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#shorts #шортс
Copyright Notice: In accordance with Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, this material is used under the 'fair use' provision for activities such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Если вы считаете, что видео на этом канале нарушает Ваши авторские права, напишите нам на почту: goroda.govor@mail.ru, и мы ответим Вам в течение 24 часов. Видео будет удалено с канала или мы Вас отметим (как Вы посчитаете нужным).
If you are the owner of copyright and have discovered that your material has been used without your permission, or if you wish to request the removal of content for another reason, please write to us at our official email address: goroda.govor@mail.ru
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#shorts #шортс
00:00Putin invested 100 billion rubles in the aircraft that left everyone behind.
00:04Russia showed what no one believed in.
00:06The new Russian helicopter accelerates up to 700 km per hour.
00:10Faster than any other in the world.
00:12Two prototypes are already ready.
00:14One is like a rocket with a propeller.
00:16It breaks through any defense and disappears before anyone has time to react.
00:21The helicopter flies over the road at the speed of a sports car,
00:24and the vehicle turns into scrap metal.
00:26The second disappears from the radars,
00:28comes in from the flank and shoots until it is noticed.
00:31It maneuvers so accurately that it can fly between trees at full speed.
00:36700 km per hour, and this monster blows up like a bullet.
00:40This news has already caused panic in the West.
00:42The United States is urgently reviewing the strategy.
00:44They were not ready for this.
00:46Now Russia dictates the rules.
00:48The rest remains to be caught up.
00:49If you are proud of our engineers, subscribe.