why is nothing lighting up for me?
00:21:36I don't see anything worth money.
00:21:38Yeah, I know.
00:21:40There's another cheese stick.
00:21:42Sometimes it lights up yellow and sometimes it don't.
00:21:44What's in the fridge?
00:21:46I got another cheese rod.
00:21:49I got another cheese rod.
00:21:51I got another cheese rod.
00:21:53Look out.
00:21:55Cheese rod coming through.
00:21:57There we go.
00:21:59Cheese rod on the beat.
00:22:01You're excused partner.
00:22:03There's an upstairs here.
00:22:05Should we go up?
00:22:07I'm upstairs.
00:22:09Oh shit.
00:22:13What did you guys find?
00:22:15What did y'all find?
00:22:18What the hell?
00:22:20What did y'all find?
00:22:22It's Tom Cruise.
00:22:24Holy shit.
00:22:26We almost died.
00:22:28We gotta find the next extraction.
00:22:30Find Blake.
00:22:32Get the hell out of the way.
00:22:34Get the hell out of the way of the car.
00:22:38What are you swinging?
00:22:40Trippy honestly has the best idea, dude.
00:22:42Look at him.
00:22:47What the fuck is going on?
00:22:49Alright, I'm not controlling the cart anymore.
00:22:51I'm hiding in the cart.
00:22:53Alright, I'll try and do this.
00:22:55You look dumb as hell, boy.
00:22:57Let's see who dies first, bitch.
00:22:59I'm hiding in this bitch.
00:23:01Alright, bro.
00:23:03You just broke my fucking this thing.
00:23:07Guys, I see something that way.
00:23:09Be careful.
00:23:11I don't know what it is.
00:23:13There's something over there.
00:23:16I don't see anything in the fridge.
00:23:18There's nothing in the fridge.
00:23:20Ain't nothing in the fridge?
00:23:22No, nothing in the fridge.
00:23:24Dude, there was something in this doorway.
00:23:26We didn't open this doorway.
00:23:28Can we steal this entire thing for $23,000?
00:23:30Wait, actually?
00:23:32Yeah, you can.
00:23:34We all have to move it.
00:23:36Put it in the cart.
00:23:38We can do it.
00:23:40McNasty's got a huge thing.
00:23:42I don't know what the fuck that is.
00:23:45We're stealing right now.
00:23:47We're stealing a whole server room, dude.
00:23:49Government secrets.
00:23:51Pull it this way a little bit.
00:23:53We almost got it.
00:23:55Go to your left.
00:23:57Go to your left!
00:23:59What is that?
00:24:01What are you yelling at?
00:24:03Something's on fire.
00:24:05Oh, my God.
00:24:07Oh, fuck!
00:24:09Is that gonna blow?
00:24:11It looks like it's gonna blow up.
00:24:14It's done.
00:24:16It's worth $2,200.
00:24:18We can't fit both of these in here.
00:24:20I don't think we can fit the server.
00:24:22There ain't no way, boy.
00:24:24You know what I'm trying to do.
00:24:26Oh, shit.
00:24:28Did it blow up?
00:24:30Did it blow up?
00:24:32Did you drip it in a propane tank?
00:24:34He slammed it on the ground.
00:24:36What did you think was gonna happen?
00:24:38Look out, bitch.
00:24:40You're killing the squad, bro.
00:24:43I got money, motherfucker.
00:24:45Look out.
00:24:47I'm gonna drag this bitch all the way.
00:24:49Maybe we gotta go the other way, though.
00:24:51I think it's this way.
00:24:53It's taking damage every time.
00:24:55I'm trying to...
00:24:57What the fuck is that?
00:24:59What is that?
00:25:03Oh, you can't...
00:25:05Oh, we're dead.
00:25:07We're all dead.
00:25:10Is it gone?
00:25:18Alright, I'm standing up, dude.
00:25:20It's gotta be gone.
00:25:22Are you guys good?
00:25:30Oh, my God.
00:25:32This is a 3500.
00:25:34It's a Martin.
00:25:36Taylor Swift peed on it.
00:25:39I wish I was that guitar.
00:25:41It's signed by Kanye.
00:25:43It's worth a billion.
00:25:45Lost value.
00:25:47I got Trippie's head in the cart.
00:25:49Are we actually gonna try and take this fucking server thing?
00:25:51I don't even think we can.
00:25:53It takes so much damage every time.
00:26:05Oh, my fucking God.
00:26:08Holy shit.
00:26:12What the fuck is that?
00:26:14McNasty! What is that?
00:26:18Do something! Hit it with something!
00:26:20What the fuck is the little baby head?
00:26:30Am I good to leave?
00:26:34Dude, did you see the fucking
00:26:36baby head thing?
00:26:38Yes, I did. That's why I was quiet.
00:26:40What the fuck was that?
00:26:42I didn't want it to kill me.
00:26:58Where the fuck am I, bruh?
00:27:00Hello? Yummy!
00:27:06Did you see my...
00:27:12That's what happened to me.
00:27:14Was it the big head thing?
00:27:18What the fuck? The grenade didn't go off.
00:27:20It did, just super late.
00:27:22What happened?
00:27:24We all died.
00:27:26The fucking
00:27:28got us all.
00:27:30That guy is the most broken mob in the game.
00:27:32What is this?
00:27:34What is this shit?
00:27:38Are we supposed to kill each other?
00:27:48Holy shit!
00:27:50He's got a chainsaw, bro!
00:27:54It was a circular saw, bro. Relax.
00:27:56Holy God!
00:27:58Stay away from me.
00:28:04Ow! My back!
00:28:06Dude, that guy's got a sword.
00:28:08I have no...
00:28:10What the hell happened? Do you have a gun?
00:28:12How do you have a gun?
00:28:14I don't know. It was a trach gun. Did it work?
00:28:16He's got a sword!
00:28:18I think I tranquilized myself.
00:28:20I don't know how to use this!
00:28:22I'm wheeling it!
00:28:24I'm gonna use Yummy to kill you now, bitch.
00:28:26You fucking nerd.
00:28:28Yummy's off the edge.
00:28:30There's no items. What do we do?
00:28:32Oh, shit!
00:28:34Oh, my God.
00:28:36King of the losers.
00:28:38I didn't know what to do
00:28:40and then the map just killed you.
00:28:42Dude, the little baby head out of nowhere
00:28:44scared the shit out of me.
