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Sands Films Music Room is proud to present a second “Fred Thomas Series” of live performances with some of the most striking talents of contemporary music in London.

Downes is a BBC Jazz Award winning, Mercury Music Award nominated, solo recording artist for ECM Records. He has toured the world playing piano, church organ and harmonium with his own bands ('ENEMY', 'Troyka' and 'Elt') as well as with artists such as Squarepusher, 'Empirical', Benny Greb and Sam Amidon. He has written commissions for Cheltenham Music Festival, London Contemporary Orchestra, Ensemble Klang at ReWire Festival, the Scottish Ensemble, Cologne Philharmonie and the Wellcome Trust.

Our policy is to pay performers and technicians for their work, but we do not want to charge access to our streams. Donate to Support! https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=A5CHWRREULK96

Fred Thomas is an ECM artist who studied at the Royal Academy of Music. He is one of London’s most sought after multi-instrumentalists and composer/arranger/producers. A member of the FIRE Collective, he is known for his breadth of musical styles as well as for specialising in creative re-interpretations of J.S. Bach, with solo albums on Odradek and The Silent Howl.

The performers are duly paid but the streams are free of access to all, therefore we hope you will consider making a donation, however small, to help our efforts to support musicians.