• 2 days ago
Check out the Intimates Collection at https://www.skims.com/jenna IT IS THE BEST EVER!!!

https://countrythunderarizona.frontgatetickets.com/ for Country Thunder tickets to maybe see eachother AHHH, use JENNA25 for $25 off GA passes, comeee!! I’m so excited to go Arizona for the first time!

This is your sign, that it’s okay not everything is going great right now. It builds character and teaches us life lessons. Life is never going to be perfect, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There’s up and downs and it’s all about what we make of our situations. I love you all so much and am so appreciative for you being here. It means more to me than you know. You keep me going. Thank you and I love you always.

#growth #selflove #development #20s #livinglife #skimspartner

FOLLOW MY INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/jenna.sinatra/?hl=en ✨



00:00Hi you guys, welcome back to my channel if you're new here. Hi, my name is jenna and we are going to do a in-depth
00:07Life update I feel like this is very necessary right now
00:10I haven't sat down with you guys in a while and just like talk to you guys and I feel like these are like my favorite
00:15Videos I asked you guys on my instagram to ask me questions and I screenshotted a bunch
00:19We're going to just go through them all i'm going to do this as quick as possible and make sure nothing's redundant because I want
00:24This to be entertaining even though it's just a sit down q a video if you're not following my instagram
00:28Make sure you're following my instagram as well as my tiktok and of course my snapchat
00:31I post there daily. So yeah, those are the other places to find me as well. Honestly you guys
00:35I haven't really been doing the best mentally. I'm just going to say that before getting into this video
00:38So if this is kind of negative, just please um, bear with me
00:41The first question is what are you planning on doing after your release is up if you are new here?
00:45I moved into this place in september. I have been loving it
00:49I live alone
00:50My lease was supposed to be up in may and I actually got it extended till june they reached back out to me and they
00:54Were like, hey, do you want to do an extra month?
00:56And I was like absolutely the place i'm located is so awesome for the summer and it's really unfortunate that I was going to be
01:01Here september through may so just having an extra month of warm weather here because i'm on the water is going to be so nice
01:06What I plan on doing afterwards
01:08I plan on going back to my family's house because I don't want to just rip a decision and buy a house or rent again
01:13Somewhere where i'm not sure of so i'm going to spend the summer there while also traveling and just trying to figure out where I
01:18Want to live i'm really thinking about florida
01:20Which is scary to me because I love jersey and i've never lived anywhere else even in college
01:24I went to a college in jersey
01:26So i'm really scared but also change would be super nice in the winters here in jersey when it gets cold
01:30Awful, the next question is will you be buying a house or are you enjoying renting?
01:34So I am enjoying renting because it doesn't come with a commitment
01:37It is just like throwing away your money in a sense because when you're renting you're paying somebody rather than putting money into a house
01:43You're investing that money into the house and it just makes me feel better financially if I were to buy
01:48However, if I look in florida
01:49I don't know if it makes sense to buy because i've never lived there before and I don't want to buy a house in florida
01:53If I don't even know if i'd like living there
01:55So I feel like maybe I should rent this upcoming winter in florida for a bit and just see how I like it
01:59Or should I just rip it off and buy a house in florida?
02:01What do you guys think the next question going off all this is?
02:04Are you excited to move back home with your family for the summer?
02:06This might sound awful, but no i'm not excited at all
02:09I feel like my relationship with my family and my parents is so much better when i'm not like up there
02:1424 7
02:14It just like makes me appreciate them so much more when i'm away and being in jersey has been super nice because i've had that
02:19Privacy in that space being away while also being able to go visit them whenever I want
02:23So i'm not really excited about going back home. Why are you moving? I thought you just moved in
02:27I did just move in. However, this rental that i've been renting at is a winter rental. It's not a full year thing
02:33Now i'm leaving june. Yeah chances you move to florida. Don't do it. New jersey is amazing
02:37I agree new jersey is amazing, but the winters in jersey are awful
02:40I feel like I become a horrible version of myself in the winter here
02:43I never want to leave my house because of how cold it is
02:45I feel so unmotivated like I swear I have less energy and i'm tired all the time because of how cold it is
02:50I never see the sun because I don't like to leave my house
02:53I don't really socialize and I just feel like it's so unhealthy for me and living somewhere warm
02:57I don't know. I feel like it might be good a good change
02:59I'm, not sure. I think the chances of me moving to florida are like 60 which is crazy
03:04I don't know. The next question is which I didn't think of is how will you go to eagles games if you move away?