00:28:46It started biting my ass, bro.
00:28:48What'd you say?
00:28:50I said the little baby head just started fucking
00:28:52biting me out of nowhere.
00:28:54It's just staring at me.
00:28:56You mean the old guy?
00:28:58No, there was a little baby
00:29:00with two arms.
00:29:02It was like flipping him over like he was a burger.
00:29:04He was like...
00:29:06It's like fucking biting me.
00:29:08It did say all of that. I was there.
00:29:10Oh, my God!
00:29:12Dude, you have a little crown on your head.
00:29:14Can we take that off? Is that worth money?
00:29:16Can we sell it?
00:29:18Can we sell me?
00:29:20Wait, why is it so much more?
00:29:22Expensive diamond!
00:29:24Do not let it break.
00:29:26It shattered.
00:29:28It immediately broke.
00:29:30You're a big-ass head, you fuck.
00:29:32How does a gem just explode?
00:29:34Oh, here's another one.
00:29:36Let me redeem myself.
00:29:38What is that?
00:29:42What the fuck?
00:29:44It's on top!
00:29:46Can you do something?
00:29:48Can you do something?
00:29:50Can you do something?
00:29:52Can you do something?
00:30:02Oh, my God!
00:30:04Oh, my God!
00:30:06What the fuck?
00:30:10Come on, dude!
00:30:14Why are you saying
00:30:16I'm going to body you?
00:30:18What are you talking about?
00:30:20I said I'm going to bite you.
00:30:24Was my voice fucked up or something?
00:30:28All I could see were teeth on my screen, bro.
00:30:30You're like,
00:30:32Help! Help somebody, please!
00:30:34God, I want to fucking bite you!
00:30:40Look at these two geniuses.
00:30:44It's like two eight-year-olds having a fucking argument.
00:30:50They need all of our heads in there.
00:30:54They only have Trippy's head.
00:30:56I don't even know if I have a head.
00:30:58The shit that happened to me, I got fucked up.
00:31:00That's so funny, dude.
00:31:02My head's right there.
00:31:04My head's right there.
00:31:06Oh, my God. They're dead.
00:31:08Oh, my God.
00:31:10How do they live, dude?
00:31:12That thing fucked me up every time I tried to hide.
00:31:14You're about to see if that thing hits him
00:31:16That's what they sound like when it hits him.
00:31:18He's flying around by the table. You see him?
00:31:22You'll hear what he sounds like if it hits him.
00:31:30Oh, here we go.
00:31:32Oh, it's right there.
00:31:34Oh, shit.
00:31:36Oh, okay.
00:31:38All right.
00:31:42Oh, she's slow. You run away.
00:31:44Oh, shit.
00:31:50At least his head's right there.
00:31:54He's so fucked.
00:31:56He's just sitting there. He hasn't moved still.
00:31:58He had an opportunity to and he hasn't.
00:32:00Oh, my nonverbal.
00:32:02Oh, my God. Look at it, dude.
00:32:04That thing fucked me up.
00:32:06Dude, what was with you throwing up?
00:32:08I don't know.
00:32:14He fell over.
00:32:16I want you guys to know I have
00:32:18zero faith in McNasty right now, dude.
00:32:20Absolutely zero.
00:32:26Oh, he's fucked.
00:32:28He's just going to sit there.
00:32:30God damn it.
00:32:32Oh, dude.
00:32:34I like how you fully
00:32:36extended at the end.
00:32:38We did so bad. Holy shit.
00:32:40That was awful, dude.
00:32:42Are we going to fight each other again?
00:32:44Oh, nice.
00:32:46This part of the game sucks.
00:32:48I'm just jumping off.
00:32:50Give me the staff.
00:32:52Come on.
00:32:54Dude, what happened?
00:32:56Did we all blow up?
00:32:58He's going to go flying, bro.
00:33:04We got it, boys.
00:33:06McJack off station. We've done this one.
00:33:08We know what to do.
00:33:10We've done McJack off station before.
00:33:12Watch out for the guy with the shotgun.
00:33:14We know there's a man with a shotgun.
00:33:16Watch out for him.
00:33:18It's different.
00:33:20You're a god damn genius.
00:33:22I got a glove for $1,600.
00:33:24I don't even know where I'm at right now.
00:33:26Hold on, dude.
00:33:28Which way am I going?
00:33:30Don't touch nothing. Back.
00:33:32To your right.
00:33:34You got to guide me.
00:33:36I can't see nothing.
00:33:38To your left.
00:33:40Straight left.
00:33:42I'm trying.
00:33:46He's got to open the door.
00:33:48Oh, shit.
00:33:50What the fuck is that thing?
00:33:52What is that?
00:33:54What is that?
00:33:56Dude, we lost like $6,000
00:33:58on this thing. What happened?
00:34:00That stupid vase, bro.
00:34:02That would have been it.
00:34:04He's getting eaten up.
00:34:06Is he good or what?
00:34:08He's good.
00:34:10He's pissed when you grab it.
00:34:12Touch him.
00:34:14I touched him.
00:34:16Oh, shit.
00:34:18You broke our door.
00:34:20You broke our door, bro.
00:34:22What do you want us to do?
00:34:24What do you want us to do about that?
00:34:26He quit biting you.
00:34:28He's done.
00:34:30He likes you.
00:34:32Try and pet him again.
00:34:34His name is Princess.
00:34:36Pet him.
00:34:38He don't bite.
00:34:40He doesn't like it.
00:34:42Shut the door.
00:34:44You shut the door in there.
00:34:46He's dead.
00:34:48He locked himself in there.
00:34:50He trapped him with the duck.
00:34:52Where's the item we can buy?
00:34:54Ow, my noggin.
00:34:56What the fuck just happened?
00:34:58What was that?
00:35:00It sucked me into the door.
00:35:02Is there something out there?
00:35:04I hear it, but I don't see it.
00:35:06Maybe we don't go out there.
00:35:08This will set us over.
00:35:10We'll win.
00:35:12It was scary, though.
00:35:14It was very big.
00:35:16I think we're good.
00:35:18It doesn't sound like we're good.
00:35:20The extraction thing is right here.
00:35:22You could have let us put the heads in there first.
00:35:24Dude, he's cute.
00:35:26He's cute when he's not attacking.
00:35:28Don't come back.
