• yesterday


00:00Extra yes, yes, I walk in a sex tranny este
00:04Si en general
00:06mi papá
00:08Que no paso un cumpleaños con él siempre paso lo mismo pasa mis hermanos
00:18Linda esta enamorado
00:22Porque está bien
00:24No, te gusta vos no
00:26¿Por qué no?
00:27¿Por qué no? Que seas feliz, pero no.
00:29¡Celosa! ¡Ah, bueno! ¡Que seas feliz, pero no!
00:32¡Que lo pases horrible!
00:34¡Eres feliz enamorado!
00:36Está bien así. Yo lo veo más contento.
00:38Y la verdad, papi...
00:39Y escúchame, ¿hacés berrinches ahí con la...
00:42¿Con la nueva novia hacés berrinches?
00:44No, todavía no. La conozco de chiquita, pero no.
00:48De chiquita, ¿eh?
00:49No me gusta, pero bueno. No me voy a meter en eso.
00:52Ya se metió.
00:53Y no es nada.
00:55Se va a casar.
00:56¿Qué más?
00:57Se va a casar.
01:01Está, está.
01:02Está muy enamorado, entonces.
01:03Sí, eso merece un último momento.
01:05¡Último momento!
01:06Mi papá se va a casar.
01:11No, pero yo lo veo contento, ¿no?
01:13¿Y a quién más extrañaste de tu familia?
01:15Porque te vimos que volviste y te volviste...
01:17A mis hermanos, a la bebé Tiago.
01:19¿Cómo están las bebés de Tiago?
01:21¡Ay, ya camina!
01:22¡Mi cosita Nina!
01:23¿En serio?
01:25Sí, ya camina.
01:26¿Y te dicen Camila o te identifican?
01:28No, pará.
01:29Tiene un año y tres meses.
01:31Cami, cami, cami, por ahí.
01:33No, yo le decía...
01:35La última vez que fui a verla, le dije tía.
01:36Le decía tía.
01:37Y yo le tocaba así.
01:39Cuando me hacía así, yo le decía tía.
01:44¿Dedito con dedito?
01:46Ah, o sea que...
01:47Con la donena.
01:48Pero no lo vi todavía.
01:49No vi a nadie todavía.
01:51¿Y sos buena tía?
01:53No, no, no, no.
01:54No, no, no, Tíago.
01:55Adelante, Tíago.
01:56Por favor, bienvenido.
01:59¡Él vino!
02:00¡Ah, bienvenido!
02:01¡Vino a saludarla!
02:02¡Siempre lo mismo!
02:03Sí, siempre mismo.
02:04Muy bien.
02:05¿Cómo vamos?
02:11¡No me gusta la sorpresa!
02:12No, no, no.
02:13Es mentira que se sostuvo con la comida porque a mí me gustó mucho.
02:14Quería que se sostuviera con la comida.
02:15No, no, no, no.
02:16El sol no lo sabía.
02:17No, no, no, no.
02:18No, no, no, no.
02:19It's a lie that he held on to the food because he sent me a message.
02:24What did he tell you?
02:25What did I say? What did I say?
02:26That he was pecking the crazy people.
02:33Tiago, come with me. I miss you a lot. Leave Tiago there.
02:36Tiago, come with us.
02:39Tiago, what else did he do?
02:41What did he tell you?
02:42What else did he do?
02:45In love, right?
02:46In love, right?
02:49He ate, but he went out to run, at least.
02:54What did you tell them?
02:55Because one thing is, we take it with humor, yes?
02:58And we thank you for coming, and we love that you come.
03:01But when she told you this, what did you tell her?
03:04No, stop eating.
03:06He told me to train.
03:08Stop eating, come on. When he trains, I tell him.
03:10No, I always tell him to train, to run.
03:14It's good, besides being better than her.
03:18It's more beautiful.
03:21How long have you not seen each other?
03:23Since the birthday of the girl.
03:25That's why, the birthday of the girl, a month ago, right?
03:27A month, yes.
03:28Let's see.
03:29Yes, a month.
03:30A month. There you have everything booked, right?
03:32Yes, yes.
03:33No, but yes, a month ago.
03:34No, a month ago, yes.
03:36And do you talk a lot with each other?
03:38Yes, I just sent him a message that I was with the baby, so he thinks I was there.
03:41Oh, right!
03:43I sent him a video.
03:45How important is Thiago in this time, during the treatment?
03:49He came once, right?
03:51Because she said that nobody accompanied him,
03:53she said that he had no family, that he lived in the desert,
03:55and it turns out that all the relatives came.
03:57Even the father appeared as a surprise.
03:59One day, Thiago appeared as a surprise.
04:01How important is Thiago in a treatment?
04:03Actually, all my brothers are important.
04:05But it's like I have a very, very brotherly connection with him,
04:10very forward, I don't know.
04:13When we go out to work together, that unites us more.
04:16And when you tell him things, does he listen to you or does he do whatever he wants?
04:22It depends, it depends on what I tell him.
04:24He doesn't always listen to me.
04:26Instead of telling me, I have to tell her.
04:28She's the oldest, you know?
04:30No, but yes, sometimes he listens to me, sometimes he doesn't.
04:33When it rains, I won't listen to you.
04:36Thiago, for us, as for this treatment,
04:39as for many participants,
04:41Camilota's change is huge.