03:09Guys, I don't know
03:11I was thinking about south carolina honestly
03:12And the reason why florida makes the most sense for me is because I have an airport that's only 45 minutes away from me
03:18It flies directly to very specific locations and one of them is florida
03:21However, if I want to go to south carolina or other places like nashville la anywhere else
03:26Honestly, I have to go to either the newark or the philadelphia airport
03:29which is like an hour and 10 and it just makes traveling so much harder because it adds like a whole extra step of
03:3445 minutes rather than just driving to atlantic city that being said maybe i'd be able to like do quick trips home for eagles games
03:40So maybe living in florida could be nice and then occasionally coming back here to see my family and going to eagles games could be
03:46A possibility. I don't know biggest lessons living in your house alone for the first time
03:50I guess that I just like to be alone
03:51I never had that when I was living at my parents house because I was always around them being here
03:55I'm, like wow having control of when I want to see people and when I want people to come over when I want to travel
04:00That's probably my biggest lesson. What is one thing you would recommend living alone?
04:03Honestly, probably a pet because I do get a little bit lonely and having like a little snugglebug cat would probably make me so happy
04:10I just can't because I travel so much and I don't know like where i'm gonna be to get a cat
04:14But that's probably what I would recommend. I was thinking about fostering one, but I would not be able to give it back
04:18How do you manage living alone? And does it get lonely ever? I kind of said that yes, it does get lonely
04:22but that's when I just go travel somewhere and see a friend because
04:24Unfortunately, a lot of my friends are long distance. So when I do get lonely, I just like i'm like
04:29Hey, do you want to come here or can I come to you?
04:31How do you overcome the fear of living alone and doing these alone that are scary?
04:34I've talked more about this in a past video that i'll leave here
04:37I was at a point where I didn't know how to do anything on my own
04:40How do you overcome it literally just doing it?
04:42You don't want to but you have to putting yourself in those uncomfortable situations will make you grow as a person
04:47So much and living alone. I never thought I would do that, but I love it and I feel so independent
04:52I feel like i've grown a lot from it
04:54I would have never known that I would have loved it if I never did it
04:56It was super scary at the beginning
04:58But i've gotten used to it any exciting travel plans and going off the next question is are you going to coachella this year?
05:03I actually do not think right now i'm going to coachella. I'm going to a different festival called country thunder
05:08I will be there in arizona april 10th to the 14th, and i'm super excited about it
05:12I've never been to arizona before i've never seen some of these artists that are performing. I'll leave the details up here
05:17I also have a code with them you guys so if you want to get tickets as well and possibly see me because i'll be there
05:22You could use the code jenna25 to get $25 off and i'll leave the link in my description
05:26If you guys want to check it out because I feel like it'll be super fun
05:28I've heard great things about arizona and i've never been there. So i'm super excited to do something new and come to the festival
05:34That's where i'll be in april. What's your biggest goal for 2025 working on myself and trying to do new things?
05:40I signed up for a new workout class that i'm trying tomorrow that i'm kind of scared about and also
05:44Figuring out where I want to live. What's some tips for traveling alone for the first time?