00:35:30It's fine.
00:35:32They'll come back.
00:35:34Look at this little guy.
00:35:36Why would you...
00:35:38Alright, let's leave.
00:35:40He's chill, right?
00:35:42Is he done?
00:35:44Why isn't he done?
00:35:46He's beating our ass.
00:35:48I got fucking walloped by Michelle Obama.
00:35:50She's a huge monster.
00:35:52Michelle Obama is famously in the game.
00:35:54She's a huge monster.
00:35:56I'm not going to try and buy shit this time.
00:35:58I don't want to get blown the fuck up.
00:36:00As a matter of fact, I'm standing way over here.
00:36:02Buy a couple of these.
00:36:04We should be good.
00:36:06What about a sprint speed upgrade?
00:36:08Is that not worth it?
00:36:10You think they'd be good, but they're really bad.
00:36:12They don't do anything.
00:36:14I think you have to keep buying them over and over again.
00:36:16Only one person can use it.
00:36:18That's butt.
00:36:20That's shit from a butt.
00:36:22Be on the lookout.
00:36:24I ain't scared of no clown bitch with a chainsaw.
00:36:26There's demons.
00:36:28Watch out for the demon clown.
00:36:30I got a gloob.
00:36:32I'm checking the fridge.
00:36:34Grilled cheese?
00:36:36There's a monkey.
00:36:38A little monkey in the fridge.
00:36:40$1,000 monkey in the fridge.
00:36:42$1,000 monkey in the fridge.
00:36:44$900 monkey in the fridge.
00:36:46Is it just straight back?
00:36:48Oh my god.
00:36:50You scared the fuck out of me, dude.
00:36:52You just came out of the darkness.
00:36:54$1,000 monkey.
00:36:56Little monkey.
00:37:00My bad, brother.
00:37:02We're stealing from the demons.
00:37:04Repoing the demons.
00:37:06Oh my fucking god.
00:37:08What the hell?
00:37:10I'm being struck.
00:37:12Dude, you're going to kill me with the lady.
00:37:14What is that?
00:37:16She's tweaking. It's okay.
00:37:18She's a little possessed.
00:37:20I'm putting her in the crate.
00:37:22Whatever you say, bro.
00:37:24She's fine. She's just a little sick.
00:37:26She got a virus.
00:37:28She had a shot of Pfizer.
00:37:30We got the money.
00:37:32We got the money and no demon showed up.
00:37:34How about that? Good luck.
00:37:36Very good luck.
00:37:38We need to go to another extraction.
00:37:40Jail! Jail! Jail!
00:37:42I'm being aggressive.
00:37:44Everybody get in the car.
00:37:46I'll lead the way and let you guys know if I see anything scary.
00:37:48I feel like the spirit of XTC on Rolls Royce.
00:37:50We're doing good. I'm pushing us.
00:37:52I feel like we're at a parade.
00:37:54Have we gone straight much?
00:37:56Yeah, we're going straight. I don't see anything scary.
00:37:58There's nothing in this room, though.
00:38:00This is a dead end.
00:38:02Back it up. Back it up.
00:38:04Yo, there's someone right behind you!
00:38:06I thought he was joking.
00:38:30Bro, I thought he was joking.
00:38:32Where'd she go?
00:38:34Straight that way the way you're going?
00:38:36Straight that way the way you're going?
00:38:48Oh, somebody's dead.
00:38:50Yeah, it's Trippy and McNasty both died.
00:38:52R.I.P. my homie. Put him in the car.
00:38:54R.I.P. my boy.
00:38:56The clown went straight this way, by the way.
00:38:58I don't know which way it went.
00:39:00Oh wait, there's McNasty's head.
00:39:02He's got the crown on. Our king's crown has fallen.
00:39:04Yeah, the clown is definitely this way, bro.
00:39:06Just be ready.
00:39:08McNasty just got kicked in the head and said,
00:39:12What are those little fuckers?
00:39:14There's like little gnomes.
00:39:16Look out for those gnomes, dude. They'll get you.
00:39:18Oh, fuck you. A thousand dollars right off your fucking head.
00:39:20Well, dude, why don't you announce
00:39:22you have a diamond next time, shithead?
00:39:24Why don't you open up your big old beady eyes,
00:39:26you freak?
00:39:28Where's the clown at?
00:39:30Look out! There's gnomes!
00:39:32They want my money!
00:39:34Guys, guys, guys, guys!
00:39:36The clown's coming!
00:39:38They're destroying our money!
00:39:44Kill him!
00:39:46I tried to tell you.
00:39:48He just died.
00:39:50I tried to get you.
00:39:52I tried to get you.
00:40:02Dude, if you type when you're down like that,
00:40:04they hear you.
00:40:08How much money we got? $1,000.
00:40:14Dude, this shit's hard as hell.
00:40:16You actually have to, like,
00:40:18sweat it to beat it.
00:40:20This is 2k, I think.
00:40:22Oh, this is 3k.
00:40:24I want the clown to fuck him in the ass so bad.
00:40:26This vase has got to be worth
00:40:28like 6k or some shit.
00:40:30Oh, it's 7k. Oh, it's so heavy.
00:40:32There's no way he makes it there without breaking it.
00:40:34I do not believe.
00:40:36I hope he breaks it. He's gonna be so mad.
00:40:40Oh, yeah.
00:40:42Oh, kill him.
00:40:44Maybe I should go for heads. I'm gonna try to get the cart.
00:40:46I'll be right back.
00:40:48It has to be, like, right here, dude.
00:40:50I want the clown to fuck him so bad.
00:40:52Bro, my head's not even in there.
00:40:54Okay, he's going back for my head.
00:40:56Thank you, Blue.
00:40:58Don't you worry. I wouldn't leave you behind, buddy.
00:41:00I got you, Blue.
00:41:02That dirty clown bitch won't kill us all.
00:41:06Fit, fit, fit.
00:41:18We got it.
00:41:20Let's go, baby!
00:41:22Come on back to daddy.
00:41:24My hero.
00:41:26We actually did it.
00:41:28We are so fucking back.
00:41:30Fuck that clown bitch.
00:41:32We gotta get back to the ship now.
00:41:34Let's do it.
00:41:36No way. Already? Really?
00:41:38Wait, what? What's happening?
00:41:44Why me?
00:41:46Why me?
00:41:48Why did that bitch kill me?