04:43Not just physically.
04:45Here we talk about an integral change.
04:47In what have you changed her?
04:49What do you see in her that she didn't have before?
04:51I see her better, I see her well.
04:53She lost her dad.
04:55No, but yes, I see her happy.
04:57She can enjoy now.
04:59The other time I saw her riding a bike and those things,
05:02things she didn't do before.
05:04Didn't she enjoy it before?
05:05She didn't do that before, out of fear.
05:07Out of fear, more than anything,
05:09and now I see her better.
05:11The other time I made her a video call
05:13and she was riding a bike,
05:15and she told me it was a couple of kilometers.
05:17What kind of fear did she have before?
05:19Fear of getting hurt, fear of breaking the bike,
05:21and those things, you know?
05:23That's why you caught me!
05:25But yes, more than that.
05:27But yes, I see her pretty well.
05:29I see her better than before.
05:31And that's what she really wanted,
05:33because she got on her feet for a while,
05:35then she stopped and started eating,
05:37and then she ate, and ate, and ate.
05:39Yes, but the important thing is...
05:41Until she realized how she was.
05:43The important thing is that it cost her a lot,
05:45and I say this also to the rest of the participants,
05:47and I tell you, to you who are at home,
05:49that maybe it's costing you.
05:51Camila had a hard time.
05:53She went through everything with Camila,
05:55but she went with her high.
05:57Yes, yes.
05:59And that's the important thing, that's what we value.
06:01I talked to her when she told me she wanted to go,
06:03and I told her, look, if you're going to go now,
06:05that you need to go down a little bit,
06:07so they give you the high,
06:09I tell her, stop fucking around.
06:11I always tell her, fat girl,
06:13I don't tell her, Camila, that's affectionate.
06:15Yes, I know.
06:17Because she tells me a lot,
06:19how do you tell her, fat girl,
06:21that she's...
06:23I tell her, fat girl, stop fucking around.
06:25I tell her, if you're healthy,
06:27that they give you the high,
06:29look if you're going to go now.
06:31What happens to you when she suffers so much
06:33because of what they tell her,
06:35because of the cruel things she has to read.
06:37They also tell her beautiful things,
06:39because there are a lot of people who follow her and accompany her.
06:41But what do you tell her when she really suffers a lot
06:43because of what they tell her?
06:45That she doesn't take it.
06:47That she doesn't take it from someone she doesn't know.
06:49I tell her, if someone
06:51knows her,
06:53tell her to take it there,
06:55because if people talk about talking
06:57and don't know what's going on behind you,
06:59we show what we want,
07:01we're not always happy,
07:03and I see that she always uploads happy photos.
07:05Well, the other day she went up crying.
07:07But I always see that she uploads happy photos
07:09and all that, and I tell her, take it from someone
07:11who knows you, not from the people in the networks.
07:13Because if they kill her,
07:15they kill me too, and I don't have a problem.
07:17Now, if some acquaintance comes
07:19and someone from that tells me,
07:21no, man, you did this, this,
07:23maybe it hurts me, but maybe not.
07:25And if someone I don't know comes and tells me,
07:27no, you did this, well...
07:29Are you happy in the family?
07:31Yes, really, I love it.
07:33There's a very nice project of yours,
07:35as a family, with the girls.
07:37How important it is to have a life project
07:39going forward, beyond what they say,
07:41what they write to you, what they applaud you
07:43and what they want to throw at you,
07:45who knows where.
07:47No, we're seeing every day
07:49something new to learn.
07:51Enjoy the babies more than anything,
07:53because they fly by,
07:55they're a year and a month old.
07:57Enjoy them fully,
07:59see what life gives us,
08:01and those things, more than anything.
08:03Many things.
08:05How they love you.
08:07Look how hard it is for him to come,
08:09and we thank him very much,
08:11but when we called him,
08:13he says, yes, I want to go,
08:15I want to be there.
08:17Yes, because I would love for all my brothers to be there.
08:19And how many are they?
08:21We are ten, but...
08:23You can't gather all ten.
08:25Every day of the week,
08:27when everyone has their obligations,
08:29has children.
08:31They started at school,
08:33but as I say,
08:35we have a very nice connection with him.
08:37And it's nice that he accompanies you
08:39in your family too,
08:41apart from being there,
08:43because he accompanies a lot of people,
08:45but the most beautiful thing
08:47is the close ones,
08:49and I come because I know
08:51that when they invite others
08:53and we don't come, I know it hurts,
08:55and when they opened here,
08:57a lot of people came,
08:59and I couldn't come because of issues I had,
09:01and when I can, I come,
09:03and I like to accompany her.
09:05I like to be with her,
09:07I always talk to her,
09:09and whenever she has a problem,
09:11she talks to me.
09:13And another thing,
09:15every time Cami visits them,
09:17they make her run,
09:19and she demands it.
09:21And he made me...
09:23how was it?
09:25He made me get off...
09:27No, that was you.
09:29There was a mountain and you fell down rolling.
09:31No, how do you say the word when...
09:33You roll?
09:35No, I can't.
09:39And he said, I challenge you, there it is.
09:41I challenge you to jump from there.
09:43And I thought he wasn't going to do it.
09:45And when he touched him?
09:47No, he said...
09:49No, he said...
09:51No, Sean.