05:48It's really not as bad as you make it seem
05:50I was freaking out the first time that I got on a plane by myself
05:53I actually now prefer traveling alone put on music in your headphones go get food like just enjoy it
05:58It's actually really peaceful once you try it
05:59The next question is favorite clothing brand and I love that
06:02I got this question because i'm actually wearing a set to my favorite clothing brand this year
06:06I have been loving skims ever since I got introduced to them
06:09This is my new favorite sweat set and it's the zip up with these sweatpants and these are the comfiest sweatpants
06:13I've literally ever put on my body. I've been loving their bralettes
06:16I have the scoop one the triangle one the crossover triangle
06:19I've recently tried their regular bra as well
06:21And I am obsessed with it and I have it paired with my favorite thong literally ever
06:25This is the dip thong and I have it in a size small
06:27This is my fourth pair because of how obsessed with it. I am the material to this is so stretchy
06:31You don't even feel like you're wearing it and I feel like it says a lot coming from me because I am the pickiest with
06:36Clothing and this has been my new favorite thing to grab out of my underwear drawer
06:39If you guys haven't tried anything from the fits everybody collection
06:42You guys have to try it click the link in the description to shop skims intimates
06:45Including everything from the fits everybody collection
06:48and if you haven't yet be sure to let them know that I sent you after you place your order select youtube in the
06:52Survey and then click my channel in the drop down menu that follows and please go try it because if you're somebody like me
06:57Who's kind of picky with clothing?
06:58This will literally be life-changing would you consider doing day in the life or week in my life videos? Honestly?
07:03Yes, I feel like i've been so unmotivated recently and struggling really hard with coming up with creative ideas
07:09I just have to find my creative spark again
07:10Did you ever think you'd be in this industry and did you have a large friend group before youtube?
07:14I never thought i'd be in this industry
07:16I always grew up watching people on youtube musically when that was a thing for my sweet 16
07:20I went on a cruise and I put like a little vlog together and I uploaded it to youtube hoping it'd like blow up
07:25I've always dreamed of doing this, but I just genuinely never thought it was something that was even realistic
07:30So i'm just so grateful and I love you guys so much and I did not have a large friend group before youtube
07:35I was actually very alone. I had zero friends. I never really was in a friend group growing up
07:41Okay, you guys the next question we're going to get deep. Let's talk about the elephant in the room
07:45Give us an update. I talked about this on my snap a couple of days ago
07:48Dalton and I did break up long distance definitely was not easy. We talked about this on our snap
07:54It's definitely not easy. It's definitely super hard. He's such a good person
07:57Um, yeah, i'm gonna pop up a bunch of questions that I had when posting this on my instagram story
08:02Are you single looking for a relationship or just enjoying the single life?
08:05I'm, simply growing my relationship with myself. I feel like i'm not at a good place with myself right now
08:10Emotionally or mentally and that's my main priority is just getting myself back to a place where i'm feeling so good and feeling so happy
08:17I don't know. I've just been struggling. I have been the most confused lost sad person. I've seen myself
08:22Why have you been down in the dumps? Please tell us the truth
08:25I don't know
08:25I feel like your 20s is such a hard time in your life and I didn't expect it to be and i've always just wanted sunshine
08:31And rainbows and everything to go perfect because i'm a perfectionist and reality is that's just so unrealistic
08:36I've been super unmotivated super uncreative. I feel like I lost my purpose part of it could be the winter as well
08:42I have no idea, but i'm just trying to take the steps to help myself
08:46How's life?
08:46Just a good question. Like how are you doing?
08:48And i've kind of been answering that honestly awful which sounds so bad
08:52Like I have so many great things in my life
08:53I've talked about this on my snapchat a bit and one of you guys recommended just writing five things that i'm grateful for in my
08:58Notebook, and I did that why am I so sad like I have so many amazing things my family my job
09:04Opportunities the people around me my friends now. I don't know why I don't know if it's like hormones like what is wrong with me?
09:10I don't know. How do you deal with the hate and negativity when people are asking questions?
09:14Honestly, I have been awful at this usually hate didn't get to me that much
09:18I don't know why now i'm like i'm reading things like of people saying what is the point of this?
09:22Like what are you even doing?