00:41:50I was so quiet, and the clown lasered me.
00:41:52For what?
00:41:54Is everyone still alive?
00:41:56Soup is dead, bro.
00:41:58What was that?
00:42:00Oh, God.
00:42:04Oh, my God.
00:42:06It's right there.
00:42:08What killed you?
00:42:10Dude, the fucking gnomes!
00:42:12I only have one health.
00:42:14I saw the clown first and was instantly quiet,
00:42:16and it fucking lasered my ass, bro.
00:42:20I think Yummy's about to leave them behind, dude.
00:42:22He just threw a grenade down the hallway for no reason.
00:42:24Yeah, really.
00:42:26The gnomes!
00:42:28They're getting chased by the gnomes.
00:42:30Oh, he broke it. He's good.
00:42:32Are they dead? Bitch.
00:42:36Oh, Blarg and Pete are alive. I'm sorry, Blarg and Pete.
00:42:38Blarg and Pete.
00:42:40They're just like a hundred gnomes.
00:42:42He's leaving Trippy behind, bro.
00:42:44He doesn't realize.
00:42:48Oh, shit. Trippy's about to die out of nowhere.
00:42:52What's that countdown for?
00:42:54Oh, my God.
00:42:56They made sure he was dead. He fucking got lasered.
00:42:58So what happened?
00:43:00You left us for dead, and the gnomes came.
00:43:02Buy more health, for sure, for everybody who don't have health.
00:43:04I ain't got health.
00:43:06I got none.
00:43:08I don't think any of us have health.
00:43:10No, we did not.
00:43:1221k, and we now have 0k.
00:43:14Yeah, we are now broke.
00:43:16Oh, nice.
00:43:18It is investment, baby. It is investment.
00:43:20It's an investment for us to lose health
00:43:22and getting hit in the head by silly objects.
00:43:24You can hit tab and view the map, by the way,
00:43:26when we're in there.
00:43:28I have 26 HP.
00:43:30I have one.
00:43:32Better than one, baby.
00:43:34Let's do this thing, bro.
00:43:36Wait, what's already moving over there?
00:43:38What's already moving over there?
00:43:40Why am I getting hit? What the fuck is happening?
00:43:42There's money right here.
00:43:44What is this?
00:43:46We're in a world war.
00:43:48Ow, dude!
00:43:50You exploded on your face.
00:43:52Somebody help me get the hairy plopper.
00:43:54What the hell is this thing?
00:43:58Easy money.
00:44:00Watch the ceiling.
00:44:02Look out for the tree. There's a tree behind you.
00:44:04To your left a little.
00:44:06To the right more.
00:44:08That's his right. Go up.
00:44:10Alright, go to your left.
00:44:12Oh, big money, big money, big money.
00:44:14Let's go, baby.
00:44:16What even is that? A broomstick handle.
00:44:18Oh, back up.
00:44:20That was fast.
00:44:22Good work, boys.
00:44:24Thank you. Here we put a broomstick.
00:44:26What was our return?
00:44:28Like 20 bucks.
00:44:3020 bucks?
00:44:32Don't even give me a Big Mac.
00:44:34I think I just saw somebody.
00:44:36Was this not one of us?
00:44:38Maybe it was.
00:44:40There's something behind the door, I think.
00:44:42We gotta find the next extraction.
00:44:44There's a vase over here.
00:44:46Alright, looks like we gotta go
00:44:48right straight out of our spawn.
00:44:50Look out, I got a vase!
00:44:52I got something, too! Hold on!
00:44:54Hold on!
00:44:56Be careful!
00:44:58Alright, which one did you grab
00:45:00after I put it on the ground?
00:45:02How do I unlock this?
00:45:04Wait, maybe there's something on the bed.
00:45:06Wait, I swear I saw something on the bed.
00:45:08Oh, never mind.
00:45:18What the hell?
00:45:22I'm scared.
00:45:24Is there someone here?
00:45:26Here we go.
00:45:32Did you just fart?
00:45:34I thought I was in-game.
00:45:36I was like, oh my god.
00:45:40It's reacting as if the fart is real.
00:45:42It's vibrating.
00:45:44We're all just farting in bed.
00:45:46You got taken by a ghost.
00:45:48What the hell was that? What's happening?
00:45:50Help! What's happening?
00:45:52I'm alive. He's taking our shit.
00:45:54I think we're good.
00:45:56Dude, where the hell is that ghost?
00:45:58It's like a gray cloud.
00:46:00What are you talking about, dude? You sound like a bitch.
00:46:04Yo, it's right in this doorway, I think.
00:46:06Oh, I'm getting taken!
00:46:08I'm getting taken!
00:46:14What do you want me to do about it?
00:46:16Salts and prayers, bro.
00:46:18Wait, big stack of money? How much?
00:46:20What is that? What is that cloud?
00:46:22It took me to the casino.
00:46:24Oh, you're alive?
00:46:26You lived?
00:46:28Salts and prayers finally worked.
00:46:30Yeah, I thought it was for sure dead.
00:46:32Did you hear that loud sound?
00:46:34Sorry, I'm trying to move the cart.
00:46:36We got $6,000 in this cart, bro.
00:46:38You can open these things, by the way.
00:46:40Uranium plate.
00:46:42What the fuck is that, dude?
00:46:44I thought that was a monster. It scared the shit out of me.
00:46:46I know, I saw you crouch immediately.
00:46:48Alright, which way is the extraction?
00:46:50Don't we have to find it first or something?
00:46:52Holy fuck, Jerry Stank is still with us.
00:46:54Dude, I don't know.
00:46:56There's been a lot of bullshit going on.
00:46:58How are you alive, bro?
00:47:00There's been so much bullshit happening.
00:47:02Oh, there's a $5,000 item up here.
00:47:04No, dude, I got kidnapped.
00:47:06He'll kidnap you and take you to some bullshit.
00:47:10Here, let me help you pick it up.
00:47:12What just happened in that big-ass pot up there?
00:47:14What the hell?
00:47:18He wants you, Trippy.
00:47:22How did I get on the balcony?
00:47:24What the fuck?
00:47:26No, why would you do that, you dumbass?
00:47:28Dude, you idiot.
00:47:34Dude, you literally fucking damaged
00:47:36all of our loot.
00:47:38We lost, like, all of it, bro.
00:47:42He just blew up and died.
