00:00Hello everyone and we are back with another one. Today we've got 11 about to drop in two days.
00:06In two days time she'll be on Lumia Island. Let's check her out and what she can do.
00:12I think I skimmed the video and they do show some of the abilities first but we're going to actually
00:17go and read the ability. So we're just going to be watching the video and seeing more or less what
00:23happens. So as you can see she has some auto attacks and after a few auto attacks a burger
00:29drops on the ground which she can walk to or a meal. And then she's got an ability her Q called
00:34Burger Queen. It's a smash ability. We can see her kind of charge it up. So there's a charged
00:41version and a not charged version. And her W looks like a taunt. You can see her just charge it up.
00:48We'll read whether there's any defensive abilities for that. Her E is a launch kind of like Zack
00:54from League of Legends. And again another ability that can charge up for long. And when you fully
01:01charge it there should be other abilities. And then her ultimate her R is the calorie cyclone.
01:06And it's literally just an AoE around her. Looks very very devastating actually. Just hitting them
01:13with bread, lettuce, all kinds of onion and tomatoes and all of that good stuff. All right and now just
01:20we can see the effects of a Nadine unable to kite her. Look at how big that burger gets. That's a big
01:28juicy burger guys. We'll have to read how the burger works. How it gets bigger. Surely when you attack
01:35and get a different meal you mukbang your way to that huge ass burger. Look at that burger guys.
01:42Oh boy. Gloria burger type burger. Oh man. Oh oh man. I love the engages with this character. It's
01:52pretty pretty lit. Yeah so I think the gameplay is just gonna go on. I don't wanna
02:02stay on the gameplay for too long. Yeah the video is about to end. So let's see if we can get to the
02:10the actual notes for her. All right so Eleven is now live on Lumia Island and she brought all the
02:17sauce as they say. Saucy. And man she's Jukka's counterpart. The two you know I'm I'm coupling
02:26them. I'm shipping them. That's what the term is. You ship them. All right cool. She's got her
02:32She's got her favorite burger locked and loaded. Fries and drinks are also included at no extra
02:40charge. Yes sir. Now that we're full let's browse through her skills. One of the stranger things
02:46about Eleven is her massive burger really hurts. So don't just go and take a bite without asking.
02:53Okay very very spicy patch notes already. Okay so she uses a hammer and she's joining the hammer
03:01users actually. So that puts her in league with Sua and Magnus himself right. So let's read her
03:12passive. Okay her passive is ground brief. Eleven can prepare a number 11 combo meal by combining
03:21a hamburger and french fries. Wow okay so interestingly enough Eleven actually has
03:28access to a food item. You get two stacks of this thing. It's a purple food item and it's a food
03:35item that no one else will have access to unless you drop it for them. That's pretty cool. I like
03:40that already. That's already something I felt the game needed. Just characters who can abuse the
03:46different mechanics like the food building mechanics etc etc in new and interesting ways.
03:52And let's see is there more to her passive. Okay so there's a self passive and there's a team
04:00and an enemy passive. Okay so your team can pick up the passive as we can see with the Lennox and
04:07it looks like it buffs them. And then when the enemy steps on your passive it gets rid of it. So
04:12every four attacks Eleven drops a slider on the ground. Picking up a slider after normal attacks
04:18deal extra damage but her attack speed is reduced. Okay picking up a slider also recovers her HP
04:26instantly. That's interesting. And some more over time. All right so gonna be very important when
04:33you're fighting Eleven to be stepping on those burgers. And if you are Eleven gonna be very
04:38important to kind of control where the burgers are landing or know exactly when your burger
04:43is about to proc. Walk into one of those sliders and yeah get the increased attack damage off of
04:51that. Eleven can also use an enhanced version of her skills after picking up one of these.
04:59An additional slider is created in team mode. Enemies can step on sliders to destroy them as
05:05we saw. All right so that's pretty interesting. As we heard the attack speed is going to go down
05:12but your damage is going to go up. This makes me feel like Thor's Hammer. Not a bad item. This makes
05:18me feel like Tactical Ops Thor's Hammer. I like the idea of building some attack speed on this
05:25but we'll see how her base attack speed is. Sua's base attack speed was dreadful. So we'll just see
05:31how the Burger Queen or the streamer Eleven turns out. Speaking of Burger Queen that's her Q.