09:23Like what and i'm like, oh my gosh, I really just need help to get over a breakup
09:26I feel like I won't meet anyone else just work on you
09:29I feel like that's the most important thing because I swear when you're the best version of yourself
09:33The best things will come into your life
09:35and that's how I felt like my 2024 was take away all the outside noise and just be like
09:39What can I do to become the best version of myself?
09:42Next question is advice on how to get your spark back and feel like yourself again
09:45So we're going to work on this together
09:47I'm going to be documenting me trying new workout classes on my tiktok and as well as on here
09:51I'm going to be trying new things how to do that try new things make new friends
09:55Follow along if you want to do it together because i'm going to be working on the same exact thing
09:59Are you still friends with elisa?
10:00I don't know why people have been questioning if i'm still friends with elisa
10:03Of course, I am elisa is one of my best friends and yes, i'm still friends with her
10:06I just haven't seen her in a while because she's in florida and i'm here in jersey
10:10So how do you start running distance?
10:11Literally, it's all in your brain
10:13Like I randomly just ran five miles the other day without running more than two miles in probably six months
10:18Maybe actually a year. It's literally all in your brain. You got this
10:21There's no need to run fast and start off small and work your way there
10:24Running is such a big help for me with my mental health and I love it so much
10:27How do you stay motivated every day to keep going? Also? I love you. I love you, too
10:31And that's a great question. I love this quote
10:33You'll never regret doing it, but you'll always regret not doing it
10:37Which has really kept me motivated to work out every day. It is true when you don't do it
10:41I feel like crap about myself, but when I do it, I always feel better
10:44I've never finished a workout and thought damn I shouldn't have done that
10:46I've always finished a workout and thought thank gosh. I did that that felt great
10:50Even if you just go for a walk today
10:52I just walked on my walking pad for almost two hours doing some work on my laptop
10:55What's been bringing you the most happiness lately that being said working out my family always is it's just my biggest blessing
11:02I started The Bachelor
11:03I've never watched The Bachelor just having like a show to look forward to every week
11:06The next question is how do you stay confident and I really want to ask you guys this question because I genuinely don't know
11:12And that's something I really want to work on this year
11:14So if you guys have any tips on how to stay confident, please let me know new hobbies or cities
11:19You've done i'm super excited to try this workout class tomorrow you guys
11:22I really hope I like it because i've done pilates twice
11:25But I never thought I had workout classes in the town that i'm in and I think I finally found one
11:29It's super small, which honestly I might like better or worse
11:32I'm, not sure but i'm so excited to try it and I hope that becomes my new hobby
11:35If you were an influencer, what would you be? I did tv production in high school
11:39I chose that as my elective because i've always loved being creative filming stuff editing things putting content together
11:44That's why I love so much what I do right now
11:46Because that's literally what I grew up wishing I could do. I definitely think i'd be doing filming editing marketing social media stuff for
11:53A brand whether it would be like white fox the nfl or the philadelphia eagles
11:57What is your current goal as a social media influencer?
11:59I've been struggling really hard trying to figure out what my purpose is with this
12:03hopefully give you guys inspiration whether it be to
12:06Try new things to work out to get out of your comfort zone and just connect with you guys on a deep level
12:11Hopefully learning something from this and you guys learning from me as well
12:14What inspires you the first thing that comes to my mind when I read that question is my parents
12:18They have done so much for me growing up and just always now even hoping to give back to them in any way
12:23I can literally makes me so motivated and just the thought of like having kids one day and like wanting to support them and have
12:28A family you post daily. So has there ever been a point when you felt exhausted of posting?