00:47:48Put the cube in the...
00:47:50Just jump.
00:47:52Nah, you're fine, bro.
00:47:54How the fuck did you even get up there?
00:47:56I don't know. I was in the pot
00:47:58boiling chili. Oh, man.
00:48:00Let's get the cube in the game.
00:48:02We gotta pick the cube up. Careful.
00:48:04Hold on, I found a diamond.
00:48:06The cube's stuck. Help me.
00:48:08You got it.
00:48:10The cube's flinging.
00:48:12You got it, Big Booty.
00:48:14We got a globier.
00:48:16It's through this way.
00:48:18Why is there, like, a Chad wizard?
00:48:20What are you talking about?
00:48:22It looks like Dave Potter right there.
00:48:24Who is that?
00:48:26Dave Potter.
00:48:28I can't fit this globier there. I'm going to the extraction.
00:48:30Help me adjust the cart, bro.
00:48:32We gotta move this bitch.
00:48:3419k. Big money. Come on.
00:48:36I don't mean to alarm you, but there's danger that way.
00:48:38I ain't scared of no danger. We got money.
00:48:40It's on you, bro.
00:48:42It's to your left.
00:48:44Tell me which way to go.
00:48:46Straight to the double doors to the right.
00:48:48We're here. We're here. We got it.
00:48:50We got it. We did it. Let's go.
00:48:56God damn it.
00:48:58God damn it, bro.
00:49:02I am completely in it. What do you mean?
00:49:04Dude, you were like,
00:49:06We did it. We did it.
00:49:08It just fucking ate my ass, bro.
00:49:10I silently watched it follow you in there.
00:49:14Oh, Blark's fucked.
00:49:17Bro, how are they alive right now?
00:49:19Dude, I was like, We did it. We did it. I got it.
00:49:21And I turned around and that big bitch was just staring at me.
00:49:23I was like, Oh, fuck.
00:49:25Leaked into my mic or something or what?
00:49:27Oh, shit.
00:49:33I don't know what her deal is, bro.
00:49:35She's like busted.
00:49:37Oh, God. Blark is so fucked.
00:49:39That thing's definitely going to get him.
00:49:41Oh, shit.
00:49:44It disappeared.
00:49:46Oh, he's so lucky.
00:49:48I think he's stuck.
00:49:50How did that bitch go after me? I'm so stupid.
00:49:52Dude, Blark is fucked.
00:49:58I don't know where to go.
00:50:00That way.
00:50:02I believe in Blark. Oh, he knows. He knows now.
00:50:04He knows where he's at. You got this, Blark.
00:50:06You just got to go that way, right?
00:50:08Oh, my God.
00:50:13That's insane.
00:50:15Oh, my God.
00:50:17They ran a whole ass play on you, dude.
00:50:19That was crazy.
00:50:21God damn.
00:50:23We're back at it, baby.
00:50:25We're back at it, baby.
00:50:27Tyler's in a spree.
00:50:29Let's get that money, boys.
00:50:31Get that money.
00:50:33$2,000 book.
00:50:35That's crap.
00:50:37$2,000 book.
00:50:39$2,000 book coming through.
00:50:41Where's the thing at? Oh, it's right here.
00:50:43I got it. $2,000 book. There you go, sir.
00:50:49What is that, Blark?
00:51:01What the fuck is going on?
00:51:12What is that, a bomb?
00:51:14Dude, I got you. Let's go.
00:51:19This is enough, I think.
00:51:21We got it.
00:51:23This way.
00:51:25To your left.
00:51:27We're so close.
00:51:31We did it.
00:51:35Good job, boys.
00:51:37You better be quick.
00:51:43Oh, no.
00:51:45What happened with the eyeball, dude?
00:51:47We're just not going to talk about that?
00:51:49Thanks for grabbing my head, guys.
00:51:51I didn't even know you died.
00:51:53I got eaten by a cauldron.
00:51:55The eyeball is funny.
00:51:57I told you I wasn't freaking out.
00:51:59There's an eyeball.
00:52:01Absolutely, I'm buying that.
00:52:03Two landmines is fire.
00:52:05What is happening?
00:52:07I'm falling over.
00:52:09Do we put too much money in it?
00:52:11No, we're good.
00:52:13I thought I was going to die again, dude.
00:52:15Did I get the landmine?
00:52:17I fucking bought it, dude.
00:52:19I better have gotten the landmine.
00:52:21You got the best one.
00:52:23Isn't this the one we were just on?
00:52:25I have an explosive mine.
00:52:27That fills me with a lot of confidence.
00:52:29When should I use the explosive mine?
00:52:31I got a $3,000 pack.
00:52:33What are you doing?
00:52:35I think I set down the explosive mine.
00:52:37I think so, too, pal.
00:52:39Why would you do it right there?
00:52:41I don't know. I was testing it out.
00:52:43Can I pick it up?
00:52:45You tell me, pal. What do you think?
00:52:49It looks pretty armed to me.
00:52:51Should we walk over and pick it up?
00:52:53I'll pick up the doll.
00:52:55Just got to scroll the doll away from you.
00:52:57Just got to scroll it away.
00:52:59She might activate that landmine.
00:53:01Where'd she go?
00:53:03She's actually pretty useful.
00:53:05That was worth it.
00:53:07That was definitely worth it.
00:53:09I paid $3,000 for you to waste
00:53:11on a stupid doll.
00:53:13Let me out now.
00:53:19What is that?
00:53:21What the hell is that?
00:53:23It's got so many arms.
00:53:25Good call.
00:53:27Oh, my God!
00:53:29Are you good?
00:53:31I don't think he's good.
00:53:33Don't drop down.
00:53:35I don't think he's good.
00:53:37Are you good?
00:53:39I don't know.
00:53:41A baby totem pole.
00:53:43It's just safe up here.
00:53:45Jump up. You're good.
00:53:49I really wish he had left.
00:53:51That would have been too good.
00:53:53You're good.
00:53:59I got the vase.
00:54:01It's all the way back here.
00:54:03There's a baby sucker on the way, by the way.
00:54:05Did I lose the vase?
00:54:07I lost the vase. I got too excited.
00:54:09He broke it?
00:54:11Oh, my God. Look at all the nose.
00:54:15Oh, fuck.
00:54:17He was pushing me.
00:54:19You got to break him.
00:54:21Watch out for the mine.
00:54:23Watch out for the mine.
00:54:27Yeah, they just hit it.
00:54:29Dude, I was getting
00:54:31pushed by the fucking cow catcher
00:54:33and all the gnomes.
00:54:35Fuck those little gnomes, dude.
00:54:37What is that?
00:54:39Is that a TV?
00:54:41Put it in the car.
00:54:43It's heavy.
00:54:45I got a $600 crown.
00:54:47Burger King crown. Look out.
00:54:49Get the crown on.
00:54:51I got these three items.
00:54:53Get the shit in the freezer.
00:54:55There's stuff in the freezer.
00:54:57I think they broke it.
00:54:59There's still a diamond.
00:55:01And it's gone.
00:55:03No longer a diamond.
00:55:05There is no longer a diamond.
00:55:07Bring it in here, baby. Come on.
00:55:15I wouldn't stand back there.
00:55:17We're fine.
00:55:19I don't think so.
00:55:21Is he dead or alive?
00:55:23He lived.
00:55:27Oh, this door's locked.
00:55:33What's happening?
00:55:35What's happening to me?
00:55:37I don't know. I'm getting kidnapped.
00:55:39The fuck was that?
00:55:41There's some ghosts that grabbed me.
00:55:45They just keep coming.
00:55:47Evil gnomes.
00:55:49Grab the gnome.
00:55:51They're fucking
00:55:53biting my ankles.
00:55:55Why are there so many?
00:55:57Is there a fucking gnome spawner?
00:55:59What's going on?
00:56:01They actually don't stop.
00:56:03Where do we go back?
00:56:05We have to go back through the gnomes.
00:56:07There's so many.
00:56:09Is this even the way?
00:56:11I don't know.
00:56:13There's so many.
00:56:15Oh my God.
00:56:17Get out of the way, fuckers.
00:56:19POV Elon Musk running
00:56:21from child support.
00:56:23We got
00:56:25the gnome max boss level.
00:56:27What the fuck is this?
00:56:29Do we find it?
00:56:31This way, boys.
00:56:33I'm bringing my pet gnome.
00:56:35Where is he?
00:56:39Start the ship.
00:56:41Move the gnome out of my face.
00:56:43It's like round 50 Nazi zombies.
00:56:45Look at them all.
00:56:49There's so many gnomes.
00:56:51We did it.
00:56:53Have we been here yet?
00:56:55We're doing pretty good.
00:56:57What is this? A valuable tracker.
00:56:5918k. Is that worth it?
00:57:01I don't know. I've never used it. We could try it.
00:57:03Probably not worth it. We find all the big shit.
00:57:05We can get weapons.
00:57:07I'm getting a shockwave mine.
00:57:09I got attacked by a bunch of
00:57:11gnomes on the way.
00:57:13If we all have a level...
00:57:15Get rich, bruh.
00:57:17Is that it?
00:57:19Do we need double health? I have 95.
00:57:21I can give health.
00:57:23Spend that money.
00:57:25I have 49 because a gnome hit me in the head.
00:57:29Hell yeah, boys.
00:57:31The edge we are doing.
00:57:33What the fuck?
00:57:39My god.
00:57:41Who activated it?
00:57:43Is it going to blow us up when we spawn in?
00:57:45We should be good.
00:57:47All of us backed up.
00:57:49It's gone, though.
00:57:5115 big ones.
00:57:53We got this, bro.
00:57:55What kind of room are we in?
00:57:57We're in the botanist room.
00:57:59I know all about not having 15 grand.
00:58:03We're going to go to Lululemon after we take that 15 grand.
00:58:05I got the trophy.
00:58:07Big broom over here.
00:58:09I need help.
00:58:11I come out.
00:58:13I hit myself with money.
00:58:15$10,000 broom coming through. Help us.
00:58:17I'm helping.
00:58:21I feel like Jeff Bezos got one of these at his house.
00:58:23We only need one more good item.
00:58:25Careful. Firmly grasp it.
00:58:31We need one more item.
00:58:33What is that?
00:58:35That looks like my grandma.
00:58:37Big old ball stick head.
00:58:41Ugly ass bitch.
00:58:43Back of his head.
00:58:45Get the fuck out of here, ugly ass bitch.
00:58:47What the fuck are you going to do, ugly ass bitch?
00:58:49He's here.
00:58:51Is that Roger?
00:58:53What's he doing?
00:58:55He's doing Tai Chi or some shit.
00:58:57Give him the book.
00:58:59I believe you.
00:59:03We made fun of him.
00:59:05He's got a blarg.
00:59:07Help me. Help me, Jesus.
00:59:09Help me.
00:59:13Don't talk to the alien.
00:59:17He just walked right by him.
00:59:19I'm chill like that, bro.
00:59:23I'm chill with the aliens, bro.
00:59:31Don't worry, I got the money back.
00:59:33Alien, you ain't nothing but a bitch, bro.
00:59:37Can this duck shut up?
00:59:39Where the fuck is he?
00:59:41I'm leaving.
00:59:43This stupid ass alien, bro.
00:59:45He's camping the fucking door, dude.
00:59:47I can't get by.
00:59:49Is he just in front of you?
00:59:51Is he chill like that?
00:59:53Yeah, he's chill like that.
00:59:55I got the game, bro.
00:59:57Come this way.
00:59:59Come this way.
01:00:01Yeah, baby.
01:00:03McNasty, we gotta put it in the cart.
01:00:05We gotta put it in the cart.
01:00:09We gotta put it in the cart.
01:00:11McNasty, where's the cart?
01:00:15Oh, fuck.
01:00:17What's happening?
01:00:19Roger's got me.
01:00:21The ballsack alien got me.
01:00:23Oh, he's gonna destroy all of our shit.
01:00:25He's gonna break it.
01:00:29Put it in the cart.
01:00:31I put the shockwave mine down, bro.
01:00:33Roger's gonna walk over it.
01:00:35Hey, Roger, you a bitch, bro.
01:00:37Come this way.
01:00:39Look out, McNasty.
01:00:41No, McNasty.
01:00:47Oh, my God.
01:00:49You weak son of a bitch.
01:00:51Do not go that way.
01:00:53Hold on, we got a vase.
01:00:55We got a big vase.
01:00:57No, it's not in.
01:00:59Oh, my God, that's perfect.
01:01:01There's a big fuck-off
01:01:03chungus that way.