05:41She channels and slams down her massive burger dealing damage in the targeted area. That's this
05:46area right here. Channeling the skill deals extra damage and slows enemies. Okay so if you can fully
05:52charge this in a fight it's going to slow your enemy and it's going to do more damage. And yeah
05:58gonna be very hard or difficult in my opinion to get the Q down. But if you get the fully charged
06:04Q down you are going to be walloping them with a huge amount of damage plus a slow which seems
06:12pretty decent. Okay food for thought. So W. Eleven channels the skill raises a fork taunting enemies
06:19around her. Channeling the skill fully increases the taunt duration and radius. All right cool so
06:26it's basically a taunt. If they're close to you you want to use the quick version. If they're
06:31far away you want to use the enhanced version. That's about as simple as it is because you're
06:37going to be doing more or less the same anyway even if you get the increased taunt duration.
06:44Okay so her E is on air and it's that charge ability kind of like Zack where he also does.
06:52He's dash up. Eleven channels the skill sticks a fork in the ground ready to fling herself into
06:57the air into a targeted location dealing damage upon landing. Channeling the skill fully deals
07:03extra damage and knocks enemies back. All right so a full channel of the skill will do more for you
07:09and it will give you a little bit of CC. So you can use your E into a W to engage and that should
07:15be your proper CC combo. So E into W into Q. Yeah yeah yeah that's the full combo. E W Q boom and
07:24that's going to be doing a lot of damage. Then you can start trading your autos, landing your sliders.
07:29That should be pretty good in terms of Eleven's trading pattern. I think she'll be a frontliner.
07:36I think she's going to work really really well in the front. I feel like she's doing a lot of what
07:41Lennox wants to do in fights for the team. I feel like she's that frontline who you need.
07:48Even more of what a Magnus kind of character wants to do. I feel like she does more. She can really
07:54get in. So you're going to be building her pretty tanky. But I would like to see what her weapon
07:59item is. I'm not sure what they're going to be building yet. All right and her R which is
08:06absolutely insane. I'm not sure about the visual clarity on this. Maybe they need to get rid of a
08:10few particles. We'll see how it goes when we start playing with it. But yeah she's got the calorie
08:17cyclone. It's her R. Food surrounds Eleven for a few seconds dealing damage to enemies inside the
08:23food ring and triggering her normal attacks twice. This is big. You see the second part of this and
08:30triggering her normal attacks twice. This is big because it means your passive is going to be going
08:36off like mad. This makes me think that attack speed Eleven might be a thing. I was about to
08:44comment how fast she's attacking but this is sped up by 1.5. I was gonna say look at how mad this
08:50attack speed is but it is going to be a bit slower than this. Okay so her next normal skill is also
08:58enhanced after using calorie cyclone. That's the last part of it. So this is very very interesting
09:03because it means that your abilities. I'm not sure. I think it was her yeah it was her sliders.
09:10Her sliders which is a passive also boost her abilities giving them an enhanced effect.
09:16So essentially and I think it's enhanced damage actually. So essentially you can pick up a slider
09:23proc your calorie cyclone start autoing them and then that next ability that next Q you hit them
09:30with is going to be absolutely disgusting. The next Q or E you hit them with is going to be
09:35absolutely disgusting. And yeah that seems like Eleven guys. I like her. I like her. She's
09:45fundamentally good for the game I feel. I feel like she's giving you a strong engage character.
09:50I think she has the strongest engage like Sua also has a pretty great engage. There's other
09:56characters but I think that her just being able to E and to taunt that's going to be a very strong
10:04ability. I do see her being very very useful in squads and should be also a menace in solos. Very
10:10very cool character and I like what they did with Eleven overall. I like the style of the streamer.
10:16She's very like petite but she's a tank. She wants all the action. She's in your face attacking
10:22auto attacking and that's going to be very very funny and interesting to watch. All right this
10:27is your boy Lloyd Meadsworth signing off. Let me know your thoughts about Eleven in the comments.
10:31Do you feel she's going to be strong or weak? And subscribe if you like the video. I'm out. Peace!