12:32I never really took breaks and i've realized like that's so unhealthy
12:36But I love what I do honestly
12:37Like even when i'm struggling talking to you guys on snapchat or on here or on tiktok makes me happier
12:42Do you see yourself getting married in the next five years? So I want to say yes
12:46I would love to get married in the next five years
12:48I just don't know if that's going to happen
12:50The next question is do you want to be a mom? I would love to be a mom one day
12:54I just can't even think about that right now, but I would love to be a mom
12:57I feel like I would be such a good mom. I'd hope any tips for young girls
13:00I was struggling so much when I was younger
13:03I just didn't know who I was I was trying to be like other people trying to put myself out there like other people would
13:08And at the end of the day, I would just say be you literally be you
13:11You're never gonna regret being you you're always going to regret trying to curate yourself to be somebody else or to like try and fit
13:17In people judge you who the cares let them judge you because that says something about themselves
13:21Hang out with people that you enjoy hanging out with if you don't feel good about somebody don't hang out with them
13:25You're wasting your time. You're wasting your energy and it's not worth it. Just be your own person and I love you
13:30What's a goal you want to accomplish before the end of march march? Oh my gosh
13:34I've been traveling so much recently, which is the biggest blessing ever
13:37I've always wanted to do that, but i've done it a lot to the point where i'm like
13:40Okay, girl, like please just stay in jersey for march get a routine try the new workout place
13:45Eat good tips on saving and making money save save save save save save and making money
13:49Don't overwork yourself but work hard because working hard is a great quality to have
13:53Will you ever do a meet and greet with us? I always wanted to do a meet and greet
13:56I just don't know how to organize that in like a safe way
13:59I am going to country thunder april 10th to the 14th in arizona
14:02And if you guys want to go as well, i'll be there
14:04I'll leave a link below and my code is jenna25 if you want to get 25 dollars off in arizona
14:09You'll probably run into me if you go the next question is just a funny question
14:12Are you a salsa or guacamole girl? I love both, but i'm definitely a salsa girl
14:16What workouts do you recommend i'm trying to lose weight because my boyfriend has already lost 20 pounds girl
14:21You don't need to lose weight because your boyfriend has lost weight do it at your own pace
14:25I promise don't put pressure on yourself workouts that I love. I love pamela reef ab workouts on youtube
14:30I've been doing a lot of aloe moves workouts, which is a subscription, but I have a code with them or a link
14:35I'll leave below as well. I have so many different options pilates strength training hit workouts
14:40You can also look all that up on youtube as well. I love running
14:42I've been loving walking more getting your sepsin daily definitely will do the biggest difference
14:47Also, I feel like I noticed the biggest difference with my metabolism and losing weight when I drink a ton of water
14:51I feel like i'm losing my voice. I'm talking so much. I'm so sorry you guys
14:54This is literally probably like a podcast. Do you have a favorite fan? I hate the word fan
14:57I literally get the egg from that like we're friends
14:59but I have people who have followed me and commented on my stuff that I have followed back because i've seen their positive comments and
15:04Just them supporting me and them like consistently commenting on every video
15:08I will follow them back and like comment on their stuff as well. I can think of names
15:11I think of ali I see all the time on snapchat. I follow kenzie back
15:14I see her all the time on my tiktok comments. Can you post more stuff on your poshmark for sale?
15:18I literally think i'm doing that in a couple of days. So be on the lookout for that
15:21Are you related to frank sinatra? I don't think I am but I really want to do a ancestry.com video
15:26Maybe i'll do that for a youtube video. That would be so fun. We're both italian. So
15:31I feel like maybe but no who's your favorite youtuber right now?
15:34My favorite youtuber that I just love to just sit and watch is alicia marie
15:37However, I feel like i've yapped now probably for over an hour
15:40i'm gonna have a ton to cut out but honestly
15:42I might leave it in and just have this be a longer video to chat video with you guys
15:45That's my update on my life. I've been having so much stuff going on
15:48But thank you guys for listening. Thank you for being here for me. Always. I literally owe you guys so much
15:52I'm doing a giveaway soon on my snapchat. I did one in december and i'm doing one again
15:56So if you're not following my snapchat go follow my snapchat
15:59I'm going to be doing my best to respond to all the comments underneath this video and to be more active here on youtube
16:04Thank you guys just for everything go get yourself something from skims. You deserve it
16:07I've become obsessed with them literally look how cute this comfy set is life isn't always perfect and that's okay
16:12I just want to let you guys know that I love you guys so much. I love you always