01:01:05We gotta find a strategy, bro.
01:01:07Just leave the cart here for now, I guess.
01:01:09Who's over here?
01:01:11The chungus.
01:01:13Oh, God, you scared me, dude.
01:01:15Jerry Steak.
01:01:19What the fuck are y'all
01:01:21talking about?
01:01:23Made you horny
01:01:25for Jerry Steak, who's me.
01:01:27Jerry Steak.
01:01:29Make some horny
01:01:31for me, bro.
01:01:35Brilliant vibes.
01:01:37Jerry Steak.
01:01:41Jerry Steak.
01:01:45Why does no one love me, bro?
01:01:47What the hell?
01:01:49No one loves Gus.
01:01:51Everybody loves Eric.
01:01:53Gus loves himself.
01:01:55He got himself pickle feet.
01:02:03Drop it.
01:02:05There's not a diamond.
01:02:07Oh, shit, no.
01:02:09What is this thing?
01:02:17Here, let me help you boys out.
01:02:19Come on, let's move this thing.
01:02:41Look, look, look.
01:02:49Where's extraction?
01:02:51Oh, it's right here. Come on.
01:02:53This way, boys.
01:02:55Listen for the beeping.
01:02:57Oh, shit, it is here.
01:02:59Oh, shit.
01:03:11Oh, big money.
01:03:13No, it's good, it's good.
01:03:15Dude, how much is that?
01:03:17A lot, 28k.
01:03:19We got a lot of money.
01:03:21Hell yeah, boys.
01:03:23The duck is back.
01:03:25Why won't this duck leave me alone?
01:03:27Leave me alone.
01:03:29Why is the duck staring at me?
01:03:31Roger's here.
01:03:33Oh, no, no, no, no.
01:03:35No, I tried to run away
01:03:37and it didn't work.
01:03:39Oh, shit.
01:03:43Oh, shit.
01:03:45Roger is not happy.
01:03:47Neither is the duck.
01:03:49Oh, shit.
01:03:51Dude, I can't do anything.
01:03:53The duck is just eating my ass.
01:03:55He's cool now, he's chill.
01:03:57What is that thing, dude?
01:03:59Why was the duck mad at me?
01:04:01I didn't touch him.
01:04:03Roger beat his bitch ass up.
01:04:05He started chomping on me.
01:04:07He took me from 100 to 25 health.
01:04:09He's fucking broken.
01:04:11Which way is it?
01:04:13Here's mommy.
01:04:15Here's yellow mommy.
01:04:21We'll get help when we come back on.
01:04:23Oh, W.
01:04:25Nice work, gentlemen. I'm proud of y'all.
01:04:27I'm real proud.
01:04:29Buy everything in the shop.
01:04:31Fuck it.
01:04:33I wish it was me.
01:04:35Buy everything in the shop.
01:04:39Fuck it, man. We rich.
01:04:45I mean, we can.
01:04:47The venison tracker?
01:04:49Can we afford it?
01:04:51Take out some heals.
01:04:53We'll go and share some heals.
01:04:55This is way too much.
01:04:57Here, another one heal.
01:05:01Somebody grab this landmine.
01:05:03Put it in that guy's hands.
01:05:05Yeah, baby.
01:05:07I love landmines so much.
01:05:15Oh, guitar.
01:05:1716 grand.
01:05:19Autistic guitar.
01:05:21I'm acoustic, bro.
01:05:25Oh, it's a fucking laptop.
01:05:29What'd you say about a chainsaw?
01:05:31Oh, shit. Look out!
01:05:33I got a fucking chainsaw.
01:05:35Fuck out of my way.
01:05:37How much is that worth?
01:05:41Very good.
01:05:43We're close.
01:05:45I slammed it into a wall because I was scared of it.
01:05:49Go ahead.
01:05:53Which way is the thing?
01:05:57Dude, get the fuck out of the way.
01:05:59Get out of the way.
01:06:01What is this big fucker?
01:06:03Get out of our way.
01:06:07Oh, it's falling out!
01:06:11What is that?
01:06:13He's placing a mine, dude.
01:06:15We got a troll.
01:06:17Why didn't it work? It didn't even work.
01:06:19What the hell?
01:06:21The thing just broke. It's not here anymore.
01:06:23It just broke our embalmed item.
01:06:25It just broke 10k for no reason.
01:06:27We got scammed.
01:06:29Is anyone still watching this?
01:06:31What the fuck, dude?
01:06:37Oh, hell yeah.
01:06:39This looks like a dope...
01:06:41There's a server room.
01:06:43We need to bring this.
01:06:45There's a shotgun guy in that area.
01:06:49Oh my god, he's right there!
01:06:51Yeah, I said that.
01:06:53Did I kill him?
01:06:55Are we good?
01:06:57Did you hit him with the shockwave, Grenade?
01:07:05Did you kill him?
01:07:07I got his heart.
01:07:11He did a front flip.
01:07:13Oh, sorry.
01:07:15Dude, he literally was like,
01:07:17are we good?
01:07:19I can't believe it stole our $10,000 item.
01:07:21That was bullshit.
01:07:23Yeah, Trippy got blasted.
01:07:25He literally said, are we good?
01:07:27And then we were not good.
01:07:29Where's our tax return?
01:07:31Oh, we got 2k.
01:07:33Why are you putting the cart on the mine?
01:07:35We should have built a server room, bro.
01:07:37Got the free money.
01:07:39I'm getting the fuck out of this room before something bad happens.
01:07:41I'm waiting for Yummy to bring that
01:07:45I was trying to whale somebody into the mine.
01:07:49There is a massive server box worth like
01:07:5120k out here if we want to grab it.
01:07:53It's right here, but I'm not going to be able to fucking
01:07:55Where's the extraction?
01:07:57What the hell is a snowmobile?
01:07:59Oh wait, there's valuables in here.
01:08:01In the snow machine.
01:08:03There is valuables in the snow machine.
01:08:05We can't take it to the other.
01:08:07I'm just going to leave it here.
01:08:11What the hell is that? Oh, you got a globe, bro.
01:08:13I got it, I got it.
01:08:15Do you want to pass it?
01:08:19Hard drive.
01:08:21You did ask him to pass it.
01:08:23You told me to pass it, bro.
01:08:25I'm going down this scary
01:08:27hallway. Who's with me?
01:08:29Indestructible object on my forehead.
01:08:33What's in this massive? Dude, $18,000
01:08:39There's a fucking whole ass
01:08:41lion in here.
01:08:43It's got scratch marks on it.
01:08:45Actually, put that thing in there.
01:08:47Oh no, we probably don't want to
01:08:49break that open. We probably don't want to break it open.
01:08:51We probably don't want to break it open.
01:08:53We probably don't want to break it open.
01:08:55We probably don't want to break it open.
01:08:57Oh my god, we're fucked.
01:08:59It's alive.
01:09:01It's alive.
01:09:03The gnomes are here. What's that?
01:09:05There's something else here.
01:09:09Wait, it died. It died.
01:09:11There's nothing even here.
01:09:13The heart of something.
01:09:15There's a big evil frog.
01:09:17It blew up on the box.
01:09:19Something blew up on the box.
01:09:21Ocean crab up.
01:09:29Oh my god.
01:09:39Dude, how the fuck did it not
01:09:41shoot me?
01:09:43He looked right at me.
01:09:45It's got to be through here. There's items here.
01:09:47I'm betting my top dollar it's right through here.
01:09:49Oh, here it is.
01:09:51Careful, there's no railing.
01:09:53Bring the cart.
01:09:55We just got to bring it straight down this way. We're all good.
01:09:57Also, there's a diamond ring.
01:09:59I got the cart, bro. I'm coming.
01:10:01Careful, careful, careful.
01:10:03We still need more money, though.
01:10:05We need more money.
01:10:07It's so close.
01:10:09Do we need a little bit more?
01:10:11Do we have to take everything out one by one?
01:10:13I got the vase first.
01:10:15Careful with everything, bro.
01:10:17I got the heart of the lion
01:10:19or whatever the fuck was in that box.
01:10:21He's shooting at somebody.
01:10:23Probably McNasty.
01:10:25I don't know.
01:10:27I think he just shot him in the head.
01:10:29Is he down the hallway?
01:10:35He might be down the hallway.
01:10:37Oh, he's coming in.
01:10:53What the fuck, dude?
01:10:57Absolutely no way.
01:11:05He slid down the stairs like an old fuck.
01:11:11I can't do 360s.
01:11:15He did it twice.
01:11:17Oh, my God.
01:11:19That was so stupid.
01:11:21After his first 360,
01:11:23he just had to prove
01:11:25it wasn't an accident,
01:11:27but he could actually do that.
01:11:29He almost pushed the card off.
01:11:31Imagine he kicked the card off, too.
01:11:33That would have been fucking crazy.
01:11:35Dude, he blew the vase up.
01:11:37That was the most valuable thing up there.
01:11:39He 360'd that shit.
01:11:41That was so funny.
01:11:43Dude, I shouldn't have opened my mouth.
01:11:45I said one word to him,
01:11:47and he just shot me.
01:11:51You weren't even the closest one to him, either.
01:11:53He specifically targeted you.
01:11:55That was so fucking funny.
01:11:57Oh, my God.
01:11:59I think Trippy's going to get fucking blasted.
01:12:01I hope he does.
01:12:03He's so distracted by that thing,
01:12:05he's just going to get fucking mollywhopped.
01:12:07Still laughing at the old man
01:12:09fucking spins around.
01:12:13Oh, so did mine.
01:12:15Oh, no.
01:12:17Dude, I thought Trippy just fucked himself, dude.
01:12:21That would have been so funny.
01:12:25He's so close, dude.
01:12:27He needs one more item.
01:12:29Oh, it is McNash, he said.
01:12:31How much health does he have?
01:12:33Oh, my God, how much health does he have?
01:12:35He said he had one.
01:12:37Dude, if they touch him, he's dead.
01:12:39Grandpa's coming.
01:12:41He's due, bro. It's due for him to come back.
01:12:43Oh, absolutely.
01:12:45Find him.
01:12:49Oh, my God.
01:12:51Don't break it.
01:12:53Clutch up.
01:12:55Dude, there's no way.
01:12:57Grandpa's not coming, dude.
01:12:59He's not. He's good.
01:13:01He might come back when we spawn, but at least we spawn.
01:13:03Don't touch it.
01:13:05Oh, my God.
01:13:07Let's go, baby.
01:13:09I think we're good.
01:13:11My head didn't go anywhere.
01:13:13I did it.
01:13:21Let's go, baby.
01:13:23Put it in the cart.
01:13:25Grandpa's going to be back.
01:13:37Dude, there's no way he did it again.
01:13:39There's no way he did it again.
01:13:41He did it again.
01:13:45There's no way.
01:13:47What you did is making sure you're dead.
01:13:49Oh, my God.
01:13:51As soon as we fucking
01:13:53start leaving.
01:13:55I was hit by collateral damage.
01:14:03Oh, no.
01:14:05He just kills us all and just leaves.
01:14:07Dude, that was so fucking funny.
01:14:09My point of view of you.
01:14:11I think Grandpa's coming back.
01:14:13He just disappeared.
01:14:19Oh, he's fucked.
01:14:23What is he doing?
01:14:25He's crushing him.
01:14:27How is he alive?
01:14:29Oh, my God.
01:14:33Oh, my God.
01:14:35He's got a 360, bro.
01:14:43Good games, boys.
01:14:45GG, guys.
01:14:47Alright, everybody. That was Repo.
01:14:49That game is amazing.
01:14:51If you want us to play more, let me know by leaving a like,
01:14:53comment, and subscribing to the channel.
01:14:55Leave a comment saying Grandpa.
01:14:57I would greatly appreciate it if you guys
01:14:59subscribed. Please subscribe.
01:15:01Do it.
01:15:03Alright, I'll catch you on the next one.
01:15:09Don't give a shit.
01:15:11Pack a fat lip.
01:15:13And I don't give a shit.
01:15:15Pack a fat lip.
01:15:17Don't give a shit.
01:15:19Pack a fat lip.
01:15:21And I don't give a shit.
01:15:23I traded my Gucci for a can of dip.
01:15:25But I still use my sister
01:15:27for that sexual relationship.
01:15:29You too can kiss my honky ass.
01:15:31I got all their money.
01:15:33And they ain't getting it back.
01:15:35Support my channel
01:15:37by liking that like.
01:15:39If you don't enjoy this country shit,
01:15:41then take a fucking hike